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Microsoft Studios acquires rights to Gears of War franchise/Black Tusk does the work


Gaf gets way too caught up on new ips. The fact is most new ips fail. How was knack? How was Ryse? How was crimson dragon? How was Loco cycle? 4 new ips for next Gen systems, 4 failures. Stop acting like the unannounced game was a surefire hit. Microsoft is playing the percentages here. Gears 4 will probably be just as good or better than the new IP would have been, and will certainly sell better.

you know gears was once a new IP also.

Miles X

Gaf gets way too caught up on new ips. The fact is most new ips fail. How was knack? How was Ryse? How was crimson dragon? How was Loco cycle? 4 new ips for next Gen systems, 4 failures. Stop acting like the unannounced game was a surefire hit. Microsoft is playing the percentages here. Gears 4 will probably be just as good or better than the new IP would have been, and will certainly sell better.

Ryse sold on par with Forza and Dead Rising? Crimson Dragon and Loco we have no figures for because they're digital, doesn't help the suck as well. Knack seems to be doing fine for what it is? Every game out there was new IP at some point 0_o ...


Gaf gets way too caught up on new ips. The fact is most new ips fail. How was knack? How was Ryse? How was crimson dragon? How was Loco cycle? 4 new ips for next Gen systems, 4 failures. Stop acting like the unannounced game was a surefire hit. Microsoft is playing the percentages here. Gears 4 will probably be just as good or better than the new IP would have been, and will certainly sell better.

Your saying that since 4 launch titles were poorly received then companies should just stop trying? When series fatigue sets in you want other things to place your bets on. That's why you invest in new ips


The difference between "Sequels are wise, commercially viable use of resources" and "I personally would like to see efforts outside of existing franchises" should be made a little more clear, for the sake of conversation here.


You can imagine Spencer and other Xbox suits thinking this is great, just wait for the reaction..........oh.

Every aspect of Xbox One feels like that.

It's great, this is great, it will be great, a self congratulatory echo chamber. Consumer reaction, not impressed. Microsoft doesn't have their finger on the pulse.


After gears 3 i just stopped it was enough for me. And this is going on the CoD route yeah no thank you i see the cow all ready being milked to death.


That's some cool news. I think the series is a little stale right now, but a new developer on a new console has the potential to breath life into the series once again. I'm eager to see the next game.
Gaf gets way too caught up on new ips. The fact is most new ips fail. How was knack? How was Ryse? How was crimson dragon? How was Loco cycle? 4 new ips for next Gen systems, 4 failures. Stop acting like the unannounced game was a surefire hit. Microsoft is playing the percentages here. Gears 4 will probably be just as good or better than the new IP would have been, and will certainly sell better.

Remind me, how did Judgement do again?

You forget franchises can easily suffer from fatigue.


In a way, I do understand why they would dump Gears on Black Tusk. It's a tired franchise that needs a serious shot in the arm by a team that is more than competent, but new enough to be pulled off whatever they are doing to work it.

I suppose one would question why even bother, but I guess MS feels like either XBO needs another established IP, or they didn't get enough mileage out of Gears or some combination of both.

Anyway, the news doesn't excite me or want me to get an XBO any more or less than before...


Gold Member
Not sure this was a smart move. The strength of the IP was IMO, greatly due to Epic developing the games. They brought one guy over, fine. But one guy doesn't make an entire company. Epic will simply turn around and create a new IP with state-of-the-art graphics and polished gameplay and MS will buy it a few years down the road? Maybe this was Epic's idea all along?


You can imagine Spencer and other Xbox suits thinking this is great, just wait for the reaction..........oh.

Every aspect of Xbox One feels like that.

It's great, this is great, it will be great, a self congratulatory echo chamber. Consumer reaction, not impressed. Microsoft doesn't have their finger on the pulse.

Well that's not true.


You can imagine Spencer and other Xbox suits thinking this is great, just wait for the reaction..........oh.

Every aspect of Xbox One feels like that.

It's great, this is great, it will be great, a self congratulatory echo chamber. Consumer reaction, not impressed. Microsoft doesn't have their finger on the pulse.

Its a pretty big franchise- where are you gauging this consumer reaction?
Done with GOW thanks to Judgement and not purchasing a MS console this gen.

Hopefully the new game will have more then 4 shipped MP maps for the fans. The changes didn't bother me too much with Judgement but the lack of maps was a slap in the face (also no good Horde mode either).


Remind me, how did Judgement do again?

You forget franchises can easily suffer from fatigue.

You are right. I feel the same way about games like Uncharted, but I am willing to see how the new one turns out before writing it off. I also understand that you can't just abandon your old successful exclusives in a new generation. You have to support those, in addition to the new stuff. Microsoft and Sony are both doing this, and for good reason. Expect to see a healthy dose of old and new.


You are right. I feel the same way about games like Uncharted, but I am willing to see how the new one turns out before writing it off. I also understand that you can't just abandon your old successful exclusives in a new generation. You have to support those, in addition to the new stuff. Microsoft and Sony are both doing this, and for good reason. Expect to see a healthy dose of old and new.

I feel the same way about God of War- was so done with it last gen, but I'll be there day 1 if you give me GoW Ps4.
Cliffy gave a statement


Gears of War Creator Cliff Bleszinski has addressed the internet following the recent news that Microsoft has purchased the Gears of War IP from Epic Games. “To be honest, I don’t think the franchise could be in better hands,” Mr. Bleszinski wrote on his blog, in reference to the game’s new Lead, Rod Fergusson.

“I’m not going to move to Vancouver and work on it…I’m not going to consult on it,” Mr. Bleszinski further iterated. He assured fans and gamers alike that the Gears of War franchise is behind him, and that he will be focusing on the future from here on out.

The next iteration of Gears of War will be developed for the Xbox One by Black Tusk Studios under the leadership of the aforementioned Rod Fergusson.
Remind me, how did Judgement do again?

You forget franchises can easily suffer from fatigue.

There was hardly any advertisement for judgement, the case in the stores just looked like gears 1,2,3

Rod is good at one thing and that is marketing! Microsoft will have held there money for Xbox one launch

Judgement wasn't going to be a huge seller, the marketing wasn't there


You are right. I feel the same way about games like Uncharted, but I am willing to see how the new one turns out before writing it off. I also understand that you can't just abandon your old successful exclusives in a new generation. You have to support those, in addition to the new stuff. Microsoft and Sony are both doing this, and for good reason. Expect to see a healthy dose of old and new.

Why do you feel the same way with Uncharted?
Eh, a few years ago I would have flipped shit when I heard this. Now, I really dont care, im burned out on the series. As great as a series as it is, its probably over for me.

Hope it turns out well though.


I think the best thing to come out of all of this is that there is more to come regarding Cliffy B's next cosplay and tattoo's.


Its a pretty big franchise- where are you gauging this consumer reaction?

Just a general slice from websites. Not denying it's a big franchise but there is similar tone of disinterest at the moment which could change when they show a new title of course but right now, an exciting new IP is what people would like to see. Remember the new IP Gears last gen.


I feel the same way about God of War- was so done with it last gen, but I'll be there day 1 if you give me GoW Ps4.

Yeah, I'm tired of that one as well. But you can bet your ass that I am still interested in seeing a new one on the PS4. I guarantee my face would melt and then I would be excited for it all over again. A new generation is often a good cure for being jaded with an old franchise.


Just a general slice from websites. Not denying it's a big franchise but there is similar tone of disinterest at the moment which could change when they show a new title of course but right now, an exciting new IP is what people would like to see. Remember the new IP Gears last gen.

Pretty sure you're projecting here- there are a lot of people excited. Also enthusiast sites don't generally reflect at large opinions- see COD, Madden, etc.
So they just killed it and are calling it concept work???

That would appear to be the case. Phil's statements aren't very indicative of a future potential for the game either. Sounds like it was real and it was killed :(

We'll see. I doubt Cliffy would say anything else but this. Although Rod is the right person to lead the project, not sure on the rest of the team though


Hopefully most of the neogaf crew from the Gears 3 beta and official thread are still around to hype this up when the game is announced.. I already know PXG is first in line.


I thought Gears 1/2/3 were all awesome games. Unfortunately I disliked the design of judgement so much that I didn't even finish it. But I am still excited for a new game in the franchise. I hope the campaign design is more similar to the trilogy than judgement, and that they move the story forward. No more prequels please.


Gaf gets way too caught up on new ips. The fact is most new ips fail. How was knack? How was Ryse? How was crimson dragon? How was Loco cycle? 4 new ips for next Gen systems, 4 failures. Stop acting like the unannounced game was a surefire hit. Microsoft is playing the percentages here. Gears 4 will probably be just as good or better than the new IP would have been, and will certainly sell better.

Minecraft started as a new IP. So did Journey. The Last of Us. There are big rewards for getting the new IP thing right, the new IPs you mentioned are just first attempts at a new console gen, tech demos mostly. You really can't expect much more success than they got.

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
Gears Of War 1 was one of my favorite games last gen.. I didn't even buy Judgement. The series lost it's spark in my eyes. I would have loved to have something new being developed by Black Tusk.


well certainly didn't see that one coming. I wonder if they will continue the story somehow or go for a reboot

On the other hand Black Tusk not making a new IP makes me a bit sad. I was hoping for a cool new ip.


Hopefully most of the neogaf crew from the Gears 3 beta and official thread are still around to hype this up when the game is announced.. I already know PXG is first in line.

I'm certainly down when the time comes. If this really is a few years away though, jesus.
I feel like this decision was a given. MS was pushed in a corner. Either have Sony possibly buy Gears and gain that fanbase while MS loses that fanbase or MS buys Gears and keep its fanbase. Either option have a strong possibility of changing the series with different game mechanics and whatnot but it would of been a hit to MS if they did not secure Gears.


Black Tusk making a Gears of War then? Was this series worth it at this point, I dunno. Seems to have kinda run its course.

I agree, there's nothing left to pick at. I enjoyed the story of 1. Part 2 was underrated for SP and MP. But, they ran the story and universe in the ground. I'd rather have something new and something interesting to care about.


Yeah, I'm tired of that one as well. But you can bet your ass that I am still interested in seeing a new one on the PS4. I guarantee my face would melt and then I would be excited for it all over again. A new generation is often a good cure for being jaded with an old franchise.
Yep, this is well said and I totally agree.

I am really looking forward to seeing what a next gen Gears game looks like.
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