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Microsoft Studios acquires rights to Gears of War franchise/Black Tusk does the work

First Gears was absolutely amazing and one of the most memorable experiences of last gen. 3 was pretty good. Hope they can reenvision and revitalize the franchise.


I thought it was confirmed that Black Tusk was working on a new IP? Gears is cool and all but Judgement wasn't exactly the best in the series. I would be happy if MS and even Naughty Dog would let these franchises like Gears and Uncharted go away this generation. New Generation should also mean new IP

Doctor Ninja

Sphincter Speaker
Gears was THE system seller for the 360 so it is only inevitable that they'd acquire the IP.

Whether that games would be as good as the original trilogy remains to be seen. PeoplCanFly certainly didn't do a very good job with Judgment.


Why couldn't Microsoft do this with Mass Effect? Then that series wouldn't have been EA'd.

oh well, good news for the 10 remaining Gears fans.
What happened to Black Tusk creating the next big franchise on par with Halo and Gears?

I have no idea what's going on at Microsoft Studios anymore... lol

Is Respawn next to join?

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Why couldn't Microsoft do this with Mass Effect? Then that series wouldn't have been EA'd.

oh well, good news for the 10 remaining Gears fans.

10 fans? Even the sub par judgement got close to 1.5 million in sales, with the mainline Gears games doing near 6 million each. It's safe to say a Gears 4 on new hardware will sell great.


I sucked six dicks to get this tag.
Said it in the stream thread already but

How will they even make a new Gears game after the ending to 3? Are they gonna pull a Halo 4 and make some ancient evil come or something?
I don't think that this is a good move by Microsoft.
Gears lost momentum over the years. They should invest in some fresh new IPs.

The 360 had Halo, Gears and Forza, I don't want the XboxOne to rely on Halo, Gears an Forza again...

Gimme new stuff or at least reinvent the IP.

Same goes for Sony, if the next Uncharted isn't something entirely new(for exampe OpenWorld) I probably can't help but be disappointed.
Why couldn't Microsoft do this with Mass Effect? Then that series wouldn't have been EA'd.

oh well, good news for the 10 remaining Gears fans.

Microsoft not buying BioWare when they had the chance is one of their biggest missed opportunities in my opinion.

I know a lot of people are down on them right now but they would have been a massive get.
And? What does this have to do with what I said? All of the platform holders release a lot of stuff, especially in the first part of the generation. Sony may be more consistent, but MS has as long a history of publishing exclusives as they've been involved as a console maker. Big deal. I was talking about the third person cover shooter genre with my post.

But that's all MS ever does. I wouldn't mind the monotonous Halo/Gears/Forza cycle if on top of that they actually had a variety of different exclusives like Sony.

Furthermore, I wouldn't even compare Uncharted to Gears. ND are in their own league and comparing them to an unproven studio is a disservice.

MS isnt the only company so think what you want. But I have tissue if you need it.

I don't understand the first part of your post. MS isn't the only company?
I don't think that this is a good move by Microsoft.
Gears lost momentum over the years. They should invest in some fresh new IPs.

The 360 had Halo, Gears and Forza, I don't want the XboxOne to rely on Halo, Gears an Forza again...

Gimme new stuff or at least reinvent the IP.

Same goes for Sony, if the next Uncharted isn't something entirely new(for exampe OpenWorld) I probably can't help but be disappointed.

Couldn't disagree more. The world of Gears is awesome and I'm excited to see where they go with it from here. Happy to see Microsoft gaining franchises.


Said it in the stream thread already but

How will they even make a new Gears game after the ending to 3? Are they gonna pull a Halo 4 and make some ancient evil come or something?

Most likely Rod is smart enough to not go for anything AFTER 3. Can you say Pendulum Wars game? Locust-protagonist in series for the first time?
Microsoft not buying BioWare when they had the chance is one of their biggest missed opportunities in my opinion.

I know a lot of people are down on them right now but they would have been a massive get.

If Microsoft wanted Bioware they'd have probably had to buy Pandemic, Mercenaries, Dragon Age and everything else in that group. The price was far too high when they would have only wanted one team/IP


Why couldn't Microsoft do this with Mass Effect? Then that series wouldn't have been EA'd.

oh well, good news for the 10 remaining Gears fans.
If I remember correctly, they didn't want to aquire Bioware because it was a package deal with both Bioware and Pandemic.

Edit: Beaten


What happened to Black Tusk creating the next big franchise on par with Halo and Gears?

I have no idea what's going on at Microsoft Studios anymore... lol

It's simple. Open a spreadsheet of game sales in the US. Sort by units sold. Try to buy out the titles at the top of the list, if that fails buy timed exclusivity or if that fails buy exclusive DLC.

Who needs new IP when they have a formula that worked for them all last gen?


I think a trilogy set at the beginning of emergence day is the best route to take. They could bring back Raam which would be fucking awesome.


Cretinously credulous
I loved the original Gears trilogy. Hated Judgement though. Still excited about Gears to some extent. Lets see what Black Tusk can bring to table. I am not going to buy Xbox one that easily as I have no interest in current games and MS first party isnt something great, but if Halo 5 and this are really good, I just might!


MS would have been stupid to let this go really. The last thing they need is to have less exclusive franchises.
Not sure I like that another team is working on gears now though... Then again I felt gears was stale near the end of Gears of war 3 and had no interest whatsoever in judgement, so if black tusk can cure that and/or make Gears of war better, good for them.


Smart move by Microsoft. With the exception of the original Gears of War PC port, it's been an Xbox console exclusive. This move keeps it that way. Though personally I never cared for the Gears franchise, so the news really doesn't do much for me.


That's honestly a pretty dire list. I mean, there's a couple of interesting new games in there but as a whole, not really something to get excited about.

Opinions and all but it is still a list of new games that we KNOW of. Phil Spencer has the "greenlight" to purchase whatever...


(post 7 for synopsis)

I've said before that I still think we will something on Class 4 this E3 as well. On topic, Gears in the fold makes the creation process to not include as many lawyers, if any.
But that's all MS ever does. I wouldn't mind the monotonous Halo/Gears/Forza cycle if on top of that they actually had a variety of different exclusives like Sony.
Do you just like to pay attention to only some of their output or what? There's more than just Halo/Gears/Forza just like there's more to Sony than just KZ/UC/GT. No one is arguing that MS puts out more new IP than Sony, but let's not act as if MS doesn't put out anything but the titles I listed.

Furthermore, I wouldn't even compare Uncharted to Gears. ND are in their own league and comparing them to an unproven studio is a disservice.
I would since they're in the same genre. ND made it clear that the original Gears was their main gameplay inspiration for the original UC. I never talked about the development studio behind them, so I'm not sure where this shit you're coming up with is keying off of.


Great move by MS, looks like they are starting to get their shit together.

The GOW universe still has enough stories to tell, from the Pendulum Wars to other Planets, there is enough room for a couple more games.
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