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Microsoft gathering community opinions on porting Killer Instinct to PC

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At this point Xbox One should be turned into Microsofts version of a Steam Box.
Have it run Windows 10 and make all games cross platform. If you buy a gane for Xbox (digitally) you also get the PC version and vice versa. Also include cross platform play.

Merge the two platforms and still make Xbox hardware in the future for people that don't want to fuck around with building PCs.

how are MS going to make money on game royalties and XBL if XB1 is a Steam Box?
It's looking that way -- at least in terms of being able to play every fighter.

Niche genres seem to do well on PC. It's a place where true fans can come together without system wars and support something they love. I think someday when consoles are dead we'll all be playing hardcore games together on PC.
lol pc becoming the top platform to play fighters on? what a time to be alive.

Would be fabulous. Just think: all these fighters without the cross-generational controller restrictions we see on these bullshit consoles, superior graphics, etc.

I could play KI on a 2002 PC-compatible arcade stick or controller if I wanted to because that's just how the PC world functions.

It is the best possible outcome for gamers. Fuck walled gardens for mainstream gaming.

pshhhhh, 4K DSR @ 144hz ULMB.

that's why there's a "+" next to that 1080p and 60fps!


Nah, no thanks. Now if they could do this for Phantom Dust...

There's a "I have no interest in KI, but it should be on PC anyway." option.

If you support the principle of porting Xbox one games to PC, and it appears you do, you should vote there.

I don't care for Phantom Dust, but would vote to support MS becoming open to that effort.
Well, you are wrong there, there is still reason to own a PS4, none of the first party or proper exclusive titles on the PS4 is coming to PC, infact the PS4 is taking PC indies, and games like the Forest, Dungeon Defenders, Day Z.

And pretty much none of the future PS4 first party or second party exclusives will be on PC
Like I said in a previous post, Sony exclusives don't really interest me beyond maybe Bloodborne but that isn't worth $400.

But what is with the first part of your post? You make it sound like Sony hitching games off of PC is an advantage? Why would that make me want a PS4 if I can already play them on PC?
Yes please, I'd buy the whole game. Loved what I played on my friend's system but I wouldn't buy an Xbox for it.

Make it cross platform (probably not) play and I'll enjoy the hell out of it.


MS has always said they want to bring KI to PC. They talked about it a few weeks ago even (not in the near future). This poll and post just seems like they're trying to consolidate discussions about it on their forum

Why isn’t KI on PC? Finding the right KI experience for PC is certainly something we’d like to tackle, but we have no plans for a PC version right now. We’re 100% focused on Season 2 and Xbox One.

that was a month ago


Well, you are wrong there, there is still reason to own a PS4, none of the first party or proper exclusive titles on the PS4 is coming to PC, infact the PS4 is taking PC indies, and games like the Forest, Dungeon Defenders, Day Z.

And pretty much none of the future PS4 first party or second party exclusives will be on PC

He wrote 'not many reasons'. And compared to the amount of games you can get on PC those exclusives are and will always remain 'not many'. For some they're enough to buy a system but it should be obvious that that isn't the case for everyone.


Niche genres seem to do well on PC. It's a place where true fans can come together without system wars and support something they love. I think someday when consoles are dead we'll all be playing hardcore games together on PC.

I hope not. I like my consoles very much and I do respect PC very much. However the day Sony starts putting PS games like TLOU and Infamous on PC its a wrap. Look at Sega, its kind of sad they lost their identity.

Again I love the PC but please no. Also at this point is MS saying their going PC next gen? Kinda scary.
Well, you are wrong there, there is still reason to own a PS4, none of the first party or proper exclusive titles on the PS4 is coming to PC, infact the PS4 is taking PC indies, and games like the Forest, Dungeon Defenders, Day Z.

And pretty much none of the future PS4 first party or second party exclusives will be on PC

"taking" is not the right word. PS4 is also getting versions of those select PC indies. They are not converting indie games that would have been on PC into PS4/console exclusive indies. It ain't happening. That is, the PS4 is not causing a subtraction in the number of indies that would have been on PC too.

Also, the volume of PC exclusives far eclipses PS4 exclusives. It's not even a comparison or debate. And free online. And better graphics. And the definitive version of every multiplat. And compatibility with games dating back 30 years. And the freedom to play with whatever controller or input device you want. So yes, the reasons to own consoles not made by Nintendo get lower and lower by the day.


At this point Xbox One should be turned into Microsofts version of a Steam Box.
Have it run Windows 10 and make all games cross platform. If you buy a gane for Xbox (digitally) you also get the PC version and vice versa. Also include cross platform play.

Merge the two platforms and still make Xbox hardware in the future for people that don't want to fuck around with building PCs.

Yep. This should happen.
I hope not. I like my consoles very much and I do respect PC very much. However the day Sony starts putting PS games like TLOU and Infamous on PC its a wrap. Look at Sega, its kind of sad they lost their identity.

Again I love the PC but please no. Also at this point is MS saying their going PC next gen? Kinda scary.

I'm prepared for the console market to shrink someday. I say bring it on if it gets us all playing on PCs together. Then we can have proper wars like SF vs. MK instead of Sony vs. MS vs. Nintendo.
You only have 1 game?


Nothing else im interested in, although im not totally against buying horizon and SO when they are cheaper.

Honestly, I only bought a X1 because I got a real good trade in deal on my 360.

But honestly

Ninja Gaiden 2>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Every X1 exclusive present and upcoming. Really miss that game. Im really tempted to rebuy a 360 and call it a day.


"taking" is not the right word. PS4 is also getting versions of those select PC indies. They are not converting indie games that would have been on PC into PS4/console exclusive indies. It ain't happening. That is, the PS4 is not causing a subtraction in the number of indies that would have been on PC too.

Also, the volume of PC exclusives far eclipses PS4 exclusives. It's not even a comparison or debate. And free online. And better graphics. And the definitive version of every multiplat. And the freedom to play with whatever controller or input device you want. So yes, the reasons to own consoles not made by Nintendo get lower and lower by the day.

Nope. Sorry buddy. Sony exclusive games still matter as much as some of u try ur best to disagree. MS games matter as well, but if they r not staying exclusive to their platform, then the reason to own xbox is getting lower by the day.

And most of the prominent PC exclusives r either available or coming to PS4 as well. Hyping the tons of PC exclusive (mostly indie) games won't mean a thing if most aren't well received.
Why arent they keen on it btw? They have only ever done it with 1 game to my knowledge.

Something to do with KB&M gamers thrashing console gamers in a game they were developing. Seems that was reason enough to stop them doing it for all games.

I mean, a microsoft employee created the poll and stickied the thread. I don't really see how that isn't official.

Ah, I didn't notice it was an actual MS employee. Thought it was a forum mod. I guess that changes things a bit, but still doubtful over how official this makes things. Seems like something put together to stop discussion spreading to other threads and port begging.

We'll see, if it does get a PC release, let's hope it offers cross platform play.


yet another reason not to own an xbox one.

I don't know your post history, but do you go into every thread like this?

(insert huge list of Indie games/SOE games) coming to PC

yet another reason not to own an PS4.

(insert Vita game) coming to 3DS

yet another reason not to own a Vita

Cut the Rope coming to Android

yet another reason not to own an iPhone.

Unless every person here and elsewhere plans on building a gaming PC that costs more than an X1, it's irrelevant to a lot of people.

I made those quotes, to demonstrate it being unnecessary.
I hope not. I like my consoles very much and I do respect PC very much. However the day Sony starts putting PS games like TLOU and Infamous on PC its a wrap. Look at Sega, its kind of sad they lost their identity.

Again I love the PC but please no. Also at this point is MS saying their going PC next gen? Kinda scary.
Sega is dead because of other reasons. They've had first party games on PC for ages and even released a GPU with Nvidia.



Like I said in a previous post, Sony exclusives don't really interest me beyond maybe Bloodborne but that isn't worth $400.

But what is with the first part of your post? You make it sound like Sony hitching games off of PC is an advantage? Why would that make me want a PS4 if I can already play them on PC?

Nope I am just pointing out facts of why the PS4 is still a viable option for a console gamer or multiplatform gamer, because it keeps its exclusives well and even gets games from other platforms bringing diversity

Obviously if you are strictly a PC gamer, then you wont want a console and as yes PS4 taking games off PC is an advantage cause as I said it brings diversity to the platform and if I dont want to take time spending so much on building a gaming PC (which I dont) then the PS4 will likely be another great option for me to get multiplatform,strictly exclusives and PC games


I'm not sure my PC could run it but I could see upgrading for this. I have an awesome MC Namco TE S that I would love to play KI with!

def sim

Yes, do it.

That way I can get back into the game while using my TE stick.

For real. I absolutely don't want to buy another stick for the newer consoles when my original TE still works amazingly.

PC quickly becoming the platform for fighting games is fantastic news.
Nope. Sorry buddy. Sony exclusive games still matter as much as some of u try ur best to disagree. MS games matter as well, but if they r not staying exclusive to their platform, then the reason to own xbox is getting lower by the day.

And most of the prominent PC exclusives r either available or coming to PS4 as well. Hyping the tons of PC exclusive (mostly indie) games won't mean a thing if most aren't well received.

No, they aren't. You're either misinformed or ill-informed.
I don't know your post history, but do you go into every thread like this?

(insert huge list of Indie games/SOE games) coming to PC

(insert Vita game) coming to 3DS

Cut the Rope coming to Android

sheeeet son!

btw, ill be there day fucking zero pre-ordering deluxe edition if it happens because KI is the GOAT series


Nope. Sorry buddy. Sony exclusive games still matter as much as some of u try ur best to disagree. MS games matter as well, but if they r not staying exclusive to their platform, then the reason to own xbox is getting lower by the day.

And most of the prominent PC exclusives r either available or coming to PS4 as well. Hyping the tons of PC exclusive (mostly indie) games won't mean a thing if most aren't well received.

Wow. GAF is hitting new lows day after day. Wut r u talk'n abut m8?
Ah, I didn't notice it was an actual MS employee. Thought it was a forum mod. I guess that changes things a bit, but still doubtful over how official this makes things. Seems like something put together to stop discussion spreading to other threads and port begging.

We'll see, if it does get a PC release, let's hope it offers cross platform play.

I think a PC game makes a lot of sense for a game that is essentially a platform. It's also F2P so it'll appeal to the same people who don't mind payment models like the popular MOBAs today. A PC release would make the most sense to me once Season 3 is complete. By that time we could have about 27 characters or so and they could rotate 3 characters (one from each season while still selling season packs) as free per month/week.


sheeeet son!

btw, ill be there day fucking zero pre-ordering deluxe edition if it happens because KI is the GOAT series

I agree, I'd definitely double dip. KI at 4k and 60fps (faints).

It doesn't hurt my feelings if they don't, but I'd be fine with it. I'd love for Sony to follow in their footsteps too.


Unlimited Capacity
Nope. Sorry buddy. Sony exclusive games still matter as much as some of u try ur best to disagree. MS games matter as well, but if they r not staying exclusive to their platform, then the reason to own xbox is getting lower by the day.

And most of the prominent PC exclusives r either available or coming to PS4 as well. Hyping the tons of PC exclusive (mostly indie) games won't mean a thing if most aren't well received.

It is mind blowing that the elitist don't understand that Sony makes the best games. Nintendo can't be that great because no one is buying Wii Us but we are breaking sales records because people want to play what we make. Real gamers want AAA blockbusters not the 2D pixel junk that is the only thing coming out for PC besides the mouse games like Startcraft Heart of the Void or whatever.


No, they aren't. You're either misinformed or ill-informed.

Nope. Unless were talking MOBA, RTS, most of the popular indie games are coming to consoles. I wouldn't lose my head if i only got the best iPhone exclusive apps on my platform and forgo the countless shovel ware that exists in the ecosystem.
The more people that can play this game the better, but let's be real. It's not the greatest move for the actual console. Continuing the expectation that every MS exclusive will eventually be on PC weakens any reason to get it. Especially when there isn't the same expectation for their closest competition.
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