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Minecraft CEO confirms Xbox Live login on Switch, really wants Sony cross-play.


always chasing the next thrill

As expected when Microsoft pretends to be good guy it's time to check the fine print again.



I keep seeing Phil saying he wants everyone to be able to play MS' games, but with that in mind I truly don't get why they make consoles at all when we already have the PS4. Why not just release games on there? And if they make consoles because they want to give people options, why not still release their games on PS4?

I know the reason is "he's not being genuine", but that's just the thing... the strategy they're employing confuses me to no end. I have just about zero confidence in them.


This is not surprising to be honest. And is probably one of the real reasons why Sony refused (but allow other publishers account systems...).


Nintendo, of all companies, doesn't seem to give a shit.

The same Nintendo that was offered a Goldeneye 64 port if they let Xbox have it too and responded like this:

Now you've made me imagine Goldeneye on Xbox One and Switch, with crossplay.

And now I'm sad it's not happening.
Mmmm. I can see why Sony is reluctant.

Doesn't mean that I agree with them, but this is something Sony definitely does not want to promote. And again, doesn't explain other games.


They should absolutely be doing it on some more other games where this is not the point of contention, but even if they were doing on more of those other games I could totally see why they wouldn't want to do it here especially once the Famitsu image came up showing xbl login. There's no way they'd agree to encourage their userbase to register with Microsoft.
My niece plays mine craft on her iPhone. She needed an Xbox login as well to access some features.

She didn't know what to do so I put her email address in and set it up for her. It's a simple system.


Why on earth would Sony encourage people to register on their competitor's ecosystem?

It's not that simple it's a pick and choose thing it seems for PlayStation.
Rocket League no (not sure if PS4/PC)
Minecraft no (not sure if PS4/PC)
Final Fantasy 14 yes (PS3/PS4/PC)

Don't know about other games...


How do we know you won't need an MS account to play Minecraft on the PS4?

Don't you need EA/Ubi/etc. accounts to play their games online sometimes?


You still associate that login with something; that something is an account where MS knows who you are. That's how every single sign on system works; the authentication can be done against anything, but you still then match that to an identity in whatever third party system you are using SAML to authorize against.

If I use Google to log into any of the endless array of sites out there that support googles OAuth implementation, I still end up with an account on that site.

It's really not a huge deal and I doubt Sony cares that much. Minecraft uses dedicated servers so it really wouldn't matter; MS can track you no matter what.

Negative. SAML is used specifically to login using a third party service, in this case PSN. Do you know what SAML is?
Looks like one of you screwed up and bought the wrong console. Tragic
get your eyes checked Pop because was it really looks like is he bought the console he wanted, I bought the console I wanted; I'm happy with a lot of the games I played, but I'm certainly not happy with the policies Sony's implementing.
Wow you have friends on xbone?

Should get some better friends... Amirite!?
I have friends on Ps4, xbone, Switch, and PC. What kinda friends you want me to have?


Negative. SAML is used specifically to login using a third party service, in this case PSN. Do you know what SAML is?

Yes; nothing I said contradicted what you said. I've designed and used numerous SSO systems. Live supports SAML, I've used it against an azure AD domain.

SAML authenticates you (or rather a system does and then expresses that info in SAML); your identity is then typically associated with another identity on the other system. Whether that's an account with a login or just a record is rather meaningless in the grand scheme of things. It's still becomes a separate identity, with data collected associated with it.

Microsoft doesn't do that in general with their products; you can use a gmail account to create a Live account; but you have a separate password. MS could use OAUTH w/ gmail, but then the security is up to google. In the end MS could collect the exact same information about you whether they use SAML, OAUTH or make you create a password. The only difference is their servers doing auth vs. someone elses.

Typically no matter how this all works you have an identity on both ends; you have a user record, an account or possibly a login. It really matters little how it's done. It's all the same thing.


It's not that simple it's a pick and choose thing it seems for PlayStation.
Rocket League no (not sure if PS4/PC)
Minecraft no (not sure if PS4/PC)
Final Fantasy 14 yes (PS3/PS4/PC)

Don't know about other games...
Dragon Quest X is a yes; Wii U, Switch, Wii, PC, 3DS, and PS4.

They should absolutely be doing it on other games where this is not the point of contention, but if they were doing on those other games I could totally see why they wouldn't want to do it here. There's no way they'd agree to encourage their userbase to register with Microsoft.

Come on man, registering to play Minecraft on your PS4 with players on other systems isn't hurting Sony in any way. You aren't opening the flood gates for people to leave the PS4 for the Xbox. It's not making the Xbox look any more appealing. That's the strangest argument I've heard. They stand to piss off their customers more than anything.

Besides MS is making a power play here. Sony can spin it however they want but MS owns Minecraft not Sony and with how popular a game it is Sony's going to be forced to either double down and refuse or relent and allow it at some point. The negative press over it isn't gonna be worth it long term.
get your eyes checked Pop because was it really looks like is he bought the console he wanted, I bought the console I wanted; I'm happy with a lot of the games I played, but I'm certainly not happy with the policies Sony's implementing.
I have friends on Ps4, xbone, Switch, and PC. What kinda friends you want me to have?

Friends don't let other friends buy different consoles.
Allow, not encourage. Big difference. I'm allowed to register on iTunes through a Windows PC. Gaming is the ONLY place it's not allowed and we are treated like children.

False equivalence.

iTunes is not a direct competitor to Windows.

If you'd said, "I'm allowed to register on iTunes through Groove", or vice-versa, your point would stand.

It's not that simple it's a pick and choose thing it seems for PlayStation.
Rocket League no (not sure if PS4/PC)
Minecraft no (not sure if PS4/PC)
Final Fantasy 14 yes (PS3/PS4/PC)

Don't know about other games...
Would Rocket League require PlayStation users to sign in/sign up through Xbox Live? If so, I understand completely why Sony would tell them to take a hike.


I keep seeing Phil saying he wants everyone to be able to play MS' games, but with that in mind I truly don't get why they make consoles at all when we already have the PS4. Why not just release games on there? And if they make consoles because they want to give people options, why not still release their games on PS4?

I know the reason is "he's not being genuine", but that's just the thing... the strategy they're employing confuses me to no end. I have just about zero confidence in them.

Have you seen EA's attempts at running a service on PlayStation?


Come on man, registering to play Minecraft on your PS4 with players on other systems isn't hurting Sony in any way. You aren't opening the flood gates for people to leave the PS4 for the Xbox. It's not making the Xbox look any more appealing.

You know what does make Xbox look more appealing? Xbox games having crossplay where PS4 games do not.


How do we know you won't need an MS account to play Minecraft on the PS4?

Don't you need EA/Ubi/etc. accounts to play their games online sometimes?
Not sure. They do offer apps on the XB1 at least where you can login with the respective account to get little extras. Also FFXIV on PS3/PS4 for example requires you to login with a Square Enix account in order to play.


Come on man, registering to play Minecraft on your PS4 with players on other systems isn't hurting Sony in any way. You aren't opening the flood gates for people to leave the PS4 for the Xbox. It's not making the Xbox look any more appealing. That's the strangest argument I've heard. They stand to piss off their customers more than anything.

Besides MS is making a power play here. Sony can spin it however they want but MS owns Minecraft not Sony and with how popular a game it is Sony's going to be forced to either double down and refuse or relent and allow it at some point. The negative press over it isn't gonna be worth it long term.
The negative press is something that will go away. What won't go away is the fact that MS is pulling a Windows 7 to Windows 10 update on Minecraft for the PS4. The PS4 version will no longer be supported until Sony agrees to the cross platform play of the new version of Minecraft. So until Sony agrees, you really shouldn't buy the PS4 version of Minecraft.

False equivalence.

iTunes is not a direct competitor to Windows.

If you'd said, "I'm allowed to register on iTunes through Groove", or vice-versa, your point would stand.

Would Rocket League require PlayStation users to sign in/sign up through Xbox Live? If so, I understand completely why Sony would tell them to take a hike.
That depends on how the Rocket League servers communicate. I imagine it won't if Steam is okay with it.


The negative press is something that will go away. What won't go away is the fact that MS is pulling a Windows 7 to Windows 10 update on Minecraft for the PS4. The PS4 version will no longer be supported until Sony agrees to the cross platform play of the new version of Minecraft. So until Sony agrees, you really shouldn't buy the PS4 version of Minecraft.

Where are you getting this from?


I was thinking "The plot thickens" but then I realized this is exactly what we've been doing with pretty much in every single AAA title in the last few years, maybe a lot have forgotten we had to create a EA/Blizzard/Ubisoft/Square/Gearbox/etc. accounts because it was so long ago.

One could assume that's giving PR to competition but again is not like Origin, Uplay,etc. doesn't exist.
False equivalence.

iTunes is not a direct competitor to Windows.

If you'd said, "I'm allowed to register on iTunes through Groove", or vice-versa, your point would stand.

Would Rocket League require PlayStation users to sign in/sign up through Xbox Live? If so,
I understand completely why Sony would tell them to take a hike.

What? Apple OS and Windows OS are indeed direct competitors, and I can sign onto either's service from the other's platform. It's exactly the same.
Come on man, registering to play Minecraft on your PS4 with players on other systems isn't hurting Sony in any way. You aren't opening the flood gates for people to leave the PS4 for the Xbox. It's not making the Xbox look any more appealing. That's the strangest argument I've heard. They stand to piss off their customers more than anything.

Besides MS is making a power play here. Sony can spin it however they want but MS owns Minecraft not Sony and with how popular a game it is Sony's going to be forced to either double down and refuse or relent and allow it at some point. The negative press over it isn't gonna be worth it long term.

Maybe, maybe not but it's easy to see why someone in the company could be really hesitant about it specifically with XBL. Should they agree though is another story.

What they should do at least as an easier decision, like they have for some other games, is open this up for some more of the games with a neutral third party in the middle that would be running the service and therefore don't run through Xbox Live.
Like Final Fantasy XIV.


Yes; nothing I said contradicted what you said. I've designed and used numerous SSO systems. Live supports SAML, I've used it against an azure AD domain.

SAML authenticates you (or rather a system does and then expresses that info in SAML); your identity is then typically associated with another identity on the other system. Whether that's an account with a login or just a record is rather meaningless in the grand scheme of things. It's still becomes a separate identity, with data collected associated with it.

Microsoft doesn't do that in general with their products; you can use a gmail account to create a Live account; but you have a separate password. MS could use OAUTH w/ gmail, but then the security is up to google. In the end MS could collect the exact same information about you whether they use SAML, OAUTH or make you create a password. The only difference is their servers doing auth vs. someone elses.

Typically no matter how this all works you have an identity on both ends; you have a user record, an account or possibly a login. It really matters little how it's done. It's all the same thing.

So have I. I don't see what the issue is here besides both parties not collaborating (go figure). PlayStation users use PSN to login to their Minecraft accounts now. Use PSN to do the same thing via the new update/cross play. Sounds like Microsoft is giving Sony an ultimatum and Sony said to fuck off.

Authentication is one thing, but allowing players play across different platforms is an entirely different beast.

Edit: Based on Rocket League dev teams comment it looks like a flip of a switch. Can Minecraft's implementation be that different? Who knows. I don't think this is just Sony's fault, but it's definitely viewed that way because Nintendo is on board.
The negative press is something that will go away. What won't go away is the fact that MS is pulling a Windows 7 to Windows 10 update on Minecraft for the PS4. The PS4 version will no longer be supported until Sony agrees to the cross platform play of the new version of Minecraft. So until Sony agrees, you really shouldn't buy the PS4 version of Minecraft.

Bolded is a silly spin. A video game undergoing a massive update beneficial to all players on all but one platform as a result of that platform holder's decision is not analogous to the Windows 10 update situation at all. MS isn't the one pulling shit here by unifying development of their game wherever possible, jeez.


I think it depends how it is done. A PS4 game redirecting to Xbox Live branded login pages and details would be obviously seen as harmful by Sony. That would not just be a third party portal, but one directly to their main competition. That would be pretty stupid to do on the surface of it. A PS4 game requiring a Microsoft login and branding would be less so, considerably in my view, but still not ideal.

The solution maybe is to use XBL infrastructure but branded exclusively as Minecraft, using a microsoft account as with windows. It could be done in a clean way without bumping competitors through other parties consoles. Not likely MS would bend for that though.
I was thinking "The plot thickens" but then I realized this is exactly what we've been doing with pretty much in every single AAA title in the last few years, maybe a lot have forgotten we had to create a EA/Blizzard/Ubisoft/Square/Gearbox/etc. accounts because it was so long ago.

One could assume that's giving PR to competition but again is not like Origin, Uplay,etc. doesn't exist.
That was a dark time and I'm glad it's over.

I don't think there are any major multiplayer games on PS4 that requires a separate login anymore though.


Where are you getting this from?
The "Super Duper Graphics DLC" is exclusive to the new version of Minecraft. I don't think it's a stretch to think future content updates would also be exclusive.

Bolded is a silly spin. A video game undergoing a massive update beneficial to all players on all but one platform as a result of that platform holder's decision is not analogous to the Windows 10 update situation at all. MS isn't the one pulling shit here by unifying development of their game wherever possible, jeez.
Oh, don't get me wrong. I like Windows 10. But this would be a situation where Sony is using Windows 7 and refuses to upgrade to Windows 10 due to not liking something specific about it and MS telling them tough luck, it comes in a package and we're no longer supporting Windows 7.


Would Rocket League require PlayStation users to sign in/sign up through Xbox Live? If so, I understand completely why Sony would tell them to take a hike.

No onto Psyonix/Rocket League servers, just like Xbox users would sign into Square-Enix's servers for Final Fantasy 14.
They wouldn't exchange data with each other except from XB/PS to SE, at least that's how I think it goes.
What? Apple OS and Windows OS are indeed direct competitors, and I can sign onto either's service from the other's platform. It's exactly the same.

While I agree with you in general, I don't quite agree here. OS X is exclusive to Apple made desktops and laptops, while Windows can be installed to nearly anything, so long as it meets the already low minimum specs.

A better example would be the iPad Pro versus a Surface device. But your point still stands, you can sign into iCloud and Outlook between both devices.

The "Super Duper Graphics DLC" is exclusive to the new version of Minecraft. I don't think it's a stretch to think future content updates would also be exclusive.

I'm sure future content that is made under the Bedrock Engine will be exclusive. 4J Studios will probably be left to handle the PS4 version, which will most likely be at a snail's pace.
Mojang CEO Jonas Märtensson says the account system will have you logging in to Xbox Live on Switch. Might be part of why Sony is reluctant?


Here's a quick and dirty translation of some of the interview:

We're tying everything together with Xbox Live. So you log in with Xbox Live ...

Even on Switch?

Yes. (Laughs) That's pretty unique as well! But everyone that's in on this, all the platform holders, have been pretty pragmatic and understanding of that what we're trying to do is create a good experience for the players. We needed a good system to connect everyone, and Xbox Live is a good system.

On lack of Sony support:

My response from the other thread.

who said that? Minecraft is a Microsoft hence the XBL Login.
Rocket league is Not from ms.
I was asking a question of the poster quoted.

No onto Psyonix/Rocket League servers, just like Xbox users would sign into Square-Enix's servers for Final Fantasy 14.
They wouldn't exchange data with each other except from XB/PS to SE, at least that's how I think it goes.
That depends on how the Rocket League servers communicate. I imagine it won't if Steam is okay with it.

Thank you. Then Sony should do it if for Rocket League that's the case.


So, basically Sony doesn't want a Xbox log in on Playstation console?
I can kinda see their side of things now.

However, their response to the question hasn't made any sense.

who said that? Minecraft is a Microsoft hence the XBL Login.
Rocket league is Not from ms.

True about RL.

what would be the solution here; a unique log-in for RL?


Neo Member
Amazes me that all these people on here are rallying to defend what is obviously a poor decision by Sony. I think its best to assume they are being arrogant and they can give their side of the story if they care to.


So have I. I don't see what the issue is here besides both parties not collaborating (go figure). PlayStation users use PSN to login to their Minecraft accounts now. Use PSN to do the same thing via the new update/cross play. Sounds like Microsoft is giving Sony an ultimatum and Sony said to fuck off.

Authentication is one thing, but allowing players play across different platforms is an entirely different beast.

I agree with the bolded; and kind of what I'm getting at. MS could not require an actual login and I don't think it would change much; they could use SAML and put in their policy that you must send an email as the user name. That's the most common way to do things anyways.

Actively forcing an account creation is one extra step but I don't think it's that significant; it's incredibly easy to create one and then forget about it. Either way they know that the email address you give them is the real key, not the fact you created a Live account. And that email could be required in the SAML policy either way. Then your email goes in their DB, and they can contact you, track you, whatever. That's what I meant by associating you; its' not like SAML is commonly used and then the 3rd party treats you like some anonymous private entity they don't track. Companies use things like SAML/OAUTH/etc. to encourage use because they know they can track you and know who you are either way.

I think the issue is Sony just doesn't want to mix their ecosystems; they want Minecraft players to encourage their friends to buy PS4's. That encouragement goes away when they allow crossplay.
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