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Marvel Heroes |OT| GAF Assemble


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
What exactly don't you like about Explosive? You don't think it's effective, or you don't like how it looks? Those are two different things.

a lot of the time mobs just move out of the way of it :/ and it eats spirit like a mofo. and between gassing the place, rolling around to avoid damage, shrieking and getting some spirit/health back with pym I dont find much time to use it really

Servers supposedly up.

I dont think Steam even patched mine, and Ive restarted twice

All Ultimate and Signature powers now trigger a short CC immunity on the user to prevent them from being interrupted by enemies.

thank you, this happened to me so much on Colossus ultimate

edit: got my NC and his classic costume, and 2 retcons cool, Advance pack stuff working :) and I got 8 splinters from the envelope


I'm slightly salty that Gambit seemed to get launched "balanced" and then got hit with the nerf bat, while every other hero seems to launch pretty powerful


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
NC classic costume is a bit...bland.


Ploid 3.0

I like lining up explosive arrow to hit multiple mobs, or create choke points where mobs have to line up and get a face full of piercing like a hall. More interesting and very rewarding when it connects, especially big crit /brutal hits causing things to melt in maybe one explosive arrow or 2.
I'm slightly salty that Gambit seemed to get launched "balanced" and then got hit with the nerf bat, while every other hero seems to launch pretty powerful

Just thinking about how Gambit was treated in this game makes me sad. Going to grab my tinfoil hat for this one, but I really think he was rushed. It's clear to me that most of the time and effort went into Loki and Gambit was just cobbled together to meet the Nov. deadline. The fact mere weeks after his release they completely dumped his resource just goes to show they never figured out what do with him and how little polish he received during testing. I hate to keep shitting on the character but it's only because I care. :S


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
man once you open up the costumes floodgate, you just dont give a fuck anymore do you?

bought emma pheonix costume, tossed her default, widow default and stupid ass wolverine leather fang thing in the blender and got human torch light brigade costume. Its...alright? I dont even have torch yet tho. Ill keep it tho and use it, and probably toss johnny´s default in the blender when I get him


yes I know I should inject some AA, im lazy (also steam compression doesnt help)


I keep getting stuck with Nightcrawler, can't use any abilities or move at all. Annoying! Just out in the open too, bah.


Just thinking about how Gambit was treated in this game makes me sad. Going to grab my tinfoil hat for this one, but I really think he was rushed. It's clear to me that most of the time and effort went into Loki and Gambit was just cobbled together to meet the Nov. deadline. The fact mere weeks after his release they completely dumped his resource just goes to show they never figured out what do with him and how little polish he received during testing. I hate to keep shitting on the character but it's only because I care. :S

I guess ignorance is bliss with me on this subject.

I never played Gambit on TC or launch. Only got him after he was "changed", and I think he's perfectly fine and pretty fun right now.

But I have no idea what people are talking about in regards to the animation-canceling change, so it's okay to me haha


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I guess ignorance is bliss with me on this subject.

I never played Gambit on TC or launch. Only got him after he was "changed", and I think he's perfectly fine and pretty fun right now.

But I have no idea what people are talking about in regards to the animation-canceling change, so it's okay to me haha

exact same with me when I start him :) his spell effects look awesome, a friend of mine was using him with me the other day


Just thinking about how Gambit was treated in this game makes me sad. Going to grab my tinfoil hat for this one, but I really think he was rushed. It's clear to me that most of the time and effort went into Loki and Gambit was just cobbled together to meet the Nov. deadline. The fact mere weeks after his release they completely dumped his resource just goes to show they never figured out what do with him and how little polish he received during testing. I hate to keep shitting on the character but it's only because I care. :S

Maybe it's because I got a couple of uniques early on and I've slotted a few survivability artifacts but he seems really good to me as a hybrid at level 60.

Especially when you have an Idol of Konshu which gives you +942 damage rating on your next melee power when you use a ranged ability.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Doom heroic 1 shot by Hawkeye, I guess SH Doom is the real test (actually any sort of Loki is the real real test)

Doom fight is so much better than Loki tho, you still need to dodge shit but at least you are in control of whats happening, unlike stupid Loki


Unconfirmed Member
Yup, Mandarin's chests especially are pinata's right now. Got 3 cosmic rings already. Farming for cosmic doc ock medal atm though, no luck :(

Decided to get M'Kraan crystal legendary for Iron Man. After running cosmic Mandarin with my 'main' level 60 heroes, it's just so, so clear: Melee heroes are boned. Colossus, totally boned. Cap, totally boned. On Ms Marvel and Iron Man I can do it without deaths. Storm and SW fare better too, though I gotta say that Chaos Warp nerf really hurts :( Spec isn't viable for cosmic bosses, since warding veil does nothing against power cosmic. So you have to move a lot. Probably gonna respec for Chaotic Hex and see what's up.


Yup, Mandarin's chests especially are pinata's right now. Got 3 cosmic rings already. Farming for cosmic doc ock medal atm though, no luck :(

Decided to get M'Kraan crystal legendary for Iron Man. After running cosmic Mandarin with my 'main' level 60 heroes, it's just so, so clear: Melee heroes are boned. Colossus, totally boned. Cap, totally boned. On Ms Marvel and Iron Man I can do it without deaths. Storm and SW fare better too, though I gotta say that Chaos Warp nerf really hurts :( Spec isn't viable for cosmic bosses, since warding veil does nothing against power cosmic. So you have to move a lot. Probably gonna respec for Chaotic Hex and see what's up.

I've been doing cosmic aim/doom without deaths today. Phase 2 Doom didn't even attack. I posted this on official forums:

1- Pull bosses AWAY from cosmic orbs. Don't let Doc Ock backward toss you into cosmic orbs and you won't get 1-shot. The same logic applies to kinetic bosses or CC in general.

2- Proper use of confuse/bewildering hex is important. Want to stop from getting CC'ed by melee-based attacks? Cast confuse on YOU and not the enemy (or to keep them at a certain distance, between you and them... utilize hallways/etc). Seriously try this: Load up a Dr Ock Green terminal, and just cast confuse on yourself. You'll never get hit except for rock toss. People so caught up in Chaos Warp's OP-ness they forgot all her OTHER OP abilities. You'll never get CC'ed again unless it's a charge attack or ranged.

3- Confuse the boss BEFORE he casts cosmic orbs. If he's confused when he recasts them, they'll be friendly and not hurt you at all. Confusing bosses also interrupts mortars and stops kinetic pull from actually pulling you.

4- Pre-set up the field on supervillains with "entrances" (ala Wizard, Hood, etc). Bewildering places a lingering confuse field and combustion can be dropped in advance (for brazier users) and even a bubble can be dropped against ranged users (almost a no brainer against Hood/Wizard).

5- Ravenous Binding healing "stacks" even if the damage doesn't. Cast it a few times and it'll just increase the amount healed. So long as you aren't getting 1-shot, you can gain back a considerable amount of health per second. Also, target boxes/etc. as they count as enemies when broken by Binding.

Some bonus tips/explanations:

Confuse has no diminshing returns as far as I can tell. You can perma confuse stuff just so long as it doesn't get out of the radius. Stacking 2 ravenous bindings lets me face tank nearly everything I was face-tanking before other than multiple cosmic pools. Warding veil gets rid of ground poison/firewall. Phase 3 doom was dropping friendly cosmic puddles and whenever he did wander out of confuse range, he'd firewall me for 0 damage then get confused again.


Unconfirmed Member
You can perma-confuse bosses? This changes everything! I never, ever used that power, lol.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Do cosmic terminals scale with 2 players? I don't miss the days of getting 1 shot left and right on release (not that I'm playing at 60 anytime soon with my lvling addiction)


I just tried my luck on random boxes. No Nightcrawler but I got Emma Frost, Gambit and Squirrel Girl(Dupe). Pretty happy, now I am at 14/29.


You can perma-confuse bosses? This changes everything! I never, ever used that power, lol.

Most people stopped after Chaos Warp became the "uber" power, but bewildering hex remains the unspoken OP skill that continues to skate under the radar because it doesn't actually make you kill any faster (barring +target not attacking you gear I mean :p).

In other news, I am the tier 1 any-hero unique finder. I pulled a Betty Ross's Big Ass Sword from Cosmic Kingpin (while playing Thing... hint: Don't do cosmic Kingpin with Thing). Not sure who to give it too but the rolls are interesting... +740ish physical damage, +2% boss damage, the vulnerability proc is baked in... and +1 all powers. My Thing is using a Dragonfang and I had another Dragonfang I planned on giving Hawkeye. Both seem better than this any hero... maybe Daredevil (who is level 1 -_-).

Ploid 3.0

You can perma-confuse bosses? This changes everything! I never, ever used that power, lol.

Dude hah, Bewildering hex is OP yeah. I cast Bewildering on the MM bosses and watch them melt each other. It almost should be a signature it's so good (shhhh). For doom and other bosses I trap them in a corner or something with no way to get out of the bewildering hex flooring. They sometimes find a way out but it's still strong cc.

It will probably be nerfed. I never really used Chaos Warp and I love love love Scarlet Witch.

Edit: Just rolled Black Widow's Thunderbolt costume. So worth it.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Help me gaf...

I got costume fever :(

Edit: just noticed there was no trailer for NC, I always like those


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
Kate Bishop skin would go a long way in making me want to play Hawkeye again but twentydollarslol.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
another 8 splinters in the envelope like yesterday, dont mind that at all!


Unconfirmed Member
In other news, I am the tier 1 any-hero unique finder.

Ahum... *pushes up glasses*

Betty Ross Big-Ass Sword x 2
Slab of Subterrenea
AIM Zero Gravity Boots
Hand Assassin Tabi
Unstable Carbonadum Warsuit
Badoon Soldier's Basic Weapon
Symbiote Infestation
Shield Life Support Gear
Shield Meditech Boots
Aunt May's Cane
Last Chance Serrated Boot Knife
Death Seed

I THINK that covers it. Had a looooong spell on Ms Marvel where every Unique was either an Any Hero or a goddamn Aviator's Scarf. Like, half of these were on her. The rest is just from playing the game a ton. The Tabi was awesome before this patch, the internal CD on the invis proc was broken and it had like 50% uptime on Black Widow, been ages since I played her though but it suited her so well.

Gonna try a Bewildering Hex/Chaotic Hex build later today, will replace my AoE artifacts with Adv Kadavus and Adv Meta I think.

Lord Phol

For people who have Nightcrawler, how are you liking him?
I messed around with him a bit on TC since I won't be home this weekend. He's pretty fun, very mobile and I enjoy his Stealth tree. I'm a bit dissapointed with his sword tree though, it's very basic and the animations and powers are pretty poorly done IMO. His other two trees make for quite a unique style of gameplay, where you will have to play him like the agile mutant he is to bring out his full potential. Many people thought he was squishie at first but soon learned that if you use the stealth and teleports like intended things gets alot easier.

Funny thing, when they first showed of his default costume I thought it looked great, but once I saw it in-game I'm not liking it as much. His face just looks way too eerie to me. On the other hand his classic costume looks great, kind of has a Raziel vibe to it :D. Noticed this with alot of costumes, there's quite a difference looking at a render and seeing it in-game.
In a desperate attempt to get a free P5 costume for Emma, I scraped up enough unwanted costumes to roll four attempts.

Attempt 1 was Squirrel Girls aviator outfit. I own her, but havent used her, so I was ok with this result.

Attempt 2 was Punishers trench coat. Ok, this does look pretty ordinary in motion (with the coat glued to my legs). Still Im gonna keep it for now.

Attempt 3 was Things black man-bra and shorts... again. Noooo!

Attempt 4 was Colossus' (modern?) orange and black outfit. This one actually looks pretty damn good, IMO. Its a keeper for sure.

In the end, I just forked out the 10 bucks for Emmas P5 :)


Neo Member
For people who have Nightcrawler, how are you liking him?

I only had a chance to play with him a little bit, but so far he's been a ton of fun. He's melee though, so he may get the shaft just like other melee characters at higher levels. Blink Strike eats up a ton of spirit on my guy but I can't stop using it as it's so incredibly fun.

I just looked at his power tree and he doesn't seem to have any abilities marked as AOE, though I swear some of his sword attacks do hit multiple enemies (maybe that's not the definition of AOE). Plus Blink Striking around a group is sort of like an AOE in that you do it a couple of times and everyone in the mass of enemies falls over dead!

So far I give him a pair of mutant-sized thumbs ups!


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
bought Colossus P5 costume, think Im done with costumes for now. I got the ones I like for the characters Ill use at 60 (P5 for Emma and Colossus, Ms.Marvel the only one I like more than the default is the chase so nothing for her), plus I got Thunderbolts for Widow when I play her with the review. Wanted to get Wakanda tech for Panther review, but I guess that will be some other time.

On a side note, I found out that I hadnt done Loki SH on Emma and Cyclops, weird, as I have been doing everything before moving on to other characters. Did it with a friend that was using Captain America so it was easy (remind me to never solo that fight again, its so much better with someone else)

Also did Cosmic Mandarin with him, and the loot was crap, all epics and shit.

Oh and I got my second unique on Hawkeye, and Healing Arrow, its so pretty :p

Edit: Speaking of Hawkeye, 2 things. Switched Explosive for Rocket, and I love it. it hits like a MOTHERFUCKER when you charge it. and Attack Speed is awesome for him, it makes even the shitty pym arrows rip through mobs in no time. Starting to feel him more, hes still no Emma/Colossus/Carol (nor will he ever be for me its clear), but hes also no Squirrel Girl either. He will probably land in the mid tier along with Cyclops in my preferences.

Also feeling like doing some Cosmics with Emma, made a new spec after re-reading some talents (I ignored alot when I leveled her aparently, I was just coming back to the game to be fair). I didnt realize the fear spell was also a dot, so Im going to try that along with Torment, get me some affliction warlock type thing going, and Im going to try the Wanda style mind control, because I remember it being ridiculous on Wanda when I played on release. I dropped the single target life leach (ill use the mind control on bosses for single target) and the points on the basic spell (why did I have that), so I want to test it out.
Found a video of some high level NC gameplay.


Looks pretty neat seeing all the teleportation and bamfing comboing.
He does die a bit though :p.

The hero... just doesn't hang with most of them. He doesn't have the survivability, the single target or AOE damage. Powers like Blink Strike just fool people into thinking something special is going on. It's just another chaining attack.

Low level X-Defenses are miserable right now because it's typically 3 or 4 NC's and he is, quite frankly, a bad hero in X-Def.
Holy mackerel I got 8x 2 hour +20 credit boost drinks from the daily envelope today!!!! This is perfect timing as I just spent 600k on upgrading a unique and have like 25k left. Sometimes it feels like the game reads my mind.

Lord Phol

The hero... just doesn't hang with most of them. He doesn't have the survivability, the single target or AOE damage. Powers like Blink Strike just fool people into thinking something special is going on. It's just another chaining attack.

Low level X-Defenses are miserable right now because it's typically 3 or 4 NC's and he is, quite frankly, a bad hero in X-Def.

Well alot of people have trouble with X-Defense (especially melee heroes), I wouldn't consider it the staple of balance. To me the design and visuals of the powers are far more important. Numbers can always be adjusted later on.
Been putting a little time into this here and there and am only up to about 60 total hours played and only have one level 60 character but my 60 Storm's gear is coming along surprisingly quick. Have all of her character specific uniques already and am pretty set on artifacts as well as just found my first cosmic ring earlier today that was about as perfect as it gets stat wise. Think at this point all I really need is a cosmic doctor octopus medallion, a good life leech costume core, either some any hero unique boots or a decent cosmic pair and a good insignia and ill be all set on her.

Is some of the stuff I use currently, not sure if I really want to keep using the unique pendant or find something else yet but considering the minimal amount of time I have into the game so far I am surprised how lucky I have gotten. Keep swapping different artifacts in and out as well but those are the ones I am using now.

If anyone is relatively well versed in Storm I could use a heads up on what kinds of Insignias to look for though, don't even know where to begin on those.


Unconfirmed Member
Yeah that ring is sexy as hell. Dang good roll. For insignias, Storm has many options. She can use Shield, X-Men, Avengers and FF. Most important is just to get good affixes - Ranged damage, area damage, crit rating, mostly. Probably the best insignia is O'Grady, which gives damage rating after every crit, which is all the time. So it's basically flat damage rating. But good luck getting an O'Grady with perfect affixes. Just use whatever you can find.

I got an artifact out of the envelope today. +88 credits for 10 minutes, 2 hour cooldown. That is pretty fkkn awesome. Just got Luke Cage with splinters too, he's gonna be a credit farming machine. Go to cow level, pop the artifact and make it rain.

Nightcrawler is gonna get leveled up to 50, but pretty much just for the synergies. The way dodge heroes are in this game atm, no way that I want to main him.

Also bought another stash tab so I could prestige heroes and keep their stuff around. Punisher and Hulk are back to 1, will probably level them up again when they get reworked. Threw some costumes in the blender, got Loki classic and Punisher Marvel Now, which is cool but I have his Noir costume, so that's destined for the blender too.
Yeah that ring is sexy as hell. Dang good roll. For insignias, Storm has many options. She can use Shield, X-Men, Avengers and FF. Most important is just to get good affixes - Ranged damage, area damage, crit rating, mostly. Probably the best insignia is O'Grady, which gives damage rating after every crit, which is all the time. So it's basically flat damage rating. But good luck getting an O'Grady with perfect affixes. Just use whatever you can find.

Alright thanks, mostly wasn't sure if there were particular ones like the O'grady to aim for so knowing there are helps. I have a couple epic ones I can use until then, not like I am really hurting gear wise or being stopped from progressing without one. Can solo all the cosmic terminals so there isn't really anything I am being prevented from doing.

I'm not really sure who I want to play next character wise, I keep starting up with various melee hero's and quickly going back to Storm. Feel like melee just can't keep up in both survivability as well as killing speed. Guess for now I just need to find another range hero I don't mind playing since both Gambit and Nightcrawler ended up with me back on Storm.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Kate Bishop skin would go a long way in making me want to play Hawkeye again but twentydollarslol.

new voice acting + new base models = $20.

and honestly, I can't even complain. They are using/hiring known voice actors for the dialogue (Kate Bishop is Olivia Olson)

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
who to use hulk, wolverine deadpool or storm.

havent got a melee char yet but im interested in using storm too.

out of those 3 melee though who would be best (looking for some aoe too)


Hulk has good AoE for being melee. I haven't played him in ages so I don't know if he's changed since release, but he excelled at killing groups and was always very durable.

Deadpool is strong, even without a 52 review. I just found him boring to play (this is a very personal opinion. As far as I can tell most people enjoy playing him). I find him dull and very one note.

Wolverine is very one note too. He has a couple of abilities that deal very good damage, but in my experience he is a spirit hog, a bit gear dependent and has very weak AoE options.

I own but haven't played Storm since beta. I'm sure she's changed but she seems strong and versatile as always.
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