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MMORPG.com gets sneak peek at Everquest Next at E3. Calls it best of show.


i really hope at least this game will allow me to "live" in the other world. Buy a house, build a bakery or something and live peaceful life in some distant village. Sometimes you can go to a local tavern and listen to stories of adventures from other players. That'd be a game of a century. No annoying fetch quest and bullshit. In fact, no quests of any kind. Total freedom of doing whatever you want. Deep, colorful npc who live their own lives. Or no npc too. All non-player characters can be controlled by devs pretending to play a certain role. That'd be so cool.


I'm pretty hyped for this. I've followed a bunch of the devs on twitter and they have all been hyping up this reveal for weeks.


I just hate how involved the set up is and the fact that you are playing on a server still.

I would love an official version from SOE where you can play the game offline or run your own server. It would never happen but I would pay top dollar for it.
You really want to play EQ solo? The world feels really lifeless when nobody else is around.


Guarantee I'm going to screw up this post? Yeah.
It's nice to see that SOE hasn't lost their touch when it comes to letting down their fans:

July 29 - Early Sketch of Gabor Szikszai's work
August 1 - SOE Live Poster Art
August 6 - Full "Inside the Black Box" Video
It's nice to see that SOE hasn't lost their touch when it comes to letting down their fans:

July 29 - Early Sketch of Gabor Szikszai's work
August 1 - SOE Live Poster Art
August 6 - Full "Inside the Black Box" Video

yeah, I'm a bit confused on the Aug 6 thing, I thought the veil was lifted on the 2nd.


It's nice to see that SOE hasn't lost their touch when it comes to letting down their fans:

July 29 - Early Sketch of Gabor Szikszai's work
August 1 - SOE Live Poster Art
August 6 - Full "Inside the Black Box" Video

It's a development diary video, basically. Showing off all their hard work the past few years. The actual reveal will still come on August 2 bro.


Podcasts are starting to come out. They are all speculation at this point.

Camp Check (http://www.projectnorrath.com/category/1/1-1/) http://www.youtube.com/user/ProjectNorrath

EverCast (7/28 first podcast) http://www.youtube.com/evercastshow

I was considering making a thread for all of the SOE Live info... I guess it's covered! I'll probably pm you if it's missing anything. =p

Ha! Funny to see this pop up here, too (I know Rek put it on reddit and Matt on the MMORPG forums). We're still very, very early on with this and definitely need to make some improvements, but the whole Camp Check thing is a combination of dudes who like talking way too much about EverQuest. Matt runs his fan site, Rek has a YouTube channel, and I got brought into it via Twitter MMO chatter.

Right now we're just doing Google Hangout live dumps because we all seem pretty busy with the real world, but ideally we'll progress from there. And yeah, it's totally speculation at this point but like most EQN hopefuls, that's a pretty easy thing to do with SOE Live right around the corner.

Also, here's the Kobold confirmation mentioned above: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3L8yiOlRBQ


Reticle combat, variable to no hotbar. I think they'll be going for a full immersive experience.

Remember anything I say is speculation, but they've said EverQuest Next is going to be radically different than any MMO on the market today. Take that as you will.

Being in the MMO industry for over 15 years. Every freaking MMO that game out was "revolutionary", "new" "innovative" blabla..

Mind you, I seriously hope EQ Next does not disappoint but at this time (even though I AM really excited about it) I remain very, VERY careful with speculations and getting my hopes up. Easier to not get disappointed that way..

You really want to play EQ solo? The world feels really lifeless when nobody else is around.

One of the coolest part of the original EQ was how strong the community was. Corpse recovery and the fear of death or delevelling really brought people together. I never ever had a connection with a whole server community as I had in EQ 1 on the Prexus server.


I think they're going to pursue "Player made content" in unprecedented ways in EQ Next :
if you look at the various interviews they have done, it seems obvious, especially the one at RockPaperShotgun :
RPS said:
SOE’s Player Studio seems like an extension of that to me. Let players make their own new content. How far do you hope to expand that, though? Right now it’s just objects in games like EverQuest and eventually PlanetSide. Would you ever like to see players creating their own missions and gametypes, though?
John Smedley said:
Stay tuned. The answer is yes, wholeheartedly. We have plans for that that go out a long way, and a game that is going to dominate because of that kind of stuff.

It’s not just players making quests. Don’t think of it just as Dungeons & Dragons. What we’re actually building is the ability for players to put in systems. System-level stuff. We give them some rules, some basic simple rules, and they can make things out of whole cloth. They could build their own battlegrounds style of gameplay. That’s what we want. What we have is an amazing infrastructure and ability to let players do new and emerging things.

We want them to… Not make their own fun. We’re going to make our games amazingly fun. We want them to be able to make things we didn’t think of fun. That’s really what it is. I mentioned Hulkageddon, I love that in EVE. That’s just players putting bounties on something. It’s nothing. That’s all it is. But that’s as fun as anything in EVE. More fun if you ask me. It’s amazingly fun.

I bet we're going to see something akin to the Starcraft2 map editor, people will be able to create their own dungeons, under certain rule sets :
- X amount of mobs
- X amount of loot from this or that kind of pool (pre-set by SoE)
- The more dungeons you publish and are popular, the more freedom you'll have
- You can probably have a monthly vote and gain in-game cash by being in the top 3 dungeon

The world will be mostly a hub with set pieces and non-instanced dungeons (think Guild Wars 1 towns - to a very extended level), this will allow them to have a sort of control over the sandbox aspect of their own world and set the main storyline, while the player created stuff will be similar to LDoN adventures (think instanced dungeons) with custom scenarios and unlimited possibilities within the given tile sets (which will of course be expanded over time).

Then I think we will see a large overworld map with entirely randomized assets and mob (think UO outside of cities), players will be able to freely build and modify terrain in these areas.

While it certainly has a lot of appeal, player created content makes you pretty much never out of options, it also makes the world feel kind of disjointed... I hope they manage to find the right balance between player influence and dev created content.

Whatever it is though, it certainly has me very excited.
Ha! Funny to see this pop up here, too (I know Rek put it on reddit and Matt on the MMORPG forums). We're still very, very early on with this and definitely need to make some improvements, but the whole Camp Check thing is a combination of dudes who like talking way too much about EverQuest. Matt runs his fan site, Rek has a YouTube channel, and I got brought into it via Twitter MMO chatter.

Right now we're just doing Google Hangout live dumps because we all seem pretty busy with the real world, but ideally we'll progress from there. And yeah, it's totally speculation at this point but like most EQN hopefuls, that's a pretty easy thing to do with SOE Live right around the corner.

Also, here's the Kobold confirmation mentioned above: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3L8yiOlRBQ

I'm enjoying Camp Check so far, looking forward to podcast #3, keep up the chatter!


Guarantee I'm going to screw up this post? Yeah.
What kind of game is everquest? Is it action ? Like elder scrolls?

We don't know yet. They haven't talked about combat other than mentioning spellweaving being cool.

I doubt it's like ES, at least I hope it isn't, I hate those games. lol


I'm enjoying Camp Check so far, looking forward to podcast #3, keep up the chatter!

Thanks. :) We've received mostly positive feedback but one guy on reddit really lashed out at us (Rek posted it in the EQ subforum). It's funny because I'm treating it like a fun conversation with other EQ fans and hearing strong opinions on either side of the table was something I didn't really consider before (but it's the Internet so I damn sure better be ready to hear opinions)!

It's rough, but we'll get better. I'm not sure when episode three will be but SOE Live is coming so soon we might just wait for it (Rek is actually going, lucky bastard). Someone suggested doing a Twitch session via PM and the other two guys are on board so I agreed. But uh, yeah, definitely a little nervous about that one. :p
Thanks. :) We've received mostly positive feedback but one guy on reddit really lashed out at us (Rek posted it in the EQ subforum). It's funny because I'm treating it like a fun conversation with other EQ fans and hearing strong opinions on either side of the table was something I didn't really consider before (but it's the Internet so I damn sure better be ready to hear opinions)!

It's rough, but we'll get better. I'm not sure when episode three will be but SOE Live is coming so soon we might just wait for it (Rek is actually going, lucky bastard). Someone suggested doing a Twitch session via PM and the other two guys are on board so I agreed. But uh, yeah, definitely a little nervous about that one. :p

My only minor complaint was some sound issues, but you addressed that, not a big deal at all. The conversations have flowed nicely and you all have done one helluva job talking about a game that we really know nothing about!


My only minor complaint was some sound issues, but you addressed that, not a big deal at all. The conversations have flowed nicely and you all have done one helluva job talking about a game that we really know nothing about!

Matt had some weird popping going on in his mic but since we were rolling with Hangout, there wasn't a lot we could do about it. I hoped it would magically not be there when the broadcast was officially posted but I cringed a bit when it hadn't went away.

What's funny about your last sentence (and I'm sure this is true for a lot of people following the game) is that prior to ever recording anything, I've had way too many long ass conversations about EQN knowing even less, haha. I've looked at those initial screenshots, concept art and that leaked animation video reel more times than I care to admit.
What's funny about your last sentence (and I'm sure this is true for a lot of people following the game) is that prior to ever recording anything, I've had way too many long ass conversations about EQN knowing even less, haha. I've looked at those initial screenshots, concept art and that leaked animation video reel more times than I care to admit.

EQN has ruined FFXIV and Wildstar hype for me, I've been crawling over anything SOE hints at for this game.
SOE's got two other pretty big games launching on PS4, I think Everquest Next is pretty much guaranteed for a cross-platform release.

Yeah, not releasing it on PS4 would only miss an opportunity at an expanded audience.

Plus, even better, it would expand it to an audience that they don't have to compete with WoW for.


EQN has ruined FFXIV and Wildstar hype for me, I've been crawling over anything SOE hints at for this game.

Same. This is undoubtedly my most hyped game at the moment. I feel like we're in an MMO ghetto right now. I want the freedom of EVE without the spreadsheet gameplay. My top priorities are:

1. No instancing
2. Player "controlled" territory
3. Robust economy

Most importantly, NO INSTANCING! Nothing kills a community faster than providing unlimited resources to everyone. I'll be playing FF XIV as a diversion, but realllllly hoping EQN is a winner.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Same. This is undoubtedly my most hyped game at the moment. I feel like we're in an MMO ghetto right now. I want the freedom of EVE without the spreadsheet gameplay. My top priorities are:

1. No instancing
2. Player "controlled" territory
3. Robust economy

Most importantly, NO INSTANCING! Nothing kills a community faster than providing unlimited resources to everyone. I'll be playing FF XIV as a diversion, but realllllly hoping EQN is a winner.

Damn, I hope it has no instancing. As you said, nothing kills community faster. Also, for me at least, nothing kills the immersion factor faster, either. I hate it when things happen in an MMORPG that aren't actually happening in the game's world. Everything from instancing to "phasing" to story cutscenes.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Playing the games has ruined the hype for me. =p

I love the atmosphere of FFXIV, but yeah, it seems like yet another WoW-clone with even more restrictions and far fewer interesting things to do. Haven't touched Wildstar, but everything I've seen from it looks like it's just trying to out-WoW WoW.


While they haven't rightly come out and said it, Smedley has been winking at us for quite a while with a big smile on his face. Not to mention, it's a system seller and Planetside 2 (same engine as EQN), DCUO and other SOE games are already coming over to PS4.

Same engine? Really?


Mega quote post!

We don't know yet. They haven't talked about combat other than mentioning spellweaving being cool.

I doubt it's like ES, at least I hope it isn't, I hate those games. lol

I have a feeling the combat will be one of the most interesting things to see. I can see it totally skill/action-based.

EQN has ruined FFXIV and Wildstar hype for me, I've been crawling over anything SOE hints at for this game.

DEFINITELY. I feel the same way.

Same. This is undoubtedly my most hyped game at the moment. I feel like we're in an MMO ghetto right now. I want the freedom of EVE without the spreadsheet gameplay. My top priorities are:

1. No instancing
2. Player "controlled" territory
3. Robust economy

Most importantly, NO INSTANCING! Nothing kills a community faster than providing unlimited resources to everyone. I'll be playing FF XIV as a diversion, but realllllly hoping EQN is a winner.

Most likely:

  1. Yes. The world will probably be VERY huge, thanks to the forgelight engine. Regions you can inhabit, probably very little transitions between areas
  2. Could be very possible, considering they said you could blow up the ground.
  3. An idea Jira and I had would be that crafting would be amazing because there would be no global economy. Local economies of towns would determine whether or not your goods were worth anything, perhaps a nearby town is sorely lacking in ore, and you just happened to mine a BUNCH. You're rich! But now they don't need it, and demand spikes back down.

Playing the games has ruined the hype for me. =p

Um, yep.

I love the atmosphere of FFXIV, but yeah, it seems like yet another WoW-clone with even more restrictions and far fewer interesting things to do. Haven't touched Wildstar, but everything I've seen from it looks like it's just trying to out-WoW WoW.

FFXIV is pretty much a wow clone. YoshiP is ignoring where MMOs NEED to go, rather than where they are today. Wildstar is going for that "hardcore vanilla wow" playerbase.

Same engine? Really?

Yes! This will allow for amazing vistas and crazy lighting effects, as well as HUGE zones (whole regions, I imagine). Planetside 2 was the testbed for Forgelight. Let me give you a screen of something from PS2 that could be in EverQuest Next:


IS there any real chance that EQN won't be just another WoW clone?

100% likely.

Just take everything good about SWG mix with EQ and expand on it

Don't try to trap the game in comparisons. It's going to be totally fresh and different from previous efforts.


Guarantee I'm going to screw up this post? Yeah.
I have a feeling the combat will be one of the most interesting things to see. I can see it totally skill/action-based.

All hints point towards action based, which is fine with me, if it's fast paced.


Guarantee I'm going to screw up this post? Yeah.
Wait SOE said the terrain is deformable in EQN??

We're not really sure how it will work.


At GDC last week, you also talked about how quickly traditional MMO content is consumed and how that plays into your decision to adopt a philosophy toward emergent gameplay. The question comes up about how that affects the future of raid content -- something that takes a lot of time to design and is usually played by only a portion of the community. What are your thoughts on that?

We absolutely need to build that style of content into every game we make because players want that. We're not talking about the end of raids, the end of this incredibly high-level content. We're talking about changing the nature of the world around it so that there's a lot more to do "in between" expansions. But imagine the entire world as part of the interaction. Imagine seasons changing. Imagine if you're a Druid and you need to literally seek out reagents for your spells or worship your deity in a glade somewhere off in the wilderness, but you don't know where. Or image forests growing back after they're burned to the ground by invading forces. What we want is a dynamic world that gives all those other possibilities and doesn't just say OK, go to raid X with group composition of X, Y, Z, and kill the dragon for the 52nd time to get the tier 800 gear. It's this rinse-and-repeat gameplay that's got to change, and so we're changing it.


You’ll be able to destroy, massive, massive parts of this world, almost all of it. You can light the forest on fire; we have ambition with this thing. We want it to be something where the world you log into, might not be the world you log into in five days. What you saw in WoW’s Cataclysm could take place because someone cast a spell that is powerful enough to do something major. We want it to be meaningful. And that’s what we’re building. It’s actually what we’ve built, because we’ve got this now. It just isn’t quite at the level where we’re OK [to reveal it to the public]. We have a story that we want to tell for the announcement of it, we want it that you’re seeing every aspect of the gameplay, we’re one aspect short of that until we’re ready to show, so we’re close now.


Sounds like SOE definitely has the right attitude here.

Treating players as insatiable content-consuming machines is a dead end for the genre; they should be individuals with wants and needs, and the interesting, meaningful parts of the game should emerge from their interactions with one another, not just from the experience of tackling a static challenge that was designed by the developers.


I have a slight feeling that between EQ Next and Wildstar, WoW is in big trouble.

I wonder if Fires of Heaven will make their EQ return :p


I have a slight feeling that between EQ Next and Wildstar, WoW is in big trouble.

I wonder if Fires of Heaven will make their EQ return :p

I think how well EQN and Wildstar do will be largely independent of WoW. Rather than them challenging the giant and directly taking away its subscribers by grabbing attention in the same way, games like these absorb people who were either losing interest or had recently quit.


I think how well EQN and Wildstar do will be largely independent of WoW. Rather than them directly challenging the giant and directly taking away its subscribers by grabbing attention in the same way, games like these absorb people who were either losing interest or had recently quit.

I think in general, the radical different styles between the two will produce the "grass is greener" effect.


I think in general, the radical different styles between the two will produce the "grass is greener" effect.

Maybe to some extent. I still think it's more a case of "WoW is in trouble AND Everquest Next+Wildstar have a good chance." rather than "WoW is in trouble because of Everquest Next+Wildstar."


Relying on sandbox principles and emergent gameplay is probably the only way to keep people playing long term and interested.

If they could somehow let players create content like dungeons through level editors then release it and incorporate it somehow into the game so it doesnt feel disjointed... That would be amazing.

These dungeons could appear and dissappear randomly across the world over a period of time. Adding to the sense that discovery is never over.

One can hope :)
Is SOE considered a first party studio? They aren't part of Sony WWS, so what is their deal anyway.

They aren't technically part of SCEWWS. But in 08 there was some sort of restructuring done where they had to begin to report to SCE's president (Kaz at the time, but Andrew House now). This was done specifically so that there'd be more SOE releases on Sony specific platforms since Sony wanted to begin to target MMO's on consoles. And this seemed to pay off since I believe the PS3 version of DCUO has made more money for SOE than the PC version. It also became their fastest selling title ever.


I have faith it will be good. I hated SOE for what they did to SWG but PlanetSide 2 is on point and I'm hoping this will be, too. PS4 cross-play is a must.

Right now I'm playing Defiance which is pretty lackluster. I'm still looking forward to ESO too but if this is truly a huge sandbox world then I'm there Day 1.


Relying on sandbox principles and emergent gameplay is probably the only way to keep people playing long term and interested.

If they could somehow let players create content like dungeons through level editors then release it and incorporate it somehow into the game so it doesnt feel disjointed... That would be amazing.

These dungeons could appear and dissappear randomly across the world over a period of time. Adding to the sense that discovery is never over.

One can hope :)

I'm not sure how feasible this is. However, I do foresee the game having a set "number" of caves or dungeons that are randomly generated, and when players "discover" them or generate them through opening a questline, others can join you in the real world as well to dive into them.

This is all speculation based on what an advanced sandbox could do
Here's the first appearance of EQNext in the SOE Live lineup for Aug 2nd:

4:30 PM - 5:30 PM EverQuest Next: Creating a World Come learn about how we go about making the world of a brand new MMO!

5:30 PM - 6:30 PM EverQuest Next: The World of EverQuest Next Find out what the world looks like and how players will experience it.

On the 3rd:
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM EverQuest Next: Showing Off Your Creativity What avenues will our players have to participate in the more creative parts of an MMO?

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM EverQuest Next: The Classes of EverQuest Next A discussion about one of the most important features of any MMO: the classes!

2:00 PM - 3:00 PM EverQuest Next: The Lore of EverQuest Next What's new? What's different? How many familiar faces will there be? Does your favorite character feature prominently in the story? Join us and find out!

3:00 PM - 4:00 PM EverQuest Next: Q&A Part One You have many, many questions. We have answers to at least some of them. We should hang out.

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM EverQuest Next: Q&A Part Two You have many, many questions. We have answers to at least some of them. We should hang out.

On the 4th:
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM EverQuest Next: Writers' Panel Come meet some of the writers that are adding amazing lore to EverQuest Next.

I'm assuming all times are in PDT.


Remember the movie Krull? You know how the black fortress wouldn't appear in the same spot every day? Yeah, make some dungeons do that...maybe in the Desert of Ro.

Ro? What's wrong with you?! If anything that awesome were to happen SOE would be insane not to use Burned Woods! The more fan service in EQ Next the better.


Ro? What's wrong with you?! If anything that awesome were to happen SOE would be insane not to use Burned Woods! The more fan service in EQ Next the better.
Nice one, Junior. I see greatness in you.

I hope they make a Fansy statue with a horde of mobs behind him!


One of the coolest part of the original EQ was how strong the community was. Corpse recovery and the fear of death or delevelling really brought people together. I never ever had a connection with a whole server community as I had in EQ 1.
This is what made EQ for me...and by made, I mean 7-8 years of grand times. I need more of this kind of stuff, and I needed it yesterday!

Please, for the love of God, deliver with this SOE!!


This is what made EQ for me...and by made, I mean 7-8 years of grand times. I need more of this kind of stuff, and I needed it yesterday!

Please, for the love of God, deliver with this SOE!!

The possibility of your house getting burned down or a nefarious group of villains stalking you will do the same thing, if it exists in the game.
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