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Minecraft CEO confirms Xbox Live login on Switch, really wants Sony cross-play.


The amount of stuff you guys are just straight up making in this thread is baffling

Are you serious,????? for example lest say that I have a PSN account with a gmail account, at the moment of creating your Windows ID it will be a new registration....I do not have registered that account to Linkedin, Outlook, Office, windows at all

In the same way that for example linking the account of EA they are registered to the e-mail account associated with the PSN account (They obtained the full e-mail and also will now that I'm entering trough a PSN device). That information alone is a lot
Why do people think that using a ms account to log into Minecraft on a playstation will suddenly result in MS having access to ALL their psn info?

Like i want to hear actual arguments with sources about this and not just random conjecture


Shhh... Microsoft is evil and Sony is protecting their userbase from that... Microsoft have a master plan to turn every PS4 into a Xbox One via the Xbox live account.


Has anyone asked the question about friends lists? How do I invite my cross platform friends into Minecraft or RL? Or are we talking about just expanding the player pool with no direct joining?


Believe it or not, THEY'RE COMPETITORS is not an end-all-be-all reason to object to literally everything that involves both parties. This is one of those cases where it does not make sense. The "competitor" is already developing the game on the competing platform. A login portal itself is not competition - Microsoft accounts are massively widespread in usage and purpose, far beyond XBL, the account would be free, and online access is still routing through PSN, which Sony still controls the pay-gate of and access to. And, in conjunction with the fact that the login portal itself isn't competition, MS being a competitor in other areas is not relevant - companies frequently collaborate between some branches and compete through others. It's normal business, and refusing to deal with an entire company do to competition in other areas is likewise bad business.

Finally, if this were the reason, why would they not just say it? If it's such an obvious, clear cut and defensible position, why did they blather nonsensically about THE CHILDREN?

Minecraft is a unique situation where the game was already on those platform when MS bought mohang. I suspect if Microsoft had bought Mohang many years earlier we may have not seen Minecraft on the playstation or nintendo family of consoles.

It is true that companies cooperate in some industries and compete in others. Microsoft and Sony are a great example of that, they had a great relationship selling windows based latops, but they are also competitors in the gaming industry and this is the industry that this particular scenario is being played out.

Since Microsoft has entered the gaming industry, there really hasn't been a situation like Minecraft before, it is a unique one.


Dude, you entered the thread with the post above. You confused install base with player base.

Not at all, I'm saying that they have a larger install base which in turn helps drive sales (which in turn helps with the player base for any given game).
That's just logic, doesn't necessary has to be the case but it doesn't mean that it can't be the case either.

To that extent they (PlayStation) might not feel the need for a unified player base, from a business stand point what would they get out of it?
In the end it's all about money for every single company, is it smart to piss your players off though? No.

Nothing against unifying gamers, I'm just keeping an open mind to the possible cause and why they refuse in certain cases.


Today – it's free and open for all.
Tomorrow, when it will become a standard - who knows.
Makes no sense. First of all, it's a Microsoft account not an Xbox live subscription.

Imagine the backlash if mobile and pc players had to pay in order to play minecraft online. It's simply not happening.


Gotta get those monthly active users up. I can see why Sony wouldn't want to do this. This can't be the implementation for Rocket League though, they said they just to click a box.

AFAIK Rocket League uses their own dedicated servers, which are the same regardless of which platform you're playing on, they just artificially segregate players to conform to platform policies. Sony only allows cross play with PC, so I imagine there are "PS4" servers which PC players can connect to, but not Xbox/Switch players.

Two Words

There needs to be an open platform standard that handles this. Technology has gone through many proprietary hardware/software/service issues, and the solution typically comes from hashing out a standardization that is separate from a particular party. Online multiplayer needs to move to this.


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
Don't you need an email for a PSN account?

Technically a large % of PSN accounts are already linked to Microsoft anyways from Hotmail/Live/Outlook addresses.

Right. Mine and every user in my home have an hotmail, outlook.com, Live or Passport account for Playstation.

So why require a Live login for this for ppl playing on Switch?

Why cant they use a Gmail account?

What ties everybody together other than using a Live email account? Email is email, right?


Not sure what you're questioning, but yes in all my years of dealing with marketing teams between companies, acquisitions and partnerships etc., one of the biggest hurdles is consistently about access to the customer base. Marketers would die for a list of email addresses to market to directly, and likewise the company that cultivated and grew that list is not just going to let it walk away.

By requiring cross play partners to sign up for XBL accounts, MS will have that info. It's a strong move on their part.

Someone asked what about Rocket League etc., my understanding may be wrong but I read elsewhere that they will be handling the servers and whatever registrations will be needed themselves, so it's likely that Sony has already agreed a marketing deal/restriction with them separately, as I assume they have done with any of their other out of PSN partners such as MMO companies.

It very well may be that Sony and MS could not agree on terms for direct access to the customers, and that's the "political" issue that has been discussed. We know that it's not a technical issue.

Do you know how oAuth works? You can use customers from other systems without storing their info (outside of an email address). These account systems (like XBL) simply provide an interface to authenticate, once approved, a sessions is created which gives you an access to the 3rd party (ie Rocket League DB) systems but as an authenticated user. This is how Google/Facebook/Twitter sign in works, problem was solved a long time ago. You get access to other data but Sony can control that through API's they provide.


Right. Mine and every user in my home have an hotmail, outlook.com, Live or Passport account for Playstation.

So why require a Live login for this for ppl playing on Switch?

Why cant they use a Gmail account?
It's not a live login, it's a Microsoft account. You could use your hotmail


Today – it's free and open for all.
Tomorrow, when it will become a standard - who knows.
You are parroting 20 year old information and acting like it applies today.

You know Sony was the absolute KING of all DRM pre-PS4? They helped invent Blu-ray, which, get this, was designed to require an online connection occasionally to be able to unlock movies you own (and hell, they were the only console manufacturers forcing payments to fully play used games in the PS3 era, literally something they cancelled the day AFTER their NODRM E3 shpeel). They invented more copy protection schemes than anyone else, and historically have pushed their own formats over standards.

Now they support nothing but standards, and have ditched their DRM focus. All a huge change from just 5 years ago.

Microsoft has changed IMMENSELY since the mid 90s when the DOJ investigated them.
Right. Mine and every user in my home have an hotmail, outlook.com, Live or Passport account for Playstation.

So why require a Live login for this for ppl playing on Switch?

Why cant they use a Gmail account?

I mean they could. It would still fall under as a Microsoft account when logged in, however.

Do you not have more than one email address? Most, if not, all tech giants allow email addresses from competitors to behave as their own account.
Right. Mine and every user in my home have an hotmail, outlook.com, Live or Passport account for Playstation.

So why require a Live login for this for ppl playing on Switch?

Why cant they use a Gmail account?

You can use a gmail account to log into Xbox Live, I do.
Do you know how oAuth works? You can use customers from other systems without storing their info (outside of an email address). These account systems (like XBL) simply provide an interface to authenticate, once approved, a sessions is created which gives you an access to the 3rd party (ie Rocket League DB) systems but as an authenticated user. This is how Google/Facebook/Twitter sign in works, problem was solved a long time ago. You get access to other data but Sony can control that through this API's

This, this, this. This problem has been solved long ago by companies not behaving like complete archiac LUnix fronts.


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
You can use a gmail account to log into Xbox Live, I do.

Thats right, I've done that before on 360.

So you can use any email address to create a Live login....

So again, they want all to have a Live login, regardless of email used if thats the case.

How is this not related to MAU then?

Asking a legit question.

Because if it is related to MAU, I see why Sony balked and Nintendo doesnt really care.
Why do people think that using a ms account to log into Minecraft on a playstation will suddenly result in MS having access to ALL their psn info?

Like i want to hear actual arguments with sources about this and not just random conjecture

I promise you you won't

but you'll see plenty more posts suggesting the same bullshit anyway


Not at all, I'm saying that they have a larger install base which in turn helps drive sales (which in turn helps with the player base for any given game).
That's just logic, doesn't necessary has to be the case but it doesn't mean that it can't be the case either.

To that extent they (PlayStation) might not feel the need for a unified player base, from a business stand point what would they get out of it?
In the end it's all about money for every single company, is it smart to piss your players off though? No.

Nothing against unifying gamers, I'm just keeping an open mind to the possible cause and why they refuse in certain cases.

Everyone thinks Sony is acting out of financial interests. This is neither new to anyone nor a defense. It is a explanation, which is troughout these threads as often confused with a excuse as install with playerbase.


Right. Mine and every user in my home have an hotmail, outlook.com, Live or Passport account for Playstation.

So why require a Live login for this for ppl playing on Switch?

Why cant they use a Gmail account?

What ties everybody together other than using a Live email account? Email is email, right?


I was just suggesting that THIS can't be the reason Sony refused X-Play (we all know the true reason anyways), because they already do allow accounts to be linked to Xbox Live/MS via registration/accounts.

Hell if you use a hotmail account for PSN MS will have access to far more information (purchases, time spent on PS, etc) than they would gain from connecting you to XBL to play Minecraft so that's not an issue either


But not everyone uses those services? How many children with a Switch do you think have a hotmail address, or use bing?

Here's an idea, asking the the same parent that bought you the console, to help set the account up for you.

Don't need to give the child the details, plus, I'm pretty sure it'll be a one time login just like how uPlay/EA Access works.


Thats right, I've done that before on 360.

So you can use any email address to create a Live login....

So again, they want all to have a Live login, regardless of email used if thats the case.

How is this not related to MAU then?

Is it a bad thing, making people get an MS account? Surely you need one to be given acces to realms and be able to join your friends. There's no other way of doing it.


If the issue really is about players logging into Xbox Live, then why doesn't Microsoft allow PlayStation users to login to PSN via SAML through XBL? It's just as easy and secure. I don't think Sony is the only issue here.


are people really not wanting crossplay over a corporate statistic?

who cares if the MAU is improved by this? Let the marketing team have their day, it's still stupid that we split cross-platform game online modes across hardware lines, sometimes even within the same OS (Steam, looking at you)
If the issue really is about players logging into Xbox Live, then why doesn't Microsoft allow PlayStation users to login to PSN via SAML through XBL? It's just as easy and secure. I don't think Sony is the only issue here.

No need for that much information, all that is needed is authorization of resources, not SSO for one platform that has hardly an excuse to turn down crossplay.

Not to mention, everything is already done and Microsoft seems to be waiting for Sony to approve. Why do they have to rewrite their work to play nice with just one platform? Makes no sense.


That's on them, I'm not everyone nor do I have to defend anything or anyone.
So let's stop quoting each other and leave it at agree to disagree.

But everyone thinks Sony is acting out of greed and you explained they act out of greed, so there isn't any disagreement.... whatever.


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
are people really not wanting crossplay over a corporate statistic?

who cares if the MAU is improved by this? Let the marketing team have their day, it's still stupid that we split cross-platform game online modes across hardware lines, sometimes even within the same OS (Steam, looking at you)

Dont care, but this makes alot more sense than 'think of the kids', lol.

There have been some crazy statements lately from both MS and Sony's side these past few days....
Are you serious,????? for example lest say that I have a PSN account with a gmail account, at the moment of creating your Windows ID it will be a new registration....I do not have registered that account to Linkedin, Outlook, Office, windows at all

In the same way that for example linking the account of EA they are registered to the e-mail account associated with the PSN account (They obtained the full e-mail and also will now that I'm entering trough a PSN device). That information alone is a lot
read this
Do you know how oAuth works? You can use customers from other systems without storing their info (outside of an email address). These account systems (like XBL) simply provide an interface to authenticate, once approved, a sessions is created which gives you an access to the 3rd party (ie Rocket League DB) systems but as an authenticated user. This is how Google/Facebook/Twitter sign in works, problem was solved a long time ago. You get access to other data but Sony can control that through API's they provide.

and understand that the information you think is a lot (People are playing Minecraft on PS4!) is information that Mojang already has when people play on PS4. The only difference here is that you'd have a Microsoft account associated, and I don't see how that changes things at all, or what further information Microsoft can glean from that. Even if you use the same email you used for PSN email to sign up for an MS account.


Regardless it would require Playstation customers to create a Microsoft account in order to play a game on their Playstation. It makes sense that Sony doesn't want folks to create an account on a competitors platform.

I'm not sure why that is surprising.

Nintendo, of all companies, doesn't seem to give a shit.

The same Nintendo that was offered a Goldeneye 64 port if they let Xbox have it too and responded like this:

are people really not wanting crossplay over a corporate statistic?

who cares if the MAU is improved by this? Let the marketing team have their day, it's still stupid that we split cross-platform game online modes across hardware lines, sometimes even within the same OS (Steam, looking at you)


Absolutely not!
Edit: NOT talking about Minecraft thing:

What? The absolutely CAN get that data if they want.

Sony sends you emails of purchase confirmation right? MS can access your emails. So they will be able to know exactly what you purchased, when and with that payment method.

Edit: Was wrong about this part

Compared to requiring it for Minecraft all they would really gain from it is Minecraft specific which they would be able to get anyway from the game, regardless of if you're logged in with a MS account or not
Hell if you use a hotmail account for PSN MS will have access to far more information (purchases, time spent on PS, etc) than they would gain from connecting you to XBL to play Minecraft so that's not an issue either

What? The absolutely CAN get that data if they want.

Sony sends you emails of purchase confirmation right? MS can access your emails. So they will be able to know exactly what you purchased, when and with that payment method.

How do you sign into PSN? By verifying your password with MS servers, which lets MS know when you login PS4. Log out/turn PS4 off? It ends the session which also tells MS play time aswell.

This reads like a conspiracy theory.

I'm not talking about the mincraft thing. I'm talking about if you log into PSN with your hotmail account

I know.
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