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Media Create Sales: Week 45, 2013 (Nov 04 - Nov 10)


I've been meaning to ask, but do you know the price tag for the early titles released for the WiiU? Are they still the same now or have they gone down in price??

Nintendo doesn't generally do price drops on software. It's possible individual retailers have dropped prices, but I'm not sure.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
I'd also like to take issue with the "10 million" every generation except Wii thing I see everywhere. I think ignoring in this case the pattern only fits when the Wii is conveniently ignored. The Wii had a base it's not getting back but you can't just ignore it and claim there's a trend as a result.

I've had this argument a million times on GAF, but treating the Wii as anything other than an anomaly on any kind of trend chart is doing yourself a disservice. That 80-million+ extended audience isn't coming back for a long time if ever, and the WiiU fitting so perfectly into the previous downward slope speaks volumes.

Yes the Wii happened, yes it made them a shit-ton of money, but going forward its just not relevant to their future.

I wonder how much 3D World will help.

Mario Kart 8 will help a ton in the spring, right?

When people speak of "helping", what outcome are they ever looking at for WiiU? Third party support is at this point not coming back. So the only metric would be Nintendo's own first party software selling to "okay" levels after the install base is boosted by a Mario Kart spike or whatever. The problem then is the 3DS is right there and everyone can say "well why didn't you make this on 3DS instead and sold five times as much?"


I doubt it. 3DS will be down again. PS3 will pretty much collapse. PSP will be dead. I want to say PSV will be down because the price drop boosted it, but it might actually be up depending on how much momentum comes in this holiday. And with what we know of the PS4 lineup, it will be under 10k pretty quickly.
Yep...The PS4 situation in Japan will probably be a strange one as I fully expect it to do well elsewhere while I expect Wii U level sales in Japan.
I've had this argument a million times on GAF, but treating the Wii as anything other than an anomaly on any kind of trend chart is doing yourself a disservice. That 80-million+ extended audience isn't coming back for a long time if ever, and the WiiU fitting so perfectly into the previous downward slope speaks volumes.

Yes the Wii happened, yes it made them a shit-ton of money, but going forward its just not relevant to their future.

Your theoretical trend is as good as mine. The biggest bone I have to pick with this theory is, again, that it ignores the Wii to further it's own agenda rather than place itself in reality. The truth of the matter is far more complicated then "Each Nintendo Console Drops 10 Million" and pointing to that as a trend not only fully ignores the Wii but assumes that it's an irreversible trend that can't change when the fact is that the console market has too many variables to ever make some sort of line of regression between consoles, let alone a linear one.

Kid Ying

It will be hard for 3DS not to decline, PS3 is a lock (it's already declining for a couple of years). But PSV, Wiiu are probably going to do better than this year... I guess.

And MS, i find pretty hard that Wiiu will not get above 50k on holidays. Last week we had it at 40k!

L Thammy

The only difference I see between Capcom for Vita and 3DS is pretty much the same!

For 3DS, you listed one port. You also listed an original game made from old assets, Mercenaries 3D, which you referred to as a port. You also listed an expansion, MH3G, which you called a port. Then you listed five original games, one of which is going to be part of a multimedia franchise. And you also forget that sound-based original title that Capcom released early in the 3DS' life, something something mansion.

You then listed two ports for Vita. Dragon's Dogma Quest is coming to iOS before hitting Vita, so I'll let you decide if that's multiplatform or not. It's not an exclusive at any rate, and it certainly doesn't suggest that the two systems are being treated the same.

As for "3DS has 3 ports before it started getting original content." I don't think that Capcom needs to hit a certain number of ports before they start releasing original content - we knew about Revelations before the 3DS launched, if I recall.

This week's thread sure is snipey

Console launches in the air.

I always think it's terrible when we start grouping members into camps. It's a lot better when it's the statements that are discussed.


PS4 sales in Japan could be really weird. Especially when a number of major launch Japanese titles are also... on the PS3.
I doubt it. 3DS will be down again. PS3 will pretty much collapse. PSP will be dead. I want to say PSV will be down because the price drop boosted it, but it might actually be up depending on how much momentum comes in this holiday. And with what we know of the PS4 lineup, it will be under 10k pretty quickly.

January and February before price drop were super bad in 2012 for Vita. Riding the wave from FF X HD on 26.12 those initial weeks should give it enough YOY advantage to cover price drop.


I've had this argument a million times on GAF, but treating the Wii as anything other than an anomaly on any kind of trend chart is doing yourself a disservice. That 80-million+ extended audience isn't coming back for a long time if ever, and the WiiU fitting so perfectly into the previous downward slope speaks volumes.

Yes the Wii happened, yes it made them a shit-ton of money, but going forward its just not relevant to their future.

How is the biggest sales boon of the company's history irrelevant?
Yeah besides the terrible Wii U collapse, there's not really much to discuss here. Also how do people possibly think Wii U will stabilize at above 15k when it dropped 20k in a week.This thing is going below or at least close to below 10k. 3D World and Taiko will save it, but I'm starting to think it won't be able to sell above 50k in December
Presumably you mean 50K/week in December.
That's the low bar I've set for it. I don't see it doing much more than that.

We both know the the Wii U has no future.
Prove me wrong, Wii U, prove me wrong.


Junior Member
Nintendo doesn't generally do price drops on software. It's possible individual retailers have dropped prices, but I'm not sure.

Ah. I only asked 'cos I thought cheap arse early titles wouldn't hurt. NSMBU & ZombiU for £19.99 equivalent in Yen might not be so bad...

"A ton" is arguable at this point. Nintendo has mismanaged this system so badly, that I'm starting to think there's no fixing it. I think, come January, we'll be able to reasonably estimate the future for the system, and exactly how bleak it will be.

I want to hear about Iwats'a strategy for next year and years beyond. That is, if he is the one around to make them. :lol

Total consoles YTD
YTD: 6.470.357
Last YTD: 6.831.046

3DS + PSV + Wii U can't help overcome the decline of the PS3, PSP, and Wii. I wonder if the PS4 will help next year since presumably, all other consoles are likely to be in a decline.

Everyone's spending WiiU money on PSV. So...
... all hail our 3DS Overlord!


The Wii U collapse is not surprising. They didn't really alleviate any of the Wii U's problems. There's nothing compelling for the system at the moment and a bundle of games that have been out for the console isn't going to keep the Wii U afloat. When your console lacks software of course it's going to drop. People who were holding on buying the console until a bundle came along bought the system, but you've ignored people who want more games. At least Mario will fix this to some extent, right? Maybe they should have kept DKC on schedule for release this year rather than delay the game.


The Wii U bundle wonder is over early. Back where it belongs, being more dead than the Vita :p
It really needs more games to have a sustainable sales growth.

PSV | 22.924

Time to get this shit engraved.

Let me suggest this one: PS Vita - the champion.


I doubt it. 3DS will be down again. PS3 will pretty much collapse. PSP will be dead. I want to say PSV will be down because the price drop boosted it, but it might actually be up depending on how much momentum comes in this holiday. And with what we know of the PS4 lineup, it will be under 10k pretty quickly.
I'm hoping the PS4 does well, but yea, I don't see it doing too hotly, but it will be much better than the Wii U. I think it will stay in the 15K range rather than under 10K.

I don't really have much faith in any other platform to go up YOY, but that's more due to the 3DS having a great year in terms of software, and the Vita doing well during the price drop period and now doing okay during the new model period, and it had a good amount of software as well.


Sales-Age Genius
For Square it wasn't until PSP's 2nd year 2007 that it got the original title Crisis Core.

If anything this shows that history is repeating itself. Main difference is that 3DS has more titles than Vita but not by much. Vita side of things could potentially follow PSP path for Square. How you do it does not matter "You have to warm up to someone before you give it your all <3"

I see there are still people who believe in miracles.
[B]FAMITSU HARDWARE SALES, WEEK 45, 2013 (November 4th - November 10th):[/B]

3DS - 74,255
PSV - 22,924
[B]WIU - 14,060[/B]
PS3 - 11,932
PSP - 3,424
WII - 793
360 - 245

A 65% week-over-week decline is a horrible retention for Wii U, but it was to be expected.

I fear for the system creeping back into <10K territory after Super Mario 3D World / Taiko no Tatsujin releases. Lack of a baseline shift is the real danger of the system. The more it keeps dipping into abysmal levels, the less likely third-parties will decide to support it.
WiiU dropped like a rock. Expected though.

It is not a miracle if it already happened once (or twice, if you add the PS3).

3DS and PS3 both have great third party support, wiht the 3DS also having Japan's biggest first party IP's. WiiU and to a slightly lesser extent Vita have poor third party support and Vita has a distinct lack of big 1st party IP's.
Wii U sales

Kid Ying

The PS3 is going to be the dominant home console this winter. No amount of Super Mario 3D world can save it
No way. PS3 is on a downward trend the whole year and its last holidays weren't great either. Wii U don't even need to do well to surpass it on the holidays.

I don't know what to expect of Wiiu on december, but i know 50k would be god awful. I think Nintendo can do much better. I just don't know if they will. lol


what's wrong with the 3DS?

this year numbers are pathetic compared to last years...

Animal Crossing New Leaf came out last year.

Yeah, comparing a major release week to one without one will almost never look as strong despite the health of a platform.

Unless you mean it being relatively the same YTD-wise, at which point I'd just suggest there is a demand cap that, while pretty high, is still lower than last gen as mobile eats at aspects of the DS audience.


Why are strippers at the U.N. bad when they're great at strip clubs???
[B]FAMITSU HARDWARE SALES, WEEK 45, 2013 (November 4th - November 11th):[/B]

3DS - 74,255
[B]WIU - 14,060[/B]
PSV - 22,924
PS3 - 11,932
PSP - 3,424
WII - 793
360 - 245

A 65% week-over-week decline is a horrible retention for Wii U, but it was to be expected.

I fear for the system creeping back into <10K territory after Super Mario 3D World / Taiko no Tatsujin releases. Lack of a baseline shift is the real danger of the system. The more it keeps dipping into abysmal levels, the less likely third-parties will decide to support it.

The less likely we will see a decent operating profit from Nintendo as well. I'm seriously contemplating on selling my shares now, 12% return if so, the lowest gain in my portfolio, and have a wait and see approach until March and seek other avenues for improving my portfolio.
It just gets a little bit weird when this week Vita pulls in okay stable baseline sales with no real big software to speak of, and people are still trying to kick it in the teeth for quite frankly very transparent transference. The ghost of Laguna is a powerful force in MC threads, and as the distasteful event of really good Vita sales next week crests the waves, his power over the weakened forces in this thread is fueled further still and at an all time high...
You lost me here... I don't know what you mean.


No game will save the Wii U. What it needs is a steady flow of games and it won't get one from Nintendo 1st party only and 3rd party either bombed or doesn't care.

Yeah, comparing a major release week to one without one will almost never look as strong despite the health of a platform.

Unless you mean it being relatively the same YTD-wise, at which point I'd just suggest there is a demand cap that, while pretty high, is still lower than last gen as mobile eats at aspects of the DS audience.

Yeah Nintendo needs to figure something out for their next gen handheld and home console or else mobile will continue to eat their market share.
Nintendo should be looking at the way Apple tried to turn iPod users into Mac owners I think. No idea how but it's the WiiU's only hope I think. Smash Bros might be able to achieve some of this, but perhaps too little too late (and likely without any cross buy)

Feels like Animal Crossing, Pokemon and Mario are more the pillars of Nintendo these days than their hardware.


Media Create Maven
Cringing at the Wii U drop... 17k from Media Create seemed slightly better than the 14k of Famitsu... so Japan has 4 Wii U titles left this year?

Mario 3D World - 11/22
Taiko - 11/22
Mario & Sonic - 12/5
Monster Hunter Frontier G - 12/11

... and then next year we have like no Japanese third party titles except Puyo Puyo?....

Sigh... Maybe Nintendo needs to start moneyhatting Western games to be Wii U exclusive or at least ported to Wii U. Not that it's helping the 360, but at least the shelves might not be empty.

And to whoever said 3.9 million consoles in Japan for the Wii U would be disastrous, the GameCube sold 4 million in Japan, just as a reference point.


Media Create Maven
Cringing at the Wii U drop... 17k from Media Create seemed slightly better than the 14k of Famitsu... so Japan has 4 Wii U titles left this year?

Mario 3D World - 11/22
Taiko - 11/22
Mario & Sonic - 12/5
Monster Hunter Frontier G - 12/11

... and then next year we have like no Japanese third party titles except Puyo Puyo?....

Sigh... Maybe Nintendo needs to start moneyhatting Western games to be Wii U exclusive or at least ported to Wii U. Not that it's helping the 360, but at least the shelves might not be empty.

And to whoever said 3.9 million consoles in Japan for the Wii U would be disastrous, the GameCube sold 4 million in Japan, just as a reference point.

I forgot about Disney Infinity on Wii U and 3DS - November 28, 2013

But still a pretty small list.


Wow, Wii Party U has only sold 53k after 2 weeks, and most of those in hardware bundles. That is pretty terrible. Maybe this will be Nintendo's wakeup call that the casuals are gone and they are not coming back. Hopefully they'll stop screwing around and wasting time making "party" games and focus on the good stuff.


Wow, Wii Party U has only sold 53k after 2 weeks, and most of those in hardware bundles. That is pretty terrible. Maybe this will be Nintendo's wakeup call that the casuals are gone and they are not coming back. Hopefully they'll stop screwing around and wasting time making "party" games and focus on the good stuff.

It has sold 106k, it's actually one of the best performing titles on the wii u...


Wow, Wii Party U has only sold 53k after 2 weeks, and most of those in hardware bundles. That is pretty terrible. Maybe this will be Nintendo's wakeup call that the casuals are gone and they are not coming back. Hopefully they'll stop screwing around and wasting time making "party" games and focus on the good stuff.

Eh... if they don't target softcore gamers then who the hell are they going to target?
Wow, Wii Party U has only sold 53k after 2 weeks, and most of those in hardware bundles. That is pretty terrible. Maybe this will be Nintendo's wakeup call that the casuals are gone and they are not coming back. Hopefully they'll stop screwing around and wasting time making "party" games and focus on the good stuff.

So that's 2 territories where the Wii ___ series is basically irrelevant now. And considering how badly the original Wii Party did on the Wii in America in comparison to the other territories, I'm not expecting much. The interesting thing is what Nintendo will puti these teams to doing now that their casual boom is over. They've basically only being working on these types of games for the last 8 years, so part me thinks they will keep trying until it becomes unprofitable
Eh... if they don't target softcore gamers then who the hell are they going to target?
Everyone else? At least with Wii U, they've built a device that the audience they got with the Wii doesn't want.
Like other have said already, 3DS is going to fall behind its 2012 YTD next week.

With Pokemon + MH + Tomodachi I honestly thought it was going to outsell its last year YTD very easily but it doesn't seem like it.


Wow, Wii Party U has only sold 53k after 2 weeks, and most of those in hardware bundles. That is pretty terrible. Maybe this will be Nintendo's wakeup call that the casuals are gone and they are not coming back. Hopefully they'll stop screwing around and wasting time making "party" games and focus on the good stuff.

That's the MC number, so without bundles. Look at Famitsu's 100k+ for the bundles included.

And it would be foolish to judge Wii Party U on two weeks of sales. Considering the position the U is in, it is already doing quite well. Casual games don't make most of their sales upfront, if word of mouth is good it will see rising sales too at some points.


It just gets a little bit weird when this week Vita pulls in okay stable baseline sales with no real big software to speak of, and people are still trying to kick it in the teeth for quite frankly very transparent transference. The ghost of Laguna is a powerful force in MC threads, and as the distasteful event of really good Vita sales next week crests the waves, his power over the weakened forces in this thread is fueled further still and at an all time high...

The Ghost of Laguna haunts all the juniors.

Seems like teeth-gnashing is tied to Vita sales lately.

Also, Exestra or whatever that garbage is: can we finally lay to rest the, "Any game on Vita would sell better on 3DS" arguments?

Edit: Do people think the PS3 could get a bit of a second wind with a price cut? Or is it's install base more or less maxed?
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