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Microsoft Studios (& Partners) Current and Future Landscape


And budget, you know the most important part :p

Easier said than done my friend, especially in the current AAA landscape.

Of course. I'm speaking in hypotheticals, and am super passionate about OG PD (as you might have discerned).

I actually think a sequel faithful to the original would lend itself to a more 'AA' tier budget, as the game doesn't need to be heavy on cutscenes or setpieces. That said, I would augment OG PD's narrative structure with longer cutscenes and a few choice setpieces - e.g., some Halo-style encounters would be a welcome addition to the more static enemy placement found in the original.

Oh great... another shooter.

Why do I even bother?
Of course. I'm speaking in hypotheticals, and am super passionate about OG PD (as you might have discerned).

I actually think a sequel faithful to the original would lend itself to a more 'AA' tier budget, as the game doesn't need to be heavy on cutscenes or setpieces. That said, I would augment OG PD's narrative structure with longer cutscenes and a few choice setpieces - e.g., some Halo-style encounters would be a welcome addition to the more static enemy placement found in the original.

Fair point, I could see that. Let's hope you're right :)


I honestly don't want Microsoft to focus on singleplayer IPs anymore when their bread and butter is multiplayer games that push Xbox Live. I get that they're not everyone's thing, but it's been Microsoft's thing for years now, and they need to focus on diversifying their portfolio in ways that play to their strengths, rather than their weaknesses.

Games like Sea of Thieves are a good step in the right direction. Crackdown 3 may be as well. They should be looking at games like Splatoon and trying to work in those ways, rather than trying to emulate something they've gotten no record of measureable success in.

There are a great many ways multiplayer games have yet to grow and innovate, and I want to see Xbox at the forefront of that. If a game has singleplayer, it should be built on top of the multiplayer, not the other way around, nor as its own separate thing.

The multiplayer is the platform. Build shit on top of it to increase its sales potential. A singleplayer campaign, in this model, should be treated as an optional add-on rather than the goddamn point. Use sales of the multiplayer to help fund creation of a singleplayer campaign, alongside continuing updates to the base game. That's how you build a platform.


Give Perfect Dark to Monolith; NOLF was always the better franchise.

I always thought Machine Games would be an excellent choice, in an alternate universe in which they aren't working on the new Wolfenstein. On that note, lordy lord I cannot wait for that game. New Wolf in iDTech 6? Drool.


I honestly don't want Microsoft to focus on singleplayer IPs anymore when their bread and butter is multiplayer games that push Xbox Live. I get that they're not everyone's thing, but it's been Microsoft's thing for years now, and they need to focus on diversifying their portfolio in ways that play to their strengths, rather than their weaknesses.

Games like Sea of Thieves are a good step in the right direction. Crackdown 3 may be as well. They should be looking at games like Splatoon and trying to work in those ways, rather than trying to emulate something they've gotten no record of measureable success in.

There are a great many ways multiplayer games have yet to grow and innovate, and I want to see Xbox at the forefront of that. If a game has singleplayer, it should be built on top of the multiplayer, not the other way around, nor as its own separate thing.

The multiplayer is the platform. Build shit on top of it to increase its sales potential. A singleplayer campaign, in this model, should be treated as an optional add-on rather than the goddamn point. Use sales of the multiplayer to help fund creation of a singleplayer campaign, alongside continuing updates to the base game. That's how you build a platform.

I would like this yeah. MP wise they have unique games already. There is nothing like Halo and Gears still in the MP world. Soon we see some Sea of Thieves joining that. Maybe T10 and Playground can make some racing MP game like Rocket League of something.


I would like this yeah. MP wise they have unique games already. There is nothing like Halo and Gears still in the MP world. Soon we see some Sea of Thieves joining that. Maybe T10 and Playground can make some racing MP game like Rocket League of something.

Or maybe even something in the vein of Blur.


The NOLF guys are in a studio called Blackpowder now. Made a great game called Betrayer. They haven't been at Monolith for a long time.

Ah nice, I'll look into it. Thanks for the heads up.

I always thought Machine Games would be an excellent choice, in an alternate universe in which they aren't working on the new Wolfenstein. On that note, lordy lord I cannot wait for that game. New Wolf in iDTech 6? Drool.

Hell yeah, TNO was fantastic. Hope we see The New Colossus at E3.


Phil has always had Uncharted envy. I wonder if there is a Perfect Dark game in development it'll be a complete re-imagining. Story focused, nice graphics, maybe third person, etc.

I seriously doubt this is happening in any form though especially considering the source is some Xbox fan site.


Persecution Complex
Perfect Dark, when it first released on N64, was a magical and mind blowing experience at the time. Fond memories of staying up with one of my best friends at the time, going through single player and then playing multiplayer with bots. After playing it on Rare Replay it didn't age that well like most games from that era.

Given the artwork and style of the original game, I think the potential is huge for a modern take on the franchise.

*I do not acknowledge the existence of Perfect Dark Zero.


Phil has always had Uncharted envy. I wonder if there is a Perfect Dark game in development it'll be a complete re-imagining. Story focused, nice graphics, maybe third person, etc.

I seriously doubt this is happening in any form though especially considering the source is some Xbox fan site.

Yeah, I agree. Not happening. But I would buy your version of PD and not be mad about the change.
Of course. I'm speaking in hypotheticals, and am super passionate about OG PD (as you might have discerned).

I actually think a sequel faithful to the original would lend itself to a more 'AA' tier budget, as the game doesn't need to be heavy on cutscenes or setpieces. That said, I would augment OG PD's narrative structure with longer cutscenes and a few choice setpieces - e.g., some Halo-style encounters would be a welcome addition to the more static enemy placement found in the original.

AA games are sadly pretty much dead. People are not tolerant of jank or other issues associated with shortened schedules and smaller budgets, unless the title is outright indie in which case the standards adjust. See: Recore's reception, where it was graded on a AAA scale and the issues it had (and they did exist) were blown waaaaay up.

The more I think about it, the less sure I am that adding PD to the line as anything other than a dramatic reinvention would be a good play, and even that's pretty risky... on the one hand you have

Oh great... another shooter.

And on the other hand, you've got the series diehards, who would presumably make up the core audience/hype engine, and they'd react pretty poorly to a full-scale reimagining of the series, which would cripple the game's chances right out of the gate. Not sure there's any way to win here.

The NOLF guys are in a studio called Blackpowder now. Made a great game called Betrayer. They haven't been at Monolith for a long time.

THough if anybody would do it justice, these guys might.

Good. If there ever is a franchise that they should leave in the vault, it's Perfect Dark.

Bring back Crimson Skies.

I... agree with Hoodoo.

(I mean, about them bringing back Crimson Skies, not sure about PD)

Crimson Skies is the only answer. A VR version of that makes too much sense.

As someone with only a cursory interest in VR (not really in the budget rn), wouldn't an arcade flyer play really, really poorly with motion sickness issues?

Can you imagine pulling a VR Immalemann?


Phil has always had Uncharted envy. I wonder if there is a Perfect Dark game in development it'll be a complete re-imagining. Story focused, nice graphics, maybe third person, etc.

I seriously doubt this is happening in any form though especially considering the source is some Xbox fan site.

SHOCKER: Shangheist was a PD spinoff all along...


The chances of getting a new Perfect Dark are about the same as us getting a new Banjo. Slim to fuck all.
There's a huge difference. Banjo doesn't fit into a multiplayer service model. If it were to be done it would be buy a smaller external studio with a smaller budget. PD is more likely because there are more ways to add multiplayer to it


AA games are sadly pretty much dead. People are not tolerant of jank or other issues associated with shortened schedules and smaller budgets, unless the title is outright indie in which case the standards adjust. See: Recore's reception, where it was graded on a AAA scale and the issues it had (and they did exist) were blown waaaaay up.

They are far from dead and the criticisms of Recore were completely justified. Just because a game isn't AAA doesn't mean it's okay for it to have serious performance issues (despite mediocre visuals), cut content, horrible loading times and nor is it okay to gate the ending behind collectables to mask the paucity of story dungeons. I liked Recore but it was an unfinished game running on an unsuitable engine. With more dev time it could have been a winner but Microsoft pushed it out half baked.

There are plenty of lower budget games this generation that were well received and had none of the jank Recore exhibited.


It would be foolish for Microsoft to not capitialize on the Perfect Dark IP in the future. The original (along with Halo) is possibly the most highest rated FPS game of all time.


I think a new Perfect Dark could totally work so I'm game for that.

However, if they do bring back Perfect Dark, I really hope they don't make it like Tomb Raider or Uncharted like was hinted by some other posters. Microsoft already has their cinematic third person action series in Gears of War.

If you wanna look at some other modern games for influence, I would say Deus Ex, Dishonored, Ground Zeroes, or Hitman is a better example. The original Perfect Dark and Goldeneye before it weren't just linear shooters. They had more open ended levels with multiple objectives you needed to complete. Expanding on this open ended sandbox design is what you should do if you wanna bring back the IP.

I don't care if it's first or third person, what matters most to me is that a new game retains the spirit of the original.

Also, if Microsoft is concerned about needing games to be service-based, just make it like the Hitman release model. I think Hitman is a good example of single-player service-based games that Perfect Dark could follow. They don't need to bring back the competitive multiplayer stuff (though I wouldn't be against bringing back counter ops).


The 2014 Phantom dust is dead( well technically still shelved but it's not coming)

They announced a remaster of the OG phantom dust after their press conference
Unfortunately it's not a graphical remaster, they're retaining the OG graphics and just adding some online features/gameplay tweaks.

Shannon Loftis said it here. Really sucks to hear about, almost feels like they cheapened out.


Unfortunately it's not a graphical remaster, they're retaining the OG graphics and just adding some online features/gameplay tweaks.

Shannon Loftis said it here. Really sucks to hear about, almost feels like they cheapened out.

Possibly they're testing the waters before committing to something more substantial.


We don't need a 3rd person Perfect Dark. Seriously. I mean, it could work if done right, sure. But PD has always been a first person franchise first and foremost. Now, I know many of you are going to say that there are too many FPSs out there nowadays, so MS doesn't need another first person game. But if you want to bring back PD in third person, you might as well just make a new IP. Why bother using the PD franchise for it at all in that case?

It always kind of strikes me as odd that so many people always ask for a third person PD, but at the same time, people aren't okay with a game like Banjo Kazooie Nuts & Bolts. So you're not concerned that MS/Rare can possibly ruin another Rare IP with a genre change once again? If a third person PD were to happen, it would be the PD franchise's Nuts & Bolts. I don't think MS really needs something like that right now especially after the disappointing PDZ.


It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan.
We don't need a 3rd person Perfect Dark. Seriously. I mean, it could work if done right, sure. But PD has always been a first person franchise first and foremost. Now, I know many of you are going to say that there are too many FPSs out there nowadays, so MS doesn't need another first person game. But if you want to bring back PD in third person, you might as well just make a new IP. Why bother using the PD franchise for it at all in that case?

It always kind of strikes me as odd that so many people always ask for a third person PD, but at the same time, people aren't okay with a game like Banjo Kazooie Nuts & Bolts. So you're not concerned that MS/Rare can possibly ruin another Rare IP with a genre change once again? If a third person PD were to happen, it would be the PD franchise's Nuts & Bolts. I don't think MS really needs something like that right now especially after the disappointing PDZ.

I'd like some evidence that these are the same people, rather than different people with different opinions.


What about reboot Xbox related series as PGR or contact Ubisoft for another Splinter Cell?
It's an idea.

I remember these were huge names even in 360 era.


I would be totally ok with 3rd person stealth PD.


Microsoft need to get on the train. Bladerunner, Cyberpunk 2077, Ghost in the Shell etc.

Perfect Dark is ideal. Masses will be tuned to it in the near future and it will be more refreshing that military space sci fi.
They are far from dead and the criticisms of Recore were completely justified. Just because a game isn't AAA doesn't mean it's okay for it to have serious performance issues (despite mediocre visuals), cut content, horrible loading times and nor is it okay to gate the ending behind collectables to mask the paucity of story dungeons. I liked Recore but it was an unfinished game running on an unsuitable engine. With more dev time it could have been a winner but Microsoft pushed it out half baked.

There are plenty of lower budget games this generation that were well received and had none of the jank Recore exhibited.

Recore actually has more than enough content, it was the story not forcing players through it/signposting better that hurt it.

Still a fantastic game Imo.


Recore actually has more than enough content, it was the story not forcing players through it/signposting better that hurt it.

Still a fantastic game Imo.

I thought the optional dungeons were of very low quality and of little interest relative to the excellent story dungeons.
I thought the optional dungeons were of very low quality and of little interest relative to the excellent story dungeons.

See, this is where I'd disagree; a lot of the challenge dungeons were truly excellent. Some of the best platforming I've had in years.

So overall, I'd attribute ReCore's struggles to lack of polish (technical issues, animation stiffness) and smaller scope, both of which are definitely down more to budget.


Perfect Dark would actually be pretty timely it's basically cyberpunk Objective based hitman.

What's the deal with the shadowrun IP. After Returns did successful I always wanted Microsoft to work on a.big budget AAA shadowrun RPG.
Perfect Dark would actually be pretty timely it's basically cyberpunk Objective based hitman.

What's the deal with the shadowrun IP. After Returns did successful I always wanted Microsoft to work on a.big budget AAA shadowrun RPG.

I think they're still leasing it to Harebrained?

I think what I'd like is if MS basically pumped a bunch of support into them, but stayed hands off. Extra big budget Harebrained Shadowrun aw yeah.
They talked to ken lobb years ago about perfect dark tho and he said ms was very interested in the IP. Let's hope it's true.

Unless MS can turn it into a GAAS microtransaction card-based hell they wont touch it and Ken Lobb's plan for Perfect Dark sounded like the complete opposite of being able to do that.


If Microsoft was smart, they would move PD into a third person game and go down the splinter cell route with the craziness of metal gear...

If they were smart.
Or they could just do a deal with Ubi to fund a new splinter cell game since they already have the talent. Have it have a big multiplayer spies component

* that's assuming Ubi has no future plans for splinter cell
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