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Monster Hunter World (XB1/PS4, PC later, Early 2018) E3 info [Up: Effectively MH5]


Becomes baffled, curling up into a ball when confronted with three controller options.
If you read my previous comments you would see that I was okay with MHW because it's a spinoff. But I want to say now that the whole no time limit thing really breaks this game for me. It was always a way for me to figure out how much better I was getting against a certain monster each time I hunted it.

One of my greatest moments was beating my first Pleaioth with 8 seconds left.

The no time limit thing hurts. Badly. I'm getting the region free XX. I'll probably still pre order MHW, but this game just isn't the MH I know.


Leaving your opinion aside, how is that a result of allowing you to move while healing?

The way the healing mechanics work make it so that you're pretty much guaranteed to use all of your estus in an attempt before dying. It's why they have to prolong the fight whether it be through sheer health or multiple forms to really make you sweat.

If you read my previous comments you would see that I was okay with MHW because it's a spinoff. But I want to say now that the whole no time limit thing really breaks this game for me. It was always a way for me to figure out how much better I was getting against a certain monster each time I hunted it.

One of my greatest moments was beating my first Pleaioth with 8 seconds left.

The no time limit thing hurts. Badly. I'm getting the region free XX. I'll probably still pre order MHW, but this game just isn't the MH I know.

Time limits don;t really work with this style of game though. I wouldn;t assume there's no in game way to time your monster kills just yet though. There could still be arena quests.


Becomes baffled, curling up into a ball when confronted with three controller options.
Looks sick. Oh, and fucking finally they're adding damage numbers. A few QoL improvements here and there are awesome.

I got so scared while reading because that line of the OP references monster health bars, that would have crushed me.

Damage numbers on the other hand are one of the additions that I'm glad to see make it.
If you read my previous comments you would see that I was okay with MHW because it's a spinoff. But I want to say now that the whole no time limit thing really breaks this game for me. It was always a way for me to figure out how much better I was getting against a certain monster each time I hunted it.

One of my greatest moments was beating my first Pleaioth with 8 seconds left.

The no time limit thing hurts. Badly. I'm getting the region free XX. I'll probably still pre order MHW, but this game just isn't the MH I know.

It's not the MH you know because the hunt doesn't automatically boot you out when you beat the monster.

Holy shit. You have a cellphone. Use a goddamn stopwatch.

Also, you're insistent that this is a spin-off when Capcom says it isn't.

I can't even begin to comprehend how ridiculous this post is.


They started releasing games with UE4 and developed RE. How doesn't this look like they ditched it. Again how does this game even remotely look like Deep Down in graphics? Really..

Are you seriously using the same thought process as people who say "all Unreal Engine games look like each other"?

I never even said it looked like Deep Down! I said I ASSUMED it was using Panta Rhei, using the logic I explained in earlier posts. Evidently that's not the case, but if you want to feel superior after the fact, hey, you do you.


If you read my previous comments you would see that I was okay with MHW because it's a spinoff. But I want to say now that the whole no time limit thing really breaks this game for me. It was always a way for me to figure out how much better I was getting against a certain monster each time I hunted it.

One of my greatest moments was beating my first Pleaioth with 8 seconds left.

The no time limit thing hurts. Badly. I'm getting the region free XX. I'll probably still pre order MHW, but this game just isn't the MH I know.

time limit is a non factor since 2 games what are you even talking about

you dont even come close to overextending it


I'm still waiting for any info that confirms that drop rates are increased

farming one of many materials in MH just for one piece of armor is abysmal due to the very low drop rates.


I for one am extremely hyped, sure it may be streamlined a bit, but so far most of it seem like quality of life improvements rather than straight up dumbing down.

Day one for me, finally MH on a big screen, yesssss.
I've been a Monster Hunter fan since I played it on PS2 and I've always been open to the series doing things differently even the recent one having "super" moves, so honestly I can't wait to see how this turns out. I'm there day one


People should stop referencing data that makes me feel uncomfortable because games get ported to platforms I don't like
I'm still waiting for any info that confirms that drop rates are increased

farming one of many materials in MH just for one piece of armor is abysmal due to the very low drop rates.
Nope! I hope they keep their 2%~5% drop rate items just to spite those who would bother asking for such thing.


If you haven't spent countless fights searching for that one missing plate, ruby et al you haven't played Monster Hunter.


That won't stop some from criticizing it, because the player can move while shooting

Mah MH is ruined!

I really, really need to see some proper HBG gameplay. I feel like gunners are rare enough that I won't be getting any useful information out of these closed-door E3 demo reports.

They screwed up bowguns pretty bad in Tri which apparently was this same team. Bowguns in general are one of the weirder, more impenetrable parts of MH so I'm definitely worried they will make some drastic changes and ruin them.



That's not true. Harder missions have a stricter time limit, which can be really close.

There's still a ton of unanswered questions about changes to the gameplay formula:

The Time limit factors change how Elder Dragon and large HP tanks were approached
- is it like how Free Hunt from Tri and beyond were approached or can we take on Elder Dragons solo without the need for appropriate damage dealing gear now?

The karting factors:
With drop in coop is the 3 Kart rule still in effect or can players pop in and out indefinitely and cheese any fight?

The Healing animation removal:
Since there was no finishing animation shown can we now spam life powders/crystals to our hearts content and make every encounter extremely trivial?

Combat movement restrictions:
Looks like we can circle strafe and retreat during a rapid fire blitz. Have other movement restrictions been removed? Can we break out of longer attack animations earlier as well?

Monster HP pools:
Have they been lessened to make the game more approachable for a new audience? Have they been extended due to the drop-in gameplay or lack of healing animations?

Sling Usage:
The trailer showed the player grappling to the trapped monster after the tree fell. Will positioning and limited player zones (closing DIstance in Jhen land battles/‎Gogmazios/evading AOE teostra attacks) become arbitrary with this new movement?

Item/Ammo quantity restrictions:
Still there? The animation for gathering looks to be removed, is there still a limit? Can be stack all the Ballista ammo we need for the entire encounter in one go? are Ballistas still there?

Trading drops:
Do we even need to fight monsters anymore or can we twink straight to endgame sets?


If monsters attack each other now then I wonder if it means that invading monsters can actually make you fail quests. Like if a Deviljho shows up and just eats whatever you were there to hunt.


Which monsters everyone hoping would be in this? Here's hoping Brachy, Jinogre, Rajang, Deviljho, and Tiggy are in this.

Fuck boy monsters that I don't want in this: The Khezu ripoff known as Gigginox, Blagonga, Wind gimp Kushala.

Really looking forward to the giant monsters that will be in this.


If monsters attack each other now then I wonder if it means that invading monsters can actually make you fail quests. Like if a Deviljho shows up and just eats whatever you were there to hunt.

Depends on if cap quests are back or not. Hopefully they're not.

Which monsters everyone hoping would be in this? Here's hoping Brachy, Jinogre, Rajang, Deviljho, and Tiggy are in this.

Fuck boy monsters that I don't want in this: The Khezu ripoff known as Gigginox, Blagonga, Wind gimp Kushala.

Really looking forward to the giant monsters that will be in this.

If they're doing an atmospheric game like this then Nerscylla has to be in. Imagine running through the jungle and looking up to see a huge spider perched above you ready to strike.


Which monsters everyone hoping would be in this? Here's hoping Brachy, Jinogre, Rajang, Deviljho, and Tiggy are in this.

Fuck boy monsters that I don't want in this: The Khezu ripoff known as Gigginox, Blagonga, Wind gimp Kushala.

Really looking forward to the giant monsters that will be in this.

I want to mash up everything!


Gold Member
I love Monster Hunter. Is one of my favourite IP. And i gonna buy it regardless the system is on. The only bummer with this is that i will have less time to play it because is not on a portable system. So excited!!!


Depends on if cap quests are back or not. Hopefully they're not.

If they're doing an atmospheric game like this then Nerscylla has to be in. Imagine running through the jungle and looking up to see a huge spider perched above you ready to strike.

Damn Nerscylla creeps me out and I love Spiders. Hopefully you can use the hookshot to pull her legs and trip her.


Which monsters everyone hoping would be in this? Here's hoping Brachy, Jinogre, Rajang, Deviljho, and Tiggy are in this.

Fuck boy monsters that I don't want in this: The Khezu ripoff known as Gigginox, Blagonga, Wind gimp Kushala.

Really looking forward to the giant monsters that will be in this.

A stalking jungle predator like Nargacuga seems like a perfect fit for this game.

I desperately want to see a higher fidelity Gore Magala, it's an amazing looking monster even on the 3DS.

Plesioth and Gravios can fuck off forever even if I've long since learned how to make them into target practice with bowguns.


Damn Nerscylla creeps me out and I love Spiders. Hopefully you can use the hookshot to pull her legs and trip her.

Oh shit, your post just made me think of a new possible status ailment. Imagine if monsters can gunk up your slingshot and grappling hook with certain attacks (like Nerscylla's webs).
Which monsters everyone hoping would be in this? Here's hoping Brachy, Jinogre, Rajang, Deviljho, and Tiggy are in this.

Fuck boy monsters that I don't want in this: The Khezu ripoff known as Gigginox, Blagonga, Wind gimp Kushala.

Really looking forward to the giant monsters that will be in this.

Honestly, I'd be happy with just the Raths, though I really like Astalos.

However, it's sounding like most monsters will be new. Which makes sense since everything is being made from the ground up. It also makes sense why Rathalos seems to be the flagship monster, since it may be one of the few monsters making a return.

That's just speculation based on stuff they've said so far though.


Which monsters everyone hoping would be in this? Here's hoping Brachy, Jinogre, Rajang, Deviljho, and Tiggy are in this.

Fuck boy monsters that I don't want in this: The Khezu ripoff known as Gigginox, Blagonga, Wind gimp Kushala.

Really looking forward to the giant monsters that will be in this.
I don't want Kirin and plesi because of their damn hitboxes, diablos because his head is too damn high to reach and his underground bullshit attacks.


hopefully the stream on 20th will answer plenty questions


Which monsters everyone hoping would be in this? Here's hoping Brachy, Jinogre, Rajang, Deviljho, and Tiggy are in this.

Fuck boy monsters that I don't want in this: The Khezu ripoff known as Gigginox, Blagonga, Wind gimp Kushala.

Really looking forward to the giant monsters that will be in this.

Dream team:

- KutKu
-Yang Garuga
-Nargacuga / tigrex ( leaning tigrex )
-Gore magala
- K. daora
-DIABLOOOOOOS / monoblos

Fuck boys that need to go:

- Basarios / gravios
- Chameleos/Shen Gaoren/Yama Tsukami/any of these shit endurance fights
- Lagombi
- Kecha Wacha
- Congala
- Kirin

Any monster not on the list, i don't care enough about.
I want 1 Gravios fight in the game: the absolute last gravios alive. Let me drive that POS to extinction pls.
The time limit was always dopey in a series that revolves around repeating difficult fights multiple times.

The argument has always been "but without time limits, you could just cheese monsters," which is silly, because whether you're killing something in 40 minutes or two hours, you're
not playing optimally (and will probably have to re-fight that thing another 2-3 times to get the drops you need). If a person is willing to spend 5+ hours getting what they need from a single monster, I think they deserve to just get that stuff and move on.

And really, from an immersion perspective, it's stupid that the hunter association treats hunts like games and won't pay you for killing some legendary fucking dragon, whose mere existence is a threat to countless lives, because you didn't do it quick enough.
Definitely anticipating any attempts at a monster that will stalk hunters.

Imagine going on a hunt and any of these scenarios could happen without you knowing:

- Nargacuga silently tracking you behind cover of large trees, you think you saw some dancing red lines in the distance.

- A Khezu completely camouflaged among the rocky ceiling of a dank cavern, it slowly extends its enormous head towards you

- A freaking Chameleos coming out of literally nowhere at any time.

Oh, my heart...


People should stop referencing data that makes me feel uncomfortable because games get ported to platforms I don't like
A stalking jungle predator like Nargacuga seems like a perfect fit for this game.

I was thinking the same thing! They can set it up where a Hunter goes out to hunt let's say a Rathalos and as soon as he enters the map he enters the Area/Map the Hunter becomes the hunted.

An invisible Nargacuga starts stalking the player waiting for the best opportunity to strike but to make things more interesting Nargacuga is immune to any stealth item/equipment you use and can't sneak pass him.

Honestly Nargacuga is the only Monster that I want it to appear in Monster Hunter World because now that Hunting Styles are not returning the lack of Adept Style makes Nargacuga Armor relevant again ho a Bow user like me.


It was the "bad trailer" situation, aka Japan dev wants to make a trailer that they think would appeal western audience.

I'm now fully on board. This is the evolution the series really needs. And it doesn't seem like a different direction. If you watch the CG opening movies for each game, it is always their goal to achieve what they show in them. MH4/4G/4U is as far as they can go on a low spec hardware.


Do I win a prize for talking about my penis on the Internet???
It's odd cause I feel like the negativity here might have been much less if they had just called this 'Monster Hunter 5'...since that's essentially what it is with perhaps some slightly simplified aspects for newcomers. Maybe they felt they couldn't make it a numbered release cause it would be a slight to Nintendo platforms..who knows.

I'm not an MH vet so I was already in but hearing it's a main game from the main team my hype is really through the roof. I'm hoping it'll run in native 4K locked 30 on the 1X, that might be wishful thinking.
Healing while moving seems like the right thing to do considering how much more monsters do. Can't imagine the same kind of openings to heal will be available in this game.


I'm surprised it was going to be called 5 and that it's not just a spin-off. Seems a bit risky, but as I've said before I could never get into MH and this looks like it'll be the title to change that. Looks sublime and I welcome the change. I also actually really like damage numbers..


It's odd cause I feel like the negativity here might have been much less if they had just called this 'Monster Hunter 5'...since that's essentially what it is with perhaps some slightly simplified aspects for newcomers. Maybe they felt they couldn't make it a numbered release cause it would be a slight to Nintendo platforms..who knows.

I'm not an MH vet so I was already in but hearing it's a main game from the main team my hype is really through the roof. I'm hoping it'll run in native 4K locked 30 on the 1X, that might be wishful thinking.

Yeah they should've really called it MH5


People should stop referencing data that makes me feel uncomfortable because games get ported to platforms I don't like
So petty that it gets into sad territory.
More like I had to suffer through those drop rates since the inception of the franchise so I rather have others suffer along with me. But there's a middle ground here without making the game easier.

Just make a Quest type where all drop rates are increased but the trade of is that Monster hit 50% harder, have more HP with an expanded move set and even harder AI. >:D


I'm still waiting for any info that confirms that drop rates are increased

farming one of many materials in MH just for one piece of armor is abysmal due to the very low drop rates.

Tri stretched its smaller monster count with things like forced HR point grinding and extremely horrible drop rates on things like Alatreon Skypiercers. So I expect something similar this time. I'd be surprised if this game's monster count even matches Tri considering the drastic changes they are making.

It's odd cause I feel like the negativity here might have been much less if they had just called this 'Monster Hunter 5'...since that's essentially what it is with perhaps some slightly simplified aspects for newcomers. Maybe they felt they couldn't make it a numbered release cause it would be a slight to Nintendo platforms..who knows.

I'm not an MH vet so I was already in but hearing it's a main game from the main team my hype is really through the roof. I'm hoping it'll run in native 4K locked 30 on the 1X, that might be wishful thinking.

Capcom simply has an infamous track record with fucking up beloved series while trying to chase a larger western audience. People are right to be wary.


All I need to see is what a normal hunt looks like. People are saying it's classic MH and it's great, but who the hell knows for real. And yeah, because Capcom is strangely good at butchering some of their IPs, it's worrisome.

But the lead director being the same as the previous MHs is good news though. Plus last night during that interview someone explained how they are just building up from where they were. It sounds more like renovating than rebuilding, which is cool.
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