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Mushihimesama (Steam) |OT| More "bugs" than Batman!


I'm totally new to Cave shooters and I died twice in Stage 1 Novice.

But I spent the first quarter of the stage fighting the controls, so... What is the original arcade configuration for the buttons, anyway? Got a 2x4 layout arcade stick, and I'm trying to figure out how to set that up. I think the bottom right button is forced to be menu, sadly. So, how do you set this up? I noticed that holding down Shot made my character move slower, which is probably really handy.

Still, I dig the music, and the game is pretty. Even if I'm not entirely sure what the player character actually is. There's a beetle... and some cloth. There's likely a Bug Princess on there somewhere, too.


Any issues running this on an over 60 fps monitor? Some other shmups on steam have issues and run at double speed on my 120hz monitor (unless I set the refresh rate of the monitor to 60 manually)

Seems to run OK on my 144hz G-Sync monitor.

edit: 55-56 FPS. You'd think it should be closer to 60, right?


I've noticed something weird too, it's like some of the background tiles don't scroll in sync or something. It looks a little-uh... Wobbly?

Still, hugely enjoyable game, I got to stage 3 original normal without dying on my first attempt. Then got decimated halfway through stage 3. Gonna try tate, and see if I can do better.
I'm totally new to Cave shooters and I died twice in Stage 1 Novice.

But I spent the first quarter of the stage fighting the controls, so... What is the original arcade configuration for the buttons, anyway? Got a 2x4 layout arcade stick, and I'm trying to figure out how to set that up. I think the bottom right button is forced to be menu, sadly. So, how do you set this up? I noticed that holding down Shot made my character move slower, which is probably really handy.

Still, I dig the music, and the game is pretty. Even if I'm not entirely sure what the player character actually is. There's a beetle... and some cloth. There's likely a Bug Princess on there somewhere, too.

There are 3 main buttons you will want to worry about. Shot, Bomb, and Full Auto (I think, still trying to get my stuff to map from X360 to PC). Shot will be a slower, focused attack, like you noticed, while Full Auto will allow you to move around more freely and spreads your shot out.

There are some tapping techniques and some buttons dedicated to some rapid/macro sort of configurations but that isn't important for Novice, just get grounded with the stuff above.

Edit: also if you go in the Screen options in the menu you can turn on Input Display which will show the original arcade control panel and give you an idea of what configuration is mapping to. Toy with it a bit.

Options > General Screen > Input Display > Show 1P : ON
I can't get my arcade stick to work with the game, mmm.

I'll just use my X360 controller for now because I need to play, also Full Screen isn't working for me either.


Yeah. There are a few people experiencing 55-56 and 59 FPS locks. Degica is not DotEMU so I'm sure they'll get to it as soon as possible. Especially since this is a pretty big release for them.


Just finished playing my first run and wow, this is awesome. I had the PS2 version and played a ton of it 5-6 years ago but never got a chance to play on X360 so I've never tried 1.5. Super excited. I can't WAIT for more CAVE titles to be announced for Steam (please!)

BTW I'm using my arcade stick and it works fine, its a Chthulu PCB.


I played Arrange mode, made it almost entirely through stage 5 on my first try. Decided "fuck it, might as well go all the way", and I didn't know that Arrange mode
pits you up against the TLB always, doesn't matter if you used continues or not getting there. So I used one continue to get to the final boss and 12 continues beating the final boss lol


Rolling Girl
Having a great time playing this for the first time! Also grab to see it runs on my shitty laptop since I won't be home till mid-next week.


What is everyone else FPS counters say on this game? You can turn it on through STEAM's settings.

The jitter is killing me.


What is everyone else FPS counters say on this game?

I mentioned it earlier but Fraps reports 55 or 56 FPS over here. Fullscreen, G-Sync monitor.

aw man, the full screen bug is a bummer. straight to black screen and can't even alt tab out of it.

Try setting your resolution to 720p before starting the game. Someone else got by the bug with that.


Am I missing something with fullscreen tate? If I put the game fullscreen the background doesn't reach the edge of the screen and the picture looks squashed yet I've seen pictures of people running it fullscreen without the border.

I know the game is 720p but should it be displaying like this, am I just a moron or is something up?


Unconfirmed Member
One of my all-time favorite shmups. The first time I played both stages 3 and 4 I fell in love within this game. I really hope this ushers a new era of Cave on Steam. Also, I hope that newcomers to the genre enjoy this game as much as I do. 😀


My FPS counter goes from 57 to 59 with some rare 60 FPS spikes.
My scrub ass doesn't even notice the difference.


Am I missing something with fullscreen tate? If I put the game fullscreen the background doesn't reach the edge of the screen and the picture looks squashed yet I've seen pictures of people running it fullscreen without the border.

Hm, the backgound definitely fills the screen when I'm using tate. Did you enable that Link option (underneath the rotation option) so the UI rotates along with the game window? You'll also want to play around with the zoom function and X/Y offset.

Provided you have a 16:9 monitor, it should look like this: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=184354922&postcount=184


I'm thinking this is running at 56 FPS for everyone. People who just aren't sensitive to it or not running a counter just don't see the difference.


Hm, the backgound definitely fills the screen when I'm using tate. Did you enable that Link option (underneath the rotation option) so the UI rotates along with the game window? You'll also want to play around with the zoom function and X/Y offset.

Provided you have a 16:9 monitor, it should look like this: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=184354922&postcount=184

Yeah that was the image I was comparing to. With mine there's black borders on the left and right hand side basically squashing the image and thinning it out. I'm assuming it's some sort of auto scaler on my monitor or in my GPU settings but I can't seem to make a difference.


Another quick question (I'm going to buy it anyway, so whatever) but when there's slowdown in game, does the "framerate" (as detected by Fraps or Steam or whatever) stay at 60?


Yeah that was the image I was comparing to. With mine there's black borders on the left and right hand side basically squashing the image and thinning it out. I'm assuming it's some sort of auto scaler on my monitor or in my GPU settings but I can't seem to make a difference.

It may be useful to know your monitor's aspect ratio/resolution, and if you're using Nvidia or ATI.

Both fraps and steam counter are reporting 59fps.

Weird. I can't get mine to run at 59. 56 is my limit in Fraps while Steam reports 57.


Anyone else had replay issues?

Stage 3 is sooo damn good.
Maybe the first time. On repeat plays it feels so drawn out like that damn battleship in Raiden Fighters.

Another quick question (I'm going to buy it anyway, so whatever) but when there's slowdown in game, does the "framerate" (as detected by Fraps or Steam or whatever) stay at 60?
It should stay at 60 for where the game was intentionally programmed that way.


Yeah that was the image I was comparing to. With mine there's black borders on the left and right hand side basically squashing the image and thinning it out. I'm assuming it's some sort of auto scaler on my monitor or in my GPU settings but I can't seem to make a difference.
If you are using an Nvidia card, you'll find the option to solve the issue in the Nvidia Control Panel.
So, everyone with a high refresh rate monitor should DEFINITELY enable Lightboost/ULMB modes for this game. While there was immense ghosting on fast-moving bullets, it's highly preferable to motion blur and I actually got to the Stage 5 boss on my first attempt on Normal Original after enabling it. I only got to Stage 3 prior to that, so yeah. Makes an immense difference when it comes to readability when stuff moves so quickly.


It may be useful to know your monitor's aspect ratio/resolution, and if you're using Nvidia or ATI.

BenQ XL2420T, 16:9, 1920x1080, ATI/AMD.

The strange thing is that if I force the game to run at 1080 windowed via the INI then it's fine other than the fact that I can see the windows frame but once I force fullscreen it goes to shit. I'm assuming something on my system is doing some sort of scaling but I can't figure out what.

Also in regards to framerate, I'm sitting at 59 with the odd dip to 58.


I'm running a GTX980M and I'm running into hitching and 56FPS. I'm going to try and put my monitor at 720p and see if I get better results.

Edit: Nope.


BenQ XL2420T, 16:9, 1920x1080, ATI/AMD.

The strange thing is that if I force the game to run at 1080 windowed via the INI then it's fine other than the fact that I can see the windows frame but once I force fullscreen it goes to shit.

You can always use a borderless windowed program to get rid of that Windows frame.

I'd give more advice but I don't know anything about ATI config programs.


I've also noticed that when I boot the game up I get screen tearing. But this only happens sometimes. It's totally inconsistent.

That 1.5 music compression. Yikes.


I uploaded a screenshot showing that it's capped at 59fps for myself. Just in case anyone thought I might be fibbing.



Yeah, I'm pretty sure NO ONE is running this game at 60FPS. Scores don't count folks. Hopefully they do something about this soon. I'm putting up a negative non-hostile review up on STEAM as a warning to others.
Stream wrapped a while ago, but you can catch the recording here if you'd like: http://www.hitbox.tv/video/754017

1.5 sounds too loud and absolutely horrid. I can only pray they fix that.

It was actually the same way in the 360 version. 1.5 seemed to be a super last minute edition to the port and I guess they only had the low quality audio mix from the arcade board to work with. (The ports generally have better audio masters than the actual arcade boards.)

Yeah, I'm pretty sure NO ONE is running this game at 60FPS. Scores don't count folks. Hopefully they do something about this soon. I'm putting up a negative non-hostile review up on STEAM as a warning to others.

I don't think a 3 fps difference is going to be a significant difference in terms of scoring. It's pretty common for ports of Cave games to run a slightly wrong speed, especially ports from hardware earlier than the SH3.


I don't think a 3 fps difference is going to be a significant difference in terms of scoring. It's pretty common for ports of Cave games to run a slightly wrong speed, especially ports from hardware earlier than the SH3.

I was told the game is supposed to run at 60fps. Having a 3 frame difference in some games like Crimzon Clover will disqualify your score.


Been so out of the loop that I didn't even know this was coming out. Bought the bundle! Hope there's no blur filter like the PS2 version.


You can always use a borderless windowed program to get rid of that Windows frame.

I'd give more advice but I don't know anything about ATI config programs.

Any borderless windowed program doesn't seem to work and the game really doesn't seem to like being tampered with since it will crash as soon as you try to force borderless windowed.

Frustrating but I'm pretty sure it's an issue with my set up rather than the game since other people are running it fine.

EDIT: Finally resolved it. Turns out I had to turn off GPU scaling and then turn it back on. AMD catalyst control center is amazingly shit.

Li Kao

Been playing the ios port quite regularly for the last few days and now... no money. This is seriously frustrating.
High stakes mode
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