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Microsoft Studios acquires rights to Gears of War franchise/Black Tusk does the work

Gears still has a lot left in the tank. People calling it dead because of Judgement's performance are delusional. A fall 2015 timeframe or so will be a healthy break to enable a major comeback for the series.

Excellent move by MS.


Where are those insiders? We need to have the clarified info about the fate of the new IP which Black Tusk were developing.

Please no cancellation, no cancellation x 1000000000 times
Gears has always been a rather boring shooter, so I don't particularly care. Whatever, MS, you can keep it, let Epic and People Can Fly work on better stuff. Why PCF's talent was wasted on the fourth game is beyond me, they're better off making another Bulletstorm or something even more interesting.


Wow just found out bout this

Despite what Phil Spencer said, people were talking up black tusk as the answer to ND with them creating atheir own action adventure IP. So is BT doing that as well still? Or are they now a Gears factory

Gears factory


I was never a huge fan of the series, but it's a big lock down for Microsoft. I'm still interested in seeing how it translates to next-gen and will probably check it out. Come to think of it, I still need to play Gears 3.
Good news for XBOX One only owners, however after the third game in the franchise, I'm just burnt out on the franchise, I never even gave the prequel a shot.

However this is a very smart move for Microsoft,I always assumed this was going to be an XBOX series,so its set in stone now.


MS holding too hard onto 360 exclusive games, the same ol' same ol' are gonna be here to stay, it seems. They don't want to risk new AAA IPs, they'll have their smaller Microsoft Studios developing new IPs it seems (for now).


y'all should be ashamed
This is great news for GOW fans obviously and good for MS for not allowing their franchise to be scooped up/go multiplatform.

That being said, imagine this with me.

The lights go out at E3, everything goes dark. Cue a voiceover from one of the GOW characters. Then a logo flashes: Gears of War begins again, exclusively on Xbox One. Maybe we get a short CGI trailer, or maybe all we get is a logo. The crowd goes nuts, and the conference moves on.

Instead MS immediately announces they've acquired the IP in an early Januarly Monday morning with no trailer, no graphics/assets, no plans, no dates, just another tradition of literally announcing anything/everything they have, right now.

What is the thought process behind this? Why not hype it up? Why not have something, anything ready to go before announcing this? Because- as E3 last year showed- they're still hurting a bit and need any bit of good info right now. That comes at the expense of having hum drum announcements like this. Sure we'll get a trailer at E3 (likely conceptual as this game sounds a ways off) but it won't be the same, obviously.

Like I said, great for MS and this is a big franchise to have on XB1, and this is nothing but good news, but the way they presented this news speaks volumes.


. But back then Black Tusk was announced as working on a new AAAA IP. So what happened? .

MS only cares about giant games that can be turned it multiple revenue streams, which today means brand-name franchises with lots of guns. So we can assume Black Tusk was working on a violent gun game, which they will continue to do, except now they can slap the GoW name on it.
It definitely does- exclusives play to the individual console strengths.
Gears of War has always built itself around being a decent shooter with great graphics, so it would have played up to the latter of those strengths by being available on the PS4. :p
I'm not port begging though, I'm not particularly a fan of the franchise.


good move by MS...but i guess this means the mythical "Black Tusk Game" everyone has wanted to see doesnt actually exist? lol


But that's all MS ever does. I wouldn't mind the monotonous Halo/Gears/Forza cycle if on top of that they actually had a variety of different exclusives like Sony.

Microsoft had/has multiple exclusives at and near launch. Only one of those three is out.

My wife's favorite X1 game right now is Zoo Tycoon. I've been playing a ton of Dead Rising 3.

I love Forza, but that game and Halo/Gears are not the only exclusives they're bringing.

Microsoft produces or is producing a RPG, Sim Racer, Zoo Sim, 3rd person shooter, open world zombie game, arcade shooter, arcade golf game, a fighting game, a game building suite, an arcade racer, an action hack and slash, a FPS, a platformer, an episodic crime game, a music/rhythm game, an overhead stick shooter, a fitness game, and an open world shooter......and get called out on the variety of what they're pushing for the Xbox One?


Gears of War has always built itself around being a decent shooter with great graphics, so it would have played up to the latter of those strengths by being available on the PS4. :p
Perhaps, I tend to think that first party stuff like this always gets an extra layer if polish and attention.


Gotta give MS props- they're building a nice stable if AAA exclusives. For people like me
With both consoles this is the kind of stuff you wanna see.

MS just drop a brand new AAA IP as advertise by them self for yet another sequel that everyone and there mother already expecting coming to xb1 eventually.

They didn't gain but lost a stable with this move.


That's really good news.

I love the franchise and the gameplay.. And with Rod Fergusson on the helm, I think we'll have something good!

I just hope BC can keep the graphical standard that Epic set on the Xbox 360.
Didn't care much for gears after the first one, but that's me personally. Good for the MS faithful to have a franchise they love stay with them. Sure games on more platforms are good for developers, but having any title be built from the ground up to show case what a system can do really makes our purchase worthwhile.

That being said I hate the idea of a franchise being purchased and given to another developer to helm instead of letting them create something of their own. Especially if it's already run it's course.

The idea of a talented team making something new, and having it squandered because they're revisiting an older franchise just seems like a cop out to me. Yeah i'm on that side of the fence for a new uncharted as well, but at least ND made something else first.

Hopefully Black Tusk is actually working on something else. Crafting that tech demo to "Get the creative juices flowing" and having a reboot be the only result just doesn't seem right.
Microsoft had/has multiple exclusives at and near launch. Only one of those three is out.

My wife's favorite X1 game right now is Zoo Tycoon. I've been playing a ton of Dead Rising 3.

I love Forza, but that game and Halo/Gears are not the only exclusives they're bringing.

Microsoft produces or is producing a RPG, Sim Racer, Zoo Sim, 3rd person shooter, open world zombie game, arcade shooter, arcade golf game, a fighting game, a game building suite, an arcade racer, an action hack and slash, a FPS, a platformer, an episodic crime game, a music/rhythm game, an overhead stick shooter, a fitness game, and an open world shooter......and get called out on the variety of what they're pushing for the Xbox One?

You're right. If anything, PS4 is the dudebros console right now with 3 FPS at launch (CoD, BF4 and KZ).


Wait, what?

Black Tusk was workin on a AAA shooter. It was meant to be the next "Halo". By this I mean Microsoft had really high hopes for the team and game.
Like I said, great for MS and this is a big franchise to have on XB1, and this is nothing but good news, but the way they presented this news speaks volumes.

I'm guessing they felt this wasn't something they could easily hide until E3 (acquiring the IP).

If E3 comes and goes and MS doesn't have a good show then maybe I'm wrong, but until we're just speculating. Frankly announcing it now could build a lot of hype for a reveal trailer at E3.


"Hey Blacktusk, got you a little somethin special sweetheart. Remember how we both agreed we'd be tryin to make a new IP tonight? ...well... I was thinking... what if for now we just stick with a little foreplay to get your juicies flowin? ;) And if this doesn't turn you on I don't know what will! some might call it last-generations sloppy seconds from an old flame of mine... but they'd be huge assholes! Happy valentines day honey, I know you're gonna look fantastic in her old dress, and I'll get you a matching wig made out of her hair soon :) kisses microsoft"
Didn't CBOAT say that Black Tusk had a game in development (not some concept video) and that it was running late (which is why we only got the video at E3 last year?)
OMFG. Just sucks that we won't see the new Gears until November 2015 if we're lucky.

My most beloved franchise of all time. Still have my receipt from purchasing the Collectors Edition of Gears 1 on day one.


Give this game content out the wazoo. tons of maps, tons of unlockables, tons of modes. Redeem yourselves after the misstep that was Judgment.


This is great news for GOW fans obviously and good for MS for not allowing their franchise to be scooped up/go multiplatform.

That being said, imagine this with me.

The lights go out at E3, everything goes dark. Cue a voiceover from one of the GOW characters. Then a logo flashes: Gears of War begins again, exclusively on Xbox One. Maybe we get a short CGI trailer, or maybe all we get is a logo. The crowd goes nuts, and the conference moves on.

Instead MS immediately announces they've acquired the IP in an early Januarly Monday morning with no trailer, no graphics/assets, no plans, no dates, just another tradition of literally announcing anything/everything they have, right now.

What is the thought process behind this? Why not hype it up? Why not have something, anything ready to go before announcing this? Because- as E3 last year showed- they're still hurting a bit and need any bit of good info right now. That comes at the expense of having hum drum announcements like this. Sure we'll get a trailer at E3 (likely conceptual as this game sounds a ways off) but it won't be the same, obviously.

Like I said, great for MS and this is a big franchise to have on XB1, and this is nothing but good news, but the way they presented this news speaks volumes.

They probably didn't think they could keep the transfer of an IP that big a secret. For all we know Epic may have to disclose the sale in financial results. It's business news, nothing they can do about that. So they announce the deal, and then soothe fans by saying that one of their top studios is on it + the producer from Epic.

Not sure how you'd do it differently, considering the deal was bound to leak.

EDIT: Just looked them up and Epic is a private company. Still, it would have leaked, lol.


Not having EPIC behind the game would make me feel uneasy about the quality of the future games, but then you have to remember that many people have left the studio.

Having Rod Fergusson helps the franchise as he's been there through the changes leading up to Gears 3, which has the most polished MP.


MS holding too hard onto 360 exclusive games, the same ol' same ol' are gonna be here to stay, it seems. They don't want to risk new AAA IPs, they'll have their smaller Microsoft Studios developing new IPs it seems (for now).

The same could be said for Sony, both company' are playing it safe. They do have at least one big first party developer working on a new IP for their respective platforms, Ready at Dawn/Sony Santa Monica on The order 1886 and Remedy working on Quantum break.


I haven't played Judgement yet but I did enjoy Gears 3. I wasn't looking for more Gears after 3 but by the time this next game is out, I should be ready.


This was such a massive game for the 360. Perhaps starting fresh with Black Tusk in a new generation will yield similar results. I am anxious to see if they can win my interest in the series back with this.


Since 343 already filled its game with Locusts, Black Tusk should totally make Gears of War look like Halo. It only makes too much sense.
Come on, Microsoft Irony Studios, do it, you know you want to.


OMFG. Just sucks that we won't see the new Gears until November 2015 if we're lucky.

My most beloved franchise of all time. Still have my receipt from purchasing the Collectors Edition of Gears 1 on day one.


Give this game content out the wazoo. tons of maps, tons of unlockables, tons of modes. Redeem yourselves after the misstep that was Judgment.
Of course Gridlock would be back, along with War Machine, Canals, and Clocktower!


MS's biggest problem is that they're more interested in big franchises then they are the talent behind those franchises. Bungie is what made Halo great and Epic is what made Gears great. They have the IP's but don't have the original studios that made these franchises what they are.

It'd be like Sony buying ND's IP and farming them out to other devs. The talent at ND is the real prize.
I'm all for new IP, but it does seem to be a bit of an overreaction going on for a "game" we knew literally nothing about. As many others have pointed out, MS has been fostering quite a bit of new IP for the XB1.

I might be biased though. As a Gears fans I would take this over a new stealth game any day.
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