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Mirror's Edge Catalyst |OT| Keeping the Faith Alive


Mirror's Edge Catalyst on Xbox One everybody...

He looked like this for a full minute.

This is beyond the pale.

If I was petty I'd bump the beta thread and quote all the people that insisted to me how the full game would look so much better.


LOD models seem to be a serious issue in this game, even on PC at max settings.

I'll look at a vent and it's fan cover will be in low LOD mode until I'm about 3 feet away from it, THEN it will switch to the high detail model.

It's really unusual and not a common problem in AAA games these days. One that is usually fixed. It was this way in the beta too.

Mirror's Edge is kind of a unique game from a technical perspective. It has all the hurdles of a first person game (texture and environment detail must be high since the player can squish their "face" right up against most stuff), but it's also about moving through the world as fast as possible so it needs to be able to stream and cull those high quality assets quickly. And my guess is that the team on ME was never that big. Battlefield and Battlefront are the 500 lb gorillas sucking up most of the resources at DICE. Mirror's Edge is the niche passion project.
Look I love the game, but Jesus Christ someone needs to be held accountable for this fuckery. How the hell did they think that releasing the game in that state on Xbox One was OK? Can you exchange it for the PS4 version?
Digital purchase :/
Thankfully I bought the PC version, but my PC has been acting funky lately so I'm not able to play it until Saturday when everything's fixed.

I love the game too but this was... shocking.
I was a big fan of the original Mirror's Edge but this game so far hasn't grabbed me in the same way just yet. It feels almost too familiar. Also, its not technically impressive in the slightest. I've had so many weird janky moments thus far and some really odd graphically glitches.

That said, the running is still great. It doesn't feel as weighty as the original but perhaps i'm remembering things wrong. The story missions have been pretty good though so I'm thinking I may just skip over everything else until I complete the main plot.


Frostbite seems to have some serious issues with pop in and LOD on the X1. I was playing BF4 yesterday I spent about 15 seconds running around on literally PS2 level textures and no grass until the proper assets loaded in.

The weirdest thing about ME is just how inconsistent it is visually. Poor IQ aside, one moment it can look really good, the next it looks terrible...

I think this for example looks great:


Don't pass gaas, it is your Destiny!
I'm playing on ps4 and when running around I see those chip things, high res textures don't pop in till after animation is over lol.


Game is getting better with each minute I am playing and I think on PC it looks beautiful. The only thing which annoys me is Plastic and Noah talking and talking... Oh yeah and the Story sucks... Well but not important, the rest of it is great for sure.


Neo Member
I'm enjoying just running around the city, doing a side mission and then running again.

However, I would have loved to be able to choose the track playing while I'm exploring.


loved the
desalination plant
mission, particularly the encounter design/enemy placement. if you chose the right route you got to each enemy in a way that you could do traversal takedowns and the flow of it all was just great.


Man that LOD is fucked.. but seems to happen in every open world game now and again.

Same dudes on my PC



Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Do they stack you up against roomfuls of enemies?

Yes, there's a few encounters like this. Most you can run from, but there's on in particular
after the server area
that gave me fits because I didn't upgrade my Combat enough. So tip: Don't do just the intel, get some health and maybe the "turn them around" ability.


The more I play this game. The more I love it. Got all the movement upgrades and that has helped a lot. Locking any of them away remains a silly decision. Any sort of speedrun mission has generally been fantastic. And I really like the story missions which put you in linear levels. Same with the gridnode missions. The platforming is just superb.


Honestly I'm liking this more than expected. The atmosphere and visuals are great once you hit the second district. Much better than the beta


I actually liked Plastic. She was funny.
Same here. I preferred her over Icarus talking to me.

What's the Beat?

Why do I hate this everytime I hear it?
*edit* This doesn't bother me. It DOES bother me when the KSEC dispatcher lady says "ETA momentarily". That is not how Estimated Time of Arrival works! And of course she says it all the time.

By the way, there's a third level of police alert that I only reached for the first time after like 30 hours of playing. And I was indoors so I didn't see what crazy aircraft arrived.
So fucking hard to put down. It's so gorgeous, the running feels so fluid, it's so tempting just to go after one more collectible, one more delivery etc.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Mirror's Edge Catalyst on Xbox One everybody...

He looked like this for a full minute.


And I thought in the PS4 version they looked a bit last gen. lol

Can someone do a thread for the digital foundry performance analysis? Looks like it's improved over beta as expected.


Devastated at the loss of motion blur though
I knew I wasn't imaging it looked better, didn't think it was 60fps though.
Been playing the game all day since I got it and it's grown on me. I was a big fan of the original game but first impressions with this felt so off. There's a lot to love when you've unlocked all the free running stuff.

Game is janky as hell though in some areas. Every now and then Faith will get stuck on stuff and i've encountered an invisible wall right next to an actual wall. It made no sense and it was really immersion breaking.

The game runs pretty inconsistently as well. I've had a fair few framedips and a lot of pop in on PS4.

I'm not sold on the combat. It feels off having to take your hand off the directional stick to actually attack. It doesn't feel anywhere near as fluid as the running. I personally preferred combat in the first game but that's just me. The free running attacks are good though.

Another big gripe I have is that I feel like the game sometimes asks you to stop a bit too much in a game about fluid speed and momentum.

I hate the open world collectibles but that's probably because im easily distracted by them. I like the open world though. Although, the art design can cause confusion sometimes though and disorientates me. I never had this issue with the original though, not sure why this is.

Overall, I'm really enjoying the game though. I was ready to put it down in the first few hours but i'm glad I hung on because the story missions are becoming more interesting and the parkour is as great as ever. The story is entirely uninteresting so far though. It sucks that this might be the end of the series. Hope it sells well and I hope DICE can get it perfect in a third game. This series really deserves a title that is an instant classic.


I'm not sold on the combat. It feels off having to take your hand off the directional stick to actually attack.
Uh...what? You don't. And many of the moves are directional stick + face button. Edit: Oh, unless you mean the right stick, but that never much bothered me.

Real talk, I'm really loving this game, but that ending *was* a pretty big "fuck you". Really, just...genuinely awful narrative throughout the game.
Uh...what? You don't. And many of the moves are directional stick + face button. Edit: Oh, unless you mean the right stick, but that never much bothered me.

Real talk, I'm really loving this game, but that ending *was* a pretty big "fuck you". Really, just...genuinely awful narrative throughout the game.

Haha yeah I meant the right stick, sorry. It's not awful or anything. It just makes things feel a little less fluid to me personally. I may get used to it though.


Don't pass gaas, it is your Destiny!
Dumb question, do the drop box missions just keep respawning? Still at beginning of the game but this is going to fuck with my map ocd.


Going to new districts is so much fun because I just run around like crazy trying to grab every GridLeak I see. Reminds me of the exploration in Crackdown looking for those agility orbs every time you got to a new part of the city.
My major issue with this is the open world just doesn't seem necessary or interesting, yet. I'm early on though. I would have preferred to have all movement skills too. Maybe an XP system is necessary in these open world games but really, traversing the world is key here and to schlep all over getting XP is not really that fun at the moment.

The game really shines on a mission or dash, you could say. I think what was so great about ME1 was the systems combined with tight level design made for an exceptional experience.

Also, the AI is a joke in this game. Combat is hilarious.


I was just playing Fallout and went "I really should finish Mirror's Edge."

10 minutes later I remembered I already had. Bodes well for the memorability of the story and missions.


After playing The Witness, I started seeing puzzles in random scenery objects.

I had the same thing happen with Mirror's Edge today. I saw a scaffold and subconsciously started looking for gaps and planning a route. Same thing for a storage container. :p


One small complaint I have is how white and boring the achievement tiles are for this game. I get they're going for the minimal aesthetic, but their world is so pretty because of the contrasting colors and these are just............blah.




Anyone want to explain why rain is only seen in the first mission? Would be fucking beautiful to run in the city at night and have it be raining sometimes.


Wish we got the visuals they advertised, love the 60fps, open world is cool, game is fun, etc... But the visuals are just not great.

Evo X

Wish we got the visuals they advertised, love the 60fps, open world is cool, game is fun, etc... But the visuals are just not great.

Visuals are amazing maxed out on PC, which is no doubt what they've been showing off the past few years at events and marketing campaigns.

Can't really blame them. It's how the whole industry works. Best foot forward.

At least it's not an obvious massive downgrade like Ubisoft games.
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