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Microsoft Studios acquires rights to Gears of War franchise/Black Tusk does the work

I call bullshit. I just dug through a 100+ post thread from the PS4 launch special on Spike TV where people were predicting a possible Gears sequel for PS4. This is the closest thing I could find to what you're saying.

Everyone else in this thread not excited about Gears also wasn't excited about Gears if it came to PS4. Read this thread for proof.


This is clearly a case of your bias reforming memories.
Sony getting a Gears game would have been far bigger news than this, think FFXIII. I also said nothing about being against another gears game but the fact that MS went off about how much money they were putting into creating new studios while talking about lots of new IPs in the works, only to go forward and pay god knows how much to acquire the Gears franchise and put that in the spotlight doesn't really bestow people with a lot of confidence they are having creating new IPs from scratch. And I still stand that a remake of the original Unreal using UE4 would be better than a new Gears on any platform any day of the week.
I feel like this decision was a given. MS was pushed in a corner. Either have Sony possibly buy Gears and gain that fanbase while MS loses that fanbase or MS buys Gears and keep its fanbase. Either option have a strong possibility of changing the series with different game mechanics and whatnot but it would of been a hit to MS if they did not secure Gears.
Where do people come up with this stuff? Sony was never going to buy the Gears IP, if MS hadn't purchased it, the series would have likely had a long break and Epic might have returned to it years later with a multiplat title. That is like the only other possibility.
After gears 3 i just stopped it was enough for me. And this is going on the CoD route yeah no thank you i see the cow all ready being milked to death.

Gears of War 3 was the last game in the series for me too. Never got around to playing Judgement. I just didn't really care that much about that world anymore. Same thing happened with God of War. Never got around to playing Ascension for the same reason. Who knows though, maybe they can actually do something interesting with the franchise.


This reminds me of halo and bungie alot, original studio gets tired of franchise, possibly thinks there's nothing left to add to it, leaves it for new game, MS gets a new unproven studio to make a new game ie Halo 4. Better hope its similarities end there.
This smells like a panic desperation money-hat from Microsoft.

And not a very wise one. I don't think Gears has much mojo left.

Securing their second biggest franchise of the past decade is panic desperation? I think you may be looking too much into it.

It's obvious Epic had no desire to continue working on Gears. Microsoft did the smart thing.


I hope Black Tusk are given the freedom to do what they will with the property. It would be disheartening if they got locked into recycling the same old formula over and over every few years.

Let it be theirs.
Where do people come up with this stuff? Sony was never going to buy the Gears IP, if MS hadn't purchased it, the series would have likely had a long break and Epic might have returned to it years later with a multiplat title. That is like the only other possibility.

There were talk about a PS4 version of Gears. And even if Sony had intentions or not MS would have not known. It would be a safe bet for them to purchase the IP.
Securing their second biggest franchise of the past decade is panic desperation? I think you may be looking too much into it.

It's obvious Epic had no desire to continue working on Gears. Microsoft did the smart thing.

Panic desperation from the timing. They could have bought the Gears IP long ago or while they were preparing for the Xbox One launch. But they chose not to. Perhaps Epic was asking too much, perhaps they didn't think it was worth it.

Fast forward to now when the PS4 is beating them in sales (due to lower price, better specs, etc.) and has the momentum . . . QUICK! BUY SOMETHING TO BE EXCLUSIVE!
I hope Black Tusk are given the freedom to do what they will with the property. It would be disheartening if they got locked into recycling the same old formula over and over every few years.

Let it be theirs.

I don't think there's any doubt they'll be forced to follow certain guidelines.

Judgment pissed a lot of Gears fans off with all the changes to multiplayer so they have to avoid drawing the ire of that fan base.

I definitely want them to make it their own but I don't want them to lose what makes Gears great. It's going to be a pretty tough balancing act at first. 343 faced similar challenges.

Panic desperation from the timing. They could have bought the Gears IP long ago or while they were preparing for the Xbox One launch. But they chose not to. Perhaps Epic was asking too much, perhaps they didn't think it was worth it.

Fast forward to now when the PS4 is beating them in sales (due to lower price, better specs, etc.) and has the momentum . . . QUICK! BUY SOMETHING TO BE EXCLUSIVE!

I think the timing makes sense in that, Judgment did not do well and Epic was seemingly done with the IP so it was at an all time low. I know there's been a bit of groaning in terms of "argh more Gears" but there's no denying that losing the franchise would have been a major hit to Microsoft. It was definitely something they needed to lock up in that regard.

Could they have been feeling some pressure from Sony's white hot start to the generation? Sure, I guess so, but I don't think you make knee jerk IP acquisitions like this based on that pressure though Especially since the Xbox One is doing very well in its own right.


Gears of War 3 was the last game in the series for me too. Never got around to playing Judgement. I just didn't really care that much about that world anymore. Same thing happened with God of War. Never got around to playing Ascension for the same reason. Who knows though, maybe they can actually do something interesting with the franchise.

Fun fact i just bought God of War 3 but this is because i bought a PS3 last year. But yeah when it ends it ends. No more make new IP's i want to be entertainted and excited for new stuff this is a fatigue and i am all ready tired hearing another Gears of War is coming and it isn't from Epic.


I don't think there's any doubt they'll be forced to follow certain guidelines.

Judgment pissed a lot of Gears fans off with all the changes to multiplayer so they have to avoid drawing the ire of that fan base.

I definitely want them to make it their own but I don't want them to lose what makes Gears great. It's going to be a pretty tough balancing act at first. 343 faced similar challenges.

Yeh, wishful thinking on my part :)

If they could go and get that magic of GoW1 Multiplayer locked up like the freshness in a packet of Walker's Crisps, oh my.
Panic desperation from the timing. They could have bought the Gears IP long ago or while they were preparing for the Xbox One launch. But they chose not to. Perhaps Epic was asking too much, perhaps they didn't think it was worth it.

Fast forward to now when the PS4 is beating them in sales (due to lower price, better specs, etc.) and has the momentum . . . QUICK! BUY SOMETHING TO BE EXCLUSIVE!

You honestly thing Microsoft just walked in the epic games this morning and handed over a bag of cash??

A deal like this will have been on the cards a long time ago!!!

The new gears games will be already underway!
I guess Microsoft is going back to its bread and butter.

Halo and gears every other year , which really isn't a bad thing.
Well, it won't be bad if it works for them. Which it definitely will to some degree. But CoD remains the top shooter dog, Battlefield 4 did pretty well (despite the issues), and Destiny is the 800 pound gorilla in waiting. It is going to be hard to do better than the multi-platform shooters. Killzone was unable to do it.


I am glad to hear more games will be made. I have loved all the other Gears games and curious to see how the next ones do under a new studio. MS is making Black Tusk a big studio and they seem to be getting lots of backing from MS so it is not like it is not just some small studio with no talent.


Fps codified gears incoming, hold onto your butts.

I like the series, not many tps on the market, can't wait to see what they come up with
Yep I think this will be great, can't wait! :) I'm sure it'll be a key title that shows off Unreal 4 on Xbox One too just like Gears 1 on 360.
But you say that there aren't man tps on the market... I actually think that genre has absolutely exploded in the last few years, especially on PS3 with Uncharted, inFamous, Last of Us. There may be adventure aspects in them too which might mask them as something else than shooters, but most of them are definitely shooters I'd say and many of them use the same great cover based action sequence formula too. I love it! First-person shooters make me motion sick. Third-person shooters don't. :)
You honestly thing Microsoft just walked in the epic games this morning and handed over a bag of cash??

A deal like this will have been on the cards a long time ago!!!

The new gears games will be already underway!

No, I don't think they did it this morning. But nice strawman you built there.

However, I am certain this came together (at least the Rod part) only in the last few months . . .obviously it did because Rod Fergusson JUST started working at 2K games just a few months ago.


I thought Microsoft would've learned from Gears of War: Judgment that this franchise is pretty much on it's way out. What were the sales for that game? I thought it didn't sell that well compared to all the previous games in the series. And I hope Black Tusk is large enough to work on multiple games at once instead of being just a Gears of War company like a 343i and Lionhead. Did their espionage game get cancelled?


I guess Microsoft is going back to its bread and butter.

Halo and gears every other year , which really isn't a bad thing.
I think it is bad if that was all they were going to have but they have already announced a few different new IPs. There is the new game from Remedy Quantic Break, also D4, the game from Isomniac, Ryse ( even though it was bad it is still a try at a new IP) and others. So having some of the beloved game series Forza, Halo, Gears and keep trying new IPs is a good thing.
No, I don't think they did it this morning. But nice strawman you built there.

However, I am certain this came together only in the last few months . . .obviously it did because Rod Fergusson JUST started working at 2K games just a few months ago.

Few months ago? Rod worked there for 6 months to get bioshock 3 out the door on a contract basis, then left just after release.of bioshock 3

Think he kept the twitter name gearsviking for no reason?


Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
THAT would be an incredible get for MS, but I hope it never happens.

Based on Microsoft's current method - if TitanFall proves really successful, I could see them trying to get TitanFall 2 on Xbox One exclusively. With that said, I doubt it's going to happen just because I don't think Respawn wants that to happen and the deal is with EA and not just Respawn themselves.

Microsoft buying TitanFall would entirely depend on the deal that is set with EA anyway, which I believe allows EA the rights to publish multiple games by Respawn.

Acquiring the rights to Gears is a lot easier by comparison - since only Epic was involved and Epic was a partner with Microsoft throughout the entire previous generation.

With that said, I wish Microsoft had acquired BioWare rather than EA. If that was done, then Microsoft's first party offerings would, for me, easily match Sony's. They would have Halo, Gears (now), Forza, Fable, Mass Effect, and Dragon Age and possibly a KOTOR 3. What could have been...

As it is now, Sony still has the best first party studios (between Sony and Microsoft). Nintendo obviously has the absolute best.


Good for MS I guess? I don't care about Gears at all so it doesn't make me want to purchase an Xbox One, but I'm sure some people will feel forced to now.


Halo has run its course, Bungie quits the series and leaves Xbox, Microsoft acquires the rights to the IP, new studio (343) creates new Halo, new Halo isn't that good.

GoW has run its course, Epic quits the series and leaves Xbox, Microsoft acquires the rights to the IP, new studio (Black Tusk) creates new GoW, new GoW (probably) isn't that good.

I see a pattern.

This more of the same forever and ever is getting tiring. Nowadays companies tend to just milk everything till there's no drop left, running every great franchise to the ground, to "reboot it" a few years later.

This practices stifle creativity: no new IPs and great devs being stuck with just one series, which isn't even theirs to begin with.


Damn megaton right there, shot the hopes of those thinking gears will be going multiplatform!

Gears of War 3 is my favorite console multiplayer game, glad MS secured the rights to it! Rod being on board as well is an added bonus!


So spy game in Cboat language is exactly like the movie? Sony and epic were about to make a trade arrangement and major Nelson parachuted in to rescue the hostage.
You honestly thing Microsoft just walked in the epic games this morning and handed over a bag of cash??

A deal like this will have been on the cards a long time ago!!!

The new gears games will be already underway!






I thought Microsoft would've learned from Gears of War: Judgment that this franchise is pretty much on it's way out. What were the sales for that game? I thought it didn't sell that well compared to all the previous games in the series. And I hope Black Tusk is large enough to work on multiple games at once instead of being just a Gears of War company like a 343i and Lionhead. Did their espionage game get cancelled?

I think it scraped by 1 million or so. The first three did about 6 - 7 million each.
I think it is bad if that was all they were going to have but they have already announced a few different new IPs. There is the new game from Remedy Quantic Dream, also D4, the game from Isomniac, Ryse ( even though it was bad it is still a try at a new IP) and others. So having some of the beloved game series Forza, Halo, Gears and keep trying new IPs is a good thing.
Ryse is actually a pretty good game. I'm surprised still how bad the reviews crapped on it. Its a little thin but the core combat is excellent. It just needed variety.
Good job.

I care about the Gears universe. It could be really great, with new characters and new settings.

The evolution of gears to me is that it you can build your own character and do more. melee combat should be much deeper than context sensitivity presses. I think gears should have, a really complex character creation system. looks, abillities, gear, create your own class.

and maybe take it into space. pull from destiny, dead space, starcraft. Expand the multiplayer massively. how would gears work with 120, or 256 players work online? Mass Effect 3 had an interesting online co-op progression as well.
titanfall seeks to mish-mash single player and multiplayer, by telling story in a deathmatch maps with players AND bots.

So, what I am trying to say, Black Tusk, the only thing that would disappoint me from a next gen Gears game, has nothing to do with graphics. It has something to do with you making it more than a 6-12 hour single player campaign and some rudimentary multiplayer, horde mode and the likes.

Even if it's terrific value, it's not what I want anymore. I've had enough of that. next gen graphics and a new story won't change that. That doesn't mean you can't keep the same cover mechanics, the cool iconic chaingun rifle and all that. But use the licens to do something new.
Few months ago? Rod worked there for 6 months to get bioshock 3 out the door on a contract basis, then left just after release.of bioshock 3

Think he kept the twitter name gearsviking for no reason?

I guess you missed the recent news about Rod heading up a new 2K studio for Take Two.

Maybe this story will enlighten you:

He did say that his first day at the studio would be today.

"There's a lot of work to be done and we wanted to get started as soon as possible so as soon as the ink was dry, I boarded an airplane to Vancouver."

Robot Pants

Gears is pretty dead. I suppose a reboot would help, but what made Gears special died along time ago, and so did its creators.
Good job.

I care about the Gears universe. It could be really great, with new characters and new settings.

The evolution of gears to me is that it you can build your own character and do more. melee combat should be much deeper than context sensitivity presses. I think gears should have, a really complex character creation system. looks, abillities, gear, create your own class.

and maybe take it into space. pull from destiny, dead space, starcraft. Expand the multiplayer massively. how would gears work with 120, or 256 players work online? Mass Effect 3 had an interesting online co-op progression as well.
titanfall seeks to mish-mash single player and multiplayer, by telling story in a deathmatch maps with players AND bots.

So, what I am trying to say, Black Tusk, the only thing that would disappoint me from a next gen Gears game, has nothing to do with graphics. It has something to do with you making it more than a 6-12 hour single player campaign and some rudimentary multiplayer, horde mode and the likes.

Even if it's terrific value, it's not what I want anymore. I've had enough of that. next gen graphics and a new story won't change that. That doesn't mean you can't keep the same cover mechanics, the cool iconic chaingun rifle and all that. But use the licens to do something new.

Didn't see it posted but cboat commented in other thread

Black tusk is not that big. The spy game was real. Period. And it was good.
Yeah. CBOAT was hyping Black Tusk's new game back in August. I bolded the relevant line.

\excuse me cir.

ddaafuk!? coner ned citiznes .PM MEzaying uthink thiss and what, no.
nut wha im sayin at al. Im talk ngspecfnc BIG app+deal fel apetrtn and gint more confomat((ioan. midsept.ISED THIS ALREDY.L no wrds in my mouth plese.

wall off payne noswitch on XBOnE far azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz I no.
netflickes/othe..rs therequissrsed.>< gold.stil

midsept for confimr. larend miy leson from halopPOP

OH bthe wayGOD NEWS FOr xboNE::! black tusks is til runrina late inprepro but loks fkuin great. skil;led devs on anim&& audio esp.
Anway, this news pleases me. Not because I like the Gears games. I actually don't care about them. But Epic is no longer tied down making more Gears games, and is free to make other games.

Only thing I wonder is if this was a defensive move by MS to prevent the series from going multiplat, or if Epic was simply uninterested in making more Gears games but MS wanted the series to continue. If it was the latter, then this was the best outcome for anyone who still wanted more Gears games. Because even though it won't be developed by Epic, gamers wouldn't have even gotten another Gears without this buyout.


Count me among those who think this was a bad move. I bought all three Gears games, but by the third one I was really burned out. I played through the campaign once and that was it. They were pretty good games, but it's over now. If it would have been a launch game for the Xbox One, then maybe... but this isn't going to sell well.
So wait...

"Black Tusk New IP" is actually a Gears game? Or do they have something else in the oven.

I mean a new Gears is great, but does that outweigh a new IP?

NVM...saw the confirmation. I would have preferred a new IP WITH a new gears game...but ah well.


This smells like a panic desperation money-hat from Microsoft.

And not a very wise one. I don't think Gears has much mojo left.

I feel it's Microsoft taking a different approach with their gaming lineup. Instead of completely relying on 3rd party studios like they did during the 360 era, it seems this generation they're trying to bring more stuff in house.

I think it's a good thing. But I guess I can see how it's a bad thing for people who want to see the Xbox brand fail.
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