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Marvel Vs. Capcom: Infinite Characters and Stages Roster |DT2| oh dear...

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Also I would like to point out that I think they are going to announce new mode(s) and contents for Marvel Vs. Capcom Infinite at Capcom's MVCI panel. I hope so but it's entirely possible that they are going to wait until next month for that.

She-Hulk and Nina (from BOF)

I meant two for each side and they're all brand new. Was thinking;



Actually make it Qbee and Wasp as the other 2


But the variant covers are gonna leak either way.
Some characters might not appear on the variant covers. Hypothetically, they could have planned it out so that only characters revealed up until Comic-Con appear on the covers. I could even see them officially revealing all of the variant covers at the MvCI panel.


Personally I hope the remaining DLC or unknowns are from unrepped franchises.
I'll always take a new series finally getting into the game over stacking a series.


Personally I hope the remaining DLC or unknowns are from unrepped franchises.
I'll always take a new series finally getting into the game over stacking a series.

I still have a secret hope for a DLC pack of Yoshinoro Ono and Stan lee and another with Vulgus ship and Android Human Torch

The last one would probably sell like shit but it is so weird that the first character of each company was never in this series.
I've been playing alot of UMVC3 lately and it's hard going back to the Infinite demo, art-wise. Is this going to be the worst looking game at EVO next year?


Junior Member
U ment two for each side and they're all brand new. Was thinking;


Ms. Marvel

Actually make it Qbee and Wasp as the other 2
I'd probably put either Franziska von Karma, Akira, or Juri in that 2nd Capcom slot as far as extra females go. As for Marvel, the Whoever slot would likely go to with Black Widow in terms of likelihood (I'd prefer Scarlet Witch, but we can't always get what we want). This is going by your theme of only females making up the remainder of Season 1.


The capcom side is SERIOUSLY needing IP representation.

Amaterasu, Ayame from Power Stone, Rival Schools Akira, Franziska von Karma....


Wait, were missing a character for the capcom side entirely arent we? If we assume the leak rosters include the dlc characters as well that is.


We might get 7 characters this week then 6 characters next month. However, I think we might see Marvel DLC or/and Newcomer being announced at Marvel panel, awhile Capcom DLC or/and Newcomer being announced at Capcom's MVCI panel.

I'm more curious about which character is going to become DLC, and I still strongly believe that Meio isn't going to become a playable character. I would be okay If I'm wrong on this matters.
Yeah, I was thinking the same. We might get different announcements at different panels.


Battle Circuit's Captain Silver. Lets get a shape shifter with ice powers in here for some crazy new moveset goodness. Hell any Battle Circuit.


Hell ANY new cast. Tired of seeing these recycled faces. I wanted to feel like I was gonna have a lot more fresh faces. I'm eager to see some.
Today, you will never forget.

1/5魅せリン Linn acrobatic show/ARC Alien vs Predator エイリアンVSプレデター

I remember this video, that guy is pretty godlike, since doing the short hops takes timing. Not only that but that person basically remembered the juggle points for every damn thing in that game, since some enemies have to take some hits before sword pogo pops them up.

His runs with other characters are quite the sight to see too.


Neo Member
Pink Ostrich and Felicia Pocket Fighters version for Capcom Side

Squirrel Girl and Kamala for Capcom Side

OMG this would be a perfect scenario! Pink Ostrich is my dream, but well, zero chance of her getting in (Capcom wouldn't put her as dlc for sure)
Kamala is the best possible choice for Marvel's side now, she's funny and her powers would be great in a fighting game. I think she'll appear as dlc in the future and I would absolutely love that! Might even make me wanna get the game.
I remember Linn being wanted for years in every crossover game, this isn't new.

Every stage appearance is another reminder, stabbing me in the heart (or heart disease).


Ask me about the moon landing or the temperature at which jet fuel burns. You may be surprised at what you learn.
Zzzz jumpy kickies. I can't enjoy old beat-em-ups after Dragon's Crown greatness.

If we're talking beat em ups, Odin Sphere Leifthrasir is even better than Dragons Crown.
If we're talking beat em ups, Odin Sphere Leifthrasir is even better than Dragons Crown.

The Odin Sphere remake is very good - the original was not, haha. I still prefer Dragon's Crown because of co-op. My wife and I have over 400 hours in that game. Also, none of the Odin Sphere characters gripped me combat-wise. I like spellcasters, and everyone was melee except for Mercedes.


tagged by Blackace
If we had to round out the cast with two female characters, and X-Men are off the table, I'd probably go with Rouge (Power Stone) and Quake
Showing PoC love at the same time #IntersectionalWishlists
Maybe Spider-Gwen to sell some more copies of the game.

Really dig Akira's look, though.
Also Kate Bishop alt please
I haven't made any fan lists in ages, so I'll embellish. 4 females:
BoF2 Nina

This assumes 2 for each side, no X-Men (otherwise Storm #1), and no returning characters (otherwise She-Hulk of course).


Dino Crisis getting the shaft despite being a platinum selling series. Sometimes I wonder if it really even sold that much since no one seems to remember it.
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