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Mirror's Edge Catalyst |OT| Keeping the Faith Alive

Never seen textures this consistently bad before (ps4 btw) & I don't even usually care about graphics but when it started to effect my race times it really got to me. I've been enjoying the gameplay so far but I rage quit today because of constant bugs. Such an unpolished game, even with the long dev time. Thinking about how much better this game could have been is just making me sad :(
How long were they working on this?

And yeah, it definitely feels unpolished and unfinished, though can often look pretty nice too. It would look a million times better if it didn't have such slow loading textures.


I have to say, this is turning out to be better than I expected. It takes some time to find its groove, but once it does you can see the potential the concept has, or would have if not for their attempts to turn it into a zillion-seller by randomly inserting stuff that worked in other open-world games but doesn't here.

- The story is teribad. Boilerplate YA schlock, one-note, walking-cliché characters and tons of silly melodrama and twists. If only they had dropped it like a hot potato and invested that time and money in a bunch of separate, crazy levels like the DLC of the first game... Ah, well.
- Grid leaks work surprisingly well as far as collectibles go. The chip stuff, not so much. Too many of them and they bring you to a complete halt, which is something that should rarely happen in a game about parkour. They aren't even actually hidden most of the time...
- Story missions are really fun. It's rare that an open world game gets to have well-designed instanced missions, which was my biggest fear, but these certainly channel what was great about the first game's, so props to DICE.
- Game clearly wasn't designed around playing without any kind of Runner's Vision. You get a permanent destiny marker, many RV offline/online prompts and sometimes it actually shows red obstacles and even the red tutorial character. Other times they just assumed you'd find the detour to get to a certain point in the map thanks to it, so if you're not using it you're screwed.
- Grid nodes are fantastic. Now THIS is a sidequest that takes advantage of a game's main mechanics.
- The rest of the activities range from ok diversions to more annoying stuff, mostly thanks to the long loading times before you can retry. I guess they're decent enough if you want a quick dose of gameplay.
- Time trials are great. Lots of possibilities and paths, good circuits and some crazy shortcuts. Loading times could and should be better, but it's definitely one of the highlights of the game.
- Skill tree is dumb.
- Combat is OK I guess? When you keep your momentum going while defeating enemies smoothly it feels great, but it's all too easy for the player to fail to do so, and when that happens it looks janky and awkward. I dunno.
- The city itself is weirdly square-y, which will make the first couple of hours awkward as you try to find the bridges to go from one block to another, but strangely enough it really helps with memorizing the layout, which in turn makes both navigation and the time trials more fun. Once you get the rope and fast travel it's even easier to find your way around.

So yeah, it's not quite the ideal sequel to the first game some of us wanted, but I'm not unhappy with it either. Which is more than anyone could hope for considering the circumstances, really.

Does the game stop being rubbish after three hours because I'm starting to give up.

It gets better around that point, but if you don't already enjoy it even a little, it won't be enough to change your opinion.
The city is fucking huge. I keep thinking I've seen all the districts and then there's more.

And I remember there was someone in the pre-release thread saying they could run from end to end in a few minutes and there was no point in the open world.... Lmao


Not enjoying as much as I thought I would, and I really loved the first game. I'm not sure how far through I am, the website has a "27" in the story circle so I assume that's the percentage but hours-wise I haven't a clue.

The soundtrack has been rather disappointing so far, not so much bad music as much as I barely notice it, there's people talking over it, or I just simply can't hear it and it doesn't feel as "there" as it was in the last one.

Having to unlock some of the moves is an odd decision, even if you can get them super quickly early on it still seems an odd choice to have to unlock moves like rolling and 180 turning that were default controls in the last game.

Combat is meh. It was easier in the first but looking back it felt like there was less of it and it was over quicker. On a previous mission I was in a room with some waves of enemies, I thought maybe I was missing something with fighting the enemy type but it was literally just run around the room in a circle and jump off the same desk to smack them in the face, twice over. If I tried anything fancier I usually got hit by the enemy I wasn't aiming for.

They removed using guns which is nice, I probably would have been fine if combat wasn't really there as much as it is and was just used as they do in the escape parts of missions to dodge and out manoeuvre enemies rather than actual combat sections.

I'm also really unlucky or there's a few things you can get stuck on, the desk I just mentioned had some stuff on that Faith would randomly stop and get stuck on meaning another lap of the room. Not long after that mission I jumped into some guys and tried to run up a wall, half way up the wall Faith just hung there not doing anything, wouldn't jump up, wouldn't go left or right, and wouldn't drop. So I just hung there getting smacked until I died at which point I decided that was enough for tonight and would come moan on here instead.

I'll come back tomorrow and play some more, but so far I'm feeling rather tepid towards it.


Just finished it and while there are certainly some issues, it's one of my favorite games of the year easily. Now I've just got to go back and do some of the random open world stuff until I've had my fill. I really wouldn't mind if they did some DLC for this down the road, even if it's random race courses like with the original ME.

Story spoilers:
I didn't really mind the ending but the story just seemed half-baked from start to finish. So many of the characters were unlikable including Faith on many occasions.

I wish there was more Beatrix outside of the one story mission because the HiCast / LoCast interactions between her and Faith could've been an interesting dynamic.


Anyone else have sound 'hiccups' quite frequently, on PS4 or otherwise? It seems like the sound just cuts out for half a second, usually during an autosave it seems.


Anyone else have sound 'hiccups' quite frequently, on PS4 or otherwise? It seems like the sound just cuts out for half a second, usually during an autosave it seems.

Yeah I have been having this happen fairly often as well. Playing on PS4.


I just finished it. I really liked it. I'm probably the only one who thinks this but I like it just as much as the original. It's probably some visual trick, but it feels faster than ME1. I'm a little bummed that there's probably never going to be another one, but I'm just glad I got to get another Mirrors Edge game that wasn't filled with zombies.


My only issue is this really weird glitch where the whole world turns green -- happened once in the beta & happened when I was played the other night. If I go to the pause screen or out to the PS4 UI, it goes away ... I had to quit and restart the game. Check it out, it's bizarre:



No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
It's a bummer in the endgame that only the Grid Leaks get highlighted on the map, because those are the most easily visible collectibles already. I'd like to get everything else, particularly the recordings and documents, but without resorting to an FAQ, it would involve painstaking combing huge geographic regions.

Anyone else have sound 'hiccups' quite frequently, on PS4 or otherwise? It seems like the sound just cuts out for half a second, usually during an autosave it seems.
Yes. The game is almost constantly autosaving, so I think it coincides with something else. I keep getting the feeling it has to do with entering into different areas. Maybe a combination of factors. Not a major problem however.


Just finished it. Overall I actually really liked it despite it's numerous flaws. All of the story missions are pretty well designed and are pretty fast paced. Really wish the overworld was more fleshed out though. Supposedly The City of Glass is some kind of dystopia yet there's no evidence of this whatsoever since your only interactions with NPCs are either rich people that want something delivered or runners with whom zero backstory is given. Disappointing despite the game hinting at some pretty interesting dynamics ala Beatrix and
what she needs to do to divorce her husband.
Still I'm glad I made the purchase.
The world is a free running playground. It's there for you to complete time trials etc. It isn't necessary, it's just fucking awesome and fun to play with.

That sounds great, once I have all the tools to take advantage of that playground. Right now it seems handicapped. I feel like they could have easily put more effort into this world.

Still I'm sitting here finding myself itching to play.


So I'm trying to climb this tower to hack a billboard. I climb for a bit and get to a room I have to scale, only to see... well, not much of anything at all:

And this is with max brightness. Tell me there's a way to skip to noon in game-time that I've missed.
These side activities are pretty brutal with their time limits. Literally no room for error -_-
Thankfully the main mission and gridnodes are fun to do.

Evo X

These side activities are pretty brutal with their time limits. Literally no room for error -_-
Thankfully the main mission and gridnodes are fun to do.

Yeah, they are insanely hard. Very frustrating when it stops you in your tracks with some bullshit when you are literally two steps away from the person you have to deliver to. Makes zero fucking narrative sense.

Like these brain dead NPCs are fine waiting on this rooftop for days for a runner to pass by and talk to them, but as soon as the item is in your hands, there are only 58 seconds left to deliver it to some asshole halfway across the city?

And God, don't even get me started on the repeated dialogue you have to listen to every single time.

I love this game, but it has some extremely annoying design choices.
Anyone else have sound 'hiccups' quite frequently, on PS4 or otherwise? It seems like the sound just cuts out for half a second, usually during an autosave it seems.

Yep, I get it a lot. I've also had problems where the game doesn't load in textures fast enough if I'm really booking it across the city, and sometimes textures will flicker crazily if I'm restarting time trials often. Frequent framerate drops, too; the game could really use another patch or two.

I got started on the side missions and races last night, and I'm really starting to appreciate the open world now. Time trials are exactly as addictive and rewarding as they were in the first game, and the open world gives you so much more opportunity to find your own routes to shave off seconds. I miss the speedometer from the first game, though, and it also seems like there's no way to watch a ghost run of someone who's set a faster time than you, unless I'm missing something? I want to work out all the 3 star runs on my own, but I'd still like to see just how these people are going two or three seconds faster when I'm only just making the 3 star time by milliseconds.

One thing I'm still disappointed about is the step down in animations from the first game. I suspect this is because Faith's animations are now more realistic, whereas in the first game they were intentionally exaggerated, but there's a real loss of visual feedback. In the first game you'd see Faith's legs swing over an object when you vaulted, and you'd know if you'd nailed a Speed Vault by whether she used two hands or just one. In this game you don't see any of Faith's body; you just feel like a floating camera most of the time. I have no idea whether the Speed Vault mechanic is even in this game, especially since there's no speedometer so you can't tell if you're getting speed boosts. I mostly just coil jump over anything under a certain height, because it seems faster, but I can't tell for sure.

I do love the new additions to Faith's free-running abilities, though. You can do double wallruns, you can wallrun into a corner and transition to the next wall, springboard into wallruns, swing around corners and swing with the Magrope; it feels fantastic. And once you build up the reflex to Shift after everything that might slow you down you just get moving so fast. The only thing I don't like is when you have to use the Magrope like Batman's grappling hook, because it just feels like a level design copout. Particularly in the final mission, which has no flow to it because you just climb a floor or two then just press a button to get yanked up to the next bit.

And God, don't even get me started on the repeated dialogue you have to listen to every single time.

I love this game, but it has some extremely annoying design choices.

That's a really baffling design choice. So many of the side missions in the game are basically just races, which is fine because that's what Mirror's Edge is all about, but having to deliver a package with an arbitrary time limit, listening to the person's whole story over and over each time, and then failing because you were six inches outside the target circle when the time ran out is just really stupid :p
You can't beat linear games, my god open world games are cancer.

Here I am trying to get to any mission but can't find a way around these obstacles. This is so frustrating and a waste of time.


You can't beat linear games, my god open world games are cancer.

Here I am trying to get to any mission but can't find a way around these obstacles. This is so frustrating and a waste of time.

Getting stuck happens in linear games too. If you haven't already, turn on Full runner's vision.
Well I wrapped it up last night. Bit shorter than I was hoping for if you focus on the story and use fast travel.

Gameplay holds up well and open world is well executed, but damn if that wasn't one of the worst / worst told stories in recent memory.


Yeah, they are insanely hard. Very frustrating when it stops you in your tracks with some bullshit when you are literally two steps away from the person you have to deliver to. Makes zero fucking narrative sense.

Like these brain dead NPCs are fine waiting on this rooftop for days for a runner to pass by and talk to them, but as soon as the item is in your hands, there are only 58 seconds left to deliver it to some asshole halfway across the city?

And God, don't even get me started on the repeated dialogue you have to listen to every single time.

I love this game, but it has some extremely annoying design choices.
I really like the game, but this is one of the biggest side mission flaws. If delivery missions had the following:

  • No locking your view in place for the start animation EVERY TIME (or make the animation skippable).
  • Only play the voice lines the first time (have the option to repeat it if you missed something).
  • Ditch covert missions, or make them normal delivery missions. You ignore KSEC and you get yelled at and you still win, makes no sense.
  • If possible, add hold R to retry, like time trials. Time trials have some special magic where retry is super quick, like 1-3 seconds. Delivery missions or dying in a time trial involves a 8-14 second load on PC even with SSD, for me. (Even better, make dying in time trial auto-retry so I don't have to hold R as I fall to my death, desperately hoping I beat the kill timer.) ((Even betterer, improve the load times if possible.))

...then, they'd be pretty tolerable.

One thing I'm still disappointed about is the step down in animations from the first game. I suspect this is because Faith's animations are now more realistic, whereas in the first game they were intentionally exaggerated, but there's a real loss of visual feedback. In the first game you'd see Faith's legs swing over an object when you vaulted, and you'd know if you'd nailed a Speed Vault by whether she used two hands or just one. In this game you don't see any of Faith's body; you just feel like a floating camera most of the time. I have no idea whether the Speed Vault mechanic is even in this game, especially since there's no speedometer so you can't tell if you're getting speed boosts. I mostly just coil jump over anything under a certain height, because it seems faster, but I can't tell for sure.
Are you playing on console or PC? I don't even have max FOV on PC and I still see Faith's entire body if I look down. I see her feet if I do coil jumps, I see her feet sliding if I do speed slide vaults, etc.
Are you playing on console or PC? I don't even have max FOV on PC and I still see Faith's entire body if I look down. I see her feet if I do coil jumps, I see her feet sliding if I do speed slide vaults, etc.

You still see her body, you just see a lot less of it, particularly on vaults:

The camera just kind of tilts and you sail over it. It the same no matter what your FOV settings are, unfortunately.


The camera just kind of tilts and you sail over it. It the same no matter what your FOV settings are, unfortunately.
I think you should be coil-jumping in the bottom case, or if the obstacle is high enough that you'd touch it, coil jump and hold coil -- you'll make a skateboard sound and do a super quick slide over it. (and you'll see your feet)

Are you playing console though? Maybe I'm looking down with my mouse and that's why I see her feet more. *edit* You can even see this in the top GIF. The player looks down before reaching the obstacle. In the bottom GIF, the player keeps the camera pointed straight ahead.


You still see her body, you just see a lot less of it, particularly on vaults:

The camera just kind of tilts and you sail over it. It the same no matter what your FOV settings are, unfortunately.

You're absolutely right that it's more floaty and less tactile. I've noticed that since the very first gameplay clips were released. It's all apart of Faith being even more world class than the original game, to the point where she moves almost like an alien. But there's not a lot to do about it, I guess. It's the choice they made.


I will say that especially post-beta, I think movement in the new game is actually an improvement over the old one. They fixed the bunnyhop exploit, they got rid of the old kick longjump as far as I know, and it just flows really well.

Magropes are pretty much the only thing that are glitchy for me occasionally. Pullup can be finicky (you'll hit walls instead of triggering), the zones and angles can be very small, and sometimes when swinging the game will briefly freeze for me as if I catch on an obstacle midswing.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Did they change coil from the beta? In there every trial ghost was basically using it to jump everywhere but it feels like it's slower now.


Did they change coil from the beta? In there every trial ghost was basically using it to jump everywhere but it feels like it's slower now.
Yup, thankfully. It became a bunnyhopping game instead of a running game because it gave you a speedboost.

Now it preserves your speed I think, but if you're on flat ground you should just run. I use it for jumping over small obstacles and off ledges so I get a more reliable landing. It also means you don't grab pipes and stuff which can be helpful.

Speaking of ghosts, is there any way to view time trial ghosts? I wish I could race my echo, but I've only gotten it to work in custom time trials.


I will say that especially post-beta, I think movement in the new game is actually an improvement over the old one. They fixed the bunnyhop exploit, they got rid of the old kick longjump as far as I know, and it just flows really well.

Magropes are pretty much the only thing that are glitchy for me occasionally. Pullup can be finicky (you'll hit walls instead of triggering), the zones and angles can be very small, and sometimes when swinging the game will briefly freeze for me as if I catch on an obstacle midswing.

Yeah, I've wandered around for the better part of a minute trying to find the activiation zone for some of those rope pull ups
Some of the package optional missions were rage inducing, and you got only 100 exp for that.
Also sad to hear how the end of this game is, shaking my head how they could it even worse than the ME 1 ending.
Something tells me the sells figures will be bad as well.
I really hope they will patch this game, especially the stuttering of the cutscenes and the lo w res reloading texture bug, it is really noticable even with a 980Ti.

Evo X

Whoever designed the elevator pipe climbing sections in The Shard can go straight to hell.

Holy shit, one of the most annoying parts of the whole game. Died so many times.


Whoever designed the
elevator pipe climbing sections in The Shard
can go straight to hell.

Holy shit, one of the most annoying parts of the whole game. Died so many times.
I might have died twice there. Were you getting hit by falling objects? Once I started going as quickly as possible, it seemed I never got hit, and it went very smoothly. I think they designed it to highlight the pipes and keep you going.

Regarding sales, I think being Origin only is going to hurt sales regardless of the actual game quality.
There are some really baffling design decisions in this game.

Some of the areas are so cramped and confusing that it's literally impossible to complete some (a lot of) side quests without a lot of immersion-killing trial and error, especially with the tight time limits (and the goddamn fucking repeating dialogue and unskippable animation ohmygod STOP IT ALREADY). The open world isn't open enough and I just keep running into dead ends. I tried one diversion mission a few times and won't be doing any of those again.

In combat they've added the traversal moves, which are great, but then they put you into static arenas with three or four enemies to fight with next to no objects to perform those moves off of, and you go "hold on guys, can we go fight next to this wall over here?". There should be moves that chain off enemies.

There's still a lot of good running and climbing and it feels great, and the time trials probably have a lot of potential, but there's also a lot of messed up stuff and right now I feel like the first game was a better overall experience. Let's see.


So, there's 'Other Player' listed on the map legend. Multiplayer hype or forgotten menu item?<snip>
forgotten menu item ofc


So, there's 'Other Player' listed on the map legend. Multiplayer hype or forgotten menu item?

forgotten menu item ofc
No, your friends show up on the map. You can see where they currently are. Of course you can't see them if you walk there, but it's still a neat touch.


I just finished the story missions. I don't quite understand the strong negative reaction to the ending. I wasn't blown away, but I thought it worked. Especially the idea that
they didn't start an instant revolution. That was going to take a lot more work.

I enjoyed the voice acting, and I thought that Faith's voice actor (Faye Kingslee) really nailed it. But Gabriel Kruger's lines just didn't feel right, especially in the final act. It needed more takes.

Overall, ME Catalyst now has a place next to the original ME as one of my favorite games.
Overall I really like this game. I'm going to need to pour a few dozen more hours into it before I really feel like I can judge it; the first game is in my all-time top ten, so it's hard for me to know whether the things I'm complaining about in the new game are just things I'm so used to being different in the first one. But, y'know, the mere fact that I want to pour hours and hours into Catalyst says something pretty good about it.

At the moment the thing that's driving me absolutely mad is that when you fall to your death in a Dash, the game respawns you back where you were instead of just restarting the whole time trial. For God's sake, game, WHY? Under no circumstances am I going to want to keep going when I've just died, so you're just making me sit through two load screens instead of one.

I'm absolutely loving all these Dashes, though. There's a nice mix of long ones that test how long you can keep up a perfect run and shorter ones where you can try out multiple different routes, and even a handful of really short ones that just require 100% perfection. Dashes, GridNodes and Plastic's MetaGrid missions are all excellent. The Security Hub missions are more enjoyable than I thought they'd be coming from the Beta. It's basically just a mad dash back to the nearest safehouse where you have to concentrate on keeping your Focus Shield up to block gunfire.

I like the Diversion missions in theory. They're essentially just longer Dashes with the slight twist of having K-Sec chasing you the whole time, and they often take place on the same routes as the Dashes so you can put all the shortcuts you've learnt to use. Unfortunately, they have the same problem as the Delivery missions, in that you have to listen to the same dialogue over and over and over every time you retry them, and there's no quick restart option.

So, there's some really irritating stuff, but for the most part I'm really liking the game. I'm thinking the Platinum Trophy's going to be easier this time around because there are no Speed Runs of the main missions, but I'm still really not looking forward to tracking down all those collectibles. I feel like if you're going to populate your game with a million collectibles the least you can do is offer the player some way of locating them in-game without having to go to Youtube. ME Catalyst actually does do this, but only for the Gridleaks. Unless I'm missing something, you're just on your own for every other type of collectible. And Gaaaawd there are so many!


When you're falling to your death, holding reload will SOMETIMES get you the quick reload during a Dash. But not always if you die too quickly.


There are some really baffling design decisions in this game.

Some of the areas are so cramped and confusing that it's literally impossible to complete some (a lot of) side quests without a lot of immersion-killing trial and error, especially with the tight time limits (and the goddamn fucking repeating dialogue and unskippable animation ohmygod STOP IT ALREADY). The open world isn't open enough and I just keep running into dead ends. I tried one diversion mission a few times and won't be doing any of those again.

In combat they've added the traversal moves, which are great, but then they put you into static arenas with three or four enemies to fight with next to no objects to perform those moves off of, and you go "hold on guys, can we go fight next to this wall over here?". There should be moves that chain off enemies.

There's still a lot of good running and climbing and it feels great, and the time trials probably have a lot of potential, but there's also a lot of messed up stuff and right now I feel like the first game was a better overall experience. Let's see.

Yeah, in general the game doesn't feel "tight". Like it's made by a young studio who are way too ambitious with a project and implement ideas more so than fully formed mechanics. Except this is the second attempt at a formula by a veteran developer under one of the biggest publishers in the world.


Can someone explain to me the difference between a dash and a time trial?
Dashes are ingame official time trials. You can get 3 stars on them. I don't know a way to race ghosts (but I'd like to).

Time trials are user-generated content. You can race ghosts and see your friends' trials.
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