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Mushihimesama Futari 360 Thread of Region and Panties-Free Golden Explosion Shooting


thetrin said:
Tomorrow, I need to finish Ultra mode with Palm, and see if I can get the first high score achievement on Maniac. To be completely honest, the achievements have injected a lot into the game. I love shmups, but high scores really do nothing for me these days (I've been dulled to them because of story based adventure games and RPGs). The achievements give me something to shoot for that I really really enjoy.

no wonder you like this better than RFA! ;)

Yes Boss! said:
This is my favorite background. I put it down to 55%. Very elegant. Some of the others are too distracting.


tate that shit Boss!
andymcc said:
i think that the mindset i demonstrated is going to be that of the majority of most people that end up playing futari.
You're correct.

if your point is to show how picky cave fans are, the ones that spend thousands of dollars on collecting cardboard boxes, then, congratulations.

That wasn't my point of course. Cardboard box collecting (LOL) has nothing to do with caring about the accurate replication of an arcade game for home use, so that one can optimally score as well as in the arcade version. The Japanese players are the ones who have been complaining about the port accuracy (as unlike most Americans, they play these games for score), as they've played the PCB. Just as fighting game fans would complain if combos were off in a port, as compared to the PCB. That was the point.


Yes Boss! said:
Can you even rotate a big LCD TV? I'm afraid it might break.

well sure you can, but should you is the question.

it'd be a pita if you didnt have some sort of mount/stand for it though. do you have a rotate-able pc monitor somehwere that you could use? that would be easier.

if you havent tried playing your shmups in tate, you really should make an attempt. its glorious. but yeah, be carefull with your TV. :)

man i cant wait to try this game.

Yes Boss!

Daigoro said:
well sure you can, but should you is the question.

it'd be a pita if you didnt have some sort of mount/stand for it though. do you have a rotate-able pc monitor somehwere that you could use? that would be easier.

if you havent tried playing your shmups in tate, you really should make an attempt. its glorious. but yeah, be carefull with your TV. :)

man i cant wait to try this game.

When does your copy arrive?

No stand...but I'm game to take off the base and prop it up on the floor for the next month for this and RFA. Also, no PC monitors. My small Samsung HDTV would be easier but the real estate would be about the same after rotating. I'm rocking a cheap Vizio so I did not know if it was up to snuff to be rotated. I'll try it tonight and post a pic!

Also, I haven't really considered it but it might be a good idea to hook up a 360 to one of my vertical cabinets...but honestly, it looks pretty damn glorious on the HDTV.
Tating is a glory unto mankind.

I was thinking about devoting the second post in the thread just to tateing options.

Yes Boss! you might try playing your 360 through your monitor. I have a rotatable arm which I use for my monitor.


got damn this game!!

I had stuff I was suppose to do this evening.

instead I spent like an hour unsuccessfully trying to beat Yes Boss' high score in xbox mode score attack


need more practice and skillz!!

Yes Boss!

JEKKI said:
got damn this game!!
instead I spent like an hour unsuccessfully trying to beat Yes Boss' high score in xbox mode score attack

Crap, I did not even know I was putting up a score. I thought I was playing offline. I think I'll do score attack from now on.

adversesolutions said:
Tating is a glory unto mankind.

Yes Boss! you might try playing your 360 through your monitor. I have a rotatable arm which I use for my monitor.

I've only got a Mac :-(
I paid less for an arm over here in J-land. 40 bucks or so, and it works great, but that looks fine. Make sure it's the same size as the slot in the back of your monitor.

Actually, could somebody sum up tate options for the US? I can do J-land, but there's like 2 of us. :lol

I'll put all the suggestions in the second post because I have no life.


whoo! I've beaten everybody on my friend's list!!

all one of them!!


by the time I hit stage 3, I had no idea what to do and lost all my lives right there o_O

Yes Boss!

JEKKI said:
whoo! I've beaten everybody on my friend's list!!

all one of them!!

by the time I hit stage 3, I had no idea what to do and lost all my lives right there o_O

Nice. I think my top offline score was 49 million. I spent the last hour rotating my TV. A lot of work but I'm set up for the holidays with Mushi and RFA and some of my other 360 shooters.


b-b-b-but scores obtained with different characters are not comparable!

lol good job

@TheShampion: glad to see some love for Maniac mode :D I gave just a single try to all the other modes because Maniac eats up all my shmup time. It's just THAT good, especially now that I fully understand the scoring system. It's just like Espgaluda, but faster and harder, with those awesome multiplier explosions.

BTW, I uploaded a couple of my scores on the leaderboards (with Normal Reco and Abnormal Palm) but not the replays... do you need to be in the top 100 or something like that to upload it?


Yes Boss! said:
Nice. I think my top offline score was 49 million. I spent the last hour rotating my TV. A lot of work but I'm set up for the holidays with Mushi and RFA and some of my other 360 shooters.

glad i could help. ;) (my copy should be here this week, hopefully in the next few days. i ordered economy air from PA)

but if i had know you had a cab i wouldve just told you to hook it up to that!

Yes Boss!

Daigoro said:
glad i could help. ;) (my copy should be here this week, hopefully in the next few days. i ordered economy air from PA)

but if i had know you had a cab i wouldve just told you to hook it up to that!

Too late! I switched the TV. I'm just doing it for a month since it is the TV that I watch my movies on. Here is the ghetto setup! I hope I did it correctly. I'm using a TE box for a controller stand because it is sturdy and the perfect height!




That is pretty sexy.
I unfortunately have a 50" plasma, so I _won't_ be trying that at home!
But the game screen size is pretty large anyway.

BTW, what frame delay should I set for Plasma TVs?

Yes Boss!

Jonnyram said:

That is pretty sexy.
I unfortunately have a 50" plasma, so I _won't_ be trying that at home!
But the game screen size is pretty large anyway.

I actually like the way the image looks on the non-tated setting. My TV is 42" but I took off the bottom speakers since I never use them anyways. Fun to try, I never even thought about it before.


you are officially awesome. lets us know how you like it. that may actually be a bit too big to play on comfortably but its worth trying for sure. especially if you havent tried tate before.

Mr Jared

Haha.. Boss, that's exactly what I did too with my 32" Bravia.


But then my girlfriend pointed out ... TATE on the 32" == Normal size on the 60" ... so now I don't have to sit on the floor with the space heater anymore. Doesn't mean I still don't sit right in front of the TV because there's no way I can sit across the room and play a shooter.

Also, I still keep bombing out at Stage 3 :( It'd be an easy 1CC if I can just stop failing towards the end of the third stage.

Dandy J

adversesolutions said:
I paid less for an arm over here in J-land. 40 bucks or so, and it works great, but that looks fine. Make sure it's the same size as the slot in the back of your monitor.

Actually, could somebody sum up tate options for the US? I can do J-land, but there's like 2 of us. :lol

I'll put all the suggestions in the second post because I have no life.

I use this one for a 22", works great.


Does anyone know how long/what postal service P-A uses in the US for the economy bubble shipping? I still haven't received my copy, and it supposedly shipped out 11/25.
Quixzlizx said:
Does anyone know how long/what postal service P-A uses in the US for the economy bubble shipping? I still haven't received my copy, and it supposedly shipped out 11/25.

It's still USPS. The Airmail usually takes at least a week or two to arrive, and with Thanksgiving and customs being slow as molasses last weekend (my EMS didn't show up until YESTERDAY, shipped same day as you) I wouldn't expect it too soon. :\


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Hmm, I don't see the leaderboards option anywhere. Where is it listed?

EDIT: Oh, it's only for score attack. I see.


i'm fucking stoked to get this game tomorrow. i'm doubling my workload tonight to do as little work as possible for tomorrow. :lol
tubgirlsplumber said:
I'm joining the TATE-FEST!

26" Aquos on Wall Swivel mount.

Damn, that looks gorgeous. Unfortunately there is no way I could Tate my 42 inch DLP set. But I do have an old CRT VGA monitor I use to Tate DC shumps. Maybe I'll have to invest in a '360 VGA cord...
Curse you all, I have no easy way to rotate my 46" Bravia.

I do, however, have an already rotated flat CRT sitting off to the left for any vertical shmups I play... ;)
Well, for those that can't tate your TV, perhaps you should do it ghetto style - lay on your side.

... except don't, I tried that for a bit a few years back and couldn't manage very long without feeling a bit off colour (and looking stupid).

That said, as nice as my set up is, to be honest a tated PC monitor on a desk is perhaps even better, - especially if you have good chair.

With my set up I am always left feeling that I'm too far away / too close and can't quite get comfortable.

The End

I'm a big fan of "Ghetto Tate", you know, rotating the image and lying on you side on the couch while you play.

Yes Boss!

WhiteAce said:
doh, why didn't i think about rotating my dell monitor? doh

Do it! After a few hours I'm in love with it. It was pretty big at first but then I pulled back a foot. Plug in a pair of headphones, crank up the volume and it is fantastic. And, my god, Ikaruga XBLA looks glorious tated using the full 16:9. My Raiden IV game has even picked up a bit.

Also, I really like Arrange Ultra Novice. Lots of fun to see all those crazy bullet patterns at the slower pace.


Sweet I finally got my copy of the game and the stick today. The stick looks a lot better in person than in the pictures. I can post some pics of it tomorrow if anyone wants to see what it looks like in the flesh.


I'm a big fan of "Ghetto Tate", you know, rotating the image and lying on you side on the couch while you play.

I've heard people say this, joking and not, but I can't even begin to picture how someone could focus like that.


yay! my HRAP3 SE came today. havent had a chance to test it out yet though. tomorrow its going to get a serious work out.

now i can stop bitching about needing a new stick in every shmup thread i participate in. :D

Quixzlizx said:
Does anyone know how long/what postal service P-A uses in the US for the economy bubble shipping? I still haven't received my copy, and it supposedly shipped out 11/25.

usually takes around 7 days. im expecting the delivery this week. with luck tomorrow or Fri.

Yes Boss! said:
Do it! After a few hours I'm in love with it. It was pretty big at first but then I pulled back a foot. Plug in a pair of headphones, crank up the volume and it is fantastic. And, my god, Ikaruga XBLA looks glorious tated using the full 16:9. My Raiden IV game has even picked up a bit.

you're welcome. ;)

Yes Boss!

GhostSeed said:
Sweet I finally got my copy of the game and the stick today. The stick looks a lot better in person than in the pictures. I can post some pics of it tomorrow if anyone wants to see what it looks like in the flesh.

Please! We need more pics of the official stick in this thread. I'm getting mine on Friday and outfitting it with these (gonna be pretty!):



lol, i thought Maniac mode was hard until i played Ultra...wow...

oh yea, love Arrange mode, i might be playing that the most in the future. very cool to slow down bullets. sorta adds an extra level of strategy :D

love this game, i hope CAVE makes more of their games region-free if they don't plan on localizing it.

oh yea, i see that 40 guys rated it 5 stars. i'm guessing most of them are you guys :p


Neo Member
Yes Boss! said:
Please! We need more pics of the official stick in this thread. I'm getting mine on Friday and outfitting it with these (gonna be pretty!)

Here's a quick pic that I took. My camera sucks balls so it probably doesn't do the stick justice (as mentioned, it looks really nice in the flesh).



Yes Boss! said:
Please! We need more pics of the official stick in this thread. I'm getting mine on Friday and outfitting it with these (gonna be pretty!):


i love the parts themselves, but they feel like theyll be too drab for that stick. needs something brighter. yellow or orange or something.


RagolSlayer said:
Here's a quick pic that I took. My camera sucks balls so it probably doesn't do the stick justice (as mentioned, it looks really nice in the flesh).


awesome, but too expensive for me.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
LiK said:
lol, i thought Maniac mode was hard until i played Ultra...wow...

oh yea, love Arrange mode, i might be playing that the most in the future. very cool to slow down bullets. sorta adds an extra level of strategy :D

love this game, i hope CAVE makes more of their games region-free if they don't plan on localizing it.

Ultra Arrange. The best mode in the game. BELIEVE NO ONE WHO SAYS OTHERWISE.

LiK said:
oh yea, i see that 40 guys rated it 5 stars. i'm guessing most of them are you guys :p

Well yeah. :p


RagolSlayer said:
Here's a quick pic that I took. My camera sucks balls so it probably doesn't do the stick justice (as mentioned, it looks really nice in the flesh).

that's fucking beautiful. i'll be stuck using my sfivte stick. i'm going to have money set aside for an Espgaluda II stick. :lol


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
andymcc said:
that's fucking beautiful. i'll be stuck using my sfivte stick. i'm going to have money set aside for an Espgaluda II stick. :lol

I'm using a controller (which constantly pisses me off during slight movements) because I'm a cheap motherfucker when it comes to controllers.

For whatever reason, I'm not so cheap when it comes to software...

Yes Boss!

Daigoro said:
i love the parts themselves, but they feel like theyll be too drab for that stick. needs something brighter. yellow or orange or something.

Tru dat. I guess when I ordered them a month back the idea at the time was to make the buttons as unobtrusive as possible to make the art shine. And I had NO idea what goes with those two colors of green. I went with sanwas since all my other shooter sticks are seimitsu.

I'm really hoping the Espgaluda II stick adopts the new HRAP V form factor coming next year...but february might be too early.
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