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Mirror's Edge Catalyst |OT| Keeping the Faith Alive


So how is the PS4 version?
I heard the Xbox one is pretty crap (although that is not entirely unexpected on this engine)

Only problem i have noticed so far is texture loading which is minor to me.

Game is super fun when runner vision is off. So far this and DOOM are my goty's so far but I have yet to play overwatch or uncharted 4.


So how is the PS4 version?
I heard the Xbox one is pretty crap (although that is not entirely unexpected on this engine)

Slightly better IQ than the X1 version but still quite jaggy, tends to make textures look muddy on characters

Also expect to see textures and even geometry loading in alot. Doesn't affect gameplay much and when you're really moving you might not notice it, but it can be distracting at times
So how is the PS4 version?
I heard the Xbox one is pretty crap (although that is not entirely unexpected on this engine)

It runs fine for the most part, but the IQ can look subpar due to the texture issues and anti aliasing. The art style still feels very similar to the original, so for me it does sometimes feel like it's hard to make things out with the more complex geometry of the open world in some places -- failure to recognize routes, etc. The new runner vision seems to have issues loading in from time to time when I'm wandering the open world, though there are sections of the game where it temporarily gets disabled so the player has to sort of puzzle solve their own route. It does get annoying when I'm just trying to huff it from mission to mission though.

It's honestly not super impressive on a technical standpoint. The 60fps target is appreciated, but like most games that are tuned for 60fps, it's both obvious where the compromises were made in IQ and there are still sections where you can see extended failures to reach the target. The good news is that the parkour aspects of the game are super entertaining as a returning Mirror's Edge fan, and if you were a fan of the original I think this will probably appeal to most fellow Mirror's Edge fans.


Based on reviews, I've decided not to buy this game until it gets a significant price drop. A game needs to feel absolutely full to bursting with content if it wants anything near this asking price.

I thought the gaming industry had learned by now that half-baked open worlds do not go down well. I hoped there would be areas with more life to them than the stuff in the beta, but apparently not.

I firmly believe that the open world route was the right direction for Mirror's Edge. But they need to do it properly. It has to be as good an open world as Assassin's Creed provides. Instead they decided to make it so you can only explore the rooftops.
This game makes me feel good. I'm just barely into it, but it's awesome so far. It's so good to see it back in fine form and Faith is >
Booted this up last night (PS4 version), first impressions after playing 30 mins.

- How does this look WORSE than Mirror's Edge 1?
- Tutorial was terrible. First thing I did was turn off runner's vision, made the game immediately more fun.
- Voice acting and story are even worse than the first game so far. This new generic cocky dudebro they throw at you at the beginning is cringeworthy.
- Why does every single gameplay/cutscene transition quickly fade to white. It's so ugly and jarring. Especially coming off playing Uncharted where gameplay and cutscene transitions are incredibly seamless.


I like to kick dudes off buildings and railings. Honestly I look forward to fighting dudes for this reason alone

Word. The ragdolls aren't super-great but good enough to make people bashing into stuff or falling off stuff really satisfying.

If you watch someone fall to street-level, though, they disappear. It's ridiculous.

Booted this up last night (PS4 version), first impressions after playing 30 mins.

- How does this look WORSE than Mirror's Edge 1?
- Tutorial was terrible. First thing I did was turn off runner's vision, made the game immediately more fun.
- Voice acting and story are even worse than the first game so far. This new generic cocky dudebro they throw at you at the beginning is cringeworthy.
- Why does every single gameplay/cutscene transition quickly fade to white. It's so ugly and jarring. Especially coming off playing Uncharted where gameplay and cutscene transitions are incredibly seamless.

So... What did you think of the game?

Story was shit in the first game, tutorial is 10 mins of this game.


Neo Member
I'm having a lot of fun with the game so far.

The bashing the game is receiving is not deserved. November 08 all over again, I guess.


Booted this up last night (PS4 version), first impressions after playing 30 mins.

- How does this look WORSE than Mirror's Edge 1?
- Tutorial was terrible. First thing I did was turn off runner's vision, made the game immediately more fun.
- Voice acting and story are even worse than the first game so far. This new generic cocky dudebro they throw at you at the beginning is cringeworthy.
- Why does every single gameplay/cutscene transition quickly fade to white. It's so ugly and jarring. Especially coming off playing Uncharted where gameplay and cutscene transitions are incredibly seamless.

Though I hadn't noticed the last point, I agree with everything you say.

If people are wondering about the gameplay...it's excellent at the very least, makes up for the shortcomings for the most part.


LOL at the people saying it looks worse than the first game.

I can't tell if it's just trolling or you really don't remember what the first game looked like


Tears in the rain
The missions are utterly fantastic so far. It's right up there with the first game in terms of genius level design and platforming greatness. I don't even mind having to unlock some of the traversal tools.

I don't mind the story even. I hope there's a boss fight against the mysterious bodyguard chick in white. Preferably in a gleaming white restaurant kitchen.


I managed the first 3 groups or so, but I gave up on the 4th. I'll try again soon enough I guess. Did you beat it without the
fast pipe climb

Also, like delivery missions, that has the slow reload if you screw up...8-12 seconds adds up. AND you have to listen to the voice lines every time.

Nope, did it with the pipe climb upgrade.

True about the loading. FFS it's pretty horrible.

That's definitely true. the whole "git gud" approach just make you sound like an Ass and ignores the reality that more detailed tutorials or a more approachable progression system would go close to eliminating the problem.

However I think it's bad for the Industry that difficult games with controls that aren't your standard FPS are quickly dismissed by reviewers due to their own competence interfering with their own enjoyment of the product. Since it creates an environment where only easily accessible games of medium difficulty can really exist

Think I agree.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Fucking hell, the side mission time limits are infuriatingly tight. Make one or two half mistakes and you're fucked. Insanely frustrating. Especially these diversion missions, because they're relatively long.

Xaero Gravity

You've obviously jumped into this thread to voice your opinion without actually reading what others have put. ZZZZzzzzz....
The honeymoon phase is a real thing. Happens with every single game on here.

On topic though, I liked what I've played of the trial, but not enough to justify spending $90 Canadian for it. I'll use my time in the trial, and then jump on it the minute it joins the Vault on EA Access.


The honeymoon phase is a real thing. Happens with every single game on here.

On topic though, I liked what I've played of the trial, but not enough to justify spending $90 Canadian for it. I'll use my time in the trial, and then jump on it the minute it joins the Vault on EA Access.

If you're a fan of the first one you'll like this one too, this is more of the same. It's not worse/better, it feels like a massive DLC for the first one with added mechanics and such.

I loved the original and I'm loving this one too.


How's the Open World?

Gamestar.de says it's a great feeling game with one of the worst Open Worlds they've seen yet.


How's the Open World?

Gamestar.de says it's a great feeling game with one of the worst Open Worlds they've seen yet.

I think it's fun to run around and explore so far, though I'm admittedly not very far in. My only complaint is that sometimes I'll try following the marker directly to my destination and it'll lead me to a dead end, and I'll have to backtrack and find a way around.


How's the Open World?

Gamestar.de says it's a great feeling game with one of the worst Open Worlds they've seen yet.
It's fine. It's a little better when you unlock fast travel via special missions (and, incidentally, those fast travel side missions are some of the most fun missions in the game).


I don't use fast travel, which probably contributes to me having 20 hours played and only 70% story completion. :p I'm doing side stuff sometimes though.


One of my friends was trying to sway me into selling my copy because of the "poor" reviews that he read. I've only played a half hour of Catalyst but I've enjoyed what I've played so far, helps that I really enjoyed the 1st minus the combat sequences.


How's the Open World?

Gamestar.de says it's a great feeling game with one of the worst Open Worlds they've seen yet.

It's a fantastic sandbox for running, filled with tonnes of time trials and other genuinely fun challenges. It's not a particularly interesting world to explore but honestly it doesn't need to be. It's meant to be a massive playground for parkour and IMO it succeeds.
If there's one thing I wanted from this game, it was that feeling, you know when you're running and combining moves together perfectly and everything is flowing right. Much like moments in the first game where you settle into the groove and it everything felt second nature. This game has given me that. It was almost zen like, I was just feeling it and kept going.

I'm still early on and while it does have its faults, where this game needed to shine, it shines IMO, and it shines brightly.
I don't use fast travel, which probably contributes to me having 20 hours played and only 70% story completion. :p I'm doing side stuff sometimes though.
Fast travel is for losers!
It's a fantastic sandbox for running, filled with tonnes of time trials and other genuinely fun challenges. It's not a particularly interesting world to explore but honestly it doesn't need to be. It's meant to be a massive playground for parkour and IMO it succeeds.
My opinion tbh. the layout is fantastic for just running.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Do I have to make an EA account to change my tag? It already seems ridiculous that they are making me go to the website for such a tedious task.

If you're playing and online with social/UGC runs, you already have an EA/Origin account. Just login with those creds and you'll be fine.

Evo X

My GMG key is not working. Anyone else having issues?

Edit: Never mind. The first key they gave me was invalid, but customer support got me a new one. Downloading now! Can't wait to play.


How's the Open World?

Gamestar.de says it's a great feeling game with one of the worst Open Worlds they've seen yet.

I had assumed you could go down to street level and walk amongst NPC pedestrians if you wanted to, but it's not that open. You have to stick to rooftops and the occasional building interior. But IMO it's still a huge improvement over the original game, which was divided into self contained levels. Being set free to go wherever you want and find your own way to objectives is rad.


Man the gridnodes are pretty cool to go through. Just went through the one in downtown, and that took a bit to understand how to get to first part of the node in particular.

And the MAG rope, oh man does it feel so nice.<3 Definitely a nice addition to Mirror's Edge.


If there's one thing I wanted from this game, it was that feeling, you know when you're running and combining moves together perfectly and everything is flowing right. Much like moments in the first game where you settle into the groove and it everything felt second nature. This game has given me that. It was almost zen like, I was just feeling it and kept going.

I'm still early on and while it does have its faults, where this game needed to shine, it shines IMO, and it shines brightly.



How's the Open World?

Gamestar.de says it's a great feeling game with one of the worst Open Worlds they've seen yet.

Really good imo. It's very simple and quite empty but that's fine - it's almost worth imagining it with no textures/details and just seeing it as a world of boxes/shapes to freerun over

Brilliant platformer, this game

I'm doing the optional Grid Nodes and it's awesome.


This is literally running so badly its unplayable.

Extreme cutscene lag/freezing, (Even during the text at the start) menus just stop responding for no damn reason and freeze up, can barely move when I'm not in a menu.

What the fuck is going on.

Edit: And now it's running fine on high. (cutscenes still unwatchable)
I don't even know anymore.


Okay I finally stopped to take another break lol. God this game is so addicting.XD Really, any flaws that this game has gets kind of melted away with how really grand the game's strengths are.

Only time that I really groaned at something was
a waves of enemies moment at the Lair raid
.<.< Bleh, I sure there be more.


Okay I finally stopped to take another break lol. God this game is so addicting.XD Really, any flaws that this game has gets kind of melted away with how really grand the game's strengths are.

Only time that I really groaned at something was
a waves of enemies moment at the Lair raid
.<.< Bleh, I sure there be more.
There are more and it can be incredibly frustrating. Game would've done itself a favor by not forcing you to do combat and battle guys in waves. It happens a few times and at some points, made me want to quit
Can somebody explain to me (or remind me) how does shift work on PS4. I'm pressing the R2 but it doesn't seem to do anything.


Fucking Amazon. I need to wait 1-2 months for the CE now. Do they even know what preorders mean? So lame.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
The GrindNode stages are awesome, to be sure.

Can somebody explain to me (or remind me) how does shift work on PS4. I'm pressing the R2 but it doesn't seem to do anything.
The only thing I know is if you get in close to enemies, R2 plus a direction dodges you quickly in a circle-strafe fashion.

And allegedly R2 can be used after a rough landing to get to speed faster, but I don't know. I don't think I get shifting and focus, I feel like that was barely touched on in the pseudo-tutorial.
The honeymoon phase is a real thing. Happens with every single game on here.

On topic though, I liked what I've played of the trial, but not enough to justify spending $90 Canadian for it. I'll use my time in the trial, and then jump on it the minute it joins the Vault on EA Access.

As someone who did buy it, I agree with this after putting about 7 hours in. It doesn't feel like the game is going to do anything to make it exceed the original Mirror's Edge as a whole product. Sure, it's got an open world, clearly had a more involved writing process, and generally seems like a larger scale production, but it didn't come together to deliver a product that is higher in quality than the original. For every thing that this game does great, there's some unavoidable pitfalls of quality and enjoyment in this game that prevent me from deeming it an excellent whole product, exactly like the original. I appreciate it, I recommend anyone play it at a lower cost, but there is really no rush to get in and see what this is all about right now.

And if this is all DICE and EA can really do with this franchise, then I suppose it's no big injustice if there's never a Mirror's Edge 3. I just wonder if the creators themselves don't have enough faith in the strong elements of Mirror's Edge to focus solely on that in creating an entire game.
The GrindNode stages are awesome, to be sure.

The only thing I know is if you get in close to enemies, R2 plus a direction dodges you quickly in a circle-strafe fashion.

And allegedly R2 can be used after a rough landing to get to speed faster, but I don't know. I don't think I get shifting and focus, I feel like that was barely touched on in the pseudo-tutorial.
Yeah thanks I finally found it in the upgrade sections. It's basically small boost like you said as well as for combat.
I don't know if this is an issue with my system specifically, or if it has something to do with Origin's ability to play games before they're fully download, but HOLY SHIT the stuttering in this game is fucking AWFUL. Cutscenes don't play anywhere near their full speed, the audio desyncs from the video/subtitles very quickly, and even once you get into the game itself it stutters every so often. I'm going to wait until it downloads fully in case it's a hard drive thrashing issue, but this is a really poor first impression.


Full disclosure, I did not have all that positive of an impression after checking out the game on EA Access. I had the game preordered as I consider the first game a classic in every regard, but something was not sitting well with the game on my first playthrough. I was even considering cancelling my preorder. I just felt the open world did not suit the game well.

I am very, very glad I decided to go ahead and keep the game. It took a few hours to do so, but it has all very much "clicked." I do believe doing enough missions to upgrade Faith is a very big reason why this is the case. With the upgrades she fully comes into form. I am now running around the city like a damn pro, which has made all the difference. I also was sleeping on the social aspect of the game. Being able to check out other gamers UGC really does extend the gameplay a whole lot.

Simply put, this is no doubt a game that needs to settle in. My progress says I am at 47% with the story and only 11% with World, and it truly feels like the game has finally hit it's stride. Do not judge the game on the EA Access trial as I did. If you only somewhat liked it, but did like it, go ahead and pick it up. It does no doubt get better. Really a damn good game now.


I don't know if this is an issue with my system specifically, or if it has something to do with Origin's ability to play games before they're fully download, but HOLY SHIT the stuttering in this game is fucking AWFUL. Cutscenes don't play anywhere near their full speed, the audio desyncs from the video/subtitles very quickly, and even once you get into the game itself it stutters every so often. I'm going to wait until it downloads fully in case it's a hard drive thrashing issue, but this is a really poor first impression.
Looks like the cutscene thing is known and a fix is coming: https://forums.mirrorsedge.com/discussion/1958/desyncs-in-cut-scenes

I also had the cutscene slowdown and stuttering cause an audio desync and noticed the tutorial videos on the progression screen seem to be affected too. I waited for my game to be fully downloaded before playing. I had Vsync off so I turned it on and it fixed the tutorial videos and the next cutscene I saw. I like to keep that off since the game runs smoother and I don't notice tearing in Windowed Borderless, so I hope they fix that quick.
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