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Metroid: Samus Returns (Mercury Steam, Metroid 2 reimagining, 9/15) announced for 3DS

Eh, first at all, its a remake and the 3D animations looks bad, I guess thats why the 2D fan project was killed. The fans made a better job , a gorgeous 2D work than this game


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
I don't care what platform this on as long as I get to play it. And Metroid 2 is the only one I never played so this is perfect. I would've preferred an actual 2D game in Zero Mission/Fusion style but this is fine too


I sold my launch 3DS a few weeks ago


That would suck... so... bad...

I never imagined I would buy a new 3DS game... I'm not sure if I could push someone to buy another 3DS just for this... but man... it's a 2D Metroid... if that's not a system seller, I don't know what is...
I know Spotlight was all about Switch but if they really wanted to please the Metroid fans, I think this would have been better than just a logo.

Doesn't LOOK amazing but I'm sure it'll be a blast. Will it be full price?


This doesn't actually look half bad, and I guess it sorta vindicates Nintendo for how they shut down AM2R (even though that's still a dick move).

Cautiously optimistic.


Oh, this trailer got me worried. This better not be the Other M music composer. Other than the main theme the soundtrack for that game is garbage.

I need to hear the Metroid 2 main tunnel theme to feel safe...

It's both Kenji Yamamoto and Minako Hamano, who worked on Super and Fusion. Yamamoto also composed for all three Prime games.

Super excited now!


Woooooooo! Even if it is a remake, it takes the sting out of MP4 for me. Of course that sting has been replaced by the sting of a 3DS Metroid when I have a fucking Switch. Nintendo always finding a way to throttle back my hype for me.


It's based on Metroid II, so it will be a hit or miss with people (as shown by this thread). I'm loving every minute of this.


Just like Mirror of Fate, basically.

MoF was garbage and had tons of problems but the visuals were not one of them. It looked great and made great use of the 3D so on that level I can see why they picked. If Nintendo helps them fix the level design, combat, and performance this could totally work.


People complain about everything. They're angry that developing duties have been relegated to Mercury Steam. They're also angry that EAD and not Retro is doing Prime 4 because "they have no FPS experience". Like really? Stop clinging to the status quo.

This is a remake, so I don't get why people are up in a fuss. Grezzo was a no-name developer until they were tasked with remaking Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask on 3DS, and those remakes are excellent. It's not like Mercury Steam will make their own Metroid game, jesus.

This is confirmed that Metroid prime 4 is developed by EAD and not Retro ? I thought it was Retro since they are silent since DKTF


I'm hyped, looks like basically a new game despite being a remake. Metroid II is worst core Metroid, so glad to be playing something updated.
This is why these live gameplay demos are great and important. This looks great to me, and as off-putting as MercurySteam's involvement is... I'm not entirely dismissive because this looks pretty good so far.


It's like Shadow Complex mixed with Other M. Maybe Mercury Steam and Sakamoto can redeem themselves. Sakamoto did good work on 2D Metroids so I'm optimistic.


I don't think this looks ugly. Would've preferred sprites? Absolutely. But I'll take this.

A 2D Metroid game in 2017 is a fuckin luxury. I'll take it.. And I'm happy as FUCK.

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
So, watching a bit more of it... this actually looks quite good.

But fuck, bump the resolution up and put it on the Switch. 3DS needs to die.


People who don't think this looks great, what is wrong with you?! I love what I'm seeing so much I stopped watching because I want to keep the surprises fresh! But thank you, Nintendo!
I don't think there is any chance this game is as good as AM2R. It's mercury steam, I don't have that much faith in them. The look isn't great.

If you claim to be a metroid fan and didn't play AM2R you have no clue what you are missing.

But I'll still buy this, I'll take metroid any way I can.
I am very excited for a new 2D Metroid! I am also very worried about the Other M-ass design (melee counter? really?), Sakamoto being at the helm again, and it being on the 3DS (LET IT DIE ALREADY NINTENDO PLEASE). But hey! Metroid Prime 4 is confirmed and we'll always have AM2R as a more traditional alternative Metroid II remake.

I do appreciate that they've gone out of their way to show off wall jumping and infinite bomb jumping.


So the OT for this when it's out HAS to be "Another Metroid 2 Remake" right?

Also, do you think this was happening before AM2R came out/got the attention? Or is this a response to the love AM2R got?

It does suck it's only on the 3DS though, would've been nice to have it on the Switch, more incentive for me to get a Switch.


Drunky McMurder
Why are people saying it's ugly?

Mostly on account of how ugly it looks, probably.

It's a low quality looking polygonal game for an old handheld. It does look ugly, especially if you're not used to playing even uglier 3ds games. It looks demonstrably worse than the fan remake.


wow, wasn't expecting the thread to be so angry

quite happy that we're getting more 2d metroid, even if it's a remake
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