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Microsoft's indie developer's still haven't got their September payments.


I like how most media sites don't actually write about the original story. Just that Microsoft responded to it.


Hey vinftw can you DM Phil again asking if some of these devs are lying because they "just noticed" the error and it's the first time it happened?

Let me know alright vinftw.


I like how most media sites don't actually write about the original story. Just that Microsoft responded to it.

Y'know I used to dislike Kotaku but after their change in direction they've become fantastic for stuff like that, they report pretty much the full story.


I like how most media sites don't actually write about the original story. Just that Microsoft responded to it.

Most of them probably reached out to MS as well and wanted to give them a chance to respond before publishing. Then there is the obvious post on Twitter, so they publish. So it basically just boils down to their headline and how much they choose to include in the story.


Nothing like a little shit on their name to get their attention.

Pathetic that people have to rally together and harass MS in public to pay their devs.
DM'ed Phil about this earlier, he responded:

"I'm on it".

Wish this didn't happen, but glad he's going to do something asap about it. I also mentioned some sort of compensation.

Probably meant he is sitting on a mountain of cash owed to indie devs.


Dude said they recently learned of it, and that it won't happen again...which I am assuming Chris is savvy enough to not make this claim unless they've identified what was causing the issue and have either resolved, or are 100% certain they know how to correct.

Is it possible that the developers complaining were in contact with the wrong parties?

Call me crazy, but I'm all for giving the benefit of the doubt. If it is bullshit, then they're about to be called out on it.
yikes. dun goofed. I guess props to the OP or whomever brought this to light lol. I wonder when they would have even gotten paid if this wasn't made public.


If it wasn't a technical error then what? A company with $billions profit trying to make a couple of extra $1000... sure.


The Motorcycle That Wouldn't Slow Down
We apologize for this incident and anticipate developers will receive payments within the next two weeks.
Two more weeks? I think we're officially at Fuck You, Pay Me.


3 months without payment? wow..this might be expected from under the table employment, but not really from the second most valuable company in the world.
1. There is no way that Microsoft didn't know about this since it is likely that many devs have been shouting at the top of their lungs about not getting paid. On the off chance that MS really didn't learn about this until recently then that isn't a mitigating factor, it's a condemnation of their indie relationships and the lack of importance MS pays them

2. This has been a recurring issue

3. Because of my first two points it's insulting to the devs specifically and to us in general that they are blaming this on a "technical issue". The real issue was that this wasn't a priority until it became a PR problem. They are now compounding the problem by trying to cover it up.

4. It doesn't matter that this is a 360 only issue. The problem is that the pattern has been established that Microsoft will try to intimidate or screw over indie developers whenever they get the chance. The parity clause is another such example of their strong arm tactics.

5. "Because everybody is doing it" or "It's standard practice for big companies" is not an excuse as some have posted here

It's official now. Microsoft = The Grinch


If it wasn't a technical error then what? A company with $billions profit trying to make a couple of extra $1000... sure.

I'm willing to believe them that it's a technical error.

But I'd also believe someone thinking that Microsoft had no intention on fixing this any time soon until today when this started gaining publicity.
If it wasn't a technical error then what? A company with $billions profit trying to make a couple of extra $1000... sure.
I'm sure something was fucked up and they're finally fixing it. MS aren't purposely withholding payments. More likely, I just think it was a low-priority item for them until it made news. At large companies it can take forever for submitted requests/issues to be handled by the engineers. More important/high priority shit always jumps ahead of you in the queue. XBLIG was likely in the low-priority pile.
Each quarter Microsoft then pays said developers their portion of the games sales. The system itself also includes a clause that payment is not considered “late” until it’s beyond 45 days after the stated payment date. Previously they managed to go over that date by 7 days meaning from the date developers were meant to be paid it was 52 days after the stated payment date. Well this year they’ve gone even better. Indie developers using the service were expecting their Q3 payment on September 30th. The Date as of writing this is the 3rd of December, developers still haven’t been paid meaning Microsoft is 64 days late on payment a full 19 days beyond the rather generous "Acceptable" delay period they gave themselves.

so, this is a recurring problem and it finally gets rectified by being a news story. it's amazing what actual investigative journalism can do in an industry that has a serious lack of accountability.

if MS was serious about keeping indie support the grace period wouldn't even be needed and this would be a non-issue.


I'm willing to believe them that it's a technical error.

But I'd also believe someone thinking that Microsoft had no intention on fixing this any time soon until today when this started gaining publicity.

We've known about the issue and been working on a fix for a while - since sometime in November. This is not at all how we want to treat developers.


Lol.. Two weeks. Does Microsoft realizes that it's the holidays? Maybe they should explain to the kids of some of the developers why they won't be getting Christmas presents this year.


We've known about the issue and been working on a fix for a while - since sometime in November. This is not at all how we want to treat developers.

Did Microsoft actually inform developers that this was happening though? It seems like most were pretty much blindsided by not receiving their payments.

Also as stated by others and the original article, this isn't the first time this has happened.


The money for all those cheap X1 Black Friday bundles had to come from somewhere.

Seriously messed up though. Really sleazy.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch


We've known about the issue and been working on a fix for a while - since sometime in November. This is not at all how we want to treat developers.

Why didn't you notify the affected XBLIG developers then, if you indeed knew a while ago? They seem to be completely in the dark. Unless you thought you could sweep this under the rug.


Did Microsoft actually inform developers that this was happening though? It seems like most were pretty much blindsided by not receiving their payments.

Also as stated by others and the original article, this isn't the first time this has happened.

I believe some dev in this thread mentioned the 2 week thing before MS officially announced it via PR.


Junior Member
Here's a small riddle:

How many indies does it take to screw over until they stop giving support?

Microsoft's story with indies has always been filled with spotty errors, broken promises, poor communication so much that some developers have vowed never to work with them again, like Team Meat and Phil Fish who wouldn't release Fez 2 because of Microsoft's terms.

Even after all the debacle with the controversial initial terms of publishing for the Xbox One, for independent developers, and redoing their terms multiple times until they were satisfactory, they are still being harming them in one way or the other.

Sony and Nintendo are far from being perfect when it comes to their relationships with independent developers but you rarely here about these kind of issues with independent developers. Nintendo fixed most of its issues coming from the Wii and Sony has been nurturing a lot of support and gaining an enviable number of high-profile and high-qualitty independent games on their platform. Microsoft may have given away free consoles to try to motivate more independent developers to make games for their platform, but that's a worthless gesture if they withhold payments for so long.

I just wouldn't consider making a game for a Microsoft console at this point. They just can't be trusted when it comes to their relationships with indies.

You're going to have to throw me a bone here. What does Fez 2 have to do with Xbox?

Also, does Sony or Nintendo even have anything directly relatable to XBLIG that you're comparing it to?

This is not ID@XBOX or even XBLA.


Huge Nickleback Fan
Holy shit Microsoft. If there's an error in your system, you could at least, you know, let the dev know about it before the time is up!? I'm sure sending out email or inform them is easier than preparing the money. And really, late payment is not cool, but please communicate with your dev a bit better


We've known about the issue and been working on a fix for a while - since sometime in November. This is not at all how we want to treat developers.

Wait, wait . . . devs were expecting payment on September 30th and it took until November for someone at Microsoft to realize these payments weren't actually happening?!

Holy hell!!

Now I wonder if MS internally realizes this or had to be informed by the devs that they weren't receiving payment. You'd think a big corporation would internally realize payments weren't going out the day after they were expected.


We've known about the issue and been working on a fix for a while - since sometime in November. This is not at all how we want to treat developers.

So you've known about the issue and didn't give a heads up to the developers saying there was something wrong with it? That is not how you treat your partners.
We've known about the issue and been working on a fix for a while - since sometime in November. This is not at all how we want to treat developers.
That'd carry more weight if it wasn't a recurring problem. The real issue is that indies weren't a priority which is odd because Microsoft wants Windows AppStore developers like crazy on all platforms. This is not sending a good message to those developers. The most favorable interpretation is that this is a "the left hand didn't know what the right hand was doing" type of situation. Once again, priorities.
Wait, wait . . . devs were expecting payment on September 30th and it took until November for someone at Microsoft to realize these payments weren't actually happening?!

Holy hell!!

Now I wonder if MS internally realizes this or had to be informed by the devs that they weren't receiving payment. You'd think a big corporation would internally realize payments weren't going out the day after they were expected.

This is not exactly true. In the OP it mentions there's apparently a 64 day acceptable delay or whatever they're calling it. They're 19 days past that.

Go back 19 days and that's mid-November which seems to line up.

There's also this from the end of October, where devs seem to have first been asking about it and the issue was first discovered.


So yeah, probably should have notified developers a few weeks ago but it's not as though Microsoft knew there was an issue for the past 3 months and just didn't say anything.


We've known about the issue and been working on a fix for a while - since sometime in November. This is not at all how we want to treat developers.
This is probably going to be one of those "you're probably going to wish you hadn't said that" posts. As issue prevented you giving people the money that they'd earned that they were due to receive in September and you somebody chose to start working on fixing the issue for them...sometime in November but I can't remember when in November as it's not something that's important.

I wonder of "sometime in November" actually means "sometime in December after the games press got hold of it"?


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
This is probably going to be one of those "you're probably going to wish you hadn't said that" posts. As issue prevented you giving people the money that they'd earned that they were due to receive in September and you somebody chose to start working on fixing the issue for them...sometime in November but I can't remember when in November as it's not something that's important.

I wonder of "sometime in November" actually means "sometime in December after the games press got hold of it"?

Hey man, November was 4 days ago. I can hardly even remember it happened.


I don't really care what excuse is being thrown around by MS, there is some major incompetence abound. If any of us had effed up this bad at our jobs, we'd be fired.

'Oops we forgot to pay you for almost 2 months and only now noticed.' I'm not the kind of guy to piss and moan when things don't go smoothly but it's pretty normal to be livid about this.

Unless I'm missing something here and the indie developers only get paid every so often but I doubt it.

Edit: I didn't realize there was an 'acceptable delay' period. Still, it's way too long. Doesn't seem very indie friendly at all.


This is not exactly true. In the OP it mentions there's apparently a 64 day acceptable delay or whatever they're calling it. They're 19 days past that.

Go back 19 days and that's mid-November which seems to line up.

There's also this from the end of October, where devs seem to have first been asking about it and the issue was first discovered.


So yeah, probably should have notified developers a few weeks ago but it's not as though Microsoft knew there was an issue for the past 3 months and just didn't say anything.

It's a 45 day grace period (that MS gives themselves, meh), given this seems to be a fairly extensive grace period they should have been aware of a problem well before the grace period itself ended.
This is not exactly true. In the OP it mentions there's apparently a 64 day acceptable delay or whatever they're calling it. They're 19 days past that.

Go back 19 days and that's mid-November which seems to line up.

There's also this from the end of October, where devs seem to have first been asking about it and the issue was first discovered.


So yeah, probably should have notified developers a few weeks ago but it's not as though Microsoft knew there was an issue for the past 3 months and just didn't say anything.
First off, it's a 45 day grace period not 64. Second, that is the grace period for catching and fixing these kinds of issues. They had 45 days to fix this and they didn't. Do they now get a grace period for their grace period?

FYI, even the 45 day thing is kind of f'd up if you ask me.


ID@Xbox parity clause wasn't fucking bad enough for indies Microsoft? Fucking pay them.

Taking advantage of the most vulnerable devs in the community.


I agree; that's just sad. Microsoft at this point are giving Sony & Valve more firepower than ever before when it comes to indies.
First off, it's a 45 day grace period not 64. Second, that is the grace period for catching and fixing these kinds of issues. They had 45 days to fix this and they didn't. Do they now get a grace period for their grace period?

FYI, even the 45 day thing is kind of f'd up if you ask me.

The post in the OP mentions 64 and that they're 19 days over that. If that's incorrect then I apologize.

Regardless, I'm not making excuses for Microsoft. I'm just trying to piece together what happened. This problem only seems to have come to light at the end of October/early November with the issue being narrowed down and worked on in Early-Mid November which is why payments are delayed so much. It's still unacceptable but it lines up with what Charla said. Not seeing anything here that would make Microsoft look shady in their dealings.

The biggest takeaway from this is that the support for XBLIG is inadequate. Hopefully Microsoft has realized that now and does something to rectify the situation in the future.
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