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MS confirms indie program for XB1, was a big GamesCom surprise, angry at GI for leak


What does that mean? you can change the price when you want too?

Sort of how Steam sales work, where Steam/publishers agree that the price can be dropped for temporary "events" to spur sales, and the proportion of profit sharing stays effectively the same.


He's saying you only get access to 3GB.

Really though it's a technical impossibility to push the XB1 to the max by using a normal retail XB1. You HAVE to have a devkit if you wanted to create a next gen-tier game. So Spencer is a little off on that one.

Couldn't you just have to connect it to a computer, like when debugging on an iPhone using Xcode?


makes sense if its not a full fledged dev kit

do you mean details portion right beside the date... also once I'm on the tweets page I can't just right click and say copy image url like what I do with images and gifs :/

Yeah, sorry, that's right. Click Details, and it'll take you to the individual tweet :)


I don't understand......why are there posts from people acting like this is reactionary?

I mean, wasn't it obvious this was the plan when they showed of the "3 OS" nature of the X1? We already knew they were killing XNA for something new, why is this being seen as something they've just made up at the last second?

Aasir Osu

Neo Member
Indeed they do.

For those who don't know how that works, say I have a game that uses 4.5GB of RAM memory. This would be very easy to run on a retail XB1. However, when I debug the game/run it on a devkit, I need to run programs alongside the game to see how certain code is executed, details in the event of a crash, etc. So my game might require 5.5GB of RAM to debug, which wouldn't be possible on a retail XB1.

Could be very possible.

Isn't one of the very obvious requirements a PC? I can't imagine you could run Visual Studio or Unity on a retail X1, so in that sense, maybe the Dev code that you download from the website that MS is setting up creates a Dev environment on your home PC also? I would think that even the Indyest of Indy devs would at least have a PC, and that may be the way to get around the tools/debug question.


y'all should be ashamed
Couldn't you just have to connect it to a computer, like when debugging on an iPhone?

You could, but if I'm not mistaken doing so would be allowing a lot of access to the XB1 hardware for literally anyone. But I could be wrong on that.
Yeah, sorry, that's right. Click Details, and it'll take you to the individual tweet :)

Got that but I can't copy the image url... like with pics and gifs... how do I post it with the image still intact

Also thank you for taking some of your time in helping me out really appreciate it :D
I still think there's separate app classes. (My prediction pre X1 reveal)

Make just an app or sidebar/ticker app and you get 3 GB

Make a game and you get 5 GB

What type of program you are making defines the available resources

Full gameos access would be wonderful.
But 3 GB for XNA program could be enough im more wondering about how many cpu cores and how much of the GPU is exposed.

Full native access could help them like on WP 8 that means Physx guys can sell licenses to indie or hobby programmers. Will help with porting open source libraries or existing games.


y'all should be ashamed


With regard to revenue splitting with developers, we were told that more information will be coming at Gamescom, but that we could think about it "generally like we think about Marketplace today." According to developers we've spoken with, that split can be approximately 50-50.

That is a really large cut, more than any marketplace I'm aware of. Are there any MS devs out there that can confirm this?

Aasir Osu

Neo Member
Both later, You can't get devkit unless you have a publisher.

I'm surprised; I would think that if you could afford whatever the price of a dev kit is now, then you could go ahead and self-publish now.

It's going to be interesting to see how many "Indy" games are available at launch for both platforms (I'm getting both). Within a one year timespan, the disparity may or may not be so great, if Indy devs have to get up to speed on both platforms the same as the big publishers.


He probably had correct info, but MS policies are also probably in great flux right now. But this whole retail units as devkits would certainly need infrastructure planned from the beginning so im not sure on just how much has changed.

If he did have correct info, why wouldn't he have reported the info that got leaked by GI in the first place (which had been in place for a while) instead of trying to deny parts of it in reaction? To be able to respond to it, he would have needed to know about that development in the first place. He would have been effectively "hiding" some positive news that had been in the works for a while, but went out of his way to downplay it with incorrect info when that came to light from a different source.

Also, like I said with the Nostradamus comparison, you seem to justify a lot on his part when all we have to go on is how accurate his statements are.


And make XBLG free.. oh wait.. people suddenly don't care about this anymore.

Yeah, this is something I will never get. Why does no one care that they have to pay for everything they want to do on the damn box when it comes to online features? They are free on most other devices.
Meh, I go play with my 3DS then... :/
The hacking community is gonna be legendary on Xbone...

I hope the PS4 provides similar usability for retail->dev support. Net Yazore 3.0 make it happen Sony!!


Ok quick question, since the Xbox now allows the console to act as a dev kit. If a developer opens their code, could we hypothetically see mod support on the Xbox One?

That is a really large cut, more than any marketplace I'm aware of. Are there any MS devs out there that can confirm this?

Sounds strange.
From what i gathered 30% for platform holder is the what most use.
On w8/wp8 marketplace they would drop the share to 20% if you have an successful app if im not mistaken.

Maybe the 50% figure comes from 30% for ms as platform holder and 20% to ms as publishers.
But because you are self publishing the 20% is yours instead of ms?
Because 50% split will not make dev join ms ecosystem


This deserved a post (not just a link):

In a conversation with Whitten, he told us that the commitment to independent developers is full. There won't be restrictions on the type of titles that can be created, nor will there be limits in scope. In response to a question on whether retail-scale games could be published independently, Whitten told us, "Our goal is to give them access to the power of Xbox One, the power of Xbox Live, the cloud, Kinect, Smartglass. That's what we think will actually generate a bunch of creativity on the system." With regard to revenue splitting with developers, we were told that more information will be coming at Gamescom, but that we could think about it "generally like we think about Marketplace today." According to developers we've spoken with, that split can be approximately 50-50.

As for sales and dynamism in the Marketplace, Whitten told us more information would be forthcoming, but that "This has been pretty key for how we've developed the Xbox One platform," Whitten told us in response to a question about how long this plan has been in the works. Along those lines, Microsoft has been pushing for faster certification as we reported earlier. "My goal has always been to reduce the amount of time it takes to make a certification pass," Whitten told us. "It's good for all reasons, and it's a function of how to you build the automation. My goals will always be to take the amount of time in certification down."

With regard to the devkit functionality, Whitten told us that it won't be ready at launch. We also spoke about security, as it would seem that enabling retail units to function as devkits and play non-final code would be problematic. "This is the type of thing that you can only do at the start of a generation," Whitten explained. "You make a set of assumptions, and those assumptions get baked in at the beginning. When you ask questions like that [about security], you're looking through the lens of how Xbox 360 works, and based on how we developed a lot of these things in 2004 and 2005."

Source: Game Informer


Not bitter, just unsweetened

That is a really large cut, more than any marketplace I'm aware of. Are there any MS devs out there that can confirm this?

They are talking about XBLA

If you're a dev and have a publisher and can do cert no problem, cut was 70/30 that 70 then splits between dev and pub.

If you are completely indie and can't afford cert then Microsoft would publish and waiver cert fees and would take a larger cut. This is completely on an approval basis.

Either way, the dev gets around 40-50% directly unless they are prepaid.

XBLA and XBIG were both 70/30 if you yourself could publish



That is a really large cut, more than any marketplace I'm aware of. Are there any MS devs out there that can confirm this?

I'm not a dev, but if I remember right deals on 360 were anywhere from 50-50 to 70-30, just depended on the deal you signed. I assume the new base since there won't be contracts being signed for publishing that it'll be 70-30 to stay competitive. I could be wrong though.


Strings strings strings and updates, and clarifications.
People really expect Microsoft to give them the keys to the kingdom, after everything that they have learned so far already about them in the past few months.
Every day that went by without this announcement was more and more hearts 'n minds going against MS so the leak is nothing but good for them. Funny that they're pissed.


y'all should be ashamed
They are talking about XBLA

If you're a dev and have a publisher and can do cert no problem, cut was 70/30 that 70 then splits between dev and pub.

If you are completely indie and can't afford cert then Microsoft would publish and waiver cert fees and would take a larger cut. This is completely on an approval basis.

Either way, the dev gets around 40-50% directly unless they are prepaid.

XBLA and XBIG were both 70/30 if you yourself could publish
Ah ok, thanks for clarifying.
Well this is fantastic news.

I think the lack of a self publishing infrastructure for indies was the last major problem I had with the Xbox One. After this leak/announcement I can say I'm pretty happy with how the console is shaping up.

I'm excited for all this stuff to be implemented next year and see what kind of indie support it generates on the platform. Though I think there's the question of what bridges Microsoft burned with certain indie developers up to this point. There are several devs that just aren't the biggest MS fans right now. Time will tell I suppose.
Every day that went by without this announcement was more and more hearts 'n minds going against MS so the leak is nothing but good for them. Funny that they're pissed.

Imaging the impact would have had at gamescom in a press conference live streamed.
And with GDC europe going on at the same moment and place(?) it should also
reach some more developers.


I don't understand......why are there posts from people acting like this is reactionary?

I mean, wasn't it obvious this was the plan when they showed of the "3 OS" nature of the X1? We already knew they were killing XNA for something new, why is this being seen as something they've just made up at the last second?

Given how this place has been the last 6 months, are you really asking that question? Really?

That is a really large cut, more than any marketplace I'm aware of. Are there any MS devs out there that can confirm this?

I remember a few years ago that some developers were complaining that there were some policies changes back at Ms and in some cases their cut could go as high as that.

If I remember correctly that was for games published by them, based on the game/developer's popularity prior signing the contract... Before that they would take the default 30% cut even it was a game they published.
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