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Mushihimesama Futari 360 Thread of Region and Panties-Free Golden Explosion Shooting

I was *this* close to coming on here and complaining about the location of the score counter before I found the Manic Display Settings - now i've got a big-ass screen in the bottom right displaying my score and actually have a chance of chaining correctly without dying because I was too busy looking up at my score :) This game is freaking awesome, the effort put into this port is just truly amazing - would love for Cave to go back and give the same attention to detail to the DDPDOJBLEX port.
shintoki said:
Play-asia better fucking come with my 1.01 Code. Fucking making me wait and shit too >_>

No kidding. Mine shipped on Wed last week and was stuck in customs all day Saturday. Now I'm not even sure it'll show up TODAY.


i wish that play-asia would at least take the order out of preparing status so i can go back and order it from ncs. :lol i need my dlc card.


andymcc said:
i wish that play-asia would at least take the order out of preparing status so i can go back and order it from ncs. :lol i need my dlc card.

So email them to cancel it. Why do you feel like you're at their mercy when you're a customer? Their customer service isn't bad either, you just have to be assertive. Tell them that unless it has a pink sticker on the front of the box, you'll send it back or reject it. If they tell you there are no more first press copies, then tell them to cancel it and order from NCSX. It's not hard!


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Bootaaay said:
I was *this* close to coming on here and complaining about the location of the score counter before I found the Manic Display Settings - now i've got a big-ass screen in the bottom right displaying my score and actually have a chance of chaining correctly without dying because I was too busy looking up at my score :) This game is freaking awesome, the effort put into this port is just truly amazing - would love for Cave to go back and give the same attention to detail to the DDPDOJBLEX port.

Considering how shitty Black Label Extra was, I'd say it's their obligation to do so!

Btw, can the 1.01 DLC be redeemed on a US acct, or do I have to switch to my Japanese acct? Also, if I redeem it on my JP acct, can all accts access the content?


Can you get the DLC without the DLC card?

Mine came with no card from a Play Asia pre-order, but I dont really care that much about having to pay $10 or whatever the DLC costs.

I have the same question as the above poster, can you get the DLC with a US account or do you need a Japanese account? I tried checking the DLC but there was none available as of a couple days ago.


thetrin said:
Btw, can the 1.01 DLC be redeemed on a US acct, or do I have to switch to my Japanese acct?

You have to use a japanese account

Also, if I redeem it on my JP acct, can all accts access the content?


This whole 1.01 problem is a pain in the ass. I ordered my RE copy only a couple of days before release and still I received it on time and with the card. P-A shipped copies at random, no queue at all. At least, this means that they are selling much more than they expected, so I'm really looking forward for more region-free games.

I added Dazzyman and Yes Boss! to my friends list, if anyone else wants to add me my gamertag is S3ar Me


danmaku said:
You have to use a japanese account
People in this very thread have been able to redeem the code on a US account (even though it's probably a good idea to keep everything on a Japanese account, just in case).


LiK said:
I love NCS.

+1. I still don't understand why people order from Play-Asia.

You can redeem the 1.01 DLC on a US account. I know this because I used it last night!

Port is really good, game is pretty challenging, I like all the different play modes... I gotta play this more so I can get better at it, farthest I can get on one credit at default settings is like stage 4. -_-


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Redeemed the code on my JP acct, played a bit of 1.01. It's fun, but I definitely like 1.05 more.

kazuo said:
+1. I still don't understand why people order from Play-Asia.

You can redeem the 1.01 DLC on a US account. I know this because I used it last night!

Port is really good, game is pretty challenging, I like all the different play modes... I gotta play this more so I can get better at it, farthest I can get on one credit at default settings is like stage 4. -_-

I used NCSX for years, but when I moved to Japan, PA offered free shipping to Japan, which pushed it over the top for me. Now that I'm back in the states, I don't really know why I still use Play Asia. NCSX has always been better about shipping NA releases.

Miroku said:
Can you get the DLC without the DLC card?

Mine came with no card from a Play Asia pre-order, but I dont really care that much about having to pay $10 or whatever the DLC costs.

I have the same question as the above poster, can you get the DLC with a US account or do you need a Japanese account? I tried checking the DLC but there was none available as of a couple days ago.

I'm pretty sure the only DLC for sale is going to be Black Label, which is coming out in December.

Anyone know if Black Label is going to have new achievements?
LiK said:
I love NCSX.
This. The fact that NCSX ordered a regular copy of Mushi from Japan, OVERNIGHT, just to verify for customers that a second printing is in the wild is simply awesome customer service!

I only use P-A to import random accesories & games that NCSX either doesn't carry or is out of stock on. I feel bad for all those that are getting screwed by P-A's order fulfillment.

That said, I should have my copy from NCSX on Friday since I chose the cheapest shipping. Feel free to send me a friend request on 'Live for scoreboards

XBL - Reluctant Hero
Detailed Results:

Inbound Out of Customs, November 30, 2009, 2:16 am
Inbound Into Customs
Inbound International Arrival, November 28, 2009, 5:15 pm, ISC CHICAGO IL (USPS)
Foreign International Dispatch, November 26, 2009, 2:50 pm, HONG KONG AIR MAIL CENTRE, HONG KONG
Origin Post is Preparing Shipment


Add me when I get it! - RoryDropkick is also my gamertag. :D


kazuo said:
+1. I still don't understand why people order from Play-Asia.

Reluctant-Hero said:
This. The fact that NCSX ordered a regular copy of Mushi from Japan, OVERNIGHT, just to verify for customers that a second printing is in the wild is simply awesome customer service!

I only use P-A to import random accesories & games that NCSX either doesn't carry or is out of stock on. I feel bad for all those that are getting screwed by P-A's order fulfillment.

That said, I should have my copy from NCSX on Friday since I chose the cheapest shipping. Feel free to send me a friend request on 'Live for scoreboards

yea, and NCSX email support is superb. replies are almost always instant and they follow through on all my requests. they've never failed me and the packing they do is just over the top. my stuff is always well protected and i never got any damaged items from them. they're pretty much the main place i order from these days. i use other sites for backup if NCS can't get something i want.


nods at old men
But um, isn't NCSX always more expensive?
I think the last thing I ordered from them was a Pocketstation in the old days.

Actually, that was probably Game Cave.
I always order from NCS. I have been ordering from them since the PSX days when I had to have Rival Schools or Tobal 2 the moment they came out in Japan. Damn I used to spend so much freaking money on them back then.

I can't reccomend NCS enough, thems good peoples.

Yes Boss!

I can confirm that it does not matter on which system you download the 1.01 DL. I downloaded it on my American system, put it on the MU, and copied it to my Japanese system. Works fine in both places.

(oh yeah, added the four people, thanks!)


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Also, the secret
Ultra mode level 1
is that one coining level 1, or just beating it? I didn't seem to get the achievement for beating it (missed one coin by a hair T_T)

Wasn't playing on arrange.
dallow_bg said:
But um, isn't NCSX always more expensive?
I think the last thing I ordered from them was a Pocketstation in the old days.

Actually, that was probably Game Cave.

It tends to be a bit more than PA so PA price and EMS shipping tends to be about the same.

My problem is that in the past PA preorders have always arrived very quickly, but I think now I'll just order from NCSX, especially considering the DLC crap that's been happening.


Yes Boss! said:
I can confirm that it does not matter on which system you download the 1.01 DL. I downloaded it on my American system, put it on the MU, and copied it to my Japanese system. Works fine in both places.
Were you signed into the same account both times? If it's anything like everything else on XBL, you'd have to be signed into the attached account when you try to activate the DLC on the second console.

Yes Boss!

epmode said:
Were you signed into the same account both times? If it's anything like everything else on XBL, you'd have to be signed into the attached account when you try to activate the DLC on the second console.

Yeah, anybody can play it on the first with any gamertag and on the second I need to be signed in.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
I'm guessing none of the achievements can be done in Training (as I suppose adverse tried earlier).

Guess I'm going to have to beat ultra arrange the old fashioned way....


thetrin said:
Also, the secret
Ultra mode level 1
is that one coining level 1, or just beating it? I didn't seem to get the achievement for beating it (missed one coin by a hair T_T)

Wasn't playing on arrange.
Definitely one credit. Also doesn't count if you do it in Normal Play and pick restart in the pause menu (I learned it the hard way and got it in Score Attack instead to be safe).


dallow_bg said:
But um, isn't NCSX always more expensive?
I think the last thing I ordered from them was a Pocketstation in the old days.

Actually, that was probably Game Cave.

actually, their prices are pretty good. i've always checked their prices compared to the japanese MSRP and they're pretty close most of the time. i always compare the prices between them and other sites like PA and Yesasia and NCSX tends to be the lowest from my experience.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
I know I said it before, but FUCK! If you like this game, please please play Ultra Arrange. It's fucking awesome.


Neo Member
thetrin said:
I know I said it before, but FUCK! If you like this game, please please play Ultra Arrange. It's fucking awesome.

So awesome.

I just gave it a try a couple of minutes ago and I got to say: it is indeed fucking awesome.

BTW, if anyone wants to add a shmup newb to their friend list, send me a friend request (gamertag's same as my username). Time to fill up that friends list!


Finally got my copy from NCSX (with the DLC card woooo)!

I really should read up on the different modes. For a second there I thought I was having the best game ever, then I realized that Arrange Original is probably the easiest shooter of all time.

Great port.

edit: Oh, I must have chosen Novice without noticing. That explains it.


Add Plutobux if you want to compare scores :lol

The music is pretty awesome. I kind of regret not having the soundtrack. Not limited edition 30$ extra regret, but still somewhat regretful.


My LE from NCSX was waiting for me on the front steps, coming back from work (glad I don't live in a questionable area o_O), and will boot it up shortly! My Gold trial ran out, but I'll see about rectifying that sometime. You can add me to your friends list, my SN is Ramurabb.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
epmode said:
Finally got my copy from NCSX (with the DLC card woooo)!

I really should read up on the different modes. For a second there I thought I was having the best game ever, then I realized that Arrange Original is probably the easiest shooter of all time.

Great port.

edit: Oh, I must have chosen Novice without noticing. That explains it.

Just for that, you should go play Original Ultra. :lol


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
soco said:
i got my LE copy today but haven't opened it. is the DLC card actually in the box?

In the regular editions, the DLC card is where the manual is. I assume the LE is the same.


And even i am moderately surprised
Definitely one credit. Also doesn't count if you do it in Normal Play and pick restart in the pause menu (I learned it the hard way and got it in Score Attack instead to be safe).

woah! i felt bummed that i almost got it but screwed up on the boss (which you really shouldn't given that he's a wuss on Ultra) - wouldn't have got the achievement anyways as i'd restarted via pause menu, um, a few times!

re: Play Asia

Not jumping to their defense but i've had two issues with them in the past and both were resolved incredibly quickly and with a minimum of fuss. Also - their import prices for people wanting western / asian games in Japan have historically destroyed the prices in import stores (we're talking $40-$50 vs $88 per most games).

This time it just sounds like they failed to check the games that were 2nd batch run. :/
Checked my P-A account and it sez that my Futari shipped last wednesday (Nov. 25th). Weird that I didn't get an email about it.

Whatever the case at least it's on the way. Hopefully my new monitor hits about the same time oh and HOPEFULLY I get the DLC card as well. Not sure how I'm going to go about getting a code if worst comes to worst.


WhiteAce said:
Not jumping to their defense but i've had two issues with them in the past and both were resolved incredibly quickly and with a minimum of fuss. Also - their import prices for people wanting western / asian games in Japan have historically destroyed the prices in import stores (we're talking $40-$50 vs $88 per most games).
I think Play-asia works well as an importer for us guys in Japan, but I hear no end of stories from people in the US. Maybe it's just an issue with shipping companies?
Jonnyram said:
I think Play-asia works well as an importer for us guys in Japan, but I hear no end of stories from people in the US. Maybe it's just an issue with shipping companies?

I've been ordering from them since the jump off. I've only had one problem with my order over all these years. It sucks to hear about this thought.

I'm planning to scoop this up around Christmas since I've got a ton of games to get through. Damn this thread for getting me excited...:lol


And even i am moderately surprised
the more i play this the more i think it's one of the best home gaming experiences i've had in many years.

The menu system is a delight, the display options are awesome, the whole thing is just gorgeous - down to the packaging (LE)
It's my GOTY, and I really didn't want it to be because I'm not trying to be a stereotypical shooter player :lol.


::Check's Yes Boss!'s achievements::

Damn buddy you beasted all over COD4...wtf?
Good work on Futari so far too, keep going!

Yes Boss!

adversesolutions said:
It's my GOTY, and I really didn't want it to be because I'm not trying to be a stereotypical shooter player :lol.


::Check's Yes Boss!'s achievements::

Damn buddy you beasted all over COD4...wtf?
Good work on Futari so far too, keep going!

Ha, I had a lot of fun with CoD4. I was going for the 1000 but I gave up on the Veteran coda level.

For Mushi, I agree with WhiteAce...the package is incredibly class. I was totally taken with DS but they made this one even better. Probably me second favorite release this year (after Pixeljunk Monsters Portable). Though I still haven't even gotten around to Sin and Punishment 2 or Bayonetta yet. And NSMBW and Paper Plane are somewhere near the top as well.

Still waiting on my LE and Stick to arrive.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
adversesolutions said:
It's my GOTY, and I really didn't want it to be because I'm not trying to be a stereotypical shooter player :lol.


::Check's Yes Boss!'s achievements::

Damn buddy you beasted all over COD4...wtf?
Good work on Futari so far too, keep going!

I just realized I don't have you on my buddy list for 360...
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