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Microsoft Studios acquires rights to Gears of War franchise/Black Tusk does the work


hide your water-based mammals
It was fun co op but lost some interest after 3.

I was also hoping Black Tusk would make a new IP.

Still optimistic that they can make a good game.


If Microsoft wanted Bioware they'd have probably had to buy Pandemic, Mercenaries, Dragon Age and everything else in that group. The price was far too high when they would have only wanted one team/IP

Given that Dragon Age: Origins was at one point Bioware's best-selling game, I don't think they would have been upset owning that.

Pandemic, however, was the anchor.

I do wonder what Mass Effect 2 and 3 would have looked like in a world where MS bought Bioware, though.


Good job MS, securing more titles for the system is absolutely, 100% what you need to be doing. This will sway some people now to get an Xbone, if they were on the fence and love Gears.
if they can come up with same amount of content/style and execution as Gears of War 3: bring it on. If it's more like Judgment I'm done with the franchise.
so, apparently back in august Black Tusk was working on a new IP:


they also were looking for a temporary character concept artist in November, so I guess they're working on some project for some time


Oh idk... Why would Rod leave his own studio at 2k to work for Microsoft?

Because according to this thread, 2K stopped work on his new IP and made him work on Mafia instead?

In that situation, isn't it plausible that he decides that if he's going to be working on someone else's IP, it should at least be an IP he has some connection to?


Awesome, Gears was one of my favorite games last gen, coop both hotseat and online was easily a selling feature for XBL for many of my friends.
I didn't play Judgement but mostly because I don't think the developer's hearts were into it (Epic going through some upheavals at the time).

I'm curious where they'll take the story, I've read the books so there is a lot of room for new stories in the game world, certainly new game types (more stealth oriented) based around the Pesanga would be cool.


Utterly disappointing news. I could understand MS milking Halo as the universe itself was interesting. Gears? Lol no. And if this is really the only project Black Tusk is working on then my interest has plummeted all the way down.


Gotta give MS props- they're building a nice stable if AAA exclusives. For people like me
With both consoles this is the kind of stuff you wanna see.
This sucks for Black tusk. So how long before we see the creative talent starting to drop off?

How many of them have been stuck working on Gears for the past 10 years? Probably none.

I'm sure that most people would like to work on a game like Gears as long as that's not the only thing they are forced to do. One would have to think that people would at least be excited that their bonuses would be much higher with an established IP than with a new one.

I'm still going to cross my fingers that we see an original IP out of Black Tusk this generation.


Man people at least wait and see what it is like. I'm all for a gears reboot. Change up the formula some and make it engaging and it is more than welcome in the xbox stable.


Well crap there goes my hope of Gears coming to PS4. Good move for MS though. If they keep improving their first party portfolio, I might buy XO at some (cheap) point.


So at E3 Spencer said he couldn't say anything about Gears and than people had to ask Epic. But back then Black Tusk was announced as working on a new AAAA IP. So what happened? Was it even further behind in development than we heard? Was another sneaking game just not gonna cut it? Is Epic pissed that Microsoft didn't build them a 2 TF machine? Ever since Epic got half bought by China some strange things have been happening there. With the Fortnite news blackout it almost seems like they don't develop anything anymore except mobile games, just the engine.
Edited my post.

Yeah, I seen that right as did my last post and then read through the Polygon article from the OP that you linked to. All I have to say is, well that sucks. Was looking forward to what that game could have been. But at the same time, I am a big Gears of War fan and look forward to seeing what the series can be through fresh eyes.


Gotta give MS props- they're building a nice stable if AAA exclusives. For people like me
With both consoles this is the kind of stuff you wanna see.

Actually i would have rather seen the new ip they were working on. I dont know anyone who gives any amount of fuck about gears anymore.


I guess the good thing in this is that it will be a couple of years before the next gears game comes out. Giving the franchise a bit of a break could help.


Did I miss the part where we explain what Black Tusk/Vancouver has worked on in the past? Or is this their first title?



I was right, cool.

A very good move for MS I liked gears 1 and 2 a lot even though they were not the most broad and diverse games, that kinda of worked to its advantage being solely about the cover/shooting mechanics and to this this day it is still has the best cover/shooting game play mechanics for a 3rd person shooter.

The gears franchise is still a strong franchise with millions of fans and every game has sold over 6 million (apart from gears 3 which sold 5.97million).

Even though judgement sold 1.38million that is still a respectable figure and the overall decline of the 7th gen must of had as much to do with the decline as the game itself, which received a respectable 79% on metacritic.

How GEARS X1 can be a massive killer app for the X1

  • Keep the story simple - a basic revenge of redemption story
  • Use the strengths of the franchise - make this game the game to define how next gen 3rd person shooters should play.
  • amazing set pieces and locations no one thought was possible on the X1
  • Amazing and creative weapons, enemies and characters
  • A great audio and musical score taking advantage of the X1's new audio capabilities
  • UE4 graphics that will have other developers playing catch up for years - this is possible with enough the man power and if the budget is big enough even though the X1 is the weaker system.
  • Multiplayer which sets the standard for next gen 3rd person shooters

I wonder if Black tusk are up to the task? I cant find out were the team worked before and what games they have worked on prior to black tusks but the website does say ''a team of seasoned game industry veterans''. So if they are anything like 343 they should be able to pull it off.


Disappointing for me since I'm going ps4 this gen and loved the gears franchise. Was really hoping epic would make it a 3rd party franchise.

Oh well, win some lose some.


They might have shelved their new IP, and are working on Gears for the moment. Who's to say they don't go back to that new IP after this Gears is out?


Yeah, I seen that right as did my last post and then read through the Polygon article from the OP that you linked to. All I have to say is, well that sucks. Was looking forward to what that game could have been. But at the same time, I am a big Gears of War fan and look forward to seeing what the series can be through fresh eyes.

Who knows, they may also be working on a new IP, it's just that it may not be the one they showed at E3. Doubtful though.


So is this now a game that is already starting in debt because in order to even start working on the game, rights to the franchise had to be bought?
They might have shelved their new IP, and are working on Gears for the moment. Who's to say they don't go back to that new IP after this Gears is out?
Who's to say they don't have 2 separate teams?

Black Tusk is a massive studio and the article did say they will be hiring more people for Gears.


I loved Gears last go round, but honestly I was hoping for something more out of this announcement. Something more exciting. Still a good move for Microsoft, but I would've preferred some new IP releases or the like. Hopefully Black Tusk is working on multiple projects.


They might have shelved their new IP, and are working on Gears for the moment. Who's to say they don't go back to that new IP after this Gears is out?

Nothing, but MS is known for assigning a studio to a single IP when they have a hit. Lionhead, 343i, Turn 10 and to a lesser extend Rare with Kinect.


Wow just found out bout this

Despite what Phil Spencer said, people were talking up black tusk as the answer to ND with them creating atheir own action adventure IP. So is BT doing that as well still? Or are they now a Gears factory


Man people at least wait and see what it is like. I'm all for a gears reboot. Change up the formula some and make it engaging and it is more than welcome in the xbox stable.

Some people would have preferred a new IP

Others like me, probably feel this game has no chance. There's been maybe one or two series that ended up being good when they switched developers. The new guys will almost never understand what made the previous games good/fun
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