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Microsoft Studios acquires rights to Gears of War franchise/Black Tusk does the work


It does. But MS was in the situation of (a) preventing a blockbuster IP from going multiplatform, (b) buying the IP rights outright forever, and (c) cancelling/shelving an unproven IP (Black Tusk project) and replacing it with a very successful IP.

They made the right business decision for sure.

A and B could've been accomplished without C though. It remains to be seen whether another Gears from a new studio can achieve the same kind of success as the previous entries. And depending on how far along Black Tusk was with the new IP, it's arguably a bad decision to drop it and start over (especially if the team was passionate about the project).

If they announced a new IP today by the time of release people would just go oh yeah that game

If it's a new IP I think they need to keep momentum and not a huge gap between reveal and release and right now Titan fall is that IP that needs momentum

Titanfall releases in March. I can't believe that they wouldn't have had the space in their lineup to not be able to announce and market a new IP for 2015 or beyond.
It makes complete sense for Microsoft to buy the rights to gears but to take a studio we believed to be on a new IP and put have them work on it is just awful. The game could turn out well I'm sure but it should have waited a few years and took people by surprise. I hope phils twitter lights up with disgust. I'm a damn geow fan and I can't support this.
How to not fuck this game up...Ahem..

Dedicated servers

Host migration

Custom map cycles ( a la Gears 1 Player Match)
Keep it 5 v 5

Return to emphasis on playing as a team and using strats ( ie, focus on Execution and Warzone)

Include Horde, Beast and Overrun

Make it so any CoG can choose any class in Overrun. Also include all Locust beasts or as many as possible

Lancer/ HB, Gnasher, Snub & smoke at start (no loadout bullshit)

Shit loads of CoG and Locust characters and permutations for players to choose from

Shit loads of weapon skins (all unlockable in game or purchasable)

Forget Judgement exists. Do not include any conventions from that game...

...But remove stopping power. No one likes it

Design maps with clear choke points and areas where teams fight for the power weapon (ie Gridlock watch tower)

Keep in mind that Gears is best when there is a focus on CQC/ intimate, seemingly claustrophobic encounters. Big maps and large open areas do not suit the Gears formula at all.

Rifles have a purpose but remember that the Gnasher is the bread and butter of Gears MP

Sawed Off should be pick up only.

Big ass power weapons, such as the mortar should not be in any competitive modes
Make Team Deathmatch a player match only mode. TDM has no place in Ranked. I prefer Execution over Warzone.

Honestly they need to ditch the Quick Match/Ranked Match system. It does nothing but segregate the player base and it gets even worse when DLC starts dropping.

Gears desperately needs to adopt a more modern unified lobby system like the majority of AAA shooters do these days. Continuous matches with breaks in between to vote on map/adjust loadouts with drop in/drop out and little to no segregation between DLC owners and non-DLC owners.

Gears just doesn't really sustain the player base to do what they did in Gears 3 and Judgment where you had upwards of 35 playlists.


I think Black Tusk are going to end up a very big multi IP studio. They keep saying they're only talking about Gears today but what the studio said to me was interesting. They have moved all Big Park and MS Victoria's game development (Big Park still doing TV apps I think) into Black Tusk, I would bet long the plans is for a massive multi IP studio, I'm just not sure how short term they will work out with the new IP

So there's the possibility that new IP is in the making? I like this. Still I want confirmation from @theoddone.


y'all should be ashamed

This is terrible news, they should have kept Black Tusk working the game they were working on since 2012 and formed a new studio to work exclusively on Gears. It's not like they can't afford to set up a new studio or that there's a shortage of talent.

To kill any opportunity a studio has to grow or develop new IPs for something that's long since lost it's lustre is just short sighted and stupid.

Jesus Christ.

I agree that it sucks to lose out on an original IP like this but think about it...MS has this brand new studio set up, and they've seen what Black Tusk has worked on so far since 2012. Black Tusk has proven themselves, at the very least, to be very competent developers, and their project was still early in development. It makes more sense to trust them with their expensive IP than to build a new studio that has no such guarantees, which would take even more time to set up and execute a new project.


I've always loved Gears- it's a big deal! I think they've got to shake up the formula, maybe craft a stronger narrative if we're moving forward with the series.

I end up going back to play Execution Gears 1 more than any of the sequels, so if they can recapture that spirit I'd like to be there.


I seriously hope Microsoft understands that Halo and especially Gears of War ain't gonna cut it anymore. Same goes for Sony with Uncharted and God of War.
Woah that came as a surprise. I'm curious what they will do with the story.
I won't buy a Xbox One so I won't be able to play it. But since it's not from Epic it might be not to bad that I can't play it. I'm not sure if Black Tusk can deliver


I seriously hope Microsoft understands that Halo and especially Gears of War ain't gonna cut it anymore. Same goes for Sony with Uncharted and God of War.

Aren't they though? Im super hype for Infamous, a lotta people are too.

I thought I was done with Uncharted, but I kinda think that a new coat of paint will bring me back. Same with gears, although I have more nostalgia for that particular franchise given that I really was into the MP of gears 1.
Told yall PCF wont be involved with the next proper Gears. Rod under Black Tusk bodes well for the franchise since people didn't like what PCF did with the spinoff.


I will tweet/ email/ harass anyone I have to. Next gen Gears HAS to be good. It needs to be a return to form. Back to the basics. Bring it back to why people fell in love with it. We don't need another CoDified mess of a game. Don't turn the new Gears into Halo 4.

I'm not gonna kiss anyone's ass either. Gimme alpha/ beta access, along with other serious and dedicated fans, we'll make sure your game is good.



This is terrible news, they should have kept Black Tusk working the game they were working on since 2012 and formed a new studio to work exclusively on Gears. It's not like they can't afford to set up a new studio or that there's a shortage of talent.

To kill any opportunity a studio has to grow or develop new IPs for something that's long since lost it's lustre is just short sighted and stupid.

Jesus Christ.

This is how I feel. As much as I liked Gears of War, after three it felt likt it ran it's course. I would have loved it had Black Tusk targeted creating a new big franchise instead of using one that has lost it's shine
Woah that came as a surprise. I'm curious what they will do with the story.
I won't buy a Xbox One so I won't be able to play it. But since it's not from Epic it might be not to bad that I can't play it. I'm not sure if Black Tusk can deliver
You will buy an xbox one for this game, guarantee it


I will tweet/ email/ harass anyone I have to. Next gen Gears HAS to be good. It needs to be a return to form. Back to the basics. Bring it back to why people fell in love with it. We don't need another CoDified mess of a game. Don't turn the new Gears into Halo 4.

I'm not gonna kiss anyone's ass either. Gimme alpha/ beta access, along with other serious and dedicated fans, we'll make sure your game is good.

Do your thing. I'll support it.
It'd be interesting to see if they made the next Gears faster than its predecessors instead of focusing so heavily on the cover-based aspects of it. So figure something like Gears 1 mixed with Vanquish, except not as fast obviously; fast and fluid gameplay.
That would make sense. Introducing new IP's at the beginning of a console launch is dangerous with the budgets games have these days.

But we already have Knack, Driveclub, and Ryse with The Order 1886 and Sunset Overdirve/Quantum break likely coming in 2014.

On the 3rd party multiplat side we have destiny, watch dogs, the division among numerous other new IP titles. I think the industry considers the first 2 years or so the best time for new IP. This is a weird move if they still want the new black tusk IP made


I can't wait for another generation of great Microsoft-exclusive IPs like 343i's Halo, Fable, Forza and Gears of War!

Jesus christ, Microsoft. It is literally like they've learned NOTHING. What a fucking waste of a great studio.


Smart move, but a bit late. You would've thought that MS would've secured to rights to the franchise a long time ago.

Kind of sad that we won't see a new IP coming from Black Tusk, that said I'm eager to see what Black Tusk will do with the GoW franchise.


But we already have Knack, Driveclub, and Ryse with The Order 1886 and Sunset Overdirve/Quantum break likely coming in 2014.

On the 3rd party multiplat side we have destiny, watch dogs, the division among numerous other new IP titles. I think the industry considers the first 2 years or so the best time for new IP. This is a weird move if they still want the new black tusk IP made

I agree- but those titles don't preclude the fact that we've still gotten Uncharted, Infamous, Killzone, Forza, and are getting Halo and Gears now.


am I the only who think's that Black Tusk's teaser and art concept is more exciting than another gears of war?

Colour me disappointed.


Hope not a prequel, how about a game set several years into future with a new enemy.

Let them rebuild after the events of GoW3, maybe play as the off spring of the original crew.

I did not care for the last game.
Wow, I saw the headline and assumed Black Tusk was a two team studio, but instead this is what they're doing? A real shame, the franchise hasn't had a good entry since the first.


This doesn't excite me one bit. Multiple times i have tried to get into the Gears games but alas they just don't do it for me. Now if MS announces a something about Shadow Complex I am all aboard that hype train.


Desperate? Short-sighted? Call it whatever you want but it is yet another blow to Sony. Xbox One is doing an amazing job at appealing to the dude-bro demographic.


Strap on your hooker ...
Yeah, this seems right to me. The problem Microsoft has is a lack of first-party studios, not first-party IPs. The idea is to buy teams that can make new and great things, not buy names. This seems to show a lack of understanding on Microsoft's part, though I would appreciate an argument from another perspective.
Yup. It's a much bigger coup for Sony to have access to Epic and Bungie games going forward than it is to get access to Gears and Halo. Hosting a tastemaker dev's next new franchise is much more likely to pay dividends than hosting Sequel #7 (now with outsourcing!).


The only way I would be excited for Gears is if it is a huge improvement, I'm talking Uncharted to Uncharted 2 or COD3 to COD4 level of improvement or if they reinvent the series to make it feel fresh, such as the new Tomb Raider or Resident Evil 4. If its is more of the same like God of War Ascention, Gears Judgement then I won't care. Its a shame Black Tusk isn't working on a new IP. Luckily Media Molecule new IP, Guerilla Games new IP, The Order, TitanFall, Destiny, Sunset Overdrive and etc should fill the gap for new IPs.
Would have much rather had Black Tusk working on a new IP instead of Gears of War. GOW has become stale for me, don't really much care for it, but hopefully it turns out great.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
Desperate? Short-sighted? Call it whatever you want but it is yet another blow to Sony. Xbox One is doing an amazing job at appealing to the dude-bro demographic.

Which is fine by me as I'd rather that demographic stay over there and not jump ship to Sony.

I loved the Gears games, and like Halo ok, but the online experience for those games is pretty terrible IMO.
I agree- but those titles don't preclude the fact that we've still gotten Uncharted, Infamous, Killzone, Forza, and are getting Halo and Gears now.

Right and I see no problem with the sequels or reiterations coming out as those are going to be their breadwinners. My point was simply that if you want the Black Tusk new IP to be the next Halo you usually drop it at the beginning of a gen so that you can release the next game when the gen is still booming. If the black tusk stealth IP gets made when will it release 2016/2017? Next one slated for 2020?


Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
I think Black Tusk are going to end up a very big multi IP studio. They keep saying they're only talking about Gears today but what the studio said to me was interesting. They have moved all Big Park and MS Victoria's game development (Big Park still doing TV apps I think) into Black Tusk, I would bet long the plans is for a massive multi IP studio, I'm just not sure how short term they will work out with the new IP

I think this too. Black Tusk wasn't created in the same way and for the same purpose as 343i. I seriously doubt they are going to be a one franchise studio - in all likelihood, they will have multiple teams making multiple games. Rod Fergusson will head the Gears team and, assuming the next Gears is really successful, it will put Black Task on the map and give the studio itself major marketing power for future projects.


I seriously hope Microsoft understands that Halo and especially Gears of War ain't gonna cut it anymore. Same goes for Sony with Uncharted and God of War.
Sonys recent and upcoming releases prove they are willing to make new IPs. Don't worry about them.


I agree that it sucks to lose out on an original IP like this but think about it...MS has this brand new studio set up, and they've seen what Black Tusk has worked on so far since 2012. Black Tusk has proven themselves, at the very least, to be very competent developers, and their project was still early in development. It makes more sense to trust them with their expensive IP than to build a new studio that has no such guarantees, which would take even more time to set up and execute a new project.

Or it shows lack of trust in its own internal studios, that the only one they feel comfortable was a new studio with zero track record , by canceling its own biggest new IP (magnitude of halo) for a safe ride with gears. if they really trusted black tusk so much then they would have continued invested in its new IP.


Gaf gets way too caught up on new ips. The fact is most new ips fail. How was knack? How was Ryse? How was crimson dragon? How was Loco cycle? 4 new ips for next Gen systems, 4 failures. Stop acting like the unannounced game was a surefire hit. Microsoft is playing the percentages here. Gears 4 will probably be just as good or better than the new IP would have been, and will certainly sell better.
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