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Microsoft / Activision Deal Approval Watch |OT| (MS/ABK close)

Do you believe the deal will be approved?

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Moderated wildly
So your grand logic is that the exclusivity window is over, but the Xbox user base just wouldn’t support the game enough to justify the cost of porting… yet SE has no problem releasing other games on Xbox. Hell didnt Xbox get FF7 Crisis Core 😆 So the PSP prequel port is viable but the port of the actual game is not 🤔

Even if your delusional logic was actually correct, it just goes to show the effect Sonys position in the market is having on competition. If the fan base for FF7 on Xbox isn’t strong enough to warrant a port, that would surely be a direct result of Sony paying to keep games off the platform. Games that it is much easier for Sony to sign deals for because of their position.

Of course that’s ignoring the fact that Sony signed a deal for that game and multiple other SE games to keep them off Xbox. Are you implying Sony is just signing deals for games they don’t even need to sign deals for because SE isn’t going to make the games for Xbox anyway? Again, 😆

Haha, exactly....ff7 is not viable or any point to launch on xbox....


some people don't think before posting..


Microsoft is on the ropes

Arrested Development Eye Roll GIF

This is why I can't take the discussions here seriously most of the time.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
I'm not blaming Sony for all of microsofts issues at all. I'm just saying they are definitely in the best position to continue to beat Microsoft down.

Microsoft is on the ropes and they need some strong first party haymaker to compete with Sony but that won't be a KO. This is a long competitive battle and let's see how it goes.
More pity party exaggeration for the $2 Trillion David vs the $0.09 Trillion bully Goliath…

I hope this purchase gives us plenty more times of fun as I honestly don't cate which way it goes.
Ha Ha Smile GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

Yeah right ;).

Seriously, this generation has been a rollercoaster / pendulum swinging between cheering MS infinite resources (XSX launch hype) to crying about them as if they were being the poor little competitor being bullied around by the giant evil corps back to being in awe about their size and wealth and influence back to throwing a pity part because they “are on the ropes” being bullied unfairly by the 100x smaller company that is protesting about MS spending for two of the biggest multiplatform publishers almost as much as it is worth to start content starving them (with some of its fans cheering it as helping fair and healthy competition 😂)… then back to crying about Sony growing by making MS smaller to then barking about “They Gave Peace a Chance” as if they were a cartoon villain and back to the pity party circus…

What made this for me is people arguing about $40 Million for Psygnosis in 1993 (inflation adjusted) needing to be counter acted by MS with $80 Billion or so for Zenimax and Activision - Blizzard both 😂. It is a circus: the more people coming in the weirder the arguments ;).
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GAF's Pleasant Genius
Who’s dominating in the industry we’re talking about? ;)
Who is currently on top? The company that despite its smaller size played its cards over 25 or so years well which is how a properly competitive market rewards producers and consumers.

Nobody is saying poor bullied MS cannot compete, but that does not excuse market altering moves when over the last 20 years and counting they could have competed in a way that created more additional value than taking profits in their other monopolies and just buying the biggest publishers to content starve their competitors… what’s next? Buying AMD to weaken them from the HW side too? Oh yeah, poor poor MS…

This is warrior logic :/…


Isn't that part of sonys strategy? Pay for such a long exclusivity deal and keep Microsoft at a smaller userbase so that it becomes more or less economically redundant to even bother releasing the game on the platform. Its basically using your market strength to keep your competition in an unwinnable position and its clearly working.


I didn't see the post, apologies. Any games in the last couple of years with those kinds of deals on xbox?

You know like Sony is doing right now with forspoken, ffxvi, ff7 etc.
The deal for PUBG is from 2017, the deal for Dead Rising 4, 2016, the 3 game deal for FF7R from 2015. So about as new as FF7R.

The only reason they don't sign deals for the big games anymore is only because they are buying the publishers who make them and making the games completely exclusive anyway but they are still making those exclusivity deals with smaller ones too.
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NaughtyDog Defense Force
Are you honestly saying that list of games is anywhere close to FF7 or whatever number the latest one will be? Plus those Xbox games tend to have a console exclusive window of a few months or six months and then they hit PlayStation. On the flip side the games will have a window of complete PlayStation exclusivity, then will hit PC, then maybe a year later or more, might hit Xbox. To compare them as if they are similar in scope or effect is as silly as if I were to say Sony buying Bungie and MS buying ABK are the same thing.

It’s funny that some people are against this deal because they believe it might maybe one day in the future potentially give Microsoft an advantage in the market when in reality Sony has a massive advantage in the market right now that makes it impossible for Microsoft to compete without overspending on everything. The reason that the games Xbox tends to get timed exclusive deals for are smaller in impact and those deals are very short is because the money it would cost to sign deals like Sony does, wouldn’t be worth it.

JuSt BuY gAmEz!!! people say, instead of buying studios. That doesn’t make financial sense. GrOw OrGaNiCaLlY!! They are doing that, too. They’ve made new studios and purchased devs they had been working exclusively with. Plus studios actively looking to be acquired. People tend to conveniently forget that ABK was looking to be bought.

Ark II is time exclusive to Xbox, it's one of the top 20 multiplayer games around.

Their exclusive window is typically a few months to six months before they hit PlayStation? I believe you said this before and it's a complete lie.

What's funny about this exclusive stuff is that the Xbox community DOWNPLAYED exclusive for YEARS.

They said the most played games on consoles are multiples and only the hardcore gamers buy exclusives. Now after so many years of pushing that narrative, now you're hearing "WE NEED MORE EXCLUSIVES TO COMPETE."
Ark II is time exclusive to Xbox, it's one of the top 20 multiplayer games around.

Their exclusive window is typically a few months to six months before they hit PlayStation? I believe you said this before and it's a complete lie.

What's funny about this exclusive stuff is that the Xbox community DOWNPLAYED exclusive for YEARS.

They said the most played games on consoles are multiples and only the hardcore gamers buy exclusives. Now after so many years of pushing that narrative, now you're hearing "WE NEED MORE EXCLUSIVES TO COMPETE."

Ark II 😆

Post some evidence that the typically 3-6 month claim is a lie. Before you gather it, remember that I am talking current times. I don’t care that Xbox had KOTOR exclusive or timed exclusive GTA 3 DLC. Also remember that I said typically. I’m sure there are examples longer. And in those examples it’s, again, typically, what? 7-8 months?

Also what exclusives is anyone claiming Xbox needs? None of their games are exclusive, they all release day one on PC. Is FF whatever coming day one to PC?


Who is currently on top? The company that despite its smaller size played its cards over 25 or so years well which is how a properly competitive market rewards producers and consumers.

Nobody is saying poor bullied MS cannot compete, but that does not excuse market altering moves when over the last 20 years and counting they could have competed in a way that created more additional value than taking profits in their other monopolies and just buying the biggest publishers to content starve their competitors… what’s next? Buying AMD to weaken them from the HW side too? Oh yeah, poor poor MS…

This is warrior logic :/…
The market realities of today and the challenges faced today are what’s relevant.

What many people and regulators should desire is not the current market dominance and power with the platform holder already raising prices and cutting cheap deals on ‘essential input’ content, which FF arguably is in certain markets.

If this deal helps more evenly distribute platform marketshare, to a reality where content creators can’t just wilfully ignore a platform or sign up deals to a platform cornering the market then I’m all for it.


The market realities of today and the challenges faced today are what’s relevant.

What many people and regulators should desire is not the current market dominance and power with the platform holder already raising prices and cutting cheap deals on ‘essential input’ content, which FF arguably is in certain markets.

If this deal helps more evenly distribute platform marketshare, to a reality where content creators can’t just wilfully ignore a platform or sign up deals to a platform cornering the market then I’m all for it.

Market share in the US, which is the biggest revenue driver, is pretty “evenly” split. You’re basically saying MS should be able to buy the US market because they have failed to captivate customers in Europe and Japan.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
The market realities of today and the challenges faced today are what’s relevant.

What many people and regulators should desire is not the current market dominance and power with the platform holder already raising prices and cutting cheap deals on ‘essential input’ content, which FF arguably is in certain markets.
“Exclusives do not matter, but FF launching in PS first is so big (even though we think it is shit but we leave those comments for when those games launch… as if FF did numbers close to anything at play in these acquisitions 😂) is so big poor bullied MS needs to acquire two of the biggest Multiplatform publishers on Earth because they cannot possibly compete in any other way and regulators need to understand that a giant $2 Trillion dollar corporation consolidating and content starving its competition by removing existing software from them is good for everyone in the long term”. —future Tyrell corp employee ;).

If this deal helps more evenly distribute platform marketshare, to a reality where content creators can’t just wilfully ignore a platform or sign up deals to a platform cornering the market then I’m all for it.
How many content creators are ignoring Xbox? How many Zenimax and Activision - Blizzard games were skipping Xbox?
They have even more studios than Sony do and yet they just have to buy Zenimax (the irony of DOOM becoming platform exclusive is so so delicious 😂) and now Activision - Blizzard instead of investing in its studios and their own IP’s they should be able to do fine without essentially trying to buy the entire console market… I do not see how you would really believe this kind of consolidation is a good thing.

So, the company that spent 20 years accumulating devs and properties and that its own fans are throwing a (fake) pity party calling them on the ropes is the best home for all these huge Multiplatform franchises and developers. Right :rolleyes:.
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Market share in the US, which is the biggest revenue driver, is pretty “evenly” split. You’re basically saying MS should be able to buy the US market because they have failed to captivate customers in Europe and Japan.
No. All I’m “basically saying” is that idyllically from a consumer centric view, that a more even distribution globally benefits consumers and competition.


Gold Journalism
So your grand logic is that the exclusivity window is over, but the Xbox user base just wouldn’t support the game enough to justify the cost of porting… yet SE has no problem releasing other games on Xbox. Hell didnt Xbox get FF7 Crisis Core 😆 So the PSP prequel port is viable but the port of the actual game is not 🤔

Even if your delusional logic was actually correct, it just goes to show the effect Sonys position in the market is having on competition. If the fan base for FF7 on Xbox isn’t strong enough to warrant a port, that would surely be a direct result of Sony paying to keep games off the platform. Games that it is much easier for Sony to sign deals for because of their position.

Of course that’s ignoring the fact that Sony signed a deal for that game and multiple other SE games to keep them off Xbox. Are you implying Sony is just signing deals for games they don’t even need to sign deals for because SE isn’t going to make the games for Xbox anyway? Again, 😆
It's not my "logic." It's the evidence we have in the form of publicly available information.

Whatever you're thinking of is based on mere assumptions.

And they did bring Crisis Core to Xbox. Perhaps that was their testing ground to see if working on the FFVII Remake Xbox port would be financially worth it or not. And how did Crisis Core sell on Xbox? Here is the data:


74% on PlayStation vs. 9% on Xbox.

And that's actual data, not presumptions like yours. If you want to present a stronger rebuttal, back it up with data that supports your claim.

You think Square somehow believe that Diofield Chronicles has more brand power and footing in the Xbox community as a new IP over generational best-selling franchise Final Fantasy?
Please see the data above. Crisis Core is also a part of the "generational best-selling Final Fantasy". Sold only 9% on Xbox compared to 72% on PlayStation.

Bigger games like FFVII Remake would be financially more expensive and resource-intensive to port. And they'd be more even cautious about the potential ROI of such a big undertaking when they could be making FF VII Rebirth and other games like FF XVI, which are guaranteed to sell more than 5 million copies and be lucrative projects for the company.

Even if it were true that the deal with Sony has run it’s course and they don’t believe they’ll have a ‘positive ROI’ from porting costs, doesn’t this further highlight why Microsoft needs to aggressively compete?
Microsoft does need to compete better and more aggressively. Acquisitions are not the way, though. You could buy all the studios in the world, and it'll not solve this problem because Xbox would be hammering the wrong nail. Studios that Microsoft can't and don't acquire will still be hesitant in porting their games to Xbox.

Check out this last statement by Capcom about Ace Chronicles. This is from 2021.


We've been screaming for months now that Xbox users need to buy more games and support developers, instead of just relying on Gamepass. Now sales have dried up up to 80% since the introduction of Gamepass, and we're seeing the effect of that. SquareEnix isn't releasing a single game on Xbox in 2023; Megaman is missing Xbox; even indie games that have been on PC Gamepass are leaving Xbox out as a platform.

Do you think Sony paid money to get timed exclusivity for World of Horror? Come on.

Competition should be in the form of high-quality AAA games from Microsoft using the 23 studios they have (already 4 more studios than PlayStation). In addition, Xbox gamers need to buy more games so Xbox becomes an excellent financially viable platform for third-party developers.
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Gold Member
The market segment argument is bunk. It didn't exist before this deal was reviewed by the FTC/CMA. Not one person argued Xbox was only in 2nd place in consoles. No one argued that the XSS was a 'high performance console' targeting 'serious gamers'. The NPD tracks Nintendo consoles sales right along Xbox and PlayStation. Most importantly offering unique features doesn't remove you from the competitive market. Just like PlayStation isn't in a unique monopolistic market because they are the only console offering VR. It's all silly.
Market segments always have existed.

And this is what I am talking about. People ignoring reality.

Just look at the marketing of each console


NaughtyDog Defense Force

Ark is the 15th most-played game on Steam and 18th on the most-played Xbox Games list.

Want to pretend like this si some little game?
Post some evidence that the typically 3-6 month claim is a lie. Before you gather it, remember that I am talking current times. I don’t care that Xbox had KOTOR exclusive or timed exclusive GTA 3 DLC. Also remember that I said typically. I’m sure there are examples longer. And in those examples it’s, again, typically, what? 7-8 months?
You're trying to move the goalpost. LOL

Cuphead - More than 2 years to reach PS4
SABLE - Over a year
PUBG - Just under 1 year to reach PS4
Ashen - Just over 1 year
12 Minutes - Just over a year
Dead Rising 4 - Almost 1 year
Rise of the Tomb Raider - Almost a Year
The Falconeer - Almost 9 months
The Ascent - Almost 8 months
The Medium - 7 months
Tunic - 6 months

There's more, but that 3-6 month window is complete BS.
Also what exclusives is anyone claiming Xbox needs? None of their games are exclusive, they all release day one on PC. Is FF whatever coming day one to PC?
This is about console exclusives to bring customers to their platform. Games you will find on Xbox and not PlayStation. I don't know why you're pretending to not know anything about this.


A 2 trillion dollar company being "on the ropes" while attempting to push through an acquisition that will rank in the top 20 of all time has to be one of the best takes in this thread.


Look guys, he's on the ropes and it's all evil Sony's fault.

Just a thought, maybe if he spent more time having sleepless nights trying to effectively manage the 23 studios he already has control of instead of having sleepless nights due to the ATVI deal then they wouldn't be in this position.

If he keeps going missing at bedtime then maybe Jim will take his wife too.
It's not my "logic." It's the evidence we have in the form of publicly available information.

Whatever you're thinking of is based on mere assumptions.

And they did bring Crisis Core to Xbox. Perhaps that was their testing ground to see if working on the FFVII Remake Xbox port would be financially worth it or not. And how did Crisis Core sell on Xbox? Here is the data:


They aren’t facts, they are assumptions you’re leaping to based on other assumptions. The last data we have about the FF7 deal is it ended whenever. So you assume the deal is done. And then assume it must not be on Xbox because SE doesn’t think it makes financial sense. Again, that’s dumb logic. Your idea that Crisis Core is a “test” for FF7 is also laughably silly. Why would Xbox owners buy the prequel to a game they don’t have access to?

Also isn’t that from a tweet about one weeks physical sales in the UK? If so, wow. Who knew Square based such big decisions on how many people bought physical games in the UK in a random week.
Ark is the 15th most-played game on Steam and 18th on the most-played Xbox Games list.

Want to pretend like this si some little game?

You're trying to move the goalpost. LOL

Cuphead - More than 2 years to reach PS4
SABLE - Over a year
PUBG - Just under 1 year to reach PS4
Ashen - Just over 1 year
12 Minutes - Just over a year
Dead Rising 4 - Almost 1 year
Rise of the Tomb Raider - Almost a Year
The Falconeer - Almost 9 months
The Ascent - Almost 8 months
The Medium - 7 months
Tunic - 6 months

There's more, but that 3-6 month window is complete BS.

Ark II 😆 Yeah, that ranks right up there with Final Fantasy.

Also nice list of old deals and a few from this gen that fall into the time frame I mentioned.

This is about console exclusives to bring customers to their platform. Games you will find on Xbox and not PlayStation. I don't know why you're pretending to not know anything about this.

Xbox doesn’t have exclusives, the games are all available on PC and sometimes even other consoles. I probably am not on the same train of thought as you because I’m not looking at it from some sad warrior mentality where you’re harping back to things “Xbox fans” supposedly said years ago. Who fucking cares. So now those same fans supposedly love exclusives, yet none of the deals they’re clamoring for will bring any 🤷‍♂️


Your idea that Crisis Core is a “test” for FF7 is also laughably silly. Why would Xbox owners buy the prequel to a game they don’t have access to?
They had access to it for almost 4 years now. Crisis Core is a prequel to the original FF7 not the Remake.
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Gold Journalism
They aren’t facts, they are assumptions you’re leaping to based on other assumptions. The last data we have about the FF7 deal is it ended whenever. So you assume the deal is done. And then assume it must not be on Xbox because SE doesn’t think it makes financial sense. Again, that’s dumb logic.
These are the facts. The exclusivity period for FFVII Remake is over. It is you who are assuming that Sony did a secret deal after the expiry to extend the exclusivity period. You have literally 0 evidence of it and just straight-up making stories to support your false narrative.
Your idea that Crisis Core is a “test” for FF7 is also laughably silly. Why would Xbox owners buy the prequel to a game they don’t have access to?
Because it's a prequel, not a sequel?
Also isn’t that from a tweet about one weeks physical sales in the UK? If so, wow. Who knew Square based such big decisions on how many people bought physical games in the UK in a random week.
We use that data because that's what we have. Feel free to share worldwide total sales split by platform if you have it.


Ark is the 15th most-played game on Steam and 18th on the most-played Xbox Games list.
Not to mention PUBG is the most played game ever. Look at the second most played game ever, Crossfire.

Guess where the third installment of that game released exclusively this February too?

Dead Rising 4 - Almost 1 year
Rise of the Tomb Raider - Almost a Year
The Falconeer - Almost 9 months
The Ascent - Almost 8 months
The Medium - 7 months
Tunic - 6 months

There's more, but that 3-6 month window is complete BS.

This is about console exclusives to bring customers to their platform. Games you will find on Xbox and not PlayStation. I don't know why you're pretending to not know anything about this.

Pretty generous/overly fair there with Dead Rising 4s "almost one year".

Xbox One
December 6, 2016

PlayStation 4
December 5, 2017

I don't think people care about that 1 day difference when they had to wait pretty much the year.
We use that data because that's what we have. Feel free to share worldwide total sales split by platform if you have it.

And you assume the sales there are relevant or indicative of total world wide sales for… ? Idk, reasons 😆

Mega huge FF7, not worth an Xbox investment. Stranger of Paradise, yes please 😆🤡


NaughtyDog Defense Force
Ark II 😆 Yeah, that ranks right up there with Final Fantasy.

Also nice list of old deals and a few from this gen that fall into the time frame I mentioned.

Xbox doesn’t have exclusives, the games are all available on PC and sometimes even other consoles. I probably am not on the same train of thought as you because I’m not looking at it from some sad warrior mentality where you’re harping back to things “Xbox fans” supposedly said years ago. Who fucking cares. So now those same fans supposedly love exclusives, yet none of the deals they’re clamoring for will bring any 🤷‍♂️
You got exposed for lying and you tried to move the goalpost. I posted how big the original Ark game is and you're making excuses.

I mention console exclusives and you're going back to saying, "Xbox has no exclusives."

You're always on threads defending Xbox and going after PlayStation. People can see it so don't pretend to be some neutral gamer.

Ark is a big game and you lied about the 3-6 month window and you tried to sneak in the 7-8 window after getting called out.

With Ark hitting 1 million on PS4, the game has now sold 7 million copies across all platforms. Ark is at 4.5 million copies sold on PC, and the game hit 1.5 million on Xbox One as of August 2016 (after debuting in December 2015). All of this comes despite Ark’s unfinished state. Studio Wildcard does plan to finally “release” Ark later this year, but — for now — it is still in an early-access form.

Laughing at the game won't change the fact that it's not a small game.


NaughtyDog Defense Force
Not to mention PUBG is the most played game ever. Look at the second most played game ever, Crossfire.

Guess where the third installment of that game released exclusively this February too?

Pretty generous/overly fair there with Dead Rising 4s "almost one year".

Xbox One
December 6, 2016

PlayStation 4
December 5, 2017

I don't think people care about that 1 day difference when they had to wait pretty much the year.
There's always an excuse whenever someone mentions Xbox time exclusive deals

"They're small games"
"The time exclusive window is short"

They always disappear or don't even acknowledge the fact that MS has made time-exclusive deals with big games.


There's always an excuse whenever someone mentions Xbox time exclusive deals

"They're small games"
"The time exclusive window is short"

They always disappear or don't even acknowledge the fact that MS has made time-exclusive deals with big games.
Always an excuse as to how it's different for xbox. 6 months exclusivity deals for xbox makes it OK it seems, 6 months for FFXVI obviously is very anticonsumer though.

That antconsoomerism is why buying up publishers and developers to get complete indefinite exclusives to Starfield, ES6, redfall, Hellblade2, possibly Activision games in addition to those timed exclusives xbox games is not only fine and warranted, but the only way to compete with the huge FF get.
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You got exposed for lying and you tried to move the goalpost. I posted how big the original Ark game is and you're making excuses.

I mention console exclusives and you're going back to saying, "Xbox has no exclusives."

You're always on threads defending Xbox and going after PlayStation. People can see it so don't pretend to be some neutral gamer.

Ark is a big game and you lied about the 3-6 month window and you tried to sneak in the 7-8 window after getting called out.

Laughing at the game won't change the fact that it's not a small game.

Ark 😆

You seem confused. I’m laughing at the idea that Ark II is comparable to Final Fantasy. I never claimed it’s a “small game”. I said the games MS signs TEND to be smaller impact than the ones Sony signs. And they TYPICALLY are much shorter deals, 3-6 months versus the 12+ months Sony typically signs.

You’re a warrior so you’re going for some sad gotcha nonsense but we all know the reality of the industry. Even if Ark sold fifty million copies, what I said is still correct. Microsoft TENDS to sign smaller games. Which means they might sign the occasional big game (which Ark II is not 😆). And those deals are TYPICALLY 3-6 months, which means a couple of your examples might stretch to *gasp*, seven or even eight months. I’m not sure why I am needing to give you English 101 here but either way I am done with you. Enjoy living in your world where Ark II is a megaton 👍


NaughtyDog Defense Force
Ark 😆

You seem confused. I’m laughing at the idea that Ark II is comparable to Final Fantasy. I never claimed it’s a “small game”. I said the games MS signs TEND to be smaller impact than the ones Sony signs.
You said close to FF7. Numbers speak for themselves. It's either putting up numbers close to or higher than FF7 Remake.

And they TYPICALLY are much shorter deals, 3-6 months versus the 12+ months Sony typically signs.
This isn't true. I provided a list of games and you're just repeating the same claim with no proof.

It's a lie.

You’re a warrior so you’re going for some sad gotcha nonsense but we all know the reality of the industry. Even if Ark sold fifty million copies, what I said is still correct. Microsoft TENDS to sign smaller games. Which means they might sign the occasional big game (which Ark II is not 😆). And those deals are TYPICALLY 3-6 months, which means a couple of your examples might stretch to *gasp*, seven or even eight months. I’m not sure why I am needing to give you English 101 here but either way I am done with you. Enjoy living in your world where Ark II is a megaton 👍

Not going to work. You replied based on pure ignorance and failed. You're here typically going after PlayStation fans don't try to hide what you do on this forum as a warrior.

Most time exclusives are around a year-long, not typically 3-6 months.

You're not going to provide a list of the 3-6 being the typical range, but you're just going to repeat the same lie, something you typically do on this forum. I have nothing else to prove. You know you're wrong with your goalpost moving. lol


GAF's Pleasant Genius
It's not my "logic." It's the evidence we have in the form of publicly available information.

Whatever you're thinking of is based on mere assumptions.

And they did bring Crisis Core to Xbox. Perhaps that was their testing ground to see if working on the FFVII Remake Xbox port would be financially worth it or not. And how did Crisis Core sell on Xbox? Here is the data:


74% on PlayStation vs. 9% on Xbox.

And that's actual data, not presumptions like yours. If you want to present a stronger rebuttal, back it up with data that supports your claim.

Please see the data above. Crisis Core is also a part of the "generational best-selling Final Fantasy". Sold only 9% on Xbox compared to 72% on PlayStation.

Bigger games like FFVII Remake would be financially more expensive and resource-intensive to port. And they'd be more even cautious about the potential ROI of such a big undertaking when they could be making FF VII Rebirth and other games like FF XVI, which are guaranteed to sell more than 5 million copies and be lucrative projects for the company.

Microsoft does need to compete better and more aggressively. Acquisitions are not the way, though. You could buy all the studios in the world, and it'll not solve this problem because Xbox would be hammering the wrong nail. Studios that Microsoft can't and don't acquire will still be hesitant in porting their games to Xbox.

Check out this last statement by Capcom about Ace Chronicles. This is from 2021.


We've been screaming for months now that Xbox users need to buy more games and support developers, instead of just relying on Gamepass. Now sales have dried up up to 80% since the introduction of Gamepass, and we're seeing the effect of that. SquareEnix isn't releasing a single game on Xbox in 2023; Megaman is missing Xbox; even indie games that have been on PC Gamepass are leaving Xbox out as a platform.

Do you think Sony paid money to get timed exclusivity for World of Horror? Come on.

Competition should be in the form of high-quality AAA games from Microsoft using the 23 studios they have (already 4 more studios than PlayStation). In addition, Xbox gamers need to buy more games so Xbox becomes an excellent financially viable platform for third-party developers.

Interesting… so we went from FF VII has been blocked by Sony to actually it has not been since 2021, but something something if only S-E ported it… to ok they ported FF VII content but we do not want to buy it on Xbox, for sure if S-E does not port more FF VII on Xbox is not because we are screaming for something we are not willing to but, no…

Not sure if it is on purpose, but screaming for something and not supporting it on the platform… it is an Xbox fanbase problem not evil Sony bullying a corporation 100x bigger than them:


Gold Member
Are you honestly saying that list of games is anywhere close to FF7 or whatever number the latest one will be? Plus those Xbox games tend to have a console exclusive window of a few months or six months and then they hit PlayStation. On the flip side the games will have a window of complete PlayStation exclusivity, then will hit PC, then maybe a year later or more, might hit Xbox. To compare them as if they are similar in scope or effect is as silly as if I were to say Sony buying Bungie and MS buying ABK are the same thing.

It’s funny that some people are against this deal because they believe it might maybe one day in the future potentially give Microsoft an advantage in the market when in reality Sony has a massive advantage in the market right now that makes it impossible for Microsoft to compete without overspending on everything. The reason that the games Xbox tends to get timed exclusive deals for are smaller in impact and those deals are very short is because the money it would cost to sign deals like Sony does, wouldn’t be worth it.

JuSt BuY gAmEz!!! people say, instead of buying studios. That doesn’t make financial sense. GrOw OrGaNiCaLlY!! They are doing that, too. They’ve made new studios and purchased devs they had been working exclusively with. Plus studios actively looking to be acquired. People tend to conveniently forget that ABK was looking to be bought.

A car is a car is a game is a game is a handheld is a console.

Am I doing this right?


Just stop with the console warring. Sony and Microsoft are both large corporations full of greed and shady activity. That's every major corporation in the world, and acting like Microsoft is somehow a pristine picture in comparison to the vileness of Sony is both pathetic and childish. Grow up. Microsoft doesn't make deals with Sony, and Sony doesn't make deals with Microsoft. As an example, Microsoft refuses to support true cross-play with Square Enix and Sony when it comes to Final Fantasy XIV. That's why Final Fantasy XIV isn't on Xbox, and that's a very real example of how Microsoft is harming their own consumers.


What an absolutely ridiculous rule that is. It's 2022 and Microsoft still only supports cross-play so long as you can't communicate with players on PlayStation, Switch, et cetera. "What amazing! Much the best!" Quit fanboying. It's sad and ridiculous.
Given the way The_Mike thinks, anything that is done by Microsoft is perfectly fine, as long as it is Microsoft that is doing it (since they are angels and not a business). If it is Sony, then they have killed someone he knows and Sony has to pay for it and so he dresses up in his warrior costume to fight the good fight ;). When, in reality, as you said, they are both the same (one just has more money 🤷‍♂️).
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Key point is that Nintendo has the means to compete with them. And with their next console on the horizon, these 3rd party games would eventually come to their system.

They might not be their actual competitor, but they are still in the play.

Nintendo is "still in the play" because they may still launch a powerful console able to run state-of-the-art games/engines within the next 2 years, despite having chosen not to for the last 22 years?

At this point Apple or even Samsung are more likely to launch a competing powerful console than Nintendo (neither is going to happen though).
And obviously, the massive market consolidation resulting from the acquisition would make it a market that much harder for newcomers to get into.
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Nintendo is "still in the play" because they may still launch a powerful console able to run state-of-the-art games/engines within the next 2 years, despite having chosen not to for the last 22 years?

At this point Apple or even Samsung are more likely to launch a competing powerful console than Nintendo (neither is going to happen though).
And obviously, the massive market consolidation resulting from the acquisition would make it a market that much harder for newcomers to get into.
Today is new year, so I am not gonna bother indulging in this topic anymore.


Moderated wildly
A 2 trillion dollar company being "on the ropes" while attempting to push through an acquisition that will rank in the top 20 of all time has to be one of the best takes in this thread.


Look guys, he's on the ropes and it's all evil Sony's fault.

Just a thought, maybe if he spent more time having sleepless nights trying to effectively manage the 23 studios he already has control of instead of having sleepless nights due to the ATVI deal then they wouldn't be in this position.

If he keeps going missing at bedtime then maybe Jim will take his wife too.

Microsoft is far from being on the ropes, but xbox while selling the most it ever had needs to sort their first party ip out and then they can try buy who ever they want.

I do completely agree with you that they need to get some banger games out from these 23 studios they have.

Let's see how 2023 goes.


Gold Member
Given the way The_Mike thinks, anything that is done by Microsoft is perfectly fine, as long as it is Microsoft that is doing it (since they are angels and not a business). If it is Sony, then they have killed someone he knows and Sony has to pay for it and so he dresses up in his warrior costume to fight the good fight ;). When, in reality, as you said, they are both the same (one just has more money 🤷‍♂️).

Marty Deeks Facts GIF by ION
This is again persecution complex speaking, you are being quite disingenuous here. People do want to see Xbox more competitive, but they want competition to work for it. Disrupting the market by buying the two largest publishers while announcing they want to buy more is competing by content starving the competition opening up a massive checkbox courtesy of their monopoly like status in other big industries. At some point they will want to make a large profit of this investment and that is when the pain may start for users in earnest.

Do they want to buy Rare and Bungie? Do they want to buy plenty of developers, start new studios, hire and poach talent? They have been doing all that. Manage those studios well and have a better eye at content production and prioritisation and grow bigger that way. It is ridiculous how they compare it to Sony buying Psygnosis in 1993 which is the only “big” publisher acquisition they made (excluding Bungie, but then again it is not a like for like).

lol not persecution, speaking truth to power. The bigger red flag is the appearance of the big lie: "Microsoft doesn't manage its studios well." This has honestly never been true. Studios needing time to actually build their games and trying your best to plug the holes in the meantime does not constitute mismanagement. Microsoft simply didn't have enough studios to plug holes with. The studios that Microsoft have created are some of the best run and producing studios under Xbox. 343i, Coalition, World's Edge (age of empires studio), Turn 10. Xbox also quite clearly appeared to have lost funding at a point. That's why E3 after E3 we weren't seeing very many new games announced. It wasn't till Phil joined Microsoft leadership in late 2017 that the acquisitions and funding started to come back, leading immediately to numerous game studio acquisitions in 2018, 2019 and then 2020, and now most notably, Activision Blizzard. And Microsoft has done an incredible job with the studios they've taken on.

Obsidian, Playground, Undead Labs, InXile, Double Fine, have all been doing fantastic work. Bethesda studios haven't skipped a beat under Xbox unless you count studios with recent releases needing time before their next, such as id software as skipping a beat. Fallout 76 has come a long way since the acquisition, new studios were brought on board to help with it. 8 seasons produced under Xbox and the game has attracted more new players. It's doing better than ever. What shows more commitment than bringing on more help for Fallout 76? That's a project everybody expected to be abandoned, but wasn't. Elder Scrolls Online has been doing great. Psychonauts 2 became a better game under Xbox, so did Wasteland 3, Obsidian produced two story DLCs for Outer Worlds, made grounded, made pentiment. Announced Avowed and The Outer Worlds II. I know most will never play Pentiment, but it's fucking EXCELLENT!

Ninja Theory appears to be getting all the resources they need to do a more ambitious version of a Hellblade sequel. Isn't that the kind of investment people want to see Microsoft make in single-player games? Remember we were only supposed to get nothing but live service games and lower quality stuff because of game pass? People laughed at Ninja Theory's live service MP title, right? People laughed when they initially saw Grounded from Obsidian too, but that game turned out great and is highly popular.

Ninja Theory is taking its time on exactly the kind of game people claimed we wouldn't be getting thanks to Game Pass. InXile is taking its time on their brand new FPS RPG. Obsidian is working away on Avowed. It's not difficult to see that a point will come when it all converges. We got a taste of that in 2021. This year is looking amazing.

Microsoft has arrangements in place with Certain Affinity and other studios for more titles and contributions to Xbox. Turn 10 looks like they'll deliver a monster in Forza Motorsport this year. Rare has its most successful game ever to date with Sea of Thieves. Seems to me besides the games needing time, there's no obvious sign of mismanagement anywhere. Whining about Halo aside, the game is still quality.

343i needing more time with Halo Infinite, the first showing not meeting everyone's expectations, and the resulting delay caused them to delay other features; all that happened. And what was the result? Easily one of the best games released so far this gen, one of the best first person shooters ever, and hands down one of the very best games in the entire Halo franchise. What they've done with more time as demonstrated with forge, winter update, 4 player co-op in the first ever Halo open world, is only further proof of what the studio can do given time. They should have never had the launch pressure in the first place. The campaign is the truest embodiment yet of becoming a Spartan. Surveying an area, planning your approach from nearly any direction or angle, even way up in the sky. The MP has consistently been one of the most played games on Xbox consoles. #10 worldwide on Series X|S consoles. Countless games have come and gone, but Halo remains among the most played games. The reviews on the campaign speak for themselves. It was a fantastic game. Negative inside baseball articles about cut content or biomes changes nothing about how good the game they released is. People also conveniently forget that it's 343 who got Halo MCC to where it is.

Everybody knows that while those first-party, internal studio games are being made, and while those first-party games from outside studios are being made, they rely on games from third parties to fill in the gaps. Sony's strategy for years, especially this gen, has been to come in with the kinds of deals that are designed to starve xbox of new titles, like they did with Deathloop and Ghostwire: Tokyo, and like they're doing with Forspoken, FF16, FF7 Remake. They were apparently even attempting the same with Starfield! But if they went after Deathloop and Ghostwire: Tokyo, I don't see how Starfield wouldn't have been a major target. So I'm inclined to believe they eyed that game also.

When Sony has a dominant market position that they wield to starve xbox gamers and to create uncertainty for xbox gamers, there's only one way to break through that kind of tactic. You want to know what it is? Buying the whole damn thing. You buy to own the whole publisher, every studio, and every IP. This way you now dictate some terms and provide your customers real guarantees. Notice nobody is doubting for a second as to whether Indiana Jones will come to Xbox? Notice nobody is worried about a huge out-of-nowhere deal on games like Elder Scrolls 6 or some future Bethesda single player RPG? Cause we know the Playstation brand is big enough to make major things happen, like how it deprived Xbox of Street Fighter for an entire generation. Or suddenly went and made FF16 PS only despite the success of FF15.

Sony even cuts deals to keep games from going to Game Pass even when they don't go to PS Plus or when they aren't exclusive games. They have a deal for COD. They have a deal for Resident Evil Village and probably countless other titles. Sony plays for keeps and has been for years, so now that Microsoft is countering that Sony strategy the best way possible, some can't handle it.

Microsoft is buying publishers, all their studios and IPs to offer more guarantees to its customer base, like Sony does with all the deals designed to starve Xbox of games, especially early in the gen when people are making decisions on consoles to pick up. You also said when Microsoft is ready to make a big profit from the deal... You must not realize that Microsoft will be profiting big off Activision Blizzard the FIRST year they own them.

Haven't you realized yet that Microsoft is very comfortable playing the long game? It has worked for them for years. You think that just because they're spending $68.7 billion on this deal, they are expecting to get it all back just from Activision Blizzard in the next 2-3 years or something? Activision Blizzard is as sure a bet as Microsoft has ever made. Call of Duty prints money. King prints money. Blizzard will have a major resurgence under Xbox. Diablo IV will of course be huge, they have new games coming King with Candy Crush brings in more money 3 quarters out of the year than Activision or Blizzard has in the last year. Microsoft's strategy is to use Game Pass boosted by all the new games they have coming from Xbox Game Studios, Bethesda and Activision Blizzard to turbo charge the Xbox business while getting backup from King with Candy Crush to show their investors stronger and stronger overall profits and revenues, which in turn will help grow their stock and please their investors. All it takes is to take one look at Microsoft's fiscal year revenue and profit, factor in Game Pass' growth, and factor in the money factory that Activision Blizzard represents (let's not forget COD Mobile and eventually Warzone mobile)

Microsoft is taking the Office 365 route with Game Pass. Game Pass becomes even easier to sustain once Activision Blizzard is on board. Subscribers will grow quite a bit. People are even underestimating just how big a deal Starfield will be. Microsoft, in a rare shock, is actually ahead of the game for once with Game Pass. Those subs are going to keep growing. Bethesda's big singleplayer RPGs and other games combined with Activision Blizzard King will be a killer combo along with the major titles Xbox has coming. Sony is engaging in deals to disrupt this strategy. Notice the moment Microsoft gets hands on a publisher, all the various deals Sony could come up with to harm them vanish with regards to those studios and IP? The strategy works, which is why Microsoft does it.

Sony does what Microsoft does, Sony just does it in smaller pieces across multiple gens. Sony has purchased 11 videogame studios since 2020. The company with the record breaking first party operation. That's how Sony plugs its holes and helps its first party studios for years while also using its market position to disadvantage Xbox with third parties. Microsoft is simply learning how the game is played. They're no longer relying on a smaller set of internal studios and mostly relying on publishing games by external studios while expecting third parties to understand how important it is to release on Xbox. Can't blame Microsoft for spending to acquire not just studios, but highly valuable and popular game IP. It's smart. Microsoft finally understands an important piece of this industry is guarantees. Moneyhats doesn't get you there against a more popular brand that can likely get certain deals a whole lot cheaper than you can.

EDIT: Apologies for long ass post. It'll be my only one of 2023, I promise. Resolution!

Although they say resolutions are made to be broken. :messenger_tears_of_joy:
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You mentioned Tinykin before, I think. I'm downloading it now on Game Pass
Yeah I’d steadily made my way towards the end, but wasn’t in a rush to complete it. It’s not a big game, I think my final play time was only 6 or so hours. I hope you enjoy it.

I am replaying 2018 God of war now, with mix of fifa 23 and SpongeBob bikini bottom (playing with siblings).
That SpongeBob game is actually supposed to be great but I’ve not played it yet.
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