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Marvel Heroes |OT| GAF Assemble

Ploid 3.0

I really like Emma Frost, but I'm saving her until they release her Phoenix Five costume, and yes I'm going to buy it! Been reading comics lately because of this game. Magik better launch with Her Phoenix Five costume too. There there will be Namor.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Some hotfix for disconnects that some people were experiencing. Nothing major.

I was getting booted off a lot yesterday, thought I was hacked for a second

Also my burned out moment the other day was just a passing thing apparently (for now) as I played a ton today again, got SG to 32 and specced melee for a few lvls, it's ok but I'm still a ranged guy at heart so I'm speccing back probably tomorrow. I tried the acorn machine gun spell (some piece of gear has it) and it looks hilarious, but as usual with SG, doesn't seem that useful. I'm hoping that hulk buster squirrel at least is good, it's the only spell I haven't seen of her yet


Also my burned out moment the other day was just a passing thing apparently (for now) as I played a ton today again, got SG to 32 and specced melee for a few lvls, it's ok but I'm still a ranged guy at heart so I'm speccing back probably tomorrow. I tried the acorn machine gun spell (some piece of gear has it) and it looks hilarious, but as usual with SG, doesn't seem that useful. I'm hoping that hulk buster squirrel at least is good, it's the only spell I haven't seen of her yet

You should really stick with a melee Basic attack for SG.

Why are you so anti melee?!?!?


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
You should really stick with a melee Basic attack for SG.

Why are you so anti melee?!?!?

In most games, because it's boring visually. This one add to that the fact that it's so chaotic you can't see shit in melee.

That being said, 2 of my most wanted characters are Colossus and Hulk, at least they are big and easy to see in the chaos
Well this is one helluva level 1 cosmic


Saving this bad boy for the rework.


LOL, great low level items are the worst. I guess it would last you a while and will be good for prestige runs.
Oh man that's awesome. I think I'd be more pissy if I got a unique at level 1.

I got a level 1 unique once, from one of the thugs in the first tutorial with Black Cat. :S

LOL, great low level items are the worst. I guess it would last you a while and will be good for prestige runs.

It would be lasting if it had decent stats, but +18 attack is pretty garbage, even at level 1.


Really? Damn it I was playing completely wrecked yesterday just to use up my xp boost lol
Heh. That was one of the things that I made sure to test out while still in the Beta. I wanted to be sure that logging out stopped the timer. That would seriously suck if it was based on real world time, as things come up from time to time.

I got my wife to try out the game a few days ago, and she seems to be enjoying it quite a bit. While the game has a lot of complexity to it, it also has an extremely simple combat mechanic at it's core, and I think this is going to help the game attract a lot of people in the long run. She is up to level 19, and we are just starting chapter 6. I figured she would try the game just to humor me, but she is even playing when I'm not around, or even turning off the TV and telling me it's time to play. Great times! She is now looking forward to Rogue eventually coming out so that we can run as a Gambit and Rogue couple, lol.

Lord Phol

Grr people that want Sam "Loeb" Alexander over Richard Rider makes me so upset!
I really hope Nova gets the right treatment by Gaz even if it means two seperate heroes.

Heh. That was one of the things that I made sure to test out while still in the Beta. I wanted to be sure that logging out stopped the timer. That would seriously suck if it was based on real world time, as things come up from time to time.

I got my wife to try out the game a few days ago, and she seems to be enjoying it quite a bit. While the game has a lot of complexity to it, it also has an extremely simple combat mechanic at it's core, and I think this is going to help the game attract a lot of people in the long run. She is up to level 19, and we are just starting chapter 6. I figured she would try the game just to humor me, but she is even playing when I'm not around, or even turning off the TV and telling me it's time to play. Great times! She is now looking forward to Rogue eventually coming out so that we can run as a Gambit and Rogue couple, lol.

Great to hear and grats! :p
Don't think I will ever get my current gf into gaming :(, but I guess it could be worth a try down the road :d.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
is there a reason everyone assumes Rogue is one of the 2 unannounced, besides she being popular? Have the devs teased her or something?


I had a momentary lapse of judgement and when I was able to think straight I found I had somehow bought a costume for each hero I owned, as well as some new heroes. Sorry, bank account.

My roster is now:
Iron Man at 30
Daredevil at 20
Spider-Man at 15
Ghost Rider at 8
Hawkeye at 8
Cyclops at 5
Colossus at 1
Black Panther at 1

Hawkeye has no costume because fuck Hawkeye, and Iron Man and Spider-Man came with one already. Ghost Rider looks great by default. The costumes I bought were Armored Daredevil, Classic Cyclops, and Classic Colossus. Black Panther was my first random hero, and first purchase with splinters in general. Was super pleased with that, he was one of the ones I was hoping for.

My playtime right now is spent alternating between leveling Iron Man and Daredevil, and when my friends get online, I'm playing Cyclops while he plays a melee focus Black Widow. At least, I think melee focus. Shit dies too quick to really tell at this point.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
is there a reason everyone assumes Rogue is one of the 2 unannounced, besides she being popular? Have the devs teased her or something?

no tease. Just that she is super popular and the devs have said she is 100% in. Just not certain she is one of the two.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
oh cool I got Squirrel Girl's Ironman summon unique lol :D

edit: wtf now the great lake avengers shirt dropped o_O


Grr people that want Sam "Loeb" Alexander over Richard Rider makes me so upset!
I really hope Nova gets the right treatment by Gaz even if it means two seperate heroes.

It's not up to Gaz, it's all dictated by Marvel.

It's clear Gaz was strictly interested in doing Rich Rider, because that's what all the fans want. Marvel wants to promote the new Nova.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
do we know how long the marvel license is for this game? with the recent shit with Deadpool and UMVC3 being pulled from digital stores one wonders about such things
do we know how long the marvel license is for this game? with the recent shit with Deadpool and UMVC3 being pulled from digital stores one wonders about such things

Assume it's long term profit sharing license. No one is going to know either as such info is usually confidential between licensors. They wouldn't make a MMO like this without long term license.


do we know how long the marvel license is for this game? with the recent shit with Deadpool and UMVC3 being pulled from digital stores one wonders about such things

They've mentioned before their contract is for 10 years. I suspect this started with Super Hero Squad Online, so they're probably 3-4 years into this contract already.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
They've mentioned before their contract is for 10 years. I suspect this started with Super Hero Squad Online, so they're probably 3-4 years into this contract already.

oh Gaz made SHS online? didnt know that

Lord Phol

is there a reason everyone assumes Rogue is one of the 2 unannounced, besides she being popular? Have the devs teased her or something?

Domsaw has basically confirmed it with his comments, one which was something like 'Rogue has a very big chance of making it to advance pack'. There's also a Rogue Feedback Thread on the official forums. Usually when these threads pops up, the hero launch isn't all that far behind (though in this case it could take some months).

It's not up to Gaz, it's all dictated by Marvel.

It's clear Gaz was strictly interested in doing Rich Rider, because that's what all the fans want. Marvel wants to promote the new Nova.
Yeah I know Gaz is doing what they can to please us, I just hope it's good enough :x.

Also that Starlord is amazing! So far away though D:


My next big time hero investment... TheDink doing amazing work, as usual. I said this in the Art Bar thread but the coloring is just perfect. Sucks that we probably won't get him until July/August... :(


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
like the red costume better. guessing I'll get it for free from the deluxe AP. Can't wait!!

edit - IIRC the above costume is very similar to the coloring of the costume from the preview shots from the movie.. guessing that has everything to do with it. and yeah... he's not dropping until AT LEAST July.


Does anyone know what happens after the 10 years? Does the game automatically vanish, or is there chance of renewing?
Does anyone know what happens after the 10 years? Does the game automatically vanish, or is there chance of renewing?

That is up to Marvel probably, the licensee always has the right to not renew. Or they will have to renew which involve renegotiating the license terms. Course Doomsaw says they will try and renew, but it all depends if enough people are even playing the game in 10 years to warrant them bothering to try.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
My friend just got his second random, and it was a second daredevil (he only has human torch from starting and daredevil from the first random). What are the odds :(
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