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Marvel Heroes |OT| GAF Assemble


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Haha awesome!!

not really as he is quite bummed out :/ he did buy Ironman and Loki at least, both he actually wanted (i would probably do the exact same if I got shafted like that lol, I would just rage-buy something i wanted)

Im at 9 heroes now, and im still going for my third random when I hit 175 (im at 91 i think, its been slower with SG than it was with Emma, think I had more SiF on emma), fuck it, come at me RNG demons :(


not really as he is quite bummed out :/ he did buy Ironman and Loki at least, both he actually wanted (i would probably do the exact same if I got shafted like that lol, I would just rage-buy something i wanted)

Im at 9 heroes now, and im still going for my third random when I hit 175 (im at 91 i think, its been slower with SG than it was with Emma, think I had more SiF on emma), fuck it, come at me RNG demons :(

Haha, I just like it when others get burned on random boxes like I have


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Haha, I just like it when others get burned on random boxes like I have

whats your horror story with it, or have there been so many you now that you cant remember? :p
Speaking of random heroes, looks like there will be a promotion this weekend where you'll get a random free hero (or costume) when you buy one normally.

Edit: Also new FC mk IV stuff




The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Speaking of random heroes, looks like there will be a promotion this weekend where you'll get a random free hero (or costume) when you buy one normally.

holy SHIt my friend is going to be double PISSED now because he JUSt bought ironman and loki lol >_<

this promotions is VERYdangerous (for me), I feel...I feel a buying spree coming this weekend guys >_<


I guess it won't apply to splinter purchases since they specifically used the word 'buy' :p Oh, well, no biggie :)

In other news, my Colossus has some INSANE luck for finding uniques. He's level 45 and I found like 8 or 9 uniques with him, lol. I'm fully equipped with them, plus two spared ones wait in the stash formthe StarkTech and I think I got one general unique with him, too. Absolutely crazy :D

Anyway, I need to do something about my spirit. Can you guys recommend me some artifact that would be good for Colossus AND have spirit gained on killing an enemy?
Grr people that want Sam "Loeb" Alexander over Richard Rider makes me so upset!
I really hope Nova gets the right treatment by Gaz even if it means two seperate heroes.

I have heard before that people strongly prefer Richard Rider over the other Nova.
Why dont fans like the other Nova? Personality, design, and/or fighting style?


holy SHIt my friend is going to be double PISSED now because he JUSt bought ironman and loki lol >_<

this promotions is VERYdangerous (for me), I feel...I feel a buying spree coming this weekend guys >_<
Tell him to email support when the promo starts. Gaz is pretty good about hooking people up when it comes to things like that. I have heard that a lot of people are even able to get partial refunds if a hero goes on sale shortly after they buy it.


Yea, Gaz has a very good "if you bought a hero 7 days before it goes on sale they'll refund you the difference, no questions asked" policy. This is a different kind of sale, but they are understanding enough,

Ploid 3.0

Wow looks like I'm going to hold off on buying anyone. I was tempted to buy Dead Pool. I just hope the randoms will be new to me and not repeats.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
That's great news, with this promo it should be a easy "fix" too, just give the dude 2 random boxes for Ironman and Loki purchase and be done with it. I hope he can get it sorted, I'm the one that got him into the game and his double daredevil random already bummed him out on the game (even tho he fully understands it's his "fault") and I'm afraid when I tell him about this promo it might "break" him. Hopefully he can get it sorted.


I guess it won't apply to splinter purchases since they specifically used the word 'buy' :p Oh, well, no biggie :)

In other news, my Colossus has some INSANE luck for finding uniques. He's level 45 and I found like 8 or 9 uniques with him, lol. I'm fully equipped with them, plus two spared ones wait in the stash formthe StarkTech and I think I got one general unique with him, too. Absolutely crazy :D

Anyway, I need to do something about my spirit. Can you guys recommend me some artifact that would be good for Colossus AND have spirit gained on killing an enemy?

Scroll of Puma/Mark of Odinborn are both really nice spirit items IMO. They give spirit on orb pickup (with a small cooldown, so don't run over them all too fast). I usually slap a scroll of puma on all my heroes as I level them up, the chance to spawn a red orb is also pretty nice too when they don't come with their own natural sustain.

Spirit items otherwise are pretty restrictive. Pym's Shrinking is the obvious god-like spirit return item, but only if you have dodge already in your character/build.

Atlantean Jewel (w/ ADV) and Crystal of Kadavus (w/ ADV) are "okay" options, but the former requires tanking hits while the latter relies on you using basic attacks anyway (will fill the spirit bar faster though). Their main issue is the other stats are pretty mediocre otherwise.

You can also rely on passive regeneration buffs (Moonstone Shard/Super soldier serum (w/ adv) and switch to basics to finish off enemies/groups.

There's nothing that really gives significant spirit on kill, and the internal cooldown seems to kill it's usefulness as sole spirit refunder.

I don't play Colossus so I don't know what his preferred method would be. :)

Ploid 3.0

I was thinking about buying the cheapest characters but for me that's just Hawkeye and Thing. I think I'll just get Deadpool since I already have a pretty cool costume for him, but he's expensive, is he new or something? I hope he's good.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I was thinking about buying the cheapest characters but for me that's just Hawkeye and Thing. I think I'll just get Deadpool since I already have a pretty cool costume for him, but he's expensive, is he new or something? I hope he's good.

I'm the opposite. I'll just buy the ones I want (probably hulk and jean, maybe also colossus) and hope that I get any hero I dont have from the boxes. I won't buy a cheap one I don't want just for the off chance I get a free expensive one


I don't know if I'll buy anyone. It is not like a need a random box, and the few heroes I would want to buy (Cable, BP, Spidey) I'd rather wait for a sale instead.

I have about 3K Gs in my account (And I just bought another 2 stash tabs, damn them) so no urge really.


That BOGO weekend stuff sounds awesome. I wish the Kate Bishop skin was up though, I'd get that. Now to decide on which one to grab.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I don't know if I'll buy anyone. It is not like a need a random box, and the few heroes I would want to buy (Cable, BP, Spidey) I'd rather wait for a sale instead.

I have about 3K Gs in my account (And I just bought another 2 stash tabs, damn them) so no urge really.

Sale seems to be aimed more at new players with not a lot of characters yet


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Here's a little exercise (because I'm bored at work), what is the 1 hero you guys don't want to buy (with Gs or splinters) but would love to get out of a random box?

For me it's probably Ms.Marvel, I have no intention of buying her anytime soon but would actually love to try her out if she dropped from a random.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
holy SHIt my friend is going to be double PISSED now because he JUSt bought ironman and loki lol >_<

this promotions is VERYdangerous (for me), I feel...I feel a buying spree coming this weekend guys >_<

when did he buy them? They usually match a deal for customers who buy something less than a week before a promotion starts.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
when did he buy them? They usually match a deal for customers who buy something less than a week before a promotion starts.

Literally just a few hours ago, it was right before he logged off for the night cause he has to work early. So Wednesday which is 2-3 days before the deal starts, hopefully they will sort him out. I'll make sure to tell him to be polite and explain what happened to support. Question, is this done inside the game or on the forums?
I have heard before that people strongly prefer Richard Rider over the other Nova.
Why dont fans like the other Nova? Personality, design, and/or fighting style?

Basically, Richard Rider Nova was a pretty obscure member of the New Warriors from the late 70s, hardly even popped up anywhere (though when he did, he was an alright character - young hero trying to cope with super powers and do good), but a few years ago, a Cosmic Marvel event called Annihilation happened. It was one of the best comic events that happened in recent years, and it opened up with Nova, and Nova also was the event's spearhead/poster boy.

He quickly became a fan favorite among comic fans because he was written insanely well, had to deal with both the loss of friends and allies as well as having to handle an immense power (the full potential of the Nova Force).
At the conclusion of the event, he disappeared and (seemed) dead.

Around the time Annihilation happened, Jeph Loeb, who was responsible for most of the Ultimate Marvel comic books, lost his son to cancer. He ended up closing shop in Ultimate Marvel with Ultimatum and killing off just about 90% of all the characters in those books, some of which died gruesome and unnecessary deaths.

After Annihilation was finished, Loeb took over the Nova character, and instead of bringing back Richard Rider, he brought in a teenage boy named Sam Alexander (his son's name was Sam btw) who accidentally found the helmet containing the Nova Force.
Aside from "noobish" incompetence, the character was written cocky and like an outright prick, and comic book readers were absolutely NOT happy about that development. After losing one of the most awesome characters Marvel ever produced, we got a cheap knock-off from a writer who isn't over the loss of his son, and the quality of his writing suffers significantly from that loss.
Sam Alexander additionally ended up as a regular cast member on the Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon (also handled by Jeph Loeb, btw), which only underlined the whole cocky prickishness.
Sam has had his moments, but in comparison to Richard Rider, he just is completely crushed underneath the legacy of the name he is carrying.

tl;dr - we went from this:

to this:
In case you can't read what it says in that dialogue bubble, he says "...All those people... I... epic fail.

Edit: Fixed image link.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Is Nova ripping the insides out of Annihilus in that picture? o_O


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
Just started playing this the other day. Got Hawkeye (who I don't like playing) and Thing (Who I love playing) leveled in the teens. I've been saving those eternity thingies to get a third hero but not sure who to get. Which of the heroes does a lot of AoE damage from range?


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
How much more bonus xp do you get for your chars with a second lvl 60? I assume a lot less than the initial 30%

Ploid 3.0

Holy crap at that Nova then and now post with the writer losing his son. How was he allowed to do that and... wow crazy. Now instead of immortalizing his son he made him hated and people want to forget his character. How was he allowed to do this? Marvel give a writer and maybe a small crew total control over the fate of their comic stuff like that? Was he allowed just because he built up a lot of credibility? I mean it's not a George R.R. Martin situation since George owned his characters fully from what I know.



The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Holy crap at that Nova then and now post with the writer losing his son. How was he allowed to do that and... wow crazy. Now instead of immortalizing his son he made him hated and people want to forget his character. How was he allowed to do this? Marvel give a writer and maybe a small crew total control over the fate of their comic stuff like that? Was he allowed just because he built up a lot of credibility? I mean it's not a George R.R. Martin situation since George owned his characters fully from what I know.


I believe Loeb is more than just a writer at Marvel

It goes 30 -> 20 -> 15 -> 10 -> 5 each after.

Ah, so I'll get 50% with 2 60s? Nice, I was expecting like 5% more heh
How was he allowed to do that and... wow crazy. Now instead of immortalizing his son he made him hated and people want to forget his character. How was he allowed to do this? Marvel give a writer and maybe a small crew total control over the fate of their comic stuff like that?

Comic books change writers a lot. It's always happened. A certain writer's storylines are called a "run" among comic fans. And yes, writers are usually given a character/property and do whatever they think is cool with them. It still has to go through editing and such, so there's people who validate those ideas, but more often than not, writers are given fairly free reign.

New characters taking names/costumes from older versions also is nothing new - there's been plenty of Captain Americas, Ghost Riders, Spider-Men, heck even Thors, including really shitty ones. But for none of them it looked like they were here to stay, that they would take that mantle only for a time.
Sadly, it looks like Sam is going to be staying, and Richard ain't gonna come back.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I really should get my Cyke up to level 50 if only for his xp synergy (he's 43 from playing back on release)

These weekend deals, do they usually start on Fridays or Saturdays?

Lord Phol

I have heard before that people strongly prefer Richard Rider over the other Nova.
Why dont fans like the other Nova? Personality, design, and/or fighting style?
Nova info.
Yeah that sums it up pretty well. I have feeling Richard will make his return this year, hopefully Marvel comes to their senses. What I'm afraid of is that Gaz might base his in-game powers and skills of the current Nova instead of Richard Fucking Nova Prime. They've also said that he's basically done, which makes me think he's been like that for awhile. If that is true he'll probably end up pretty generic, like most of the launch rooster compared to the newer heroes.
Thanks for that. Very interesting and insightful.
I feel terrible for the writer losing his son, but I feel bad for Nova fans too.

You're welcome. I've seen some people who don't read a lot of comics (or any at all) ask why Sam is considered a worse Nova than Richard, so I thought I'd chip in at this point.
Of course it's a tragedy that Loeb lost his son, but it's obvious that his quality has been suffering from it significantly, and I have this feeling that Marvel is turning a bit of a blind side out of respect; the comic business is very small, so I'm sure that not only Loeb was hit hard by the loss of the boy (who also aspired to be a comic writer himself, so I'm sure he was well known around the Marvel offices).

Yeah that sums it up pretty well. I have feeling Richard will make his return this year, hopefully Marvel comes to their senses. What I'm afraid of is that Gaz might base his in-game powers and skills of the current Nova instead of Richard Fucking Nova Prime. They've also said that he's basically done, which makes me think he's been like that for awhile. If that is true he'll probably end up pretty generic, like most of the launch rooster compared to the newer heroes.

Nova has been planned to be Sam from the start, and also was originally intended to be on the starting roster, but he was the first character to get the delay. Gaz also has been trying to negotiate with Marvel regarding the version as they realized that Sam isn't particularly popular with their player base, and just about all of them would want Richard instead (at least as an enhanced suit of sorts).

However, I don't feel like the launch roster is that generic. Plus the post-launch characters that were intended to be released on the initial roster (Torch, Cage, Emma and Squirrel Girl) all are very fun to play, and also have incredibly unique power sets (especially Emma and SG).

Lord Phol

Nova has been planned to be Sam from the start, and also was originally intended to be on the starting roster, but he was the first character to get the delay. Gaz also has been trying to negotiate with Marvel regarding the version as they realized that Sam isn't particularly popular with their player base, and just about all of them would want Richard instead (at least as an enhanced suit of sorts).

However, I don't feel like the launch roster is that generic. Plus the post-launch characters that were intended to be released on the initial roster (Torch, Cage, Emma and Squirrel Girl) all are very fun to play, and also have incredibly unique power sets (especially Emma and SG).

Aye, generic was perhaps a bad choice of wording on my part. It's just feels like the newer the hero is the more time and thought is put into it. Ghost Rider for example is probably my favorite hero in terms of powers, balance and visuals.
Gaz are doing a good job cleaning up older heroes with the level 52 reviews thuogh, so I guess it should be fine.
I'm a bit crazy when it comes to Nova as you might have noticed :p.

On another note, unlocked Havok in Lego Marvel yesterday, he needs to be added to the marvel heroes rooster stat!


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
Scarlet Witch, Storm, Thor, Loki, Ghost Rider, Human Torch, Iron Man, Rocket Raccoon and Jean all have the potential to be AoE/ranged if built that way.

Alright thanks for the list. 3 of my X-Babes in that list too, it's going to be tough to decide.
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