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Metroid: Samus Returns (Mercury Steam, Metroid 2 reimagining, 9/15) announced for 3DS

Not sure I agree with the 'it will sell better on 3DS' stuff.

Switch sales aren't exactly bad right? Imagine how a brand new (remade) Metroid game coming soon into launch would do on the console?

I think that would be a pretty damn big deal, could even work against it being on 3DS this late into it's run, would have sold much better a few years ago.


Well, it looks... alright, I guess. It's ugly, but that's to be expected from 3DS. I've wanted a new 2D Metroid for a long time, but I'll be passing on this. I'm not going back to the 3DS at this point, I'm just not. What a shame this is.
I feel like I'm the only one who played AM2R and thought "this is an okay fan game that they put effort into," and then stopped halfway through because it was still clearly a rough fan game and didn't see why everyone was freaking out about it.
Agreed. Like, props to the guy who made it for sure, but I think most people just freaked out because they really wanted a 2D Metroid.

Or maybe I'm out of touch.


Switch gets Prime 4
3DS gets Metroid: Samus Returns

Stop complaining, damn 2 proper Metroid games announced is amazing.

Damn straight, especially when pretty much NO ONE expected any kind of Metroid announcements. I never would've thought this could've happened.



For YEARS, a lot of you would bitch about the lack of Metroid at these events. Now we get not one but TWO Metroid announcements.

All I read is
"It's ugly"
"Looks easy"
"AM2R looks better"
"Eww, it's on 3DS"


People should be concerned with the developer more than the visuals.

They have proven with two Castlevania games that they don't know how to do this type of game if their studio depended on it.

Nintendo better have deep oversight, or you're going to see a game with deep canyons.

There is more than enough reason to be concerned here, but it needs to be specific.


Looks great. Will buy. I'd also buy a Switch port later, but I'm happy with the 3DS for now knowing that Prime 4 is coming.
Look: if you really insist on being a pessimist, if the game turns out badly, you can always blame MercurySteam (though we know you'll blame Sakamoto) and take heart in the fact that Prime 4 is happening and the series won't be indefinitely MIA.

Looks great so far, though I'm mainly worried that the environments won't be organic enough for the route-finding aspect of the game to be meaningful. A lot rides on the quality of the map layout.

Oh hey, infinite bomb jump is back.


Ask me about the moon landing or the temperature at which jet fuel burns. You may be surprised at what you learn.

For YEARS, a lot of you would bitch about the lack of Metroid at these events. Now we get not one but TWO Metroid announcements.

All I read is
"It's ugly"
"Looks easy"
"AM2R looks better"
"Eww, it's on 3DS"


Dude this is blessed. Nintendo won E3.

Theres lots of us excited. Why focus on the naysayers, there will ALWAYS be naysayers. Dont let them get to you.

Green Yoshi

I sold my launch 3DS a few weeks ago


Time to buy a shiny New 3DS XL. :)
I feel like I'm the only one who played AM2R and thought "this is an okay fan game that they put effort into," and then stopped halfway through because it was still clearly a rough fan game and didn't see why everyone was freaking out about it.
I mean, 2016 was a dark time for Metroid fans.
Agreed. Like, props to the guy who made it for sure, but I think most people just freaked out because they really wanted a 2D Metroid.

Or maybe I'm out of touch.

I thought it was a fantastic game. Really great combat and great exploration.

I like this counter mechanic. It's clean and simple.


I feel like I'm the only one who played AM2R and thought "this is an okay fan game that they put effort into," and then stopped halfway through because it was still clearly a rough fan game and didn't see why everyone was freaking out about it.

Yeah for real, all these "I'll just play AM2R" comments are making me wonder whether I played the same game as everyone. It was well made but I feel as a game it just coasts off of the fact that it was made by one person. I'm more excited about what Sakamoto and the original designers can do to update this. So far this looks great, even if it's not as graphically "pretty" as AM2R was.


I feel like I'm the only one who played AM2R and thought "this is an okay fan game that they put effort into," and then stopped halfway through because it was still clearly a rough fan game and didn't see why everyone was freaking out about it.

Some of the bosses are rather janky. Queen Metroid even has some triggers that can break easily and make you skip phases. It's a cool effort and easily better than the source, but it doesn't hold a candle to post-Metroid 2 efforts that came out.


Super Member
The combat looks like if has more impact. It always made sense that Samus should clobber baddies with her massive arm cannon.



For YEARS, a lot of you would bitch about the lack of Metroid at these events. Now we get not one but TWO Metroid announcements.

All I read is
"It's ugly"
"Looks easy"
"AM2R looks better"
"Eww, it's on 3DS"


This seems like a dumb comment. Like, if you were wanting a pizza for weeks, and you finally go to get one and it tastes and looks like shit, are you just happy because you finally got that pizza?
New 2D handheld Metroid and new console Prime. Everything is okay now.

I'm cool with how it looks. I wasn't expecting sprites. Looks like a Prime aesthetic cut down for handheld.


While Mercury Steam's output certainly is less than stellar, this looks really good and I am excited for it. They seem to be getting it right based on what I am seeing here. Crazy this releases so soon.


AM2R is a fantastic game.

But this looks like it will be very different from AM2R, both visually and in gameplay.

So quit the AM2R comparisons.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
So much bitching here, I guess some of you would have been happier if nothing was being made? I think it looks great.


Eh, I'll buy it if they release it on switch at some point. I'm not going back to the 3DS now, would rather work on the backlog I have.

For YEARS, a lot of you would bitch about the lack of Metroid at these events. Now we get not one but TWO Metroid announcements.

All I read is
"It's ugly"
"Looks easy"
"AM2R looks better"
"Eww, it's on 3DS"


"It's better than nothing" didn't help Mighty No. 9 either.
I feel like I'm the only one who played AM2R and thought "this is an okay fan game that they put effort into," and then stopped halfway through because it was still clearly a rough fan game and didn't see why everyone was freaking out about it.
AM2R is cool but at the end of the day Metroid 2 is still a pretty shit game at its core which is why a remake with remade gameplay like this is very welcome.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
We have 2 Metroids coming. I don't get why people are upset that this is a 3DS game. It looks outstanding.

It's not hard to understand. It's disappointing for people who don't (or no longer) own 3DS/2DS and don't want to buy/rebuy.

I'm not upset personally. I've got too many games to play as is and pared down the number of platforms I own so I'm used to missing out on certain games. No skin off my nose. Hopefully it comes to Switch later and I'll play it then. If not, oh well.


This seems like a dumb comment. Like, if you were wanting a pizza for weeks, and you finally go to get one and it tastes and looks like shit, are you just happy because you finally got that pizza?

Analogy doesn't hold water as I think this pizza looks and tastes alright, I just wish it was in more than one box.

(Yes I wish this was on Switch too but I'm glad Prime 4 got announced anyway)


I think the game looks fantastic, I also enjoyed the fan remake a lot but the new features in this look really cool
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