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MS confirms indie program for XB1, was a big GamesCom surprise, angry at GI for leak

Couple things...

Sorry for the tease earlier. I honestly hadn't even realized I did it until my box/gchat blew up. I was thinking outloud like a dumbass. I can't spill the beans, i'm sorry.

Also... talked to a dude at sony this afternoon that said what CBOAT is saying is also what the industry chatter is. Basically this is a backdoor to put content on Windows 8/XB1 and potentially Win phone 8. But it's going to be less powerful. For the ten of you with Vitas... think of it as PSM is on the Vita. And for the record... I love PSM on the vita. This is a good thing for MS.

I don't know that this is fact, but this has been the going rumor all summer and is still what the chatter is today, post announcement.

I've also gotten a strangely high number of PMs asking if Sony is going to open their PS4s to be debug units. As far as I know (and I don't know much)... no. But they are handing out dev kits to anyone and everyone who asks for one that shows even slightly promising work. Sony isn't sweating any sort of indie exodus. They are treating them as equals, microsoft is seemingly sectioning them off . We'll see.

That's all the chatter I have about this for now.
I really wish MS would just say whether or not the games can fully utilize all of the hardware. I don't see how it's possible if the console is the dev kit though.
Wait, so CBOAT was 100% wrong?

Hmm... his track record since E3 has not been good at all.

Dont know, all he said access to 3GB. In what OS he didn't say.
If he means 3GB in the game os with full access to the game os resources i personally am okey with it. That for a hobby coder is a lot more then Ouya and WiiU and will hopefully give you more performance too.

Wish he clarified more.


A few months ago this was not being planned by them internally, and they explicitly said it wasn't going to be possible (and that was the clear message behind closed doors). There were even factions within Microsoft aware of the stupidity of the situation who were proactively looking for loopholes to effectively allow self publishing in a practical sense even if it wasn't technically the case.

This is a change in policy and strategy from earlier in the year, and the fact it isn't going to be ready at launch is evidence that this change is recent.

Great news for independent developers and publishers in any case. Looking forward to hearing more because the devil is in the details.

Thank god for these guys in the Xbox team.


I made this post the last time someone claimed they were basically the same system now ->

● Kinect 2.0 mandatory vs. PS Camera Optional
● No Self-Publishing vs. Self-Publishing Use System as Dev Kit vs. ????
● "Intentionally didn't target the highest end specs" vs. As powerful as money allowed
● Haptic Feedback Triggers vs. PS4 Touch Pad
● Asymmetric Analog Sticks vs. Symmetric Analog Sticks
● New Improved D-Pad vs. Light Indicator (Health, Etc) and Controller Speaker
● No Headset Packed-in vs. Headset Packed-in
● $499.99 vs. $399.99
● Snap/HBO Go/Tried-and-True Online infrastructure vs. PS+ value; critical integration of Share feature
● "Power of Cloud" for dedicated servers, some low level enhancements for games vs. "Power of Cloud" for streaming PS1, PS2 or PS3 games
● All-in-One-Entertainment Device vs. "A system for the gamers, by the gamers."
● Does not allow previous gen peripherals; proprietary set up forces reset vs. 98% of your peripherals from last-gen should work
● Paywall for basically everything vs. Paywall for multiplayer only; free-to-play and all apps remain free for all.
● 15 Exclusives in First Year, 8 new IP and ??? total in development vs. 20 Exclusives in First year, 12 new IP and 30 total in development.
● SmartGlass integration vs. PS Vita integration

This is great information.
I really wish MS would just say whether or not the games can fully utilize all of the hardware. I don't see how it's possible if the console is the dev kit though.

They did said indie devs would get the same hardware access as other devs, we just don't know if that's true or not yet XD


I really wish MS would just say whether or not the games can fully utilize all of the hardware. I don't see how it's possible if the console is the dev kit though.

According to some articles you can make a self published game on a standard dev kit right now instead of waiting for the consumer model to get that support. So what would prevent you from getting full access to that hardware? Also in the Giantbomb interview Patrick mentions going to Target and buying an Xbone and getting the same level of hardware access that Respawn has with Titanfall. The answer was yes.


Got that but I can't copy the image url... like with pics and gifs... how do I post it with the image still intact

Also thank you for taking some of your time in helping me out really appreciate it :D

Just screen cap it and upload it to an image hosting site, and link off to the tweet :)


I don't understand this...can someone give me a comparison of PS4/X1 Indie Support? or atleast simply tell me what that means?


maybe it was 100% true until microsoft changed.

If he knew enough to clarify about the limitations for self publishing that GI leaked (even though his info ended up being wrong), why didn't he leak that they'd be allowing self-publishing when that had been set in motion for such a long time? Considering people in the media were aware of it weeks ago. It sounds like he deliberately withheld a positive development, and reacted to it becoming public knowledge by trying to downplay it.


I really wish MS would just say whether or not the games can fully utilize all of the hardware. I don't see how it's possible if the console is the dev kit though.

Go read the giantbomb interview, this question has been answered.

Also famous, everything you just posted goes against what Mark and Phil have been saying in interviews today.
According to some articles you can make a self published game on a standard dev kit right now instead of waiting for the consumer model to get that support. So what would prevent you from getting full access to that hardware? Also in the Giantbomb interview Patrick mentions going to Target and buying an Xbone and getting the same level of hardware access that Respawn has with Titanfall. The answer was yes.

Then why aren't Respawn's dev kits just regular old Xbox Ones? Why do they have extra hardware and software overhead?


So basically they're doing a 180 on indie's now? Up to a year before self publishing is allowed? Sounds like last mintue changes to me.


They did said indie devs would get the same hardware access as other devs, we just don't know if that's true or not yet XD

We'll need to talk to half a dozen more MS PR people, who will all provide different answers, then take the top 2 answers that are closest to each other in message.

Then wait for Microsoft to figure it out themselves.


UPDATE: turning an Xbox One into a devkit will not be available at launch, nor will self publishing.

Both? Everything I've read says specifically that just the devkit isn't at launch. Is there any actual confirmation?
While I'm glad they are changing there archaic ways.

This is a little late for launch titles. Still we'll see more indie love on all consoles!

Indies deserve the chance. (thumbs up)


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Both? Everything I've read says specifically that just the devkit isn't at launch. Is there any actual confirmation?

How would you be able to test said program?

While I'm glad they are changing there archaic ways.

This is a little late for launch titles. Still we'll see more indie love on all consoles!

Indies deserve the chance. (thumbs up)

Archaic ways? You are totally ignoring what MS stance of indies has been up until now, aren't you? Or are you also buying into the false narrative?


This sounds no different than the clusterfuck that was XBL indie games. It sounds like another free for all section of their store like it was on XBL. If that is the case, then do games in the main section still require a publisher, or are the they going to allow a moderated and promoted self published market like Sony and Valve do?
So is the Xbox One officially the console for indie devs?
It depends how much of the hardware you can use and how much access you have to Kinect, cloud, and achievements, and the dev environment.
The console having a dev mode is a huge plus.
It very well could be.


If he knew enough to clarify about the limitations for self publishing that GI leaked (even though his info ended up being wrong), why didn't he leak that they'd be allowing self-publishing when that had been set in motion for such a long time? Considering people in the media were aware of it weeks ago. It sounds like he deliberately withheld a positive development, and reacted to it becoming public knowledge by trying to downplay it.

Just a clarification: CBOAT leak was before GI article
Probably why this isn't happening till next year. Have to finish all the tools, etc.

But those tools require overhead. I mean if your game is maxing out every drop of the Xbox One's hardware, what are these tools running on? The only thing I could possibly think is the Windows partition of hardware gets freed up for the dev kit part, but that seems risky for hacking.


Banstick Emeritus
Also... talked to a dude at sony this afternoon that said what CBOAT is saying is also what the industry chatter is. Basically this is a backdoor to put content on Windows 8/XB1 and potentially Win phone 8. But it's going to be less powerful.
So is he right or not?
So is he right or not?

So far, nobody knows. That said, what CBoaT said is what everyone outside of Microsoft continues to think is the case. Remember, this is the company that a couple of months ago thought it was a good idea to require an internet connection check every 24 hours.


But those tools require overhead. I mean if your game is maxing out every drop of the Xbox One's hardware, what are these tools running on? The only thing I could possibly think is the Windows partition of hardware gets freed up for the dev kit part, but that seems risky for hacking.

I would assume you would be working on your PC and Xbox one. Debugging on the Xbox, etc. Hell if I know :p
I can't wait until they backpedal to 3GB.

I think most devs are more interested in how GPU and CPU performance we can get.
They could give me 8/8GB but if it meant i can only use 20% then never mind then.

And this being a back door to more games on the win8/wp8 marketplace every developer saw that coming months ago.
MS will probably strikes a deal if you also release on win8 marketplace we will take a smaller cut might the game be successful.


Then why aren't Respawn's dev kits just regular old Xbox Ones? Why do they have extra hardware and software overhead?

This is how Whitten describes that

GB: Post-Xbox One launch and when this system is available, is there a reason for people to have proper Xbox One development kits? Is there a significant difference between what the developers get access to in terms of building their games?

Whitten: Our goal is for you to be able to have full access of the system and the services on Xbox Live. Also, this is a dev kit. This is the way that we will think about dev kits for people on my team that are working on Xbox One. There’s no “this is a second class sort of experience” type of thing. Right now, obviously, in the build-up to a platform launch, there’s lots of special builds and lots of special kits and all that kind of stuff, but that’s more time and place.

Don't know if that's a bullshit thing to say or what.


I can't wait until they backpedal to 3GB.

The Redemption of CBoat.

Then why aren't Respawn's dev kits just regular old Xbox Ones? Why do they have extra hardware and software overhead?

Apparently the final devkits are indeed the same as the retail unit, including memory setup.

The difference can probably be attributed to better tools and more performant apis on the actual devkit. I doubt Ms would just give those for free, without even asking anyone to sign a NDA agreement...


Well this convinces me to buy a xbone when this is rolled out. This plan is exactly what I expected from BUILD.

I just hope this is not geographically limited like xblig was.
How would you be able to test said program?

Archaic ways? You are totally ignoring what MS stance of indies has been up until now, aren't you? Or are you also buying into the false narrative?

Archaic means they haven't changed an improved.

You can start good and become archaic. "old-fashioned"


Why do I get the impression this is bullshit and MS is just pretending they had this planned all along?

MS: what a hot mess...


I don't understand......why are there posts from people acting like this is reactionary?

I mean, wasn't it obvious this was the plan when they showed of the "3 OS" nature of the X1? We already knew they were killing XNA for something new, why is this being seen as something they've just made up at the last second?

Uh, how can you not tell that it is indeed a reactionary move? Did the "within a year" bit really not give you a hint?


Why do I get the impression this is bullshit and MS is just pretending they had this planned all along?

MS: what a hot mess...
Well they WERE the ones to bring indies to the spotlight this gen

Did people believe they were going to drop indies this genie it wasn't for Sony?

I guess from now on any positive move they do will seem reactionary, regardless if it is or not.
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