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Marvel Heroes |OT| GAF Assemble


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
squirrelpocalypse is disapointing, it looks awesome but its hard to target, seems mobs just move out of the way of the wave :/ it also costs a TON of spirit compared to something like acorn bomb which i can just more easily drop where I want too

and i just got 2 splinters at the same time for the first time (2 seperate ones from a group of 4 yellow guys)


squirrelpocalypse is disapointing, it looks awesome but its hard to target, seems mobs just move out of the way of the wave :/ it also costs a TON of spirit compared to something like acorn bomb which i can just more easily drop where I want too

I don't like Squirrelpocalypse either, as far as functionality. It misses too much especially near walls.

I would skip the power. Death From Trees is better for AoE needs.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
I tried to play this yesterday for the first time in about a month...MM was a laggy mess during big team fights. Is there some settings I can change to fix this? It was unplayable.

lag (actual network lag) is virtually non-existent 99% of the time. if everything was just jumping around and poor framerates... yeah, it's likely your visual settings. lower them down a bit. go to medium and work your way up or down from there.

the game doesn't seem like it should have steep requirements, and it doesn't... but get about 4-8 heroes together in one area and like 3-5 packs spawning in MM and you need a pretty reasonable system to keep up at high or max settings.


the game doesn't seem like it should have steep requirements, and it doesn't... but get about 4-8 heroes together in one area and like 3-5 packs spawning in MM and you need a pretty reasonable system to keep up at high or max settings.

I actually think the game has extremely good top-notch particle effects, and I believe that's very demanding on frames in those big boss pack fights.


Not sure what to do right now.

Here's my current roster:
Iron Man at 28
Spider-Man at 16
Daredevil at 16
Hawkeye at 8
Ghost Rider at 8

I was initially going to start levelling Ghost Rider, but then two of my friends said they would start playing and I'd rather level him with them than play as Hawkeye. Should I try to get Iron Man to 60, and if so, how do I go about doing so? Legendary quests?

And if not Iron Man, who would give the better synergies, Daredevil or Spidey? I would rather level Spidey, but the long term benefits do make some difference for me.

If you're trying to reach level 60 quickly, Iron man can do that. He's tough and can clear mobs quick. His synergies are certainly limited in scope though.

About the synergies, it depends on what heroes you plan to play next. Even though dodge is not what it used to be, Spidey's synergy is still useful for dodge heroes with high dodge rating. It's a small bonus, but it helps when your dodge hero is near the diminishing returns side of things. If you're planning on playing heroes that rely a lot on dodge to survive, then go with Spidey. If you'd have more fun doing that, it's certainly good all around.

If you don't plan on aiming for dodge heroes, everyone can benefit from daredevil's synergy. It's especially useful in something like X-defense/red terminals where mobs have higher HP.

If you're looking to power level, LQs are always the way to go, especially if you can afford to reroll. Besides, you'll get odin marks. Might as well start working towards a legendary item.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I don't like Squirrelpocalypse either, as far as functionality. It misses too much especially near walls.

I would skip the power. Death From Trees is better for AoE needs.

yup totally agree on death from trees, seems good even if im not a big fan of channeled spells. Im not putting points into anything atm except friends really, because I dont want to waste retcons and Im trying out the spells from the gear i get usually.

I assume the big squirrel is the best non-spirit use filler since it does more dmg to elites and bosses (and i never use single target spells on anything else) so i dont want to put points into just Squirrel.


Alright, thanks. Sounds like I'm going to power level Iron Man, then get Daredevil over with. Don't think I'll be using many dodge heroes other than Spider-Man.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
got scarlet witch (doctor) to 60 this weekend. Overall a great time for all 60 levels... even if she is REALLY derivative off of Diablo 3's WD (probably why I loved her so much)

working on Deadpool right now.. currently mid-30s (32-33???). I have to commend Gazillion.. melee has been implemented BEAUTIFULLY in this game. I have honestly never done a fast melee ARPG before (previously D2) and Deadpool just flows. Start combat with a roll or lunge, drop foot gougers, then just "jab jab, jab" my way to victory. Swift Kick for tougher mobs, and a simple roll->foot gouger->repeat combo for large packs of lackeys.

am getting a little tired of his dialogue. He actually has a ton of it, but because he talks more frequently than other characters (I swear over twice as much as Scarlet Witch.. AT LEAST) you just hear it a lot!! May go with his pirate costume just to hear new dialogue.

have to say.. the 30% exp buff from SW isn't massively noticeable. still run with an additional 50% drink. hoping once deadpool hits 60 my next character will see a bigger bump overall (though I should try turning it off and then see what I have to say.. lol)


I tried to play this yesterday for the first time in about a month...MM was a laggy mess during big team fights. Is there some settings I can change to fix this? It was unplayable.

Settings to medium. Then turn off Adv. Physical Effects and reduce the enemy corpses to zero (slider on the left) - those are the last 2 things in graphics options. If it still lags reduce the particles sliders (to the left).


Saint Nic
Thanks guys - I'll try all these out tonight. I've got a dual 750's in SLI, so I shouldn't be having huge performance issues...But I am. We'll see how it works out!


am getting a little tired of his dialogue. He actually has a ton of it, but because he talks more frequently than other characters (I swear over twice as much as Scarlet Witch.. AT LEAST) you just hear it a lot!! May go with his pirate costume just to hear new dialogue.

I suggest Lady Deadpool. It's freakin funny as hell, and probably my favorite voice acting in all the game.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
still liking Squirrel Girl, but I dont think my ranged spec will work, I might have to switch to melee even tho I really didnt want to.

Looking at my ranged spec (for the future I mean, Im only 13), theres just not alot to...do spell wise. Squirrelpocalypse was disapointing so between Sic Em (8sec cd) and Squirrel Special Forces (45sec cd) thats 2 spells where im just pumping out squirrels into the field. The rest seems to be all passives (the crit one seems a must, and Im finding myself having to take the spirit one because im always out of mana), and then death from the trees as a mana dump.

Melee tree, as much as im not a fan of melee in general, seems to have more stuff to do. Still liking the character tho :)

edit: also, anyone feels like sometimes the splinter drop rate bugs out? im SURe ive been playing for more than 10minutes now on Squirrel Girl this run (more like 15 or 20 really) and none has dropped, and I keep checking the edge of the screen to see if the icon is up). Its happened a couple of times on Emma aswell before


Melee tree, as much as im not a fan of melee in general, seems to have more stuff to do. Still liking the character tho :)

edit: also, anyone feels like sometimes the splinter drop rate bugs out? im SURe ive been playing for more than 10minutes now on Squirrel Girl this run (more like 15 or 20 really) and none has dropped, and I keep checking the edge of the screen to see if the icon is up). Its happened a couple of times on Emma aswell before

Comic-wise, SQ herself typically fights melee.

As for splinters, make sure you're not killing gray-level enemies. You don't get splinters from those.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Comic-wise, SQ herself typically fights melee.

As for splinters, make sure you're not killing gray-level enemies. You don't get splinters from those.

yeah i know, they are green. im lvl 14 (just dinged, I was 13 when I said it) and im on story chapter 3 so it should be fine

edit: coincidence or not, i relogged and imediatly got a splinter, /shrug

edit2: oh another thing I forgot about her. Her movement speed, the roll, eats up so much mana. On emma I could dash half a map, on Girl I can barely use it 5 or 6 times before im out (and it covers less ground too), not happy about that since movement spells are key to getting around (and I used to not care about them at release lol, now I cant live without them)


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
I suggest Lady Deadpool. It's freakin funny as hell, and probably my favorite voice acting in all the game.

it sounds like the voice actress that does Flo in the Cars movies. Not that I have a problem with that, but it's not what I was expecting. REALLY wish there was a way to "try out" costumes.. especially $20 enhanced ones.

Is Pirate Deadpool decent and you just think Lade DP is better? Or is Pirate not great?
Pirate Deadpool talks just as much with 1/8th the amount of dialogue. It gets old FASTER. but you gotta expect this if you are going to play the merc with a mouth. It's why everyone hates him.

I just play with the sound off or low. Don't feel like I'm missing a whole lot.
I started out way back at the beginning with a pre-order Iron Man pack; that also allowed me to get Cyclops & Jean Grey for free. Played a little and got 2 or 3 characters to drop. Eventually spent the G from the pre-order on some more characters, got a couple more from free codes, and bought a couple of Marvel cards when they were $3 off at Target, so I actually have a decent number of characters.

Jean Grey was the first I really focused on and got her through the normal level story. She's at 30 (31?) right now but I haven't played with her since the latest reset. I finished the story with Colossus next, then went through with Ghost Rider. All 3 were pretty easy, though GR was definitely the easiest. I have Hawkeye at 21 and will get back to him soon I think, but he was pretty squishy early on; getting the poison arrow made him much better.

Lately I have been using Colossus again and doing Midtown Manhattan runs to pump up his level and try to get better loot. I just hit 40 last night. I should probably try to get the 300 Odin marks to pick up a legendary but I do have a lot of other characters on my roster to try out as well. The only one I have tried that I have not enjoyed much so far is Cable but I'll eventually get back to him as well.


Hey Tonner, are you in the supergroup yet? If not, try to send me a PM today when you are and I can hop in and add you.

Lord Phol

it sounds like the voice actress that does Flo in the Cars movies. Not that I have a problem with that, but it's not what I was expecting. REALLY wish there was a way to "try out" costumes.. especially $20 enhanced ones.

Is Pirate Deadpool decent and you just think Lade DP is better? Or is Pirate not great?

I usually try out new costumes at the test center before I buy them, or just youtube them. You could give that a spin :d.
These guys have videos on alot of the costumes and they update pretty regularly: http://www.youtube.com/user/marvelimmortals


it sounds like the voice actress that does Flo in the Cars movies. Not that I have a problem with that, but it's not what I was expecting. REALLY wish there was a way to "try out" costumes.. especially $20 enhanced ones.

Is Pirate Deadpool decent and you just think Lade DP is better? Or is Pirate not great?

I also have the Pirate costume and it's what you expect. He says pirate-themed lines lol. Nothing wrong with it.

It's just the Lady Deadpool one cracks me up a lot more. At first I thought the gravely voice was weird, but then the more you hear of her and the lines it's really dang funny.

This is the voice actress for Lady Deadpool:

Hey Tonner, are you in the supergroup yet? If not, try to send me a PM today when you are and I can hop in and add you.

Not yet, I didn't get on a ton over the weekend and when I did I didn't notice you on. I'll try this afternoon, but it might be late night (between 11 and 12 tonight, PST). Another option would be for you to PM me when you are in-game if it during my work day (8-4 PST) and I can have my brother log in to take care of it.


Unconfirmed Member
If you're having performance issues, two things I'd do first: Turn off shadows/set them to low quality. Helps a ton. Also, turn off particles for other player's powers, also helps a ton and makes it a lot easier to see what is happening in a team fight.

The cow level has the most atrocious performance I've seen in quite some time. I did it the other day and it was an actual slideshow, like 1fps. Awful. The game also has hella resource leaks that they're still working on, but after a while it just bogs down and you need to reboot it.


Thanks guys - I'll try all these out tonight. I've got a dual 750's in SLI, so I shouldn't be having huge performance issues...But I am. We'll see how it works out!

I think the game is just really CPU intensive. Might help to turn down anything that mentions CPU in the tooltips.

I don't like to turn off my settings all the way, even though I lag a lot during MM boss fights with my outdated desktop. It kind of kills the experience for me when the bodies just vanish instantly or when I can't see other people's powers. The insanity of powers and bodies flying all over the place is what makes this game more fun to me compared to other ARPGs.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
is MM Midtown? if so it runs surprisingly well for me, its X-Defense that goes to complete shit sometimes when theres a bunch of mobs up, maybe because its a smaller place I dont know

edit: had a bit of a "am I burned out?" moment earlier. Maybe its just me being really tired lately (graveyard shift is a bitch), maybe its me not feeling Squirrel Girl as much as I thought I would...maybe its just the fact I played like 5 hours a day, double that on weekends the last few weeks. But yeah, I had "that" moment. We'll see how im feeling tomrow, might take a couple of weeks off until 'Crawler comes out if I still feel burned out (still dont regret getting the advance pack tho)
is MM Midtown? if so it runs surprisingly well for me, its X-Defense that goes to complete shit sometimes when theres a bunch of mobs up, maybe because its a smaller place I dont know

edit: had a bit of a "am I burned out?" moment earlier. Maybe its just me being really tired lately (graveyard shift is a bitch), maybe its me not feeling Squirrel Girl as much as I thought I would...maybe its just the fact I played like 5 hours a day, double that on weekends the last few weeks. But yeah, I had "that" moment. We'll see how im feeling tomrow, might take a couple of weeks off until 'Crawler comes out if I still feel burned out (still dont regret getting the advance pack tho)

I know what you mean about feeling burnt out. I was enjoying Cyclops but then received Gambit through a random. Since then I've been trying him out but he never really clicked with me. Now I'm burnt out and can't get myself back to enjoying the game with cyclops. I'll probably be back within a month or so.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I know what you mean about feeling burnt out. I was enjoying Cyclops but then received Gambit through a random. Since then I've been trying him out but he never really clicked with me. Now I'm burnt out and can't get myself back to enjoying the game with cyclops. I'll probably be back within a month or so.

Im in a pickle with both Cyclops and Rocket, they are 43 and 44 respectively (back from when there were no difficulties and you just grinded Limbo) and I've been thinking of leveling them but if I do heroic story I probably won't get splinters because the mobs will be too low, but I want the power points from some of the quests grrrr.

And speaking of splinters, I'm getting a lot less on Squirrel Girl, I guess special find (which I had a lot on Emma) really helps.

These last few posts of mine seem like I'm down on the game all if a sudden but I'm really not, just...yeah. Maybe I should just buy Hulk or Jean (my 2 most wanted chars) and play them and just have silly fun again like I was having with Emma... If I get them as repeats so be it (yes I know I can just not get random boxes lol)


Not sure which legendary to get for Human Torch (who is definitely my favorite for the time being). Thinking either Gungnir or Bow of Apollo. Anyone have either of these to offer some feedback?


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Yeah, that was one of the chases I bought with Gs when they were on sale. I don't think there's any other Cyclops costume I like more than that one.
When I get Cyclops I'm definitely getting his X factor armor. The mutant massacre issues and the issue where angel dies are literally some of the very first comics I ever bought.
Not sure which legendary to get for Human Torch (who is definitely my favorite for the time being). Thinking either Gungnir or Bow of Apollo. Anyone have either of these to offer some feedback?

Depends on how much crit you have. If you're rockin' around 30-40%, Gungnir is the better choice. Gungnir's worth is tied to your crit rating, so you will have to gear hardcore for it (max out those costume affixes!). Otherwise just go Bow, which is still a really strong choice.

Don't completely forget about the Cosmic Control Rod though. There are talks of adding a bonus for maxing out an attribute come time for the attribute tuning, so that +2 Energy may be awesome yet.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Can you unbind legendaries? If so I'll probably get the most generic one (isn't there one that gives 1 to every stat?) so I can use it on every character, I'm never farming a legendary for every hero, nor will I ever have a "main"
Can you unbind legendaries? If so I'll probably get the most generic one (isn't there one that gives 1 to every stat?) so I can use it on every character, I'm never farming a legendary for every hero, nor will I ever have a "main"

You can unbind them, but it will reset the experience and you'll have to re-level it. Don't think you can get away from farming that easy :p


lol, that would not work out very well. Ranking up a legendary takes a lot of xp. If you reset it all the time, it won't be very useful.


I actually think the game has extremely good top-notch particle effects, and I believe that's very demanding on frames in those big boss pack fights.
Agreed. While this may seem like a simple F2P game, it can be quite demanding at the higher settings. I run an i5 2500k @ 4.2Ghz with a GTX 580, and I still see slow down when there is a lot going on at max settings. Luckily, for those that need to tone down the settings, it is still a great looking game at the lower settings.


Unconfirmed Member
is MM Midtown? if so it runs surprisingly well for me, its X-Defense that goes to complete shit sometimes when theres a bunch of mobs up, maybe because its a smaller place I dont know

edit: had a bit of a "am I burned out?" moment earlier. Maybe its just me being really tired lately (graveyard shift is a bitch), maybe its me not feeling Squirrel Girl as much as I thought I would...maybe its just the fact I played like 5 hours a day, double that on weekends the last few weeks. But yeah, I had "that" moment. We'll see how im feeling tomrow, might take a couple of weeks off until 'Crawler comes out if I still feel burned out (still dont regret getting the advance pack tho)

That's a sure sign to take a little break. I had a similar moment about a week ago, quit playing for a few days. Then I felt like playing again. Simple. Forcing yourself to play is A) Probably mentally unhealthy and B) Will definitely make you burn out faster. The game's not going anywhere, take a break, play/do something else. It will be there.

Ploid 3.0

Kwap, I want this luck.


Is rare and special item find better when you're in a party or something? I always leave parties and ignore invites. The times I did stay in a party I got some nice things but I figured it was luck and because I stopped to kill everything to not leave the person.


Is rare and special item find better when you're in a party or something? I always leave parties and ignore invites. The times I did stay in a party I got some nice things but I figured it was luck and because I stopped to kill everything to not leave the person.

In my experience it doesn't do anything. Alone, in a party, bonus weekend, one pot, 5 pot stack, etc. It just doesn't.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Kwap, I want this luck.

Is rare and special item find better when you're in a party or something? I always leave parties and ignore invites. The times I did stay in a party I got some nice things but I figured it was luck and because I stopped to kill everything to not leave the person.

DAMN if thats not photoshopped thats amazing, theres even a unique in there lol. I actually got 2 splitners drop at the same time the other day for the first time, felt good.

That's a sure sign to take a little break. I had a similar moment about a week ago, quit playing for a few days. Then I felt like playing again. Simple. Forcing yourself to play is A) Probably mentally unhealthy and B) Will definitely make you burn out faster. The game's not going anywhere, take a break, play/do something else. It will be there.

welp, today im re-energized and went from 23 to 30 in midtown because Legendaries kept giving me Midtown objectives lol. I also respecced melee with Squirrel Girl, its actually fun, if not flash at all as I expected melee to be. Squirrels seem to synergize better with melee as they seem to group up around me alot more. Ill probably still go back to ranged soon tho.

I also realize Squirrel Girl has A LOT of 1-point wonder talents, and I was wasting points. There really is no reason to put more than 1 in the life leech one for example, or both summon ones as all you really use them is to fill up the squirrel count faster.


Unconfirmed Member
I've had 10-splinter packs drop twice. Definitely not at the same time as a Unique though, damn. I've been running with a ton of rarity/sif pots lately because of those stupid FCs, but I haven't seen any uniques with them, even with hours of play with +200% rarity. Same deal when we got that 200% potion around christmas. Rarity doesn't do shit for unique droprates in my experience, just everything else. Had 2 cosmics drop within seconds of eachother the other day.


Well, the drop rate must be so low that it probably doesn't make a big difference. Luck is just gonna be luck. Some of my characters are just luckier than others. My SW for instance almost has 2 or 3 of each unique. She doesn't even need anymore, but she keeps getting them from time to time. While my Storm (which I started with and also prestiged) just recently got her 2nd unique a few days ago.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
no there is no cap. Vecks is right. The chance is so incredibly low (much less than 1%) that there is no benefit to Gaz to cap it. Even if you could run with 1000% SIF, you'd still probably be less than 1%.

Splinters I believe do not fall "solely" under SIF. They are kind of like a rated SIF as I understand it.. capped-ish so it's unlikely to get say 100 in an hour, but at the same time will forcibly drop one if you haven't received one in x amount of time. SIF increase does increase your splinter drop rate, but giving yourself that theoretical 1000% SIF bonus won't magically give you 60+ splinters an hour.
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