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Mushihimesama Futari 360 Thread of Region and Panties-Free Golden Explosion Shooting


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Can you get the lantern achievement in training? I keep missing like, one lantern when I'm playing, and I'd hate to go through the WHOLE game over just because I missed one.

Yes Boss! said:
I sent a request a moment ago...

I played for around 3 hours last night. Playing Ultra and then going back to regular mode for acheivements is the way to go. Ultra puts you into bullet dodging zen mode. I really love this game and can't wait for Espgaluda II. I was not hyped for Espgaluda II until I played the PCB at a friend's house over the weekend, now I NEED it. I'm sure the same thing will happen next weekend when I try out Pink Sweets at another buddy's place. Damn I wish I had the funds to pick up these PCBs so I could buy Muchi Muchi Pork. Cave really do make the best shooters out there.

Dear Cave,

Please port all your games to 360 by next year or I will cry, alot.




Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Question: What is an extend? I should probably know this, but I don't. :O


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Castor Krieg said:
Isn't it the condition i.e. amount of points which gets you 1UP? New to SHMUPs so I might be wrong.
So I guess that confirms that you can't get the extend achievement in Arrange?


thetrin said:
So I guess that confirms that you can't get the extend achievement in Arrange?
Possibly. Aren't the points required adjusted in Arrange mode? If so, I don't know why they wouldn't let you unlock it in Arrange mode.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
abq said:
Possibly. Aren't the points required adjusted in Arrange mode? If so, I don't know why they wouldn't let you unlock it in Arrange mode.

I get 1ups in Stage 5 of Ultra Arrange all the time, and haven't gotten the achievement (unless that 1up always pops up irrespective of score)


thetrin said:
I get 1ups in Stage 5 of Ultra Arrange all the time, and haven't gotten the achievement (unless that 1up always pops up irrespective of score)
Are you talking about the 1up you pick up? That is not it. Once you reach a certain score (you can check it in config or title screen) you'll automatically get an extra life.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
abq said:
Are you talking about the 1up you pick up? That is not it. Once you reach a certain score (you can check it in config or title screen) you'll automatically get an extra life.

Oh okay. I'll check it.


thetrin said:
Oh okay. I'll check it.
I just checked it. Doesn't seem like the required points are adjusted in Arrange. That might explain why you can't unlock that specific achievement in Arrange.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
abq said:
I just checked it. Doesn't seem like the required points are adjusted in Arrange. That might explain why you can't unlock that specific achievement in Arrange.

Not surprising. There's a heap of achievements you cannot do in Arrange. It's a shame, because Ultra Arrange is my favorite mode in the game.
Yes Boss! said:

I've wanted the Pink Sweets PCB for months. Hopefully it gets announced for 360.

This, this this. As a big fan of Ibara I want Pink Sweets so much. I'd even settle for a better port of Ibara as a disc or XBLA title, I don't care. I know they play differently, but DAMN.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Castor Krieg said:
What is Arrange Mode? Different Scoring and bullet patterns?
In arrange mode, you control both characters. One is support. The support one has a shield that can slow (and during laser, reflect) bullets. You can switch between characters with X to build back shields once they deplete. (there are more details in the OP)

It's insanely fun. Reminds me a ton of Ikaruga.


Picked up a limited edition while in Tokyo on vacation last week. I'm interested in seeing if the absence of a region lock will increase the sales numbers notably.

I've always wondered why JP exclusive games are region-locked to Japanese consoles. The 360 userbase over there is pathetically small, so you'd think they'd WANT people to import their stuff. I mean, there are cases (like Bayonetta - which I bought for my JP 360, I do not support delays for purely marketing reasons, the game is done, that's crap) where it makes sense why a publisher would region lock, but that doesn't apply to most of the shmups released for the platform. While DeathSmiles remains my favorite Japanese 360 exclusive, Mushihime is pretty damn good in its own right.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Hah! Just got the extend achievement. Well, there you go.

I've been playing this game waaaay too much. I need to start playing this copy of Left 4 Dead 2 I got on Black Friday....

I'm at 32/50 achievements, and I want to get some more...
akakaze said:
I've always wondered why JP exclusive games are region-locked to Japanese consoles. The 360 userbase over there is pathetically small, so you'd think they'd WANT people to import their stuff.

My guess is up-front royalty payment to Microsoft for how many regions you publish for, in addition to unit royalty from each copy sold. I also guess large publishers or console-moving titles get up-front payments reduced or even eliminated. Since SHMUPs are super-niche, Microsoft doesn't care.


adversesolutions said:
It's my GOTY, and I really didn't want it to be because I'm not trying to be a stereotypical shooter player :lol.

you did buy RFA right? :lol

you guys are pumping this shit up with the greatest port evar stuff. RFA was so damn good this is going to have to be something really special to beat it for me this year. im sure ill love it either way though.

still waiting patiently here. looks like the new stick will be here before Mushi so ill get some credits of RFA in before i get to play this. im as excited for the stick as i am for the game. :lol


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
I love the RFA port, but I think Mushihime is better.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
UnholySpectacle said:
Mushihime IS better, but wait till you play Espgaluda II. The system for Espgaluda II is sick.

I DID play it, in arcades. It's a great game.


And even i am moderately surprised
It's my GOTY,

yeah, i was thinking Uncha2 was going to take it but now it's not so clear.

re: Pink Sweets / Ketsui / Muchi Muchi...

the big thing this package has done is made me rethink plans to drop any year end cash on any of the big price tag pcbs (well, that and i'm not exactly an expert with shooters, more a very enthusiastic amateur).

Ketsui comes in and out of stock from 98k to 128k yen in Mak/Try/Gfront, but i just know the second i go out and buy it then Cave will immediately announce they're working with M2 to sort out the port mess and bring a similar high quality Ketsui to the X360.

(that and of course 98k for a single game -does- ring of an inability to control my wallet)


man, i really love the LE cover...



Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Xabora said:
Oh my.
Arrange Mode + Ultra is LOADS of fun. :D

Fuck yeah it is. It's the highlight of the game for me. I just love the way it works, and it's not just a blast to play, but my friends find it a blast to watch.
I do not understand the weird sexual thing with this game. I've only watched vids on YouTube and haven't seen anything tasteless, but I just keep reading things about loli, panties, etc.
Zuhzuhzombie!! said:
I do not understand the weird sexual thing with this game. I've only watched vids on YouTube and haven't seen anything tasteless, but I just keep reading things about loli, panties, etc.

Reco is 16.
She doesn't wear underwear.
Zuhzuhzombie!! said:
I'm assuming that's info on the website and not something you actually encounter in game.

Might make this a Chrissymas present.

It's based on a number of official products and pieces of art. You don't literally encounter her pantie-less bottom in the games at any point for any reason.

If you google for pics of the original game's OST figure you'll see why. I'd take pics of mine but the wife would look at me funny.
Zuhzuhzombie!! said:
I'm assuming that's info on the website and not something you actually encounter in game.

Might make this a Chrissymas present.

Nah, it's not mentioned in-game nor in any of the CAVE material for the game (such as the guide that comes with the superplay DVD).

The no panties thing comes from both of the Reco figures, which have been decidedly knicker-free.


adversesolutions said:
Nah, it's not mentioned in-game nor in any of the CAVE material for the game (such as the guide that comes with the superplay DVD).

The no panties thing comes from both of the Reco figures, which have been decidedly knicker-free.

yea, i have both figures :)


Zuhzuhzombie!! said:
I do not understand the weird sexual thing with this game. I've only watched vids on YouTube and haven't seen anything tasteless, but I just keep reading things about loli, panties, etc.
There's been this whole thing with Cave games since the Ibara/Pink Sweets era where they've been increasingly pandering to the otaku/ecchi demographic in their promotional materials to the point of it being rather distracting. Possibly reaching peak grossness with Muchi Muchi Pork:

http://www.cave.co.jp/gameonline/muchimuchi/download/imgs/muchimuchi_b1280.jpg (Probably NWS)

That's official art, btw (I'm still not certain if that game is pandering or some kind of awesome parody). A portion of the western shooter community, being extremely reactionary, sort of balked at all this while it was happening and things like mentioning the panties-free reco have become memes in a community originally obsessed with flying their little 2D pew pew spaceships meant for real MENZ. You have a point in that practically none of this stuff is actually in the games, but the thing is Cave is sort of singular in the fact that they're the only company that still puts out consistently good 2d scrolling shooter arcade releases with any sort of frequency, so people in the shooter communities pay a lot of attention to anything that comes out of the company or is even tangentially related to their games.


hikarutilmitt said:
It's based on a number of official products and pieces of art. You don't literally encounter her pantie-less bottom in the games at any point for any reason.

If you google for pics of the original game's OST figure you'll see why. I'd take pics of mine but the wife would look at me funny.

i had the figure at my desk at my old job, and i remember one of my co-workers picking it up and looking underneath the skirt. :lol he was pretty surprised...

DeBurgo said:
There's been this whole thing with Cave games since the Ibara/Pink Sweets era where they've been increasingly pandering to the otaku/ecchi demographic in their promotional materials to the point of it being rather distracting. Possibly reaching peak grossness with Muchi Muchi Pork:

http://www.cave.co.jp/gameonline/muchimuchi/download/imgs/muchimuchi_b1280.jpg (Probably NWS)

That's official art, btw (I'm still not certain if that game is pandering or some kind of awesome parody). A portion of the western shooter community, being extremely reactionary, sort of balked at all this while it was happening and things like mentioning the panties-free reco have become memes in a community originally obsessed with flying their little 2D pew pew spaceships meant for real MENZ. You have a point in that practically none of this stuff is actually in the games, but the thing is Cave is sort of singular in the fact that they're the only company that still puts out consistently good 2d scrolling shooter arcade releases with any sort of frequency, so people in the shooter communities pay a lot of attention to anything that comes out of the company or is even tangentially related to their games.

promotional art and officially licensed stuff like this seems to be the norm for niche games in japan these days. look at those books that SNK released for SamSho and Mai...


hikarutilmitt said:
Man, I barely let the thing out of my sight. It cost too damned much to just bring it to work. :lol

it didn't stay there long. i took it to work with me when i first got it, my girlfriend actually got me the ost set for xmas and i was pretty clueless to the cost of it. she was pretty upset when she saw it on my desk. :lol
Maaaaaaaaan this is good stuff. Feels like 2005 all over again, for me. Except now I have a steady job so I can afford to get any ridiculous stuff that comes out for it again.

Alright, I think this will be my last post on the slowdown issue. I've tested all the modes enough, and read enough comments from top Japanese players. Here's what I've concluded:

-This port of the arcade game is not perfect, and it is not as good as Deathsmiles. Deathsmiles is 99%~100% accurate (in other words, about as perfect as you can get really), while this port is about 93%~95% accurate overall.

All the fancy menus and HD graphics and arrange modes and options are great, but I'd trade all of that (except the scanline options, keep those in!) if I could have the port as accurate as Deathsmiles Arcade mode is. I'm quite worried about the accuracy of the upcoming Black Label port too, as they apparently did that in 2 months, and I'm not sure if Cave or M2 did it.

It's quite painful that Deathsmiles' perfect Arcade mode looks like ass on an HDTV (no scanline options), while Futari's imperfect Arcade mode looks lovely. I guess we can't have it all in one game.

I guess this is good news for Espgaluda II fans, as Cave is doing that port, so we should expect an accuracy in Arcade mode on par with Deathsmiles. If they can do that while using M2's visual options, we should finally get a truly "perfect port".

The end.
I just got this yesterday, with all the understanding of the scoring system and whatnot, and I decided to start with maniac mode. Suddenly all that stuff was thrown out the window and I found myself in the most confusing, yet euphoric, experience I have had in a long time. 45 minutes and 200 achievement points later, I have to say that this game lives up to the hype.


this shit will probably be so minor that someone that doesn't have access to an on hand pcb is likely to not give a shit. good enough for me.


andymcc said:
this shit will probably be so minor that someone that doesn't have access to an on hand pcb is likely to not give a shit. good enough for me.

My thoughts exactly. :lol
93-95% is still pretty damn close a ratio.
Got it in today, have spent some quality time with it... I really need to wear glasses when I play or my contact lenses dry out, staring at bullets gets me googly-eyed. :lol

Hard to believe it's been so long since the original was released. I wish I could find a poster for this one or the first one to hang in my bedroom along with my Espgaluda poster.
RoryDropkick said:
Got it in today, have spent some quality time with it... I really need to wear glasses when I play or my contact lenses dry out, staring at bullets gets me googly-eyed. :lol

Hard to believe it's been so long since the original was released. I wish I could find a poster for this one or the first one to hang in my bedroom along with my Espgaluda poster.

My only regret is that I have work at 7:15am tomorrow. Which means I need some sleep. If that weren't the case I'd surely be up at all hours playing this and making my perfectly good 360 RROD in a single session. :lol


souvlakispacestation said:
Of course it will be good enough for people who haven't played the PCB. That's not the point.

i think that the mindset i demonstrated is going to be that of the majority of most people that end up playing futari. if your point is to show how picky cave fans are, the ones that spend thousands of dollars on collecting cardboard boxes, then, congratulations.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Tomorrow, I need to finish Ultra mode with Palm, and see if I can get the first high score achievement on Maniac. To be completely honest, the achievements have injected a lot into the game. I love shmups, but high scores really do nothing for me these days (I've been dulled to them because of story based adventure games and RPGs). The achievements give me something to shoot for that I really really enjoy.
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