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Metroid: Samus Returns (Mercury Steam, Metroid 2 reimagining, 9/15) announced for 3DS


Nintendo does a lot of checks and balances for these developers. Have a bit more faith in them!

Yeah, I had a similar reaction back when the original Metroid Prime was revealed to be developed by Retro, they proved themselves more than capable, hopefully the same happens here.


Junior Member
I sold my launch 3DS a few weeks ago


May I tell you about our lord and savior 2DChrist?

Man, this looks good. Really good. Reggie with the 'before you go...'
I'd love for them to prove me wrong but Mercury Steam?

Gameplay looks like Metroid to me. Nintendo usually get the most out of their partners and help them raise the level of their output.

Like you guys are still watching this right? Mercury Steam or not this still looks like it plays really well

Yea, looks pretty good to me.

Because it looks bad. Why not go with sprites?

Yea, I would prefer Sprites but I'm just happy to have a new 2D Metroid (and 3D Metroid).


This is looking good. WTF are people complaining about?
I just watched the trailer, but it looks awesome. I'm glad they're going for a reimagining instead of a straight remake.

The melee uppercut looks like it will make the evolved Metroid fights less obnoxious. And INFINITE BOMB JUMPING


I'm fine with this. Can't wait. The fan game had a slight mosaic element to the visuals that bothered me, since there was a mix of sprite work and additional original assets.


Even if this is a 6/10 I'm buying it because I want to express support for THIS TYPE of Metroid Game and that we want more of them. It's really important this sells better than Federation Force.


What's up with the art style? It looks way too bright, the animation is off, and there is NO atmosphere to be found. It looks so extremely bad! Compare this to Zero Missiok and Fusion.


I don't understand all the complaints. Just because the company put out a bad Castlevania game many years ago doesn't mean automatically this will be horrible. And looking it at the treehouse stream it could potentially be a very good game, at the very least competent.


Ask me about the moon landing or the temperature at which jet fuel burns. You may be surprised at what you learn.
OMG WHAT! It looks pretty good too (for a 3DS game)

OK Nintendo just won this E3. I'll dust my 3DS off for this
I feel like I'm the only one who played AM2R and thought "this is an okay fan game that they put effort into," and then stopped halfway through because it was still clearly a rough fan game and didn't see why everyone was freaking out about it.


Weird move from Nintendo to have Federation Force be met with such a negative reception, and think giving a Metroid II remake to MercurySteam would end well. I mean if the game doesn't end up great there's going to be an outcry again.

Lets hope Nintendo are keeping a close eye.


I just bought a 3ds and I am still new to the Franchise (only played the GBA exclusive and the first prime) and I can proudly say that I will be there day one.


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
Holy shit. I don't even care it's on the 3DS. I'm just glad Metroid is back.

The new mechanics look fun. Good trailer.



For YEARS, a lot of you would bitch about the lack of Metroid at these events. Now we get not one but TWO Metroid announcements.

All I read is
"It's ugly"
"Looks easy"
"AM2R looks better"
"Eww, it's on 3DS"


boiled goose

good with gravy
I feel like I'm the only one who played AM2R and thought "this is an okay fan game that they put effort into," and then stopped halfway through because it was still clearly a rough fan game and didn't see why everyone was freaking out about it.
To me it was a solid metroid game so I enjoyed it. I love metroidvanias


watching the gameplay on Treehouse this looks great for a 3DS game you know compared to other 3DS games


Not feeling the 3D here, why not 2D sprites? Is the 3D cheaper or something?

Yes, is cheaper,

I'm Glad Nintendo is going to Realease a New Metroid in this perspective, i'm going to buy it,

But there is no way this is going to surpass AM2R, and the comparisons are Inevitable.


I feel like I'm the only one who played AM2R and thought "this is an okay fan game that they put effort into," and then stopped halfway through because it was still clearly a rough fan game and didn't see why everyone was freaking out about it.

Apparently some goofballs think that can compete with an actual official product.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
Dislike playing on the 3DS. Wildly uncomfortable compared to Switch.

I've retired that system and moved on.

Yep. I hate not being able to support it, but I strongly disliked the 3DS hardware and there's no way I'll buy a 3DS or 2DS just for this. If they port it to Switch I'll buy day one, otherwise I'll just have to pass. C'est le vie.


Mostly on account of how ugly it looks, probably.

It's a low quality looking polygonal game for an old handheld. It does look ugly, especially if you're not used to playing even uglier 3ds games. It looks demonstrably worse than the fan remake.

Didnt' that fan remake reuse sprites from other actual games?
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