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MS's Response to Sony's "No AAA Studio Can Match CoD" Statement + Confirms Sony Pays To Blocks Games From Game Pass


It's the same thing

No it's not lol. It's not the same thing to buy a car from a dealer, now only the owner can drive it or anyone he lends it to, as opposed to not buying the car, it's still available for purchase, but I make a deal with the dealer and say "You can sell this car to anyone, but Do not sell this car to Ass of Can Whooping, I don't like that guy", that's a deal in bad faith.


The real reason Sony updated it's Plus program, to possibly house some of these paid blocked from Gamepass games.

It's brilliant from a bussiness prespective, they've created a new source of income for a developer. Maybe MS will start paying the fee to block games from PS++ or whatever it's called.


This whole thing is such a trumped-up nothingburger.

If company A offers company B X amount of money for a period of exclusivity, the terms of that deal will lay out in precise detail what is meant by "exclusivity".
Naturally this will include all methods of publication and monetization outside of those offered by the exclusivity licensor, because that has an impact on the value of the deal.

The way a perfectly normal business transaction is being misrepresented as some sort of sinister act of anti-consumerism is pretty gross. Because literally anyone with half a brain for business knows how these deals work.
The difference, the Wintel PC is an open platform with a clone hardware market. You can't say the same for Sony's PlayStation platform.


Microsoft foolishly declined to renew their deal with Activision for COD, in part due to the planned releases of Titanfall (billed as the next big thing) and Halo 5. Sony took it up.

It is ironic you mention Titanfall 1, this was a game Microsoft paid to keep off of playstation.

Electronic Arts revealed today that it came to an agreement with Microsoft that makes Titanfall an exclusive to the Xbox One, Xbox 360, and PC for the “life of the title.” That means Titanfall developer Respawn Entertainment can’t release the game on PlayStation 4.

This was all the way back in 2014, Microsoft paid to keep TitanFall 1 off of Playstation and til this day, Playstation players have not been able to play Titanfall 1. So not only was Microsoft the one to start the Call of Duty deals, they were doing Console Exclusive deals back in 2014, & they more likely would have kept doing them if they had the marketshare.

Microsoft didn't decline to renew the deal with Activision for CoD, Activision chose not to do the deal with Microsoft. Activision saw the numbers, they saw the PS4 had the larger market share, and they chose to do a deal with the larger market at the time, which was the PS4. It is the same reason TitanFall 2 came to the PS4 and wasn't exclusive to the XBOXOne. They didn't want their game to be exclusive to a smaller market, they wanted to reach more potential buyers.
It is ironic you mention Titanfall 1, this was a game Microsoft paid to keep off of playstation.

Electronic Arts revealed today that it came to an agreement with Microsoft that makes Titanfall an exclusive to the Xbox One, Xbox 360, and PC for the “life of the title.” That means Titanfall developer Respawn Entertainment can’t release the game on PlayStation 4.

This was all the way back in 2014, Microsoft paid to keep TitanFall 1 off of Playstation and til this day, Playstation players have not been able to play Titanfall 1. So not only was Microsoft the one to start the Call of Duty deals, they were doing Console Exclusive deals back in 2014, & they more likely would have kept doing them if they had the marketshare.

Microsoft didn't decline to renew the deal with Activision for CoD, Activision chose not to do the deal with Microsoft. Activision saw the numbers, they saw the PS4 had the larger market share, and they chose to do a deal with the larger market at the time, which was the PS4. It is the same reason TitanFall 2 came to the PS4 and wasn't exclusive to the XBOXOne. They didn't want their game to be exclusive to a smaller market, they wanted to reach more potential buyers.

Then why EA went with MS for several entries of FIFA instead of Sony? Wasn't it because of the money MS put on the table?

It's always because of money, if the money offered covers the profit of selling the game on other platforms third-parties (most of them) will gladly take it, and you have a lot of examples out there.


Gold Member
Hey, some people need them. You clearly had no good reply to it, so you were forced to pivot. Nice!
Happy Lets Go GIF by Poms

That is all that's going on.


Then why EA went with MS for several entries of FIFA instead of Sony? Wasn't it because of the money MS put on the table?

It's always because of money, if the money offered covers the profit of selling the game on other platforms third-parties (most of them) will gladly take it, and you have a lot of examples out there.
You guys honestly have no clue on half the things you are saying.

EA has gone with Xbox ( at times) due to Microsoft dropping development on all sports titles as first party. Sony still makes "The Show". they don't necessarily need to have exchanged money, but instead work based on a long standing relationship that they won't compete directly in the biggest market for EA.

How do i know this? I knew the lead designer working on multiple MS backed sports titles just before they backed out of the sports market. He got the reason directly from MS.

Honestly, some of posts here are so green, its silly.
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Gold Member
you guys honeslty have no clue on half the things you are saying.

EA has gone with Xbox ( at times) due to Microsoft dropping development on all sports titles as first party. Sony still makes "The Show". they don't necessarily need to have exchanged money, but instead work based on a long standing relationship that they won't compete directly in the biggest market for EA.
Cracking Up Lol GIF by HULU
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Microsoft is mad that Sony isn’t playing fair: “Sony doesn’t want our streaming model to compete with their pay-to-play model.” But is Microsoft competing fairly?

Microsoft is bleeding money through gamepass (which their deep pockets can afford) to undercut Sony and other subscription services. PlayStation is the only thing keeping Sony afloat. They can’t afford to hemorrhage money in their gaming division.

Look at Amazon Luna, Google Stadia, and PlayStation Plus… none of them can afford to have day-one AAA games at the caliber of Starfield, Redfall, Halo, Forza, Psychonauts, Flight Sim, Gears of War, etc. Hell, possibly future Call of Duty games could become day one gamepass titles once current contracts are honored.

Gamepass undoubtedly yields less revenue to AAA game developers than traditional pay-to-play model (and if that’s not true Microsoft is bleeding even more money than I can imagine. Oh, and obviously Gamepass is the better option if your upcoming game will be a sales dud. I’m looking at you LoTR: Gollum). Less revenue means less investment in game development. Less risks, less effort, cut content… If the subscription model wins out, a lower quality future is a very real potential outcome.

Idk, I just see Gamepass tactics as being a detriment to the quality of titles that require a heavy investment. Yes, the subscription model is consumer friendly from a financial standpoint, but what about from a quality one? It’s easy to say that quality hasn’t dipped in the here-and-now, but I’m not so sure we’ll be able to say the same thing in a subscription future down the line.

All this to say: Screw Microsoft’s push for a day-one subscription game model. I hope Sony deploys any and all tactics to stifle their growth. I’ve enjoyed the best games from pay-to-play, and I can’t support anything that has the potential to suppress innovation and progress in this medium.
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You guys honestly have no clue on half the things you are saying.

EA has gone with Xbox ( at times) due to Microsoft dropping development on all sports titles as first party. Sony still makes "The Show". they don't necessarily need to have exchanged money, but instead work based on a long standing relationship that they won't compete directly in the biggest market for EA.

How do i know this? I knew the lead designer working on multiple MS backed sports titles just before they backed out of the sports market. He got the reason directly from MS.

Honestly, some of posts here are so green, its silly.

What does the deal FIFA or Titanfall one has to do with that?

Microsoft dropped the support for Sports games back in the OG XBOX days, not on the XBOX 360 or XBOX ONE era, so that statement makes no sense in this discussion.

And now it's Sony the one with the FIFA partnership when they used to go with PES back in the day, but hey that's normal, isn't it?


Gold Member
No it's not lol. It's not the same thing to buy a car from a dealer, now only the owner can drive it or anyone he lends it to, as opposed to not buying the car, it's still available for purchase, but I make a deal with the dealer and say "You can sell this car to anyone, but Do not sell this car to Ass of Can Whooping, I don't like that guy", that's a deal in bad faith.

Bizarre analogy. How about a real example? A guy is a PS gamer and likes Bethesda games. Now Bethesda games are no longer on that guy's platform of choice. From his perspective there isn't any difference between a game being made exclusive because of some deal or because someone bought Bethesda. Same exact result. He can't play Bethesda games unless he buys some other company's piece of plastic.
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Infamy v1

It is ironic you mention Titanfall 1, this was a game Microsoft paid to keep off of playstation.

Electronic Arts revealed today that it came to an agreement with Microsoft that makes Titanfall an exclusive to the Xbox One, Xbox 360, and PC for the “life of the title.” That means Titanfall developer Respawn Entertainment can’t release the game on PlayStation 4.

This was all the way back in 2014, Microsoft paid to keep TitanFall 1 off of Playstation and til this day, Playstation players have not been able to play Titanfall 1. So not only was Microsoft the one to start the Call of Duty deals, they were doing Console Exclusive deals back in 2014, & they more likely would have kept doing them if they had the marketshare.

Microsoft didn't decline to renew the deal with Activision for CoD, Activision chose not to do the deal with Microsoft. Activision saw the numbers, they saw the PS4 had the larger market share, and they chose to do a deal with the larger market at the time, which was the PS4. It is the same reason TitanFall 2 came to the PS4 and wasn't exclusive to the XBOXOne. They didn't want their game to be exclusive to a smaller market, they wanted to reach more potential buyers.

No, they didn't. Some of y'all are showing your ass without doing proper research in a desperate attempt to MicrosoftToo.

Respawn went to Sony first, as they were independent and needed help with the game/publishing/etc. Sony declined because PS4 info was super secret at the time (a smart decision in the end) and told them they can put the game on Vita, which as we all now know, would've been impossible without immense scalebacks and downgrades. This was a slap in the face to Respawn, who had ambitions of a massive franchise despite being less than a quarter of the size of the average AAA studios and they then went to Microsoft.

Not only did Microsoft help with the funding of the game, but publishing a new IP is incredibly expensive and risky. They saw potential, however, and spent a metric shit ton on advertising and marketing (probably some of their best live-action commercials outside of Halo). And you're crying because they re-neg'd with the EA CFO for full exclusivity versus timed? If this was Sony, they would've done the same except tried to buy out the IP, which is something Microsoft was too stupid to do. In fact, didn't Phil say that, in retrospect, they should've done these very things back in the day?

I'll never forget Respawn saying all of this publicly because of the backlash they faced from angry Sony fanboys, only for said fanboys to say they're lying. The fucking devs are "lying" because some shills on the internet are butthurt. 😂

Funnily enough, Titanfall 1 sold far better initially over Titanfall 2, despite being exclusive and on Xbox One which was a dying console, over the sequel which was multiplat and with a VASTLY larger userbase. Sure this can be partially attributed to EA being EA and releasing it close to Battlefield, but MS marketing campaign blitz sure helped.

Try harder next time.

Edit: like clockwork y'all have to cry about how Microsoft "started" this when Sony had been doing this shit since the 90's, before Xbox was a twinkle in Microsofts eye. Keep that same energy for both companies. It's not hard.
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John Wick

The marketing deals in question don't prevent a game from releasing on another platform at all. They have nothing to do with exclusivity.

Marketing deals are made to attract gamers to the platform holders version of the game. It makes no sense for any platform holder to buy marketing rights and allow all the marketing to be undercut by a competing platform that offers the same exact game as part of a monthly subscription. Would Microsoft pay for marketing rights to a game and allow that game to be included with a PS+ subscription? Nope. Not gonna happen.
Some paople like to play dumb. Until recently Sony didn't have a competing service to GP. So obviously there has been no reason for MS to block games going to Playstation subscription services. Once Sony starts offering day one or new games watch MS become very active in blocking deals.

John Wick

I stand corrected. They only keep games off Gamepass for a year in this specific deal. The case of FF7 Remake however strongly suggests that there is an even more punishing (from gamers' perspective) agreement out there between Sony and Square Enix. The game has been out since 2020 and still hasn't come near Xbox, never mind game pass.
If you think it's Japanese solidarity against Xbox, Deathloop won't be released on Xbox in 2022 and I don't think it's because Bethesda chooses not to.
I wouldn't take this agreement as the baseline for Sony's moneyhatting.
Maybe Sony paid for longer exclusivity or Square can't be arsed porting it now.


Couldn’t they have secured a similar contract like Sony have instead?
I don't know. Maybe Sony has rights to first refusal? Saying that Microsoft could have done something other than buying Activision is something that we won't know about

It’s supposedly a multi-year contract. Is anything stopping Sony from releasing CoD day 1 on PS+ the coming years to one-up MS on using CoD’s market power to gain an advantage?
Well, that should be on the contract if that was the case. I'm sure it's not, otherwise they would already be there. Once the deal closes, Microsoft won't negotiate a contract like that


Couldn’t they have secured a similar contract like Sony have instead of a buying the whole company?

It’s supposedly a multi-year contract. Is anything stopping Sony from releasing CoD day 1 on PS+ the coming years to one-up MS on using CoD’s market power to gain an advantage?
Putting COD day one on PS+ would be a lot more expensive than just paying for the marketing. Lol


The publisher would have to agree to the terms, something that is unlikely once MS owns AB. AB hasn't been putting CoD day 1 on these services, so that is unlikely to be included in the current agreements.
It’s not that ABK didn’t want there games launching day one on any service, it’s that no platform holder was going to pay the exorbitant price that it would cost to do so.


Gold Member
Some paople like to play dumb. Until recently Sony didn't have a competing service to GP. So obviously there has been no reason for MS to block games going to Playstation subscription services. Once Sony starts offering day one or new games watch MS become very active in blocking deals.

Exactly. Somehow MS is going to pay a ton of money to market a game and allow that publisher to double dip in the PS+ pool as well?

Jennifer Lawrence Reaction GIF


Also it doesn't really matter if you think the franchise is in decline, it still sells *massively* and will shift a huge amount of units. Look at the top sellers from NPD every year on PS and Xbox and show us where the other fps games are that are even close to CoD, we all wait.

Lol its no me saying its in decline. its basically raw facts.
Losing 50 million players in 1 year

Now imagine what would happen IF Phil decided to remove it completely from PlayStation players…

Like i said before COD is bleeding players and it will continue to bleed even more.

Also NPD wont even give you the whole picture lol. Why even bring that up when we live in an age of FTP games…..

Here are some stats for most played online games during the last 30 days on PS.


Gold Member
I think it's fair for Sony to try to hamper Game Pass by blocking games from going to it, and I also think it's fair for MS to get around that by outright buying publishers. MS is 100% behind Game Pass, and they'll do what they have to for it to succeed.

The cope lol.
Cope for what. Two companies in decadence?. Lol


It is ironic you mention Titanfall 1, this was a game Microsoft paid to keep off of playstation.

Electronic Arts revealed today that it came to an agreement with Microsoft that makes Titanfall an exclusive to the Xbox One, Xbox 360, and PC for the “life of the title.” That means Titanfall developer Respawn Entertainment can’t release the game on PlayStation 4.

This was all the way back in 2014, Microsoft paid to keep TitanFall 1 off of Playstation and til this day, Playstation players have not been able to play Titanfall 1. So not only was Microsoft the one to start the Call of Duty deals, they were doing Console Exclusive deals back in 2014, & they more likely would have kept doing them if they had the marketshare.
Im glad you brought this up. Here's something for you..


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Microsoft didn't decline to renew the deal with Activision for CoD, Activision chose not to do the deal with Microsoft. Activision saw the numbers, they saw the PS4 had the larger market share, and they chose to do a deal with the larger market at the time, which was the PS4. It is the same reason TitanFall 2 came to the PS4 and wasn't exclusive to the XBOXOne. They didn't want their game to be exclusive to a smaller market, they wanted to reach more potential buyers.

Hate to break it to you but it all boiled down to who offered Activision the most money. The larger market share isn’t a material issue since COD was extremely popular across both platforms.

The deal was announced E3 2015, but would have been in the works for quite a while.


No, they didn't. Some of y'all are showing your ass without doing proper research in a desperate attempt to MicrosoftToo.

Respawn went to Sony first, as they were independent and needed help with the game/publishing/etc. Sony declined because PS4 info was super secret at the time (a smart decision in the end) and told them they can put the game on Vita, which as we all now know, would've been impossible without immense scalebacks and downgrades. This was a slap in the face to Respawn, who had ambitions of a massive franchise despite being less than a quarter of the size of the average AAA studios and they then went to Microsoft.

Not only did Microsoft help with the funding of the game, but publishing a new IP is incredibly expensive and risky. They saw potential, however, and spent a metric shit ton on advertising and marketing (probably some of their best live-action commercials outside of Halo). And you're crying because they re-neg'd with the EA CFO for full exclusivity versus timed? If this was Sony, they would've done the same except tried to buy out the IP, which is something Microsoft was too stupid to do. In fact, didn't Phil say that, in retrospect, they should've done these very things back in the day?

I'll never forget Respawn saying all of this publicly because of the backlash they faced from angry Sony fanboys, only for said fanboys to say they're lying. The fucking devs are "lying" because some shills on the internet are butthurt. 😂

Funnily enough, Titanfall 1 sold far better initially over Titanfall 2, despite being exclusive and on Xbox One which was a dying console, over the sequel which was multiplat and with a VASTLY larger userbase. Sure this can be partially attributed to EA being EA and releasing it close to Battlefield, but MS marketing campaign blitz sure helped.

Try harder next time.

Edit: like clockwork y'all have to cry about how Microsoft "started" this when Sony had been doing this shit since the 90's, before Xbox was a twinkle in Microsofts eye. Keep that same energy for both companies. It's not hard.

Electronic Arts revealed today that it came to an agreement with Microsoft that makes Titanfall an exclusive to the Xbox One, Xbox 360, and PC for the “life of the title.” That means Titanfall developer Respawn Entertainment can’t release the game on PlayStation 4.

I mean, I don't doubt Sony would have made TitanFall exclusive, both companies would, which is the point. I have no issue with Titanfall not coming the Playstation, shooters aren't really my jam, but just pointing out that both companies, Microsoft and Sony, keeps games off the others system. This thread is about about Sony paying to keep games off Xbox correct? How is Microsoft paying to keep Titanfall off on Playstation any different? The difference here is you can still play Call of Duty on Playstation or Xbox. You can't play Titanfall 1 on PSPlus or Playstation at all. When Microsoft acquire you Activision, you think they are going to allow Playstation users to play Call of duty on PS Plus? Of course they won't.
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Lol its no me saying its in decline. its basically raw facts.
Losing 50 million players in 1 year

Now imagine what would happen IF Phil decided to remove it completely from PlayStation players…

Like i said before COD is bleeding players and it will continue to bleed even more.
COD lost active players due to how relatively unpopular Vanguard was, but also due to much more paltry Warzone updates as the teams focused on Warzone 2.
This year, they’re putting out a COD game with their A-Team. And Warzone 2 is in the works. They’ll gain back a ton of those MAUs.

Here are some stats for most played online games during the last 30 days on PS.

The fact that FIFA 22 is 3rd on that chart should tell you how unrepresentative the survey is for certain regions. Do a survey with mainly North American players and FIFA won’t be anywhere near the top.


The fact that FIFA 22 is 3rd on that chart should tell you how unrepresentative the survey is for certain regions. Do a survey with mainly North American players and FIFA won’t be anywhere near the top.
That and the player counts are so low that you know the sample data is too small to build much off of.



Electronic Arts revealed today that it came to an agreement with Microsoft that makes Titanfall an exclusive to the Xbox One, Xbox 360, and PC for the “life of the title.” That means Titanfall developer Respawn Entertainment can’t release the game on PlayStation 4.

I'm not complaining that Sony didn't get Titanfall. I don't really play shooters like that. I'm pointing out that even Microsoft keeps games off of Playstation, both companies do it. That is the point. So I'm glad you posted this and helped me in pointing this out. It says that Microsoft was more aggressive in approaching respawn from the start in order to get Titanfall as a console exclusive.


Bizarre analogy. How about a real example? A guy is a PS gamer and likes Bethesda games. Now Bethesda games are no longer on that guy's platform of choice. From his perspective there isn't any difference between a game being made exclusive because of some deal or because someone bought Bethesda. Same exact result. He can't play Bethesda games unless he buys some other company's piece of plastic.

No, because take for instance a game like MLB the Show, it's still available to either purchase on your favorite piece of plastic, it's also available to buy on the piece of pastic you hate, as well as on a paid subsciption service that a lot of people enjoy at a discount day one. Removing the option to get it at a discount is the only thing that Sony is doing if they block MLB from Gamepass. It's not incentivizing me to buy a PS5 to play MLB , all its doing is blocking the gamer from getting a great deal.
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Gold Member
No, because MLB the Show is still available to either purchase on your favorite piece of plastic, it's also available to buy on the piece of pastic you hate, as well as on a paid subsciption service that a lot of people enjoy at a discount. Removing the option to get it at a discount is the only thing that Sony is doing. It's not incentivizing me to buy a PS5 to play MLB for instance, all its doing is blocking the gamer from getting a great deal.
Also, MS games are available on PC. Day one too. So it's still available enough to the masses.

The second Sony or Nintendo swallows up a studio, it's Sony platforms only except recently where some games come to PC 4 years later kind of thing.

Only games that are actively multi platform are the existing Bungie games, and MLB The Show. And the only reason the baseball game is on Xbox and Switch is because if rumours are true, MLB forced Sony to have the game on more platforms because they want a wider spread of gamers to enjoy baseball games. So if any company out there knows about deals and gamer coverage, it's Sony getting forced to release it on other platforms instead of locking baseball under PS.
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Gold Member
No, because MLB the Show is still available to either purchase on your favorite piece of plastic, it's also available to buy on the piece of pastic you hate, as well as on a paid subsciption service that a lot of people enjoy at a discount. Removing the option to get it at a discount is the only thing that Sony is doing. It's not incentivizing me to buy a PS5 to play MLB for instance, all its doing is blocking the gamer from getting a great deal.

Uh.....ok? Has nothing to do with what was being said, but sure.....


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Bizarre analogy. How about a real example? A guy is a PS gamer and likes Bethesda games. Now Bethesda games are no longer on that guy's platform of choice. From his perspective there isn't any difference between a game being made exclusive because of some deal or because someone bought Bethesda. Same exact result. He can't play Bethesda games unless he buys some other company's piece of plastic.

Another example, say fans of bigger Final Fantasy games on PC and Xbox. They can't play the games on their choice of platforms because one company paid to keep them off of other platforms with a chance of them maybe getting a PC release a year or more. That fan can't play those games unless he buys some other company's piece of plastic either.

And the worst part is Square isn't even a first party. At least with first party there is some semblance of a logical sense.
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Some paople like to play dumb. Until recently Sony didn't have a competing service to GP. So obviously there has been no reason for MS to block games going to Playstation subscription services. Once Sony starts offering day one or new games watch MS become very active in blocking deals.
PS Now was before GP. Not as good as GP, but was still there if I remember correctly.
Another example, say fans of bigger Final Fantasy games on PC and Xbox. They can't play the games on their choice of platforms because one company paid to keep them off of other platforms with a chance of them maybe getting a PC release a year or more. That fan can't play those games unless he buys some other company's piece of plastic either.

And the worst part is Square isn't even a first party. At least with first party there is some semblance of a logical sense.

He already said that
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