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Microsoft Studios (& Partners) Current and Future Landscape

I know exclusives are huge on GAF, but I look at the difference in software marketshare between Sony and Microsoft here (7% for Sony vs. 6% for MS), and it really seems like they don't make much difference at all. Especially when you take into account the install base difference. And you have to assume the overwhelming majority of Microsoft's share is Forza/Gears/Halo so it seems like they'd be just fine to continue that with the additional new IP here and there like Ori.

It's UK second best Microsoft market.
I'm not saying it will bomb (wouldn't be surprised either way), but how many "SWAG" games are already out? It doesn't seem to have any hype and will have a ton of already established competition, competition that already has it's players hooked with 10s if not 100s of hours worth of building their character, it'll be a tough sell and these games need a good sized playerbase or they'll die quick. Though on the other hand it seems different enough that it could cut-out it's own little audience in an incredibly popular genre.

With it being a SWAG game I think that's where some people are assuming its going to bomb, because there isn't really anything else on the market like it to compare it against. That happens to be one of the main reasons I think it will do well, because it is different.

What they really need to do is to try and open up the alpha as much as possible and get more people playing it and talking about it. If it continues to generate the positive buzz that they have then I think they're onto a winner.

It's going to be really interesting to follow this games development.


The only recent titles I can think of that had expectations of being bombs that turned out not to be are Doom and Splatoon. And arguably FFX.

Most other titles that people are calling out as going to end up as flops well in advance, well, are.
I know exclusives are huge on GAF, but I look at the difference in software marketshare between Sony and Microsoft here (7% for Sony vs. 6% for MS), and it really seems like they don't make much difference at all. Especially when you take into account the install base difference. And you have to assume the overwhelming majority of Microsoft's share is Forza/Gears/Halo so it seems like they'd be just fine to continue that with the additional new IP here and there like Ori.
Which isn't big in UK.
I Thought Mexico just became their 2nd biggest market not too long ago?? They love Halo and Gears there.

i swear i heard them say that at the xbox fan fest they held there.


With it being a SWAG game I think that's where some people are assuming its going to bomb, because there isn't really anything else on the market like it to compare it against. That happens to be one of the main reasons I think it will do well, because it is different.

What they really need to do is to try and open up the alpha as much as possible and get more people playing it and talking about it. If it continues to generate the positive buzz that they have then I think they're onto a winner.

It's going to be really interesting to follow this games development.

The other thing though is you can't expect much more sales then the boxes that are already out in the wild. I don't see anyone out there waiting for just this game and it's what made them purchase an Xbox. That's what this conversation is really about. Not the success or failure of this game but it's ability to draw attention to the ecosystem. That's great if It does good with its existing party but if it fails to bring in new users then it didn't live up to its part. The whole point of exclusives is to make consumers want your box. The sales of 3rd party games, memberships and the money you make off them is the main goal right? I'd have to say that the remaining exclusives won't move that needle. To that extent yes the doom and gloom in this thread and others is warranted. People that love Forza, Halo, Gears will already own an xbox that's a given. If their ultimate goal is growing their UWA (or what ever it's called) then they're going about it the wrong way.

This really isn't just directed at your response but the whole situation MS finds themselves in. Having games like Scalebound (their E3 2014 showing in general) is what got me to buy back into the ecosystem. The cancelation and mistreatment of those games is what made me bow out. Balls in their court and they've been butterfingered about the whole thing.
I don't for one second think SoT is a system seller like Halo and Gears were and still are to a degree but I think it can pull in new gamers as well as making the Xbox a more appealing purchase in general.

All I am saying is that I think Rare could have a hit on their hands but that hit will always be relative to where Microsoft are right now, a distant second. That doesn't meant it can't sell a substantial amount though.
I don't for one second think SoT is a system seller like Halo and Gears were and still are to a degree but I think it can pull in new gamers as well as making the Xbox a more appealing purchase in general.

All I am saying is that I think Rare could have a hit on their hands but that hit will always be relative to where Microsoft are right now, a distant second. That doesn't meant it can't sell a substantial amount though.

I have literally no idea how good (or bad) SoT is going to sell, but I do know that XBOX will be a better place to be with SoT than without.

For the sake of Rare and its employees - and for Phil Spencer - I hope this games matches their internal targets.


All they gotta do is pair up some marketing along the lines of the new Pirates of the Caribbean and WALA - SHALAKAZAM!

Done deal - slam dunk - rope-a-dope - 4Square - hopscotch - alley-oop

you get the drift my jive turkey.

Jack Sparrow pre order DLC mission. They'll be rolling in doubloons


Phil Spencer ‏@XboxP3
Just played Crackdown3 w/ @shannonloftis Best CD exp I've had. Agent control, world is very alive, diverse enemies, really fun.

Phil Spencer ‏@XboxP3
And I got a short look at Phantom Dust with @shannonloftis and @RealKLobb , game really holds up, team is doing nice work.
I don't doubt that Crackdown and Phantom Dust are coming along well, but good lord Spencer is in damage control mode.


Fans are mega pissed after last week, its like everyone has woken up
Yeah, totally. The cancellation of Scalebound, while not necessarily disastrous on its own, is absolutely the sort of disruptive announcement that calls everyone's attention to the fact that Microsoft's first-party and exclusive lineups are not in a great place right now.
He does this all the time. So nothing new. And he responded on a question about how those games are going.
Ah, okay. Maybe this is more typical of his Twitter presence than I thought. It just seems like he's tweeted a few things over the past few days wherein the subtext is essentially, "EVERYTHING IS FINE NOTHING TO SEE HERE." That said, it could definitely be me reading it that way after this week's news.


I don't doubt that Crackdown and Phantom Dust are coming along well, but good lord Spencer is in damage control mode.
I don't think it's as much damage control as he gives updates on Sea of thieves whenever he visits rare. People probably just keep asking him about Crackdown so he made it clear it's not cancelled. For what it's worth, I've never seen him tweet about how well or not well scalebound was doing


Good to hear that Crackdown is coming along well, the only problem is that 2.5 years after its announcement we still know next to nothing about it. Cloud destruction in multiplayer is great but I need to hear about the campaign, vehicles, bosses etc. Sounds like a good candidate for a GI cover sometime soon with a lengthy gameplay demo at E3.


Yeah, totally. The cancellation of Scalebound, while not necessarily disastrous on its own, is absolutely the sort of disruptive announcement that calls everyone's attention to the fact that Microsoft's first-party and exclusive lineups are not in a great place right now.

Ah, okay. Maybe this is more typical of his Twitter presence than I thought. It just seems like he's tweeted a few things over the past few days wherein the subtext is essentially, "EVERYTHING IS FINE NOTHING TO SEE HERE." That said, it could definitely be me reading it that way after this week's news.

Oh i am sure that the news from this week gave him abit more of a push to respond on it today. But overall he does that quite alot. :)
Do you think new IPs would help them break into other markets vs focusing on having the best hardware, infrastructure, pricing, etc.?

Why is that even a choice ?

You need three things to succeed:

- diverse, interesting library
- console power in relation to price
- global presence

Microsoft in their best time (early x360) had first two and it wasn't enough


Alright, so I might be over-analyzing it but when he says Phantom Dust "holds up," does that suggest it's more of a remaster rather than a full on remake?
Sea of Thieves would really benefit from a public beta. Anecdotally, I have had friends who don't follow the game industry much express interest in it. It has potential to be popular with streamers.


Is there any possibility of having Rocksteady game at this year microsoft E3? Rumour were there that they looking into multiplayer stuff and this fits perfectly with microsoft, as what they want with there portfolio(multiplayer).



I wish I could believe this, but I don't.

Besides, Shinobi specifically mentioned Rare developing new IPs, did he not?

Would be nice, if done right. Tactical spy stuff with an outrageously over-the-top flair.

Let's be clear here: OG PD was an objective-based shooter with an emphasis on shooting. It shouldn't stray too far from that. What's with all the calls for stealth in PD? Has it been so long since folks played they forget what the game was about?
As long as they improve on the cheating bullshit that was the PDZ AI.

Is this the second team at Rare?

I would bet on another third party effort. Sea of Thieves is apparently taking up close to all of their bandwidth right now.

I just hope this one actually comes out, if it's real :/

Let's be clear here: OG PD was an objective-based shooter with an emphasis on shooting. It shouldn't stray too far from that. What's with all the calls for stealth in PD? Has it been so long since folks played they forget what the game was about?

They already have a shooter for shooting's sake franchise; 2 of them, in fact. If PD comes back, it's gonna be retooled to fit in their line, and tactical (didn't say stealth, mind you, but a stealth component isn't the worst idea in the world) spy shooter has a lot more wiggle room than another straight FPS.
Prefect Dark is such a 90's IP. I'm not sure it would be successful at all unless they reimagined it completely. And it's strength would have to be more than a gun that can shoot through walls.

I'd rather have a new IP. Hell, a new Kameo adventure game would be so much cooler.


Prefect Dark is such a 90's IP. I'm not sure it would be successful at all unless they reimagined it completely. And it's strength would have to be more than a gun that can shoot through walls.

I'd rather have a new IP. Hell, a new Kameo adventure game would be so much cooler.

Nonsense. Its strengths include multi-tiered objectives, multi-path level design, diverse enemy reactions, punishing AI that forces players to get familiar with enemy and level layout, and an excellent variety of gadgets and weapons with secondary functions. A sequel that expands on such objective and open-ended level design while retaining the other things that made the original great would stand apart from 99% of modern shooters. Someone just needs the gumption and imagination to attempt it.

They already have a shooter for shooting's sake franchise; 2 of them, in fact. If PD comes back, it's gonna be retooled to fit in their line, and tactical (didn't say stealth, mind you, but a stealth component isn't the worst idea in the world) spy shooter has a lot more wiggle room than another straight FPS

I appreciate the need to avoid saturating their lineup with yet another shooter, but my point is that if you expand upon what made OG PD great - as outlined above - you end up with a game that's very materially different from other modern shooters. Great care would be needed, however, to understand PD's uniqueness and to market it accordingly. I don't disagree that it would be a challenge.
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