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Media Create Sales 1/28 - 2/3


Nintendo is pretty stupid not to give that guy all the freedom like Miyamoto. He's a genius. Although based on the latest Iwata interviews, I wouldn't be surprised if Iwata took him back into Nintendo with a big paycheck and all the freedom he needs.


kswiston said:
So basically, Konami doesn't support Nintendo systems as long as you cherry pick which games count as support. How is Konami worse at supporting Nintendo than Square-Enix? Because DQIX is coming to the DS? It's pretty obvious that they are spending a lot more money on their PS3 exclusive Final Fantasy games than they on DQIX and their other DS remake titles. Probably more than all of those games combined actually. How is that any different than MGS4 (the biggest project that Konami currently has going) coming out for the PS3?

In reality, there are all of two Konami series remaining on Sony consoles at this point. One series controlled by Kojima, who has more than earned his right to make his games on whatever platform he chooses. The other is silent hill, whose portable version would have been a poor fit on the DS anyhow.

Besides, ignoring budgets, I'd argue that Konami's DS games on a whole have been a lot better than their PSP games. That's what matters in the end.
I'm not cherrypciking anything, I'm saying Konami's avoided giving DS/Wii big name/budget/selling AAA games... and it doesn't look like that'll be changing any time soon. Instead they're delivering these sorts of games to the 2nd and 3rd place consoles and handheld.

Namdai, Square Enix, Capcom and SEGA meanwhile all are bringing some significant releases to Nintendo platforms (in addition to the PlayStation/Xbox machines btw)... there's the difference.


jarrod said:
I'm not cherrypciking anything, I'm saying Konami's avoided giving DS/Wii big name/budget/selling AAA games... and it doesn't look like that'll be changing any time soon. Instead they're delivering these sorts of games to the 2nd and 3rd place consoles and handheld.

Namdai, Square Enix, Capcom and SEGA meanwhile all are bringing some significant releases to Nintendo platforms (in addition to the PlayStation/Xbox machines btw)... there's the difference.

I'm surprised Konami hasn't released a ghost babel sequal for the DS yet. They really are leaving money on the table.


schuelma said:
Ehh..I'm skeptical. Especially given how Chocobo sold.

Right now, if you don't include FF:CC:CB because of development questions, they have ONE Wii game announced- the FF:CC Wi Ware title.
On the other hand, DQ Swords did pretty well for itself, on par with the best selling PS2 DQ spinoff even and better than any previous year one Square or Enix release yet actually.

Chocobo was a bit dissapointing, but it at least sold in line with the DS release... it wasn't a total bomb anyway and I honestly doubt it's going to be anything close to the deciding factor in future Wii support from Square Enix.


Gold Member
Neomoto said:
But don't forget that EVERY publisher that's somebody already banked on PS3 (and x360) from the get go. Wii just "happened" to become what it is today almost out of the blue (so it's "Nintendo's fault" no one saw the huge succes it would become?).

True, sometimes it is easy to forget it has only been a little over a year since release. Nintendo should be doing more to change Square's mind imo though, if they could hand pick a few more big name projects like MH3, they'd be in a different situation. MH3 standing all by itself isn't as convincing as 4 or 5 titles of that level.

charlequin said:
I agree it would be stupid for Nintendo to gun for the very biggest titles like GTA4 and pay the associated auction-house premiums they would command. In reality, though, MS and Sony mostly just go after different games, and support a wide variety of second-tier titles that their competition doesn't necessarily care about; Nintendo could easily do the same, commissioning (or even publishing) unique or new-IP titles with large budgets from major third parties and making them an important part of their overall marketing strategy.

I guess this was said better here (I agree with the above).

birdchili said:
is there seriously a question of whether third party support is going to get better than it is now? surely it is. it's just not likely that a bunch of cinematic hd-style games are going to suddenly be on-the-way for wii.

nintendo's strategy of: target new gamers with wii ___-style games and tons of advertising and target gamecube/core gamers with gamecube sequels and no significant advertising leaves a lot of room for third parties to experiment in areas that are ill-served so far. the wii audience seems pretty diverse really, i imagine there will be quite a few success stories in various styles before the gen is in its twilight.

I think there are lots of areas that I'd be willing to purchase games on the Wii where it'd be just as fitting or more. Someone needs to make a RE4 style sequel using the Wii's controls. I'd like to see some adventure games with more mainstream appeal than Z&W come out, and the TBS/RPG field is pretty void, which I always welcome. Wii already has a healthy share of retail puzzle games (and is picking up more, like the recently announced Atlus game Octomania), but they have Wiiware, and Nintendo needs to advertise the hell out of that imo, and put out a storage solution with the Wii, maybe include 2000 Wii points or something with it, so it sells better. They should try to get Capcom to release a Street Fighter Puzzle series on the Wii, it would compliment the SFIV on the other systems release nicely.

test_account said:
I know the question wasnt adressed to me, but i want to answer anyway hehe ;) No, Uncharted hasnt reached 100k in Japan yet and i doubt it ever will, but if its a bomb or not is not easy for me to say since i have no idea how many copies that were expected to be sold. Joshua's site shows tracking numbers for only 1 week, its at 16,914 copies sold. Famitsu top 20 PS3 games for 2007 has it at 38,242. Uncharted was released 6th December 2007, which means it sold about 12,500 copies in average each week uptil 31th December.

Bad or not, you tell me :) I would guess Uncharted has broken atleast 40k in Japan by now. Do anyone have any idea how big or small the expectations was for this game?

Thanks for the reply, I was curious to how it's progressed. Better than I expected, it may reach close to 100,000 yet. I was originally commenting on its sales because the poster I quoted was trying to say it didn't bomb, when I fully believe it did, in Japan and in the US. I haven't seen concrete numbers out of Europe, but it's been charting a lot there lately. I wasn't looking to discuss US or Europe here though, which brings me back to Japan, where it "bombed."

I think people are commenting about the game's release when they say it bombs, atleast that is how I think of it (and that is all the data we have when people say such things anyway). Whether the game picks up later or not doesn't change it bombing when it came out. I don't even really care for the term, as it seems even the worst bombs still manage to amount a fair number of copies these days, shown by Z&W's 300K sales worldwide.

I can't imagine expectations were very high for Uncharted in Japan, but at a minimum, based off reviews, word of mouth, and 360 sales of western games, an opening week of 30-50,000 would have quieted down a lot more people imo. Initial sales from the US were worse than Japan, because the expectation was definitely higher there.

Neo C.

Starchasing said:
Im just waiting for the first megaton for Wii. Its going to be hilarious and its bound to happen. I just hope its some big PS franchise that gets waggled
The more megatons, the more dramas. The MH3 announcement was big fun.:D
After MH3 and Fatal Frame 4, I think it's time to waggle the next franchise. One can hope for some big titles.


I think Nintendo should approach Kawazu about doing a Wii SaGa game. It's a solid brand (which used to be HUGE on GB/SFC) and a big budget "Romancing SaGa 4" or somesuch would nicely fill several holes in the Wii 3rd party landscape. Hell, they should even fund it like they did FFCC.

Beyond that, I'm not sure what other mainline Square Enix IP they could nab? Seiken Densetsu maybe but it's a bit tarnished and Wii's already overflowing with bigger ARPGs (Zelda, FFCC, MH3, SPM, etc). Chrono seems tough given the core staff is freelance or busy. I'd love Ogre Battle Saga or Vagrant Story, but the team's in shambles after FFXII and Matsuno's exit. FF, DQ and Star Ocean are spoken for, Front Mission's rumored for 360, tri-Ace is too busy for Valkyrie Profile... what else is there? Hanjuku Hero? Kingdom Hearts? :/


charlequin said:
Er... it made Sony the undisputed king of videogames for two generations. Sony's big mistake in pricing the PS3 doesn't actually undo the immense amount of money they brought in from two extremely successful generations based entirely around wooing third parties.
Well technically, it almost does. :p The PS2 generation of profits have already been devoured by the PS3 sinkhole.

(Nintendo btw made more money than SCEI even during those generations, though obviously the handheld market played a big part in that.)


Minsc said:
Thanks for the reply, I was curious to how it's progressed. Better than I expected, it may reach close to 100,000 yet. I was originally commenting on its sales because the poster I quoted was trying to say it didn't bomb, when I fully believe it did, in Japan and in the US. I haven't seen concrete numbers out of Europe, but it's been charting a lot there lately. I wasn't looking to discuss US or Europe here though, which brings me back to Japan, where it "bombed."

I think people are commenting about the game's release when they say it bombs, atleast that is how I think of it (and that is all the data we have when people say such things anyway). Whether the game picks up later or not doesn't change it bombing when it came out. I don't even really care for the term, as it seems even the worst bombs still manage to amount a fair number of copies these days, shown by Z&W's 300K sales worldwide.

I can't imagine expectations were very high for Uncharted in Japan, but at a minimum, based off reviews, word of mouth, and 360 sales of western games, an opening week of 30-50,000 would have quieted down a lot more people imo. Initial sales from the US were worse than Japan, because the expectation was definitely higher there.

No problem :) Ye, the game didnt exactly have a smashing opening in Japan (or worldwide for that matter), true that. I',m curious on what the LTD will be. It might reach close to 100k as you say, but i have really no idea. Depends on the price on the game and on how many stores that keeps on ordering it. I dont know how the situation is around this.

I hope it will chart on Famitsu's top 500 for 2008 so we get some new numbers. I doubt that will happend though, but maybe Sony will announce how many copies that are sold in Japan at some point. I doubt that too though hehe :\ But one can always hope :)
jman2050 said:
Wii's "DQIX" will come soon enough I believe, and the resulting thread for whatever game ends up being the smoking gun will be hilarious.

One can only hope !!!

I've heard this over and over. Being on a Nintendo platform had nothing to do with "crying and bitching" as you claim. To give you people some perspective, imagine Nintendo announce a new 3d Mario for the Wii2 or whatever..only to renounce it a year later and make it a DS exclusive! Awesome yes?

Let me taste your bitter tears...

Anyhow, i think it is only a matter of when will we have the first 3rd party megaton. The problem is that companies have invested lots of money on the PS3 prior to its comercial failure. People are still saying wii is just a fad, wait for BR etc etc Most companies must be changing their projects internally now and as i said, its just a matter of time


Minsc said:
I don't even really care for the term, as it seems even the worst bombs still manage to amount a fair number of copies these days, shown by Z&W's 300K sales worldwide.

Did Z&W really sell that much? If so it did a lot better than i expected.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
topscouse said:
Did Z&W really sell that much? If so it did a lot better than i expected.

Capcom has shipped that many, but there is no way Z&W has sold that much. Still, Capcom did mention the title as a positive for them when releasing financial results, so they must be relatively pleased at least.


Starchasing said:
Im just waiting for the first megaton for Wii. Its going to be hilarious and its bound to happen. I just hope its some big PS franchise that gets waggled

You're what's wrong with gaming.
vanguardian1 said:
Choice of words aside, it's wrong to be a gamer that's not interested in the PS3 or 360?
Of course not. But to gleefully hope that other gamers don't get what they're interested in? Douchebaggery of the highest order.


Once And Future Member
vanguardian1 said:
Choice of words aside, it's wrong to be a gamer that's not interested in the PS3 or 360?
Yes, how is that even possible? The fact that said poster wishes games assumed to go to one of those platforms goes to Wii instead shows they are interested in those platforms.

Unless you don't base console purchases on games, but instead out of loyalty to a company(who really just sees you as a number and don't care), although that would be stupid.


schuelma said:
Ehh..I'm skeptical. Especially given how Chocobo sold.

Oh, get off it! Square-Enix has two games for the Wii. A no-brainer good seller (though below my own expectations, well above Square-Enix's) and an, at worst, low-middling title. They are not going to write-off Wii development due to a big profit-maker and an, at worst, minor loss project. Square is stupid. Enix is not. Guess which side each of those games belonged to.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
donny2112 said:
Oh, get off it! Square-Enix has two games for the Wii. A no-brainer good seller (though below my own expectations, well above Square-Enix's) and an, at worst, low-middling title. They are not going to write-off Wii development due to a big profit-maker and an, at worst, minor loss project. Square is stupid. Enix is not. Guess which side each of those games belonged to.

I hope you're right


Fredescu said:
It's not wrong so much as not possible.

Of course. As soon as the Wii starts getting those games it'll be a whole different shit show. It wont be about how the Wii doesn't get the third party support, it will be about how those games SHOULD be on the 360 and PS3, just like the MH3 announcement.:lol

Third parties are damned if they do and damned if they don't by you guys.

If they don't make the games for Wii you say third parties can't sell on it but if they do put them out on Wii then you bitch about how they should have been on the other two instead. How can they win...
BishopLamont said:
Or he's hoping to get the games he wants?
No, he's looking forward to it because "it's going to be hilarious" when people complain about losing out, not because he wants anything specific to play. I'm all for hoping more great games come out on Wii. Couching that in terms of denying others, though, means his priorities are out of whack.


Liabe Brave said:
No, he's looking forward to it because "it's going to be hilarious" when people complain about losing out, not because he wants anything specific to play. I'm all for hoping more great games come out on Wii. Couching that in terms of denying others, though, means his priorities are out of whack.

Are you hoping for more games on Wii or are you hoping for games on Wii that aren't the big games that would make everyone say that the support has changed?


Xeke said:
Of course. As soon as the Wii starts getting those games it'll be a whole different shit show. It wont be about how the Wii doesn't get the third party support, it will be about how those games SHOULD be on the 360 and PS3, just like the MH3 announcement.:lol
MH3 covers the japanese market pretty well. For the west it needs some good shooters with co-op and all the works. Hopefully the success of RE4 and Ghost Squad might spur some quality full FPS/TPS games, but we haven't heard of any in development yet that I know of.


G4life98 said:
ani, are there any notable numbers from your store and you feel are worth reporting? like brawl or gta pre-orders?

Brawl is at 314, and looks like it will hit 375-400, or maybe slightly less. I don't have anything else right now. Maybe Friday or Saturday.


First Children said:
DS needs a new Brain Training/Nintendogs style of game, a new IP with that impact, some kind of 'musical training' would be nice.

DS needs nothing. It's sold over 20 million in 3 years. Give it a break.


Liabe Brave said:
Of course not. But to gleefully hope that other gamers don't get what they're interested in? Douchebaggery of the highest order.

Liabe Brave said:
No, he's looking forward to it because "it's going to be hilarious" when people complain about losing out, not because he wants anything specific to play. I'm all for hoping more great games come out on Wii. Couching that in terms of denying others, though, means his priorities are out of whack.

I'm torn between wanting to see Wii-only owners never get a single worthwhile game ever and my desire to see spates of irrational conniptions from graphic whores when major franchises are shunted down to the Wii.

I'll admit, I am a complete ass. Of the very highest order.


ethelred said:
I'm torn between wanting to see Wii-only owners never get a single worthwhile game ever and my desire to see spates of irrational conniptions from graphic whores when major franchises are shunted down to the Wii.

I'll admit, I am a complete ass. Of the very highest order.
theres nothing wrong with being a Wii-only gamer.
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