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Mirror's Edge Catalyst |OT| Keeping the Faith Alive


Visuals are amazing maxed out on PC, which is no doubt what they've been showing off the past few years at events and marketing campaigns.

Can't really blame them. It's how the whole industry works. Best foot forward.

At least it's not an obvious massive downgrade like Ubisoft games.

I guess I would have liked a 30FPS option with better AA and better texture streaming. More bells and whistles. I'm happy with what I have, but I hope it gets some new improvements.


The AA in this game is so weird. Most AA methods tend to add a blur as you move in order to clean up the image, but this game is the opposite, at least on XBO. If you are moving around the image actually sharpens up, and you can see more pixel crawl, vut the moment you stop moving you can see the blur kick in over the entire image, cleaning up the jaggies and pixel crawl. I think this is why the game appears so blurry, as the the blur kicks in the most when you are standing still and taking in your surroundings. This is especially noticeable on NPCs, as they appear incredibly blurry while you are standing still talking to them, but even if you start panning the camera ever so slowly, the image sharpens back up, and NPCs don't look nearly as bad.

I wonder if this is something they could fix?


Yeah, I remember someone mentioning that they found a way to disable the weird AA during the trial, but I don't recall how they did it.

Also, can someone help me figure out how to add this as a non-steam game to get the overlay? I tried adding both the Mirrorsedgecatalyst exe and origin itself, but neither way worked


Judging by the trophies, I'm more than halfway through the game. There were two moments where I knew this game was good. The first was the E3 moment, and the second was when you go to the top of a huge tower. This game is definitely a worthy sequel to the original, IMO. The world is beautiful and the combat is fun. This is also the first open world game where I don't use fast travel at all.


Finally nailing that run that you have been trying for on a dash finally is still such an awesome feeling. This game is so much fun and super addictive!


Ugh, almost at the end and the
comm hub
mission is a giant pain. They make you do a 1+ minute run across the world, and THEN force you to defeat 4 enemies, and THEN make you do a tricky platforming section with no rails. If you screw up slightly, you have to redo the whole thing.


Just beat the game. Watch the credits and it returns me to the world but freezes every time. If I reload the game it freezes at the same spot.

Edit: 3rd time was the charm. Now to finish up side quests and trials. Love this game!


My major issue with this is the open world just doesn't seem necessary or interesting, yet. I'm early on though. I would have preferred to have all movement skills too. Maybe an XP system is necessary in these open world games but really, traversing the world is key here and to schlep all over getting XP is not really that fun at the moment.

The game really shines on a mission or dash, you could say. I think what was so great about ME1 was the systems combined with tight level design made for an exceptional experience.

Also, the AI is a joke in this game. Combat is hilarious.
The world is a free running playground. It's there for you to complete time trials etc. It isn't necessary, it's just fucking awesome and fun to play with.


Decided I'd capture footage of this 3 star dash run, it was just so damn good! The realization that if I do my skill roll as late as possible and not have to also slide after the first big jump gave me just enough time to get the 3 star rating. This dash in particular went super off the recommended path, had to look at the map for a few minutes just to work out what path was optimal.



Special thanks to Blizzard for driving me to utterly crush him.


You're welcome for all (two?) of my helpful tips! No doubt those propelled you to greatness. :p Thanks for your own advice, including the fact that you can fast-forward through the credits...which I did not realize.

I watched the entire credits at normal speed. I deserve an achievement. Nice music though, and there's a postcredits scene.

I didn't think the game ending was near as awful as I expected given people's comments. It's just kind of...blah, rather than actively offensive.


I started to play this game with my gamepad but to my very own surprise KB&M works better for me. I appreciate the extra precision for turning a lot.

Also dead enemies tend to glitch through walls for me on a regular basis. Not a big deal breaker but still...

Oh my God! Oh my fucking God, what a stupid fucking ending! Jesus Christ, I'm sitting here while the credits roll and I can't believe it. My voice is hoarse from shouting "Are you kidding me?" at my TV :p

You climb up the tower, fight two Sentinels, then Kruger struts out with a riot baton and I'm thinking, fuck yeah, time for the final bossfight up in here. Except... nope, Faith just beats him up in a cutscene. But then Cat shows up! You chase her over to the next building, and you think, fuck yeah, this is the final boss. Except... NOPE, FAITH JUST BEATS HER UP IN A CUTSCENE!

Then they contrive a reason for Cat to have to go and rescue Kruger, so she runs off screen, Faith climbs to safety (again, in a cutscene, because why would you want to have an exciting parkour sequence in this parkour video game?), and then Cat just flies off in a VTOL. No idea if Kruger survived, no idea how she got in the VTOL, and meanwhile Faith is stranded on the side of a building, but it's apparently not a problem. Cut to voice over of Faith talking about how "Nothing changed, but we've started something, and we're going to finish it". Smash cut to credits.

JEEEEEZUS, I thought the original Mirror's Edge's story was terrible, but at least it had a satisfying ending. This is pure sequel bait for a follow-up that's never going to come because EA sent this game out to die. What a complete waste. They could have gone anywhere with another Mirror's Edge game, yet they decided to reboot it and tell basically the same story all over again but somehow worse.


Anyway, now I get to start free-running around this world doing time trials and stuff, so this will be the good bit. I've actually grown to really like the combat quite a bit after all this. The game does itself a serious disservice by locking away so many combat upgrades, because some of those are 100% vital to enjoying the combat. Vanilla Faith is a terrible fighter, but once you get some of the damage upgrades, the one that has you do more damage when you attack from behind and the Switch Places move you can have a lot of fun.

So, yeah, looking forward to seeing all the GridNodes, the MetaGrid things and the Dashes. I think I'll have a good time collecting all the GridLeaks (the glowing gold orbs), but schlepping around finding all those microchip things is going to be a real slog. I'll probably post more about the game itself once I've cooled off after that godawful ending.


Oh my God! Oh my fucking God, what a stupid fucking ending! Jesus Christ, I'm sitting here while the credits roll and I can't believe it. My voice is hoarse from shouting "Are you kidding me?" at my TV :p
It doesn't add much, but there's a post-credits scene. I think you can hold right to speed up the credits.

At least the final level had amazing atmosphere up until the end. :p

oneThing that I dontLike about TheGame is the stupid conTractions and capitalisations they shove in words thatAlready EXIST!

plsStop diCe
You'll make a fine eXec one day. VTOL ETA momentarily.

I have more game thoughts for another day, but one quick note: The sound design and balance was pretty great throughout. DICE seems consistent with that.


Just finished another grid node. These are great levels, and really make you think about different means of traversing a course.


Neo Member
I'm enjoying the open world aspect but climbing the Anansi tower again made me realise ME works better with linear levels. When the music, the art-design and the gameplay come together perfectly, it's just another experience.


There were some things that I found pretty odd when playing the game with regards to the story.

I'm going to preface this with me not having collected all of the documents and recordings, so if any of these can be answered by those please let me know. Also, from a gameplay perspective I really enjoyed the game despite some bizarre memory leak issue that really fucks up the cutscenes.

1. What was the whole purpose of Reflection? Kruger was trying to explain it at the end of the game and then he got interrupted and then it got dropped completely once they fought. He was trying to explain the purpose behind controlling the masses as survival and that Faith didn't understand what his or her mother's intentions were.

2. What was the purpose of Erika Connor's research? I heard an audio log of her saying that it was going to bring down the Conglomerate...but how? What was it exactly? It had something to do with neural interfacing.

3. What was the purpose of the drawing? My guess is that the neural algorithm she made up to bring down the Conglomerate was encoded in it somehow? There is a scene where Faith as a child asks what it is and her mother says that it's her legacy or that it'll be hers one day. What the hell is it?

4. The flashbacks of Faith have her firing a gun and running into a Krugersec guard that says "don't you recognize me?" and then she holds his hand (presumably dead, shot by her) and there is a very noticeable scar on his hand. What the hell was up with all that?

5. Cat goes to rescue Kruger and then we see everything crumble where she was heading and then she's magically on a vtol coming off of the far side of the shard with no Kruger. The whole way that played out was f u c k i n g weird. Either they cut some part of that sequence or just did a really bad job because it was ultra jarring. Cat said she "HAD" to save him, but is emotionless as she leaves Faith on the side of the building. So did she actually save Kruger and imprison him?

6. Kruger said reflection is what was keeping Cat alive because of the damage her lungs sustained from the tear gas as a child. We can assume this was true because when she was offgrid with Black November she had trouble breathing, signaling that the reflection nanites were healing her condition. So in addition to brainwashing and influencing emotions the nanites can heal serious injuries and kill (in the case of noah). If reflection was destroyed at the end of the game, shouldn't Cat have died from the lung condition? This seems like a pretty big plot hole.

7. How did Krugersec not find Black November if the Kingdom was like right next to the Omnistat underground tunnels? And vice versa?
Anyways, I'd love to know if there is some information in those collectibles that fill in any of these gaps. If there is, I really feel like a lot of these loose threads should have been explained in the main narrative. As a whole the thing just seems to leap past A LOT of logic and details so Faith can defeat Krugersec and save Glass. All the holes in the story made it unsatisfying, felt kind of rushed. I don't know if it's just sloppy writing, or they didn't have time/resources and had to drop a lot of story into the collectibles, or what.
Just finished the game. Came around it pretty much completely. I loved it. The story wasn't that bad, it kept enough intrigue for me to keep going. The combat became slightly more bearable when I realised I didn't have to fight anyone. Critics were absolutely wrong about that. There was only 1 point in the entire game where I was forced to fight anyone (at least to my recollection).

Combat looks stylish but i'm still not sold on it completely:

The last fight with the two enemies was frustrating. Perhaps I didn't upgrade the right things but their constant spamming knocking you over was really annoying.

Also in regards to the ending:

Literally one of the worst i've come across. The whole last act had me pretty pumped but the end was just bad. The last encounter did not feel like a last fight. Furthermore, we find out in the end that nothing really mattered. We get no kind of resolution what so ever and it's clear the game is sequel baiting and that sucks because it seems like we won't be getting another one of these games. It's really damn disappointing.

Critics were overly harsh on this game. The free running was great and the level design was on point. The combat wasn't great and the story was lacking (story doesn't mean shit to me in a Mirror's Edge title) and the game definitely needed more polish but complaints about the game becoming boring and tedious are not one's i'd agree with. Nor would I agree with the idea that there are forced combat sections.

EDIT: Also, these credits are obnoxious.


The final level was pretty damn good till the very end.
Riding up the HUGE fans via MAG rope, going up the shafts, and meeting the big group of enemies were pretty great especially.

Yeah there were many holes in the story through, and I wish they just shown the flashback as a whole. The original's story might have not been great either, but it was more simple and the ending definitely felt more satisfying, while kind of nicely ambiguous in ways. This time it felt really half assed lol.
Still on the fence here.

Game is just to expensive, MSRP is R$ 249,99 in Brazil (around 70 U$). Uncharted 4 was MSRP R$ 199,99 (54 U$) at launch and it's possible to find now for R$ 169,99 (47,20 U$)

And the huge let down in terms of image quality was something that I wasn't expecting after Star Wars Battlefront, Dragon Age Inquisition and Battlefield 1.

Some say the ending is this utterly terrible.

Maybe wait for a price drop or discount?


Still on the fence here.

Game is just to expensive, MSRP is R$ 249,99 in Brazil (around 70 U$). Uncharted 4 was MSRP R$ 199,99 (54 U$) at launch and it's possible to find now for R$ 169,99 (47,20 U$)

And the huge let down in terms of image quality was something that I wasn't expecting after Star Wars Battlefront, Dragon Age Inquisition and Battlefield 1.

Some say the ending is this utterly terrible.

Maybe wait for a price drop or discount?

It isn't going anywhere and it's not imperative you play it now unless you're a hardcore fan or love platformers.


This game is the shit.

The first hour or so, I was kind of conflicted and I was certain the original was a better game. The combat was awful, Icarus was awful and the first mission just wasn't that good (and stuff like skill roll were gated, which is a bit stupid imo). But as I progressed I found the story missions to be getting better by the minute. And the NPC sidequests are very solid too, they're different enough from eachother as well. Next to that, the open world started to resonate with me. Its really solid and doing time trials in the open world rather than a separate mode is far better. Every time I play a few missions I come across and its not getting stale yet.

I also like the Gridnodes in particular, some excellent platform gameplay there. I never liked the combat in ME much, so the less enemies the better. Though its not that bad in ME2, as long as you're running and keep your focus up you can't be killed. Its just about finding higher ground, walls or jumps to one shot them from a different angle. I try to avoid straight up fisticuffs at all times.

I put about 10 hours into it, and am about two thirds into the story. I haven't found a single secret bag yet, lol. And have a lot of side missions to do. This will easily take 20 hours to fully beat.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I am really enjoying this game. Initial reviews had me wary but I needed a new game to break up the rigors of graduate school.

My only complaint is the textures on the humans and their clothing. I know it is an exaggeration, but it reminded me of the way characters looked in Goldeneye 64.


There are plenty of things that bug me about this game, but I don't think I've enjoyed platforming in a game this much since the first Mirror's Edge. What this series delivers is so unique and special. The Dashes, the Gridnodes, and the story missions in particular are amazing. I was actually a bit lukewarm on this after playing the beta, but this really gets better the more you play, especially once you get all the movement upgrades. Loving this.


Just finished the game. Came around it pretty much completely. I loved it. The story wasn't that bad, it kept enough intrigue for me to keep going. The combat became slightly more bearable when I realised I didn't have to fight anyone. Critics were absolutely wrong about that. There was only 1 point in the entire game where I was forced to fight anyone (at least to my recollection).
This is outright shocking to me, and I've played the entire original Mirror's Edge probably multiple times only fighting enemies in one room. Offhand, I can think of 2 different tutorial areas where' you're forced to defeat / hit enemies in Catalyst, plus the endgame sequence. And I thought there was some other area in or near the final level that said "Eliminate KSEC presence". Was I doing it wrong?

I THOUGHT there were 1-2 Gridnode sequences where doors are locked but I may be wrong on that. And there's a section where
you wait for a train...but even when I waited a while I don't think it arrived unless I defeated easier enemies first?
Or maybe I just need to be slower?

And of course the KSEC towers can't be done without defeating all enemies. And there's an arena in some tunnels, but maybe there was a way to run out of there and I missed it. And there was a place where you're slowly pushing stuff and the shooting was really annoying, so I knocked everyone out, but I could see that being doable with patience and luck.

I liked the credits music, but you can hold right to skip it and watch the post-credits scene.

Speaking of story holes, the very final mission starts with something like 10 seconds of pure white screen. I thought my game was glitching and I missed a cutscene until I checked YouTube and saw the same thing.

*edit* Random note: I wish we could race ghosts in dashes. Even the original had that. You can only race ghosts in custom time trials I think. :(
One small complaint I have is how white and boring the achievement tiles are for this game. I get they're going for the minimal aesthetic, but their world is so pretty because of the contrasting colors and these are just............blah.


I completely agree. Part of me was actually looking forward to some awesome concept art pieces or insane screenshots for the achievements but alas they look so damn dull. Honestly a bit disappointing.
One other issue I have: runners vision, even on classic, RUINS the main missions. I have to turn it off because it shows me the other before I even get there.


One other issue I have: runners vision, even on classic, RUINS the main missions. I have to turn it off because it shows me the other before I even get there.
I turned Runner Vision off before a took a single step in this game. It ruins the experience, IMO.
One other issue I have: runners vision, even on classic, RUINS the main missions. I have to turn it off because it shows me the other before I even get there.
Yeah. Haven't run into any issues so far with completely disabling the HUD, so if the idea of finding your own path through environments sounds good, especially under pressure, there's no reason not to.
Yeah. Haven't run into any issues so far with completely disabling the HUD, so if the idea of finding your own path through environments sounds good, especially under pressure, there's no reason not to.
Yeah, I'm actually kind of enjoying it. It's pretty obvious generally what is and isn't climb able too.
I turned Runner Vision off before a took a single step in this game. It ruins the experience, IMO.
I figured "Classic" would do the job, but off it is. :p


Never seen textures this consistently bad before (ps4 btw) & I don't even usually care about graphics but when it started to effect my race times it really got to me. I've been enjoying the gameplay so far but I rage quit today because of constant bugs. Such an unpolished game, even with the long dev time. Thinking about how much better this game could have been is just making me sad :(
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