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Microsoft unifying PC/XB1 platforms, Phil implies Xbox moving to incremental upgrades


I imagine the first step in this process for next Xbox would be this.

Decent/recent CPU paired with a sizeable amount of ram...

Swappable gpu will be the winner here as they could have defined driver supports for each lets say 2yr cycle.

So for example, if they were to release today, you buy the next gen Xbox that has let's say a current i5 6500k equivalent (aka a ZEN cpu) and a swapable gpu component for $500. The finer details aka HD (could make swapable), audio/ports, bluray drive and wireless dont matter as those age relatively fine.

Then every 2-3 years offer a gpu upgrade for $125-$150 thats compatible with the current hardware. With a decent processor and ram on the front end the entire system ages well due to the graphics swapping ability. Factor in a trade back program and you can make it work while having better graphics to keep up with constantly updating engines.

This should work as current Gen GPUs usually cost what $70-80 per system? Then by the Xbox's 7th or 8th year, announce a newer system that refreshes the cpu and ram and start the process again.


NeoGAFs Kent Brockman
Please be true.New xbox's every year with upgraded hardware is awesome.Like steam machines.

Edit:Sorry but i posted in this thread twice and it's a mistake.

Bold One

That IS the life of a console gamer. 30fps is normal, and on Xbox One you're lucky if it's even 1080p. Optional upgrades sound like a wonderful idea if they can deliver on it in a user-friendly way.

They're not backing down from console development, they're trying to improve the experience and provide people with a legitimate reason to choose the Xbox other over consoles.

this is very bizarre way to go about it, especially if you dropped 500 Day 1 for a xbone


it will all come down to how its handled.

i think a new upgrade every year wont work and every 2 years is pushing it.

they also need to make it clear on when a console wont be supported and when games wont run on it. its easy for app stores to do this since every app is downloaded, but with console games able to buy physical they need to make it clear
Honest questions, if this turns out to be true, what would be the difference between an xbox and a PC? Software and controller?

Imo, Xbox is basically a windows 10 powered prebuilt pc that ms lets you upgrade and handles all the stuff some people don't want to bother to look up. It can likely handle newer graphics, mods, word and all the stuff. Sort of like the windows version of steamos.

PCs are for the types that can do everything themselves including look up parts and building it as well as maintaining it.


Xbox One
Xbox One Plus

Xbox One S
Xbox One S Plus

Xbox One SE which is just the original Xbox One repackaged.

This is going to cause headaches for developers having to support multiple SKUs as well as future games being held back graphics wise like cross-gen. They are just doubling down on all the stupid decisions they have made this gen.

The way you envision it, you are right.

Fortunately, we do not know the Xbox roadmap.


Honest questions, if this turns out to be true, what would be the difference between an xbox and a PC? Software and controller?

The Xbox would continue to be a closed platform with plug and play ease of use. You would just be able to upgrade if you feel you want whatever the newest hardware is without losing access to everything you previously bought.

It's kinda the best of both worlds if they can nail the execution of the concept.


I am trying to understand what this all means, but I'm not a very technical person, so if somebody could explain if what I am assuming is correct:
- You buy an XOne, then you will be able to upgrade it later on. Now, I understand what PC gamers do: they buy a new part (memory, graphics, whatever...) and replace the old one.
What can xOne owners do? Will there be a sort of USB attachment which will increase your power? Or will they need to replace the entire console?

Upgrading part wise on PC is very overstated. Yes you can buy a faster Vid Card, better ram, Faster CPU. But its all tied to what the motherboard supports. If you have an older PC, just putting in a faster vid card often doesn't improve things that much. PC gaming performance is a sum of its parts. A slow CPU or RAM is going to hold back a vid card. Putting in a fast CPU with an older vid card doesn't really get you much either. And its all limited to the Motherboard as when new Ram and CPU architectures come out, you have to change out the MB to support them. Your best performance upgrades come from upgrading the Motherboard, CPU, Ram and Vid Card all in one go. And for less than an extra $100 you can put it all in a new case with new power supply. So noticable performance increases are really just brand new PCs.

On Xbox I would assume you would just buy the new model, not parts, wouldn't make sense.

So that this ends up like iPhone or similar - buy a better one or get left behind in a few years?

What do you mean by left behind? I build a new PC, I can still play Doom on it.
I can also buy the latest game on my older PC and turn some settings down and play it fine. This is the model MS is aiming their console plans for.
Nintendo did it with the 3ds, has that been successful does anyone know?

I would argue that it has. People pretty much started buying the N3DS, and 3DS games on it load faster and what not.

The Xbox would continue to be a closed platform with plug and play ease of use. You would just be able to upgrade if you feel you want whatever the newest hardware is without losing access to everything you previously bought.

This is 100% how I see it. It is the end of me trying to figure out a good living room pc solution. I will likely pick up whatever the next round of xbox hardware is after I am done with my current living room pc project. :)


Say hello to the future of Xbox One.

Terrible comparison as the 32X, Sega CD, and genesis all had different software that only ran on those components. This will feature the same software across generations.


Ah thread merge - thought I posted in the wrong thread before...

Wonder if you could VM an Xbox environment, so that your main PC could effectively keep up with Xbox Machine updates while not needing specific (and likely duplicated) hardware

ps3ud0 8)


What happens if MS provide that? Its a box PC, so only as closed as Windows 10 is. Hassle free gaming? Just buy this box and not have to think about endless driver updates, incompatible hardware or viruses etc.

They could potentially bridge the gap...but this is MS we are talking about, so who knows!

But if it's primarily for gaming and uses the app wrapper bollocks, isn't it basically just a console but one you might have to upgrade yearly to keep up with current games? - so a slightly more complicated console. Maybe I'm just seeing this as some who currently has a Windows 7 USB boot stick for my final escape, but this seems like Microsoft is trying to be jack of all trades, master of none. They can only hold off being Microsoft and screwing it all up so long. And when it rains, it fucking pours with them.

Don't get me, I am interested to see how it turns out and hope it does end up being great and we can all frolic together in the green hills, but that track record...


Imo, Xbox is basically a windows 10 powered prebuilt pc that ms lets you upgrade and handles all the stuff some people don't want to bother to look up. It can likely handle newer graphics, mods, word and all the stuff. Sort of like the windows version of steamos.

PCs are for the types that can do everything themselves including look up parts and building it as well as maintaining it.

Yeah, that sounds about right. If this is indeed true and works well for ms, consoles (as we know them) are doomed. I'm ok with it I suppose.
I am trying to figure out if this news will hurt current XOne sales? Right now or in the near future.
I see people less willing to lock themselves into "inferior" hardware with promises of a better console down the road.

That is a fair question. It could alter buying habits if they start coming out ' every year or so'. I guess they'd have crossover where the old one sits next to the new one at a slightly reduced price. Either way, with them talking about it so openly and the DX12 stuff in place, I expect this will happen this year and not later.
Yeahhhh, so i've been a game developer for 5 years now, and this sounds like an absolute terrible idea. I mean, if they're trying to bow out of the 'console' space gracefully, this is a nice way to do it, but adding new hardware skus isn't really going to do anything but give devs headaches.


Feels like it could really segment the population. Like if I want to play Halo 6 and have recently upgraded my system do I can play it 1080/60 but my friend can only play 30fps or some shit. I like the idea of being able to upgrade but it kinda ruins the fairness in having games run exactly the same.


Depends how far the will take this. Put it this way, the moment you make hardware differences for your games to run better, I submit by definition it's next gen. PC is forever next gen by nature. If Xbox takes the PC hardware route it will lead to by nature forever Cross Gen Games, while it's competition PS5 wouldn't have to worry about that.

Let us just make an example with the current gen:
PS4 and Xbox One
The latter is the baseline. Now MS decides to bring out a new Xbox One (Let's call it Xbox One.2) that runs game at the same specs like PS4. Two years later (still the same gen where PS4 resides), MS brings out a Xbox One.3 which runs those games not only at 1080p but also 60FPS. Now Sony announces a PS5 which is more powerful than Xbox One.3 by the same margin as the PS4 is more powerful than an Xbox One. Nothing is lost for vanilla Xbox One until the PS5 is announced but it's same time PS4 users also have to update. The cycle repeats.


I would argue that we certainly saw headaches during the final years of the PS3/360 as games were constantly constrained by terribly dated hardware. Expecting 7 years our of a piece of technology in 2016 is simply not reasonable anymore.

Why should other gamers be denied better experiences because of people clinging to old hardware?
False assessment, compare launch games to the final years of last gen, there is a massive improvement!


If I understand this right, it's like releasing annual upgrades to the XB1?
This sounds like a potential nightmare for devs and certainly for the average consumer :/


The Xbox would continue to be a closed platform with plug and play ease of use. You would just be able to upgrade if you feel you want whatever the newest hardware is without losing access to everything you previously bought.

Yeahhhh, so i've been a game developer for 5 years now, and this sounds like an absolute terrible idea. I mean, if they're trying to bow out of the 'console' space gracefully, this is a nice way to do it, but adding new hardware skus isn't really going to do anything but give devs headaches.

you can make a profile for each hardware sku
How the fuck will there be fragmentation if these games are UWP?

Their building a catalog. This move ensures that hardware is pretty much a non issue. This could be the closest consoles get to Steam.

This is a benchmark that should be encouraged.

In truth, 3DS feels a little bit abandoned. Also, there's not even a resolution bump, which doesn't scream 'added value'.

Imagine Halo 6, playable with variable resolution at 60 fps on Xbox One, or at a rock solid 1080p constantly on Xbox Two. Maybe not many will upgrade, but the new console buyers will more likely go for it over the older model. This model would ensure that console sales don't completely dry up at the end of a gen (as they always have done). I think 3 or 4 year gaps would be sufficient though - minimum of 6 or 8 years support, with 2 SKUs maximum (which means devs can still go 'to the metal'.


The Xbox would continue to be a closed platform with plug and play ease of use. You would just be able to upgrade if you feel you want whatever the newest hardware is without losing access to everything you previously bought.


The console generation would mean nothing. The software catalog is what you'd get into. Like Microsoft first party games? You can play on PC already or buy the less expensive box, and there you go.


So you'll get the worst of both worlds. Microsoft's walled garden + multiple hardware configurations + multiplayer tax.

Without the traditional console benefits I don't see the point of paying the console premium.
You wanna know why this a terrible move IMO,
because I don't even understand what the thread is all about,and I've been gaming mostly on console since forever.I'll try to explain what the thread is all about (I'm sure I'll be wrong)

So Xbox one is going to either be a service (Like sega, I guess?) and try to go PC?
Or the Xbox brand will come out with a next gen console that's pretty much a pc where you will be able to upgrade it (like a pc) If you want to play the latest games?

I'm sorry if that's the case, that's just to complicated, I cant see myself,kids/parents going to the store buying the next gen game and having to buy extra parts and install them in your xbox one two?

I hope consoles stay consoles and pc stay pc until the day I die.
NX, PS4 for please don't follow the route.


Additional Thoughts:

- This puts the Xbox in the same space as the upcoming Nintendo NX except that Microsoft is focusing on universal applications between PC/Xbox while Nintendo is focusing on universal applications between their mobile and console units.

Different approaches, similar result thanks to a shared OS.

- Go digital with game purchases from here on out. If you buy through the XBL store.. and it allows you to install on your registered devices (Xbox or PC). This news makes physical copies kinda pointless unless the disc starts working for your PC as well.

- I hope that Microsoft announce a bi-annual upgrade cycle for the Xbox One (if they go that route)
This defeats the purpose of having a console, and many casual players don't want to keep up with change. They prefer to buy one console every 6 years, and have all the games they want on it.

I will not be supporting this.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
Not surprising at all. I've been saying for a long while that future Xboxes would likely be essentially Windows 10 gaming boxes. Much like a SteamBox, or Alienware Alpha.

It just makes too much sense not to do it that way, have all their exclusives on both those boxes and any gaming PC, not have to waste resources on console-specific OSs or hardware (as the gaming machines can just use PC parts just like an Alpha etc.).
Upgrading part wise on PC is very overstated. Yes you can buy a faster Vid Card, better ram, Faster CPU. But its all tied to what the motherboard supports. If you have an older PC, just putting in a faster vid card often doesn't improve things that much. PC gaming performance is a sum of its parts. A slow CPU or RAM is going to hold back a vid card. Putting in a fast CPU with an older vid card doesn't really get you much either. And its all limited to the Motherboard as when new Ram and CPU architectures come out, you have to change out the MB to support them. Your best performance upgrades come from upgrading the Motherboard, CPU, Ram and Vid Card all in one go. And for less than an extra $100 you can put it all in a new case with new power supply. So noticable performance increases are really just brand new PCs.

On Xbox I would assume you would just buy the new model, not parts, wouldn't make sense.

What do you mean by left behind? I build a new PC, I can still play Doom on it.
I can also buy the latest game on my older PC and turn some settings down and play it fine. This is the model MS is aiming their console plans for.

The heck are you talking about? People have been using the same cpus for years without upgrading them at 1080p ever since intel released the quad cores in 2009. Video cards have been the only recent upgrades people really need. Putting in a faster video card doesn't improve things that much? I've been on an i7 920 @ 4ghz from 2009 and literally just put in a new video card and go from 30 to 60 aka replacing my 480. I finally might switch it for a zen next year in 2017.

Bold One


The majority of Console gamers are not enthusiasts, they respond to pricing and ease of use and a once in every 6 years investment, that has always been the staple of the console experience.

Consoles aren't phones, I have a difficult time believing an upgradeable system will bring in the traditional console buyer
I wouldn't trust developers to make the best optimised game possible for my 2013 spec machine if there's 2014, 15, 16 + machines with higher specs and more modern architectures.

It's like your iPhone meeting the minimum gen spec for a game but performing badly.

Yup. That is something that will be unavoidable with regular iterations. Early adopters will always have a nagging feeling that their purchase will be superseded by superior hardware a few years down the line and de-incentivize developers from making the best possible version of a game for their - by now inferior specced hardware.


But if it's primarily for gaming and uses the app wrapper bollocks, isn't it basically just a console but one you might have to upgrade yearly to keep up with current games? - so a slightly more complicated console. Maybe I'm just seeing this as some who currently has a Windows 7 USB boot stick for my final escape, but this seems like Microsoft is trying to be jack of all trades, master of none. They can only hold off being Microsoft and screwing it all up so long. And when it rains, it fucking pours with them.

Its really hard to see what direction they take it in. Apple can get away with minor upgrades and sell another 500+ device, MS cannot really but that mindset might change if they drawn the PC and Xbox ecosystem together.


False assessment, compare launch games to the final years of last gen, there is a massive improvement!

That's because it took developers time to figure it out. Esp.PS3. You aren't going to see the same gain with this generation or any gain.


I think this is great news, no different than annual upgrades to your favourite smart phone hardware.

I will bite, and I sure the many Xbox faithfulls that are tired of being shat on by the lack of hardware strength this generation will too.

As far as I see it, give the consumers the choice and let them sort it out from there.
Sony isn't one who sits on their butt after announcements like this.

What MS is doing is also letting them take full advantage of pc vr without the drawbacks of static hardware.

Watch them go: "Playstation. The home of good ol traditional gaming."

Why does the market leader have to scramble and do anything when a runner up hatches some new scheme to reset the market? Just sit back and watch, and if it works, then copy it.
Yeahhhh, so i've been a game developer for 5 years now, and this sounds like an absolute terrible idea. I mean, if they're trying to bow out of the 'console' space gracefully, this is a nice way to do it, but adding new hardware skus isn't really going to do anything but give devs headaches.
All those devs for PC must get the worst headaches.
If I understand this right, it's like releasing annual upgrades to the XB1?
This sounds like a potential nightmare for devs and certainly for the average consumer :/

I think annual is too much.

3 or 4 years though? I could totally go for that, and it would ensure that sales don't dry up at the end of the gen.
Hate to sound like a dumby, but how is this going to play out? We don't buy new Xbox consoles every year but in what way do we get the upgrades then and how much will it cost?
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