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Microsoft unifying PC/XB1 platforms, Phil implies Xbox moving to incremental upgrades


Even if they released an update every year, there wouldn't be a need to upgrade every time. If moving forward the current version of the Xbox One is the minimum spec box, you could get a new box every 2-3 years to catch up with whatever hardware advancements they have and continue to play every game you own for the system.

Exactly. How are people not getting this? They are not asking you to toss out the system you bought last year, nor will you have to. LOL.


Console generations won't matter anymore. It's about the catalog of software now, like Steam.

This is a great thing. I've been clamoring for consoles to be more like iOS for a while.


Junior Member
What about this: Games have an optimal profile the developer made for each Xbox model, but if the player wants they can still open up the graphics settings if they'd rather sacrifice some things for a better framerate or vice versa. The vast majority of players would stick with the optimal profile, but the kind of people who go on forums and complain about framerates or IQ might dabble in the settings a little bit. In my opinion those kinds of people no longer trust console developers to optimize console games the way they want them.
Even if they released an update every year, there wouldn't be a need to upgrade every time. If moving forward the current version of the Xbox One is the minimum spec box, you could get a new box every 2-3 years to catch up with whatever hardware advancements they have and continue to play every game you own for the system.

Making a good api for resolution scaling technique Halo 5 uses can help scale
future games to older consoles.
The i3/750ti combo is losing though in recent titles like ROTR.

The xbone version is using dx12 features which aren't available on the pc. It also lacks tessellation on anything other than snow and the shadows are lacking dynamic aspects. On dx12 specifically, the xbone version uses async compute which is the performance booster.

Also dx12 aside, the i3 is a dual core and the xbone has a 8 core amd cpu taking advantage of dx12. The i3 will likely start losing to amd's older 8 core cpus once dx12 is fully out on the pc.


Microsoft can basically tell users and developers that when an updated system is released, it will last them 5 years and maybe the max would be 7. So the current version will last till 2018 or 2020. MS can keep developers in check of when hardware will phase out and what to keep supporting. It will still be a closed ecosystem. Developers are already used to building games for different hardware variations on pc but because this is a closed system it will be much easier as they will only be targeting 3 systems about instead of multiple GPUs and CPUs. Many short sighted people here.

Optimisation isn't just about having software run on the machine. It's about devs going out of their way to make it run as good as they can on a specific machine (that they don't do on PC for obvious reasons). That's how you have TLOU run on a PS3 with 512Mb of splitted ram.
If you have different hardwares, you either increase the devs work, or you decrease the amount of optimisation they're willing to put in.
Isn't this the exact opposite reason people buy consoles? I buy a machine in 2013 and know that it will play everything for the next 7 years, no headaches.

I would argue that we certainly saw headaches during the final years of the PS3/360 as games were constantly constrained by terribly dated hardware. Expecting 7 years our of a piece of technology in 2016 is simply not reasonable anymore.

Why should other gamers be denied better experiences because of people clinging to old hardware?


They're really making it hard for me to justify buying the standard Xbone at any price. I thought I'd get one for Scalebound but that's 2017 now, and MS may be about to launch new HW by then.


The issue with Tomb Raider is the frame buffer. the 750ti doesn't have enough VRAM. It's also BELOW Spec, not quite Xbox one (VRAM specially), and definitely below PS4 spec - and yet it's bene BEATING both systems for a while now on a lot of games.
That says more about the devs not fully utilizing the tools they have than anything. Look at Uncharted 4 for what the PS4 can potentially do.

Bold One

Having thought about it more, this actually a terrible idea that only benefits the sort of people who brag about their titan rigs, they get more games without having to straddle the moving target that is optimisation and configuration specs.

Consoles aren't phones, people wont line up yearly to upgrade these...

All this will do is nuke the Xbox fan base and remove any faith they had in the hardware, quite the bruising really, especially for those who dropped 500 quid on Day One


This throws a wrench into the console space that can be either amazing or really detrimental. The scary and awesome thing is I don't know whats going to happen. One thing is for sure, it's never been a better time to be a PC gamer.


I mean this was the obvious next step. This leaked in 2012 already:


Look at the 2015 colunn. Everything they have done since then has been going in this direction. (I even think that the original Xbone DRM plans was a misguided way to tackle license transferral from physical XBO game to digital PC Xbox platform version.) No one should be surprised.

But that says access to the latest software without upgrades. Shouldn't that be less about hardware refreshes and more about OnLive style streaming?


That sounds interesting. Maybe their UWA thing has more potential than I originally thought. Shipping games with fixed settings for different hardware while maintaining compatibility across them all...

Also lol @ people screaming fragmentation. This is exactly what they are avoiding by their universal application approach. Sure you might get a prettier game with a more recent Xbox but your overall experience will be the same and you can play with your friends who own an older model or whatever.

Pretty sound to me.


So let me get this straight:

Why wouldn't I build my own PC and use steam which is undoubtedly a superior service but instead buy a pre-built PC that I cannot upgrade, has a closed ecosystem and will have a superior version every year? For the Microsoft certification and Xbox brand? They can't be fucking serious.

Why are you buying a console? It's the same deal.

Most people don't want to deal with buying separate components and building the thing. They just want to drop $399, plug it in and play.
Exactly. How are people not getting this? They are not asking you to toss out the system you bought last year, nor will you have to. LOL.
This is neogaf dude, people complain about standard ' slim' models coming out for that reason even when they don't have any new features!


Making a good api for resolution scaling technique Halo 5 uses can help scale
future games to older consoles.

Absolutely. Microsoft has to make the scaling of games as easy to developers as possible otherwise they will lose games as 2-3 new hardware revisions are released.


How soon till Valve's fears from years ago become a reality? The fears that caused them to start working on the Steambox to begin with. When will MS disallow Steam on Windows to force Windows games to be purchased from their Windows App Store?


Suppose this happens. Would it really happen with this current generation? I'd think it'd be a massive expense to release a redesigned modular configuration of the Xbox One at this time. I also imagine many console gamers that value simplicity would go into complete revolt at the prospect of constantly having to update a machine to have the best experience. It might push many to PlayStation or Nintendo NX in droves.

Personally, I don't think I mind the concept, but I have a PC for that. I don't much see the use in buying an Xbox for the same experience I can get on PC with many more possible configurations and customization options.
Ah that's right. IT was the RAM they boosted. Thank you for the info.

If it was the same and was "nothing new", then why the fuss?

Thing is, the idea of console iterations isn't exactly new but it doesn't exactly have a good track-record, either. SEGA was the last major console manufacturer to try it with the 32x and CD and those flopped HARD.

The idea of splitting first-party development between a PC and console is new. The idea of replacing (not simply enhancing or supplementing) console hardware every year or two is new.
I don't think there gonna do this right away though. They'll probably wait for two or three years before going all in.
That sounds interesting. Maybe their UWA thing has more potential than I originally thought. Shipping games with fixed settings for different hardware while maintaining compatibility across them all...

Also lol @ people screaming fragmentation. This is exactly what they are avoiding by their universal application approach. Sure you might get a prettier game with a more recent Xbox but your overall experience will be the same and you can play with your friends who own an older model or whatever.

Pretty sound to me.

I also don't think these guys realize that the gpu is all that has to be upgraded an it's not every year or so. 3-5 years. 5 years if you're okay with playing at 30 fps with high settings. Who wouldn't be excited at games not being downgraded?


Okay I'm going to try to merge this thread with the other one that's pretty much the same thing. Apologies if things get a bit weird.


bold move and sounds good to me but I'm not sure how the masses will react

doesn't seem too mainstream friendly. then again this is the first time someone is really trying something like this in the console market so who knows. hopefully it's a success.


Nothing of what you said makes sense. They will still have to make a generational cut from time to time. Devs won't build games for a 15 year old machine.

It's funny to see how people are getting angry and irrational at this announcement while it's certainly a good thing.

Depends how far the will take this. Put it this way, the moment you make hardware differences for your games to run better, I submit by definition it's next gen. PC is forever next gen by nature. If Xbox takes the PC hardware route it will lead to by nature forever Cross Gen Games, while it's competition PS5 wouldn't have to worry about that.


People who are talking about whether it'll be complicated for developers to run games across multiple devices are kinda missing the point IMO. The biggest impact will be on consumers. Assuming that Xbox will have some sort of capability across all Windows devices (it probably will), which games will appeal to whom? Which devices will be able to offer which experiences? Where will the traditional Xbox exclusives go to roost?

I'm not saying that this is a bad decision by MS. It's the only logical one. But it is going to be a fundamental transformation, and I have a feeling they're gonna bleed a little bit more of their hardcore audience over to Sony... which is a necessary loss in order to open their path to broader future growth. I think it's safe to say, in short, that MS and Sony will not be competitors anymore, in the sense we know today.


You sound like a person who doesn't want a console in the first place.

I want and have one. The difference is that it doesn't become obsolete every year and that developers focus on optimizing perfectly the specific hardware instead of developing for different hardware, you know, exactly like they do on PC. It's 400$ well spend that guarantees that the hardware will be relevant the next 4-5 years. If I want a prebuilt PC that updates every year I'll build a PC instead.
Give me those upgrades!

A few things need to be dealt with carefully though. Ease of install, pricing, and game compatibility.

It needs to be easy to plug in to upgrade. People arent going to want to open up their xbox, so im curious to see how they do this.

Personally im excited to see this.
Well, they won't have my support. I buy dedicated video game hardware to avoid having to worry about updating for five or six years. If this is your thing, more power to you, but I'm out.
The point is you don't have to upgrade. Just like Steam Machine, iOS, Android and (from what we know so far) NX, you buy the platform once and you can keep playing for potentially much longer than you would on a console. From the point of view of developers, the user base will be much, much larger. iOS games are available on iPhones and iPads, which is huge. Nintendo games will be available on NX home and NX handheld (and potentially even more form factors). Microsoft games will be available on PC and Xbox.

Fixed hardwares have been outdated for years. This is the correct direction that every console manufacturer should and will take.

Xbox = PC
Nintendo = Unified Handheld & Console
Playstation = traditional console

Sony isn't one who sits on their butt after announcements like this.

What MS is doing is also letting them take full advantage of pc vr without the drawbacks of static hardware.
How soon till Valve's fears from years ago become a reality? The fears that caused them to start working on the Steambox to begin with. When will MS disallow Steam on Windows to force Windows games to be purchased from their Windows App Store?

Never. This is FUD.

Because Microsoft doesn't want more antitrust again.


How the fuck will there be fragmentation if these games are UWP?

Their building a catalog. This move ensures that hardware is pretty much a non issue. This could be the closest consoles get to Steam.

This is a benchmark that should be encouraged.


That says more about the devs not fully utilizing the tools they have than anything. Look at Uncharted 4 for what the PS4 can potentially do.

Oh, is the game out already? Give me a break.

This ridiculous claim has a tleast improved since it was first touted last gen, where the consoles were supposedly TWICE as fast PC's. And just like then, the actual benchmarks on most games don't show this to be the case.

Surprise, surprise, similar silicon runs similarly on both platforms. Specially now given DX12 and Vulkan (CPU efficiency was the main drawback on PC with previous API's - but then again even entry level gaming PC CPU's trounce what's on consoles - that's why similar GPU's or even below spec GPU's on PC were achieving console liek quality and performance).
I wonder if this could be one of amd's semi custom x86 apu products they talked about. (alongside a semi custom arm based apu product which is assumed to be for Nintendo)
What's interesting is that this pretty much guarantees B/C going forward.

As always Entremet bringing the voice of reason.

I see this, combined with the ability for each individual consumer to decide when they want to upgrade is a huger leap forward for consoles.

Think about it this way: Remember the moment when you first thought that the last console generation was lingering too long? Now, imagine that, at that moment, you could simply buy a new piece of hardware and instantly you get better looking games that run at higher resolutions, etc but you also get to keep all of your existing games, accessories, controllers etc.

You don't have to wait for new hardware generations, replace your library, etc.

To me, it seems like the best parts of PC gaming but simplified around a unified user experience built for controllers and living room gaming in a way that the open nature of PC's simply cannot deliver. And for those who do want that more open PC gaming experience? No problem: Your games and saves will be there for you if you jump to PC.


Huh! I actually saw that one coming, Xbox essentially becoming a PC service, that is.

That way of handling it does slightly invalidate my prediction that it would mean the XBO would be the last MS console, but depending how open the annual boxes are as general purpose PCs that could still be technically correct.


Honest questions, if this turns out to be true, what would be the difference between an xbox and a PC? Software and controller?


Brilliant idea. The Xbox One name stays and the hardware gets a nice upgrade every X years. Having a shared ecosystem between PC and Xbox is something that I've wanted for a long time.

Future Xbox's probably won't be modular, but it'd be a nice way to save money instead of replacing the whole system.
How the fuck will there be fragmentation if these games are UWP?

Their building a catalog. This move ensures that hardware is pretty much a non issue. This could be the closest consoles get to Steam.

This is a benchmark that should be encouraged.

Agreed. I could also whip out a tablet with windows 10 on it and play some of the less demanding games on the go. Or get on word there and at home as well. This isn't a bad thing I haven't been this excited for a while.


How soon till Valve's fears from years ago become a reality? The fears that caused them to start working on the Steambox to begin with. When will MS disallow Steam on Windows to force Windows games to be purchased from their Windows App Store?

MS can't disallow Steam from being run on Windows. That would be a death blow for MS if they actually want people gaming on Windows. No way MS can turn Windows into a completely walled garden at this point.


this would kill the reason to own a console imo. why would you buy an upgradable PC-like xbox at all when you can just buy a fully formed, more open PC? it's got the same issues the steam boxes have. if you strip out the fundamental "console-ness" and also don't have the full functionality of a PC you end up with something that doesn't really scratch any type of itch.

you're either a set piece of hardware that can be developed "to the metal" as consoles currently are...
or you're a PC

i don't see how there is a viable market out there for a hybrid



I am trying to figure out if this news will hurt current XOne sales? Right now or in the near future.
I see people less willing to lock themselves into "inferior" hardware with promises of a better console down the road.
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