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Mirror's Edge Catalyst |OT| Keeping the Faith Alive


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Holy shit.
The Raid on KrugerSec
, once you get toward the finish for that mission
you have to hold out on the train coming back
. They throw a heavy at you and if you're ill equipped in combat like I am it might give you a few conniption fits until you learn to just
run around and spam heavy at them while hoping to catch them on a wallrun to disrupt and then smack them while avoiding the heavy and then jumping onto the train as soon as it arrives/Plastic announces it.
- How does this look WORSE than Mirror's Edge 1?

There was some discussion on this in the other thread.

Basically, any Mirror's Edge 1 screenshots you see nowadays have the game down-sampled from 4K (or with 8x MSAA), so yeah, it looks really clean on nice.

Today's systems can't do that with Mirror's Edge Catalyst, yet.

I have one question before I buy this.
Does it feel like Mirror's Edge?



Wait, this game is actually out? What happened to marketing? Is it any good? I loved Mirror's Edge on PS3, but I think I'll probably get this one on PC. How's the PC performance? Does it support a DS3? Anything I should know about before dropping money on Origin for this?
What happened to marketing?

That's a really good question!

Performance is great on my PC with a 6600k and a GTX970. I did turn some of the settings down just because I REALLY don't like frame rate drops in this game, but it still looks gorgeous and the framerate is indeed rock solid now.


At first I hated the open world shit. But the more I play it the more I realize it's meant to be. It's perfect as an open world game. It's fun to play for sure just like the first.
Gotta give it a rest for the night, but it's hard to put this game down and not just keep the momentum going straight to another mission. Every point is a stopping point and a starting point.
Got an hour or so into the game. The cutscene stuttering is greatly reduced now that the game's fully downloaded (note to self: never try to play an Origin game before it's finished downloading, what hogwash). That said, the game looks oddly awful at times. Textures in particular can be incredibly low-res, but image quality in general seems lacking. It's almost like the game is actually rendering at something just under 1920x1200, with details smeared to shit sometimes, especially at the edges of light sources. Some screenshots:





The game is set to Auto, but switching to High didn't seem to make any significant difference. The GPU memory restrictions are on right now, not sure if I should turn it off given the alarmist warning you get if you try to turn them off. I'm running a GTX 970/i5 3570k/16GB RAM (which also makes me wary of turning off the GPU memory limiter, given the 3.5GB stuff).

Oh, also: seriously, EA? I have to restart the whole damned game if I want to change graphics settings? What is this, 2002?


If there's one thing I wanted from this game, it was that feeling, you know when you're running and combining moves together perfectly and everything is flowing right. Much like moments in the first game where you settle into the groove and it everything felt second nature. This game has given me that. It was almost zen like, I was just feeling it and kept going.

I'm still early on and while it does have its faults, where this game needed to shine, it shines IMO, and it shines brightly.
It's awesome how focus works -- once you get into max speed and keep flowing, the music volume increases, and the color saturation gets cranked up. The world was muted but now you see all the bright colors.

The last few story missions I've played have been awesome, they did a great job creating set pieces.
I have a bunch of thoughts about the game but I'm trying to hold off until I finish the story.

Overall I'll just say three places that I considered genuinely beautiful in the first 75% of the story:
  • The
    Anansi Tower
    climb. The music, environment, and gameplay reminded me of the Kate tower from the original game. They even troll you on the headset saying, "Oh you may encounter KSEC, watch out" and then there are zero enemies and it is glorious.
  • The world area around
    New Eden and following with the pools, purple trees, falling petals, and waterfalls.
    Such a contrast to the rest of the game, and the first time I had to turn down mesh to Ultra.
  • The mission to break into the
    Big Dogs
    . Especially once you get to the server area:
    The steam, the fans, the computer parts, the lights...you can look up or down and it just looks beautiful. My framerate was dropping to maybe 50-60 in there. And THEN they add in orange lines after you're discovered and it's another cool touch.

Not as beautiful, but an honorable mention to the
Omnistat Tunnels
. They felt massive and gave that whole world area a Half-life 2 / Portal 2 vibe.
Full disclosure, I did not have all that positive of an impression after checking out the game on EA Access. I had the game preordered as I consider the first game a classic in every regard, but something was not sitting well with the game on my first playthrough. I was even considering cancelling my preorder. I just felt the open world did not suit the game well.

I am very, very glad I decided to go ahead and keep the game. It took a few hours to do so, but it has all very much "clicked." I do believe doing enough missions to upgrade Faith is a very big reason why this is the case. With the upgrades she fully comes into form. I am now running around the city like a damn pro, which has made all the difference. I also was sleeping on the social aspect of the game. Being able to check out other gamers UGC really does extend the gameplay a whole lot.

Simply put, this is no doubt a game that needs to settle in. My progress says I am at 47% with the story and only 11% with World, and it truly feels like the game has finally hit it's stride. Do not judge the game on the EA Access trial as I did. If you only somewhat liked it, but did like it, go ahead and pick it up. It does no doubt get better. Really a damn good game now.

Just FYI, you could have gotten past that story percentage in the EA Access trial. I got to 53% story after about 5 hours in the trial before I ran out of available missions.

Now I feel like I have to finish it after playing that much, but $79.99 in Canada is waaaay too much when I feel like I'm only going to get another 5 hours out of it (I don't get into the whole time trial thing. I can see the value in it if you do)


There was some discussion on this in the other thread.

Basically, any Mirror's Edge 1 screenshots you see nowadays have the game down-sampled from 4K (or with 8x MSAA), so yeah, it looks really clean on nice.

Today's systems can't do that with Mirror's Edge Catalyst, yet.


Yes. The running is fucking fantastic. The world feels like a giant playground.

It feels just as good as the first game.

Well that was unanimous. :p
The people are the top of these Dash's how? I get in the too 5-10% every time. But the people at the top of the lists are like 5+ seconds lower than everyone else. Even if I mapped out the perfect routes, I can't even get close to shaving that much time off.


The people are the top of these Dash's how? I get in the too 5-10% every time. But the people at the top of the lists are like 5+ seconds lower than everyone else. Even if I mapped out the perfect routes, I can't even get close to shaving that much time off.
I wish you could see their echos, especially since the only use for your custom echo is custom time trials.

Also there ARE cheaters -- one player named "7NGUNS" or similar had like a 5-second world record time. Another player has #1 on nearly all time trials, though maybe they're just incredibly good?
I wish you could see their echos, especially since the only use for your custom echo is custom time trials.

Also there ARE cheaters -- one player named "7NGUNS" or similar had like a 5-second world record time. Another player has #1 on nearly all time trials, though maybe they're just incredibly good?

It's seems like it's always 7NGUNS on PC at least. I just don't see how you can get that low of times, I look around for a long time for new routes and usually there's only a few. They need to show echo's like you said.

Like one called Donkey in an Oven. The top guy has a time about 2.6 seconds faster than anyone else. That's a little strange. Usually it's like 5+ in many races though.

Wait, it says you can select which echo to race in your time trial. I didn't see an option for that.


Man I had so much fun playing this for a few more hours tonight. Did a GridNode, climbed this HUGE tower in a side mission, and then did some main story stuff. I'm about 75% done with the campaign according to the tracker so I'll probably finish it up tomorrow and then start doing a bunch of the dashes.

Golgo 13

The Man With The Golden Dong
My favorite thing about impression threads/OT's is some of the insane negative hyperbole that gets shit out by people who likely haven't even played the game. My Ignore list grows every time, it's an amazing feature.


My favorite thing about impression threads/OT's is some of the insane negative hyperbole that gets shit out by people who likely haven't even played the game. My Ignore list grows every time, it's an amazing feature.
I love both Mirror's Edge games, and both definitely have flaws. I do think the new one is worth it for people who enjoy the parkour "feel" and time trial gameplay. The open world is most enjoyable for those people, but less to others.

Random question, do destroyed cameras get repaired eventually? I've started zapping them when I pass because the voice line is annoying, but I'm wondering if I'm wasting my time.


How on earth has EA not released the soundtrack yet?

I want a full version of the song that plays when the title card is displayed at the end of the tutorial. That little snip of it is sooooooo soothing.



I just lost connection to the EA servers ingame. I went to check online and now all my emblems and backgrounds show up! Looks like they fixed it.


I really don't like the song that plays when you're running around the open world and not running a story mission.

Is there a way to disable overworld music, but only that?

I also can't get a handle on the controls. I just unlocked abilities that tells me to press ctrl when I'm about to land, and another that makes my legs go crazy by pressing space. When do I use those abilities? Also, how to decide when to slide or jump over an obstacle?


I also can't get a handle on the controls. I just unlocked abilities that tells me to press ctrl when I'm about to land, and another that makes my legs go crazy by pressing space. When do I use those abilities? Also, how to decide when to slide or jump over an obstacle?
I don't think you can disable only that song without modding.

My recommendation is to change your controls so the soft landing is Left Shift rather than Left Control -- your hands will thank you.
To use it, HOLD the key when you're about to land, and you'll do a soft landing. Once you get shift (Right Click), you can soft land and then immediately right click to fliproll out of the landing.

About sliding or jumping, do whichever you enjoy more. If you're looking for every second on a time trial, always coil jump instead of sliding, as long as the obstacle allows it.

About your legs, that's the coil jump -- it lets you jump without losing momentum. Jump and press the coil key whenever you're jumping over an obstacle or running off a ledge, if you're looking to save time.
*edit* Also, coil jumping means you don't grab onto pipes, ladders, ledges, cables, etc. This can be useful sometimes.
Having loved the first Mirror's Edge and 3 starring all the time trials + DLC, this game is giving me everything I wanted *_* In my happy place.


I just tried my first covert mission, and I'm having fits.

  • It has the same problem as normal delivery missions -- slow retry reload times, no holding R to retry, repeated ANNOYING VOICE LINES EVERY SINGLE TIME AS THE GUY BERATES YOU FOR BEING SEEN.
  • About being seen, you can't really avoid it until you learn where the patrols are. So you need to keep retrying as you learn, which means it's basically designed so you experience the slow reloads and repeated annoying voice lines?
  • In one specific place, I come out of an elevator, leave a door onto a deserted rooftop, and instantly get marked as seen. I can find no cameras. One time I managed to use disrupt and wasn't seen in the same spot, but I still can't find any cameras. Is this likely a glitch and I should take a different route?


OK even worse, patrol locations seem to be RANDOM. A route that was working several times for the covert mission now has a patrol blocking the one zipline I have to cross. This didn't happen the last 10 or so times I tried it.

Has anyone done the "Pronto" mission to tell me if I'm missing something hugely obvious?


The game released today and Amazon hasn't even shipped my copy it yet. Expected delivery next Monday/Tuesday. Why do you hate me? :(
I want this game now.
Glad to see a lot of positive comments in this thread. I don't mind if the game isn't flawless. I just want to run like in the first game. Such a great feeling. Already enjoyed it in the beta quite a bit.


I just tried runner's vision on a covert mission. It took me a path I'd already tried, which goes directly through a KSEC patrol. ;_;

*edit* I thought maybe it was an exercise in using disrupt, but I tried that and even that seems random. One route to the roof, there's almost 100% a patrol. The other route to the roof, sometimes there is and sometimes there's not. I've tried disrupting first and still get spotted on an empty roof. I think I'm giving up for now.
The gameplay feels really fun, speedy and loose yet precise. I mean you feel mobile and fast but not like the actual movement is inprecise. The story I could care less about, I feel i could have played levels without story context of Mirrors Edge for years.


Neo Member
Just played without doing any missions for an hour or two. It's seriously the perfect sandbox to just explore. I'm in love.


Neo Member
How on earth has EA not released the soundtrack yet?

I want a full version of the song that plays when the title card is displayed at the end of the tutorial. That little snip of it is sooooooo soothing.


Solar Fields said that the soundtrack will be out later this summer.
Played more today and finally unlocked all the movement upgrades. With all that stuff unlocked plus some stuff I figured out to help keep momentum up all the side quests became so much easier for me. It took me forever yesterday to do those diversion missions and now I'm getting them within a couple tries.

I'm having a blast with this game. I love just freerunning around the city and doing all the time trials and dashes. I'm struggling to get three stars on some though; finding alternate paths has been a challenge for me. Can't wait to play more tomorrow :D


Just played without doing any missions for an hour or two. It's seriously the perfect sandbox to just explore. I'm in love.

Yeah spent a few hours today just roaming the open world. Pretty interesting places to see.


Wait, this game is actually out? What happened to marketing? Is it any good? I loved Mirror's Edge on PS3, but I think I'll probably get this one on PC. How's the PC performance? Does it support a DS3? Anything I should know about before dropping money on Origin for this?

A gtx 970 or r9 290 is enough to get 1080p and 60fps on hyper settings (weren't available in the beta) according to first benchmarks and impression.Especially the draw distance is improved on hyper settings and is a big visual step up from ultra.
On the downside there are some texture streaming issues and there is no separate AA option. It's always there with no option to deactivate or change it. Maybe not a big issue to most people, but for my taste it's a bit too blurry and I really wonder why they decided to force it on...
If you feel like it you can buy the game over the mexican (or so) origin store for a discounted price (31€ for me over 55€ in retail).

Evo X

Yeah, you should definitely wait until you have all the traversal upgrades before attempting the side missions. I had one run that I tried and failed a dozen times before getting the MAG rope. But once I had it, I was able to grapple up to a roof top to skip a huge section and beat it with time to spare. The ability to climb ladders and pipes faster helps too.


This a great feeling game with some real good highs(the yellow construction highrise level and those electronic towers that let you fast travel come to mind), but with tons of underwhelming levels, a horrendous story and a "holy shit fuck you" sized ending.

No one should buy this at full price.


Yeah, you should definitely wait until you have all the traversal upgrades before attempting the side missions. I had one run that I tried and failed a dozen times before getting the MAG rope. But once I had it, I was able to grapple up to a roof top to skip a huge section and beat it with time to spare. The ability to climb ladders and pipes faster helps too.

Thx for the advise, because I was already getting a bit frustrated. Some delivery missions aren't doable for me atm.
Get the MAG rope should be the equivalent to Get out of the hinterlands.


This a great feeling game with some real good highs(the yellow construction highrise level and those electronic towers that let you fast travel come to mind), but with tons of underwhelming levels, a horrendous story and a "holy shit fuck you" sized ending.

No one should buy this at full price.
I respectfully disagree, but I guess I'll see how I feel after the game ends. I have 20+ hours of enjoyment thus far and that's worth the price to me personally.

Evo X

For anyone that has beaten the game, can I get a quick spoiler free yes or no response to the following question?

Can you still play all the side missions and activities after beating the main campaign?

Basically wondering if there is something like a point of no return to do the optional stuff.


Well, I beat my first covert mission once I started ignoring KSEC.

So apparently, despite "covert", and despite the guy repeatedly yelling the same voice line at you about not being seen, you just do a speedrun route and run through crowds of random KSEC and finish the mission.

I don't mind most random missions, but this variety is pretty dumb. They could have done the same thing but turned off random KSEC and it would be better.


Played this at a friend's place for a while. I kinda like it but I'm not sure I want to buy it.

Do you guys play with runner vision off? That's how I want to play but then I can't figure out where the hell I'm supposed to go in the big open world.
God fucking dammit. Just had my first encounter with the Sentinel enemy type, and that was inexcusably terrible. The first game's melee combat was perfectly fine when you had that bossfight on the ship, but this combat in a one-on-one scenario just sucks. You need your Focus meter to be full when you're fighting because you have so little health and it just disappears immediately, but what are you supposed to do, just run around the environment doing tricks for a while in the middle of a fight? The Sentinel can counter all your attacks (I bought the upgrade that lets you get three hits in on a stunned enemy, but he'll only take two), and every time he hits you you do a nice disorienting backward somersault, and it's just fucking awful.

I've been mostly enjoying the game up until now, but that bit really soured me on it. What I wouldn't give for a fucking gun.


Neo Member
I expected it of course as it happened in the first game, but nearly all of the dashes have 1st place times of things like 1.0 second or 0.4 seconds. I can easily accept that someone can make a time of 20s for a dash when it takes me 45s, I'm no pro (yet!) and don't know the world well enough.

Seeing 00:00.4 at the top of the boards just makes me sad. There's now no goal for me to work towards, nothing to aim for, because apart from glitching or cheating theres no way to get that time. So even if I get to the stage I can beat a 45s dash in 20 seconds, I'll never reach the top of the board.

It makes the dashes pointless. I thought initially they should just disqualify times that low, but then where would the cut-off point be? How would they distinguish between a glitched time and a valid run, as the glitcher could always just take an extra x seconds off to fall outside the DQ time.

Actually I've just noticed the "Report" button on the companion app. I can't check the game as I'm at work now, maybe as long as that is kept up to date there should be fewer instances of this?


Got an hour or so into the game. The cutscene stuttering is greatly reduced now that the game's fully downloaded (note to self: never try to play an Origin game before it's finished downloading, what hogwash). That said, the game looks oddly awful at times. Textures in particular can be incredibly low-res, but image quality in general seems lacking. It's almost like the game is actually rendering at something just under 1920x1200, with details smeared to shit sometimes, especially at the edges of light sources. Some screenshots:

The game is set to Auto, but switching to High didn't seem to make any significant difference. The GPU memory restrictions are on right now, not sure if I should turn it off given the alarmist warning you get if you try to turn them off. I'm running a GTX 970/i5 3570k/16GB RAM (which also makes me wary of turning off the GPU memory limiter, given the 3.5GB stuff).

Oh, also: seriously, EA? I have to restart the whole damned game if I want to change graphics settings? What is this, 2002?
No one answered you, but yes, you *need* to take off the GPU memory restrictions. The game will not look like it's supposed to, otherwise.
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