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Mushihimesama (Steam) |OT| More "bugs" than Batman!


I'm sure they'll have fixes for it as soon as possible, but damn. This is the only other game I was looking forward to this year.


So depressed about this release. One of my most anticipated releases of the year.

What, over 3 FPS? The porting studio has been very vocal and we're dealing with the ridiculously-easy-to-patch Steam/PC platform. Give it a few days.

It's likely that this issue didn't show up on their test systems.


What, over 3 FPS? The porting studio has been very vocal and we're dealing with the ridiculously-easy-to-patch Steam/PC platform. Give it a few days.

It's likely that this issue didn't show up on their test systems.

Are you serious right now? Playing a shooter with a constant 3 frame drops ever second is like playing a fighting game with the same issue for me. I am giving it a few days. It's not like I'm being condescending towards the game and telling off the developer. I know Degica does good work. I can't be bummed about this not being playable for me until it's patched?


Are you serious right now? Playing a shooter with a constant 3 frame drops ever second is like playing a fighting game with the same issue for me.

Yes, I realize that 3 FPS is a big deal when it comes to scoring in a shooter.

Personally, there's no way I'm going to notice a 3 FPS difference on a G-Sync monitor unless I'm ridiculously familiar with the game's speed.

Anyway, I just meant that it seems like a relatively simple problem. It's easy to prove to the developer that there's an issue and the PC platform is great for patching.


I'm thinking this is running at 56 FPS for everyone. People who just aren't sensitive to it or not running a counter just don't see the difference.

I'm getting 56fps as well and it seems smooth for me, but like epmode I'm on a gsync monitor so vsync stutter isn't a thing.

On the stage transitions, when it shows the full-screen art that pans? That pans at a very smooth consistent rate. The game also seems to exhibit no odd judder for me beyond the natural "judder" that you'd get with a game where everything's internally locked to a 320x240 grid and has screen-scrolling at non-integer speeds.

For curiosity's sake, maybe try making a 56 or 57hz resolution and see what happens? Might reduce the judder.


Just beat the game on original mode, though I sadly used so many continues it doesn't really count. I don't think I'll ever be able to 1C it.

I died a lot on the first level because I didn't understand why holding down the shoot button slowed the character down so much. Is this intentional for some of the bullet hell dodging in the later levels? I started using whatever auto is set to default right bumper.

Any other tips for a noob to this game? I somewhat redeemed myself by beating the first level without dying immediately afterwards..
Crimzon Clover was also patched multiple times in its first few weeks after release. I've pretty much resigned not to take scoring too seriously in the first few weeks of a PC shmup release. And Degica has earned a pretty good track record here so I will give them the benefit of the doubt. Plenty to do with survival runs, and patches almost never completely invalidate practice.


Crimzon Clover was also patched multiple times in its first few weeks after release. I've pretty much resigned not to take scoring too seriously in the first few weeks of a PC shmup release. And Degica has earned a pretty good track record here so I will give them the benefit of the doubt. Plenty to do with survival runs, and patches almost never completely invalidate practice.

I know they'll pull through. That's why I'm not huffing and puffing like I do with Koei Tecmo releases....or DotEMU's bullshit.

I have my ROG Swift at home... I really wish I had it right now.


Unconfirmed Member
Cave fucking up their first Steam release smh

People making this seem like it was released by Warner and never getting fixed smh

It's their first shmup PC port, I'll give them the benefit of the doubt.


Honestly, this might not be something to patch. It could be a situation like Cave's first arcade hardware, where the games run at some odd refresh rate (57.something), and given that the games are framerate-dependent you'd be altering the game speed by something like 4% when nudging them up to 60hz. So there's an internal framerate lock and then they throw vsync on top of that?

I don't know. I'd LOVE to know how the 360 version handled it, if so.

I turned off gsync and see the judder. I'll try forcing vsync off and leaving gsync off. I'm guessing I'll get screen tearing and a 56fps game.
I'm a fan of this OT title. The only time I've played Mushihimesama was actually recently because Bug Princess was free on iOS. Actually I discovered that a touchscreen for this kind of game is really neat, it feels precise.

I'm very tempted to make a purchase on this soon, but I'm a bit low in funds. But that £15 to get the game, the arrangement mode and the soundtrack is tempting.


Honestly, this might not be something to patch. It could be a situation like Cave's first arcade hardware, where the games run at some odd refresh rate (57.something), and given that the games are framerate-dependent you'd be altering the game speed by something like 4% when nudging them up to 60hz. So there's an internal framerate lock and then they throw vsync on top of that?

I don't know. I'd LOVE to know how the 360 version handled it, if so.

I turned off gsync and see the judder. I'll try forcing vsync off and leaving gsync off. I'm guessing I'll get screen tearing and a 56fps game.

Game ran at 60fps in the arcades and on 360 from what I'm looking at on the Shmups.com forums.
I honestly think the FPS issue is being way overblown. I didn't notice any glaring issues during gameplay, even though I'm getting the 55-57 FPS reading as well. Honestly, who is to say this wasn't intended behavior?

More seriously: I ended the game with my arcade stick still plugged in earlier, but removed it while I played another game for a while. Coming back and trying to start it again with the arcade stick absent gave me a crash upon pressing Start to dismiss the title screen. Plugging in the stick again let me start the game normally, and the game works fine now after I removed the arcade stick while the game was still running. Definitely something weird with the startup routine the game performs there; I had initially experienced a crash there with OBS in preview mode.


A Good Citizen
Honestly, this might not be something to patch. It could be a situation like Cave's first arcade hardware, where the games run at some odd refresh rate (57.something), and given that the games are framerate-dependent you'd be altering the game speed by something like 4% when nudging them up to 60hz. So there's an internal framerate lock and then they throw vsync on top of that?

I don't know. I'd LOVE to know how the 360 version handled it, if so.

I turned off gsync and see the judder. I'll try forcing vsync off and leaving gsync off. I'm guessing I'll get screen tearing and a 56fps game.
they don't. SH3 games all run at 60Hz exact (somewhat atypical in itself, since most "60Hz" arcade games aren't 60Hz but 59.9whatever or something)


I honestly think the FPS issue is being way overblown. I didn't notice any glaring issues during gameplay, even though I'm getting the 55-57 FPS reading as well. Honestly, who is to say this wasn't intended behavior?

Because it isn't from what I'm reading. And scoring is pretty damn important on a STG. Like I said, you're score is null and void with framerates like that.


Yup, forcing off vsync and I get the same 56fps. Only a wobbly image instead of a juddery one, lol.

Someone phone Cave and/or MAMEDev and ask if the arcade hardware actually ran at 60hz, cuz I'm betting it didn't. And if it didn't, someone phone M2 and ask what they did to adapt it to the 360's output resolutions.

I wonder if M2/Cave just said fuck it and pushed the game up to 60hz on 360, but since there's a far wider range of refresh rates on PC, they decided to lock it internally to the original arcade hardware's rate.


Risette said:
they don't. SH3 games all run at 60Hz exact (somewhat atypical in itself, since most "60Hz" arcade games aren't 60Hz but 59.9whatever or something)

Out of curiosity, did you get the 60hz figure from MAME? I think that MAMEDev uses 60hz as a placeholder sometimes, but I'm not sure.


Yup, forcing off vsync and I get the same 56fps. Only a wobbly image instead of a juddery one, lol.

Someone phone Cave and/or MAMEDev and ask if the arcade hardware actually ran at 60hz, cuz I'm betting it didn't. And if it didn't, someone phone M2 ask what they did to adapt it to the 360's output resolutions.

I wonder if M2 just said fuck it and pushed the game up to 60hz on 360, but since there's a far wider range of refresh rates on PC, they decided to lock it internally to the original arcade hardware's rate.


Out of curiosity, did you get the 60hz figure from MAME? I think that MAMEDev uses 60hz as a placeholder sometimes, but I'm not sure.

they don't. SH3 games all run at 60Hz exact (somewhat atypical in itself, since most "60Hz" arcade games aren't 60Hz but 59.9whatever or something)

This is pretty much what I got out of my research as well.
Because it isn't from what I'm reading. And scoring is pretty damn important on a STG. Like I said, you're score is null and void with framerates like that.
I'm still not even sold on the idea that the FPS counter isn't being thrown off by something the game does and you're already calling scores from the game void? Can we not jump to ridiculous conclusions before all the research is even complete?

It doesnt have infinite continues right?

It does, just like the 360 port did.


I feel like this 3PS issue should only matter for the top 1% and is being blown out of proportion. Competing for a world-record? Ok then, I get it. The other 99% of people will probably not see a change in their scores going from 56FPS to 60.
I feel like this 3PS issue should only matter for the top 1% and is being blown out of proportion. Competing for a world-record? Ok then, I get it. The other 99% of people will probably not see a change in their scores going from 56FPS to 60.

Nevermind that even if it -is- running at the incorrect speed, it's nothing new for Cave ports. Ketsui 360/PS3 actually runs too fast compared to the arcade hardware and this is widely known, but no one considers it a bad port because there's nothing that could have been done to fix it; modern consoles and displays just can't do the weird framerates these games want sometimes.


I'm still not even sold on the idea that the FPS counter isn't being thrown off by something the game does and you're already calling scores from the game void? Can we not jump to ridiculous conclusions before all the research is even complete

But... that's how it works man. It's not a ridiculous conclusion. You're score just doesn't count. The game isn't running at 60fps. I noticed this. I turned the counter on and my eyes were not deceiving me. The SH3 1000B and 1000D boards ran its games at 60hz. Why are you trying to come down on me for point out that the score you get on this game is invalid because of it.

I see the game is jittery as well. Why am I getting shit on because of this. IF this were a AAA title that had this same issue there would be a shit storm. I'm not even saying anything bad about this game. I'm only stating what is fact.
But... that's how it works man. It's not a ridiculous conclusion. You're score just doesn't count. The game isn't running at 60fps. I noticed this. I turned the counter on and my eyes were not deceiving me. The SH3 1000B and 1000D boards ran its games at 60hz. Why are you trying to come down on me for point out that the score you get on this game is invalid because of it.

Your score was never going to count against someone playing on the arcade hardware because it's a port. No one compares arcade and port scores; they've always been different and separate. Your score does, however, count against everyone else playing the exact same PC port, which seems to be behaving pretty consistently across many peoples' PCs.
Alright so I gave away a Mushihime-sama Matsuri pack.

First person that PMed me got it.

It's gone.

EDIT: For what it's worth, I haven't had any frame-rate issues in the 14 hours I've spent with the port. Even if I had played the 360 version, I probably still wouldn't be able to tell the difference.
Take it with a grain of salt.


Nevermind that even if it -is- running at the incorrect speed, it's nothing new for Cave ports. Ketsui 360/PS3 actually runs too fast compared to the arcade hardware and this is widely known, but no one considers it a bad port because there's nothing that could have been done to fix it; modern consoles and displays just can't do the weird framerates these games want sometimes.

Same with Guwange and presumably DoDonPachi on 360.

I guess that an option could be implemented where the cap is removed, allowing users to opt to run the game at a rate that's too fast yet matches their display.

To add yet more framerate talk to the thread, when I turned off gsync and forced off vsync, I also used the ROG Swift's refresh rate button to set my display refresh rate to 120hz up from 60hz. The screen tearing was pretty palatable there. Not ideal, but maybe that could be a solution for non-gsync dudes if this cap is intended behavior.


Your score was never going to count against someone playing on the arcade hardware because it's a port. No one compares arcade and port scores; they've always been different and separate. Your score does, however, count against everyone else playing the exact same PC port, which seems to be behaving pretty consistently across many peoples' PCs.

Inconsistently. You have 55-56, and people locked to 59FPS. And I guess people with 60 as well.


But... that's how it works man. It's not a ridiculous conclusion. You're score just doesn't count. The game isn't running at 60fps. I noticed this. I turned the counter on and my eyes were not deceiving me. The SH3 1000B and 1000D boards ran its games at 60hz. Why are you trying to come down on me for point out that the score you get on this game is invalid because of it.

I see the game is jittery as well. Why am I getting shit on because of this. IF this were a AAA title that had this same issue there would be a shit storm. I'm not even saying anything bad about this game. I'm only stating what is fact.

Again, I'm wondering where the 60hz figure came from. It could be totally valid, but it makes no sense for a deliberate cap to be in place if so.


Again, I'm wondering where the 60hz figure came from. It could be totally valid, but it makes no sense for a deliberate cap to be in place if so.

Why are there caps of 55-56, 59, and 60? That's what people are reporting.

Here are some boards to look at

1st Gen: 320x240 (57.55Hz)
CPS-2: 384x224 (59.63Hz)
PGM: 448x224 (59.17Hz)
CV1000 (Cave SH3): 320x240 (~60Hz)
Cave Custom PC: 640x480 (60Hz)


Alright so I gave away a Mushihime-sama Matsuri pack.

First person that PMed me got it.

It's gone.

EDIT: For what it's worth, I haven't had any frame-rate issues in the 14 hours I've spent with the port. Even if I had played the 360 version, I probably still wouldn't be able to tell the difference.
Take it with a grain of salt.

By the way, nice spot on the original mode leaderboard.


I see the game is jittery as well. Why am I getting shit on because of this. IF this were a AAA title that had this same issue there would be a shit storm. I'm not even saying anything bad about this game. I'm only stating what is fact.
THAT I see as a major problem for anyone who experiences it. I was only referring to 56fps vs 60.
By the way, nice spot on the original nice leaderboard.

Heh thanks.
It'd be even nicer if I didn't choke on a lot of dumb spots.

My 1.5 Original run on the leaderboard is even more embarrassing. I lost a life on the second to last enemy before the final boss. I laughed when it happened, which led to another death on the final boss.
I think I hate huge point bonuses for remaining lives. Two mistakes cost me 20 million points. wtf.
I didn't see any significant amount of jitter leaving the game running in its default 1280x720 window. I generally play games windowed rather than full screen. I own the 360 port also and spent some decent time with it, and honestly I don't think I would be able to tell a difference between the two. (I also own the PS2 port, but that's another story...)

Tempted to make a quick configuration UI to make it easier to play with the ini settings, though I'd like someone to figure out what the AspectRatio and Angle flags do, if anything. It's past my bedtime for tonight, so this is something to look into tomorrow for me.


Didn't notice any of the framerate problems when playing, although I did notice the v-sync or wobbliness during replay.

team anti-tate
Same here. I actually find vertical shooters easier to play on smaller screens, only because I can see everything and plan my pathing easier.
Probably gonna grab this sooner rather than later to support CAVE. I only picked up bullet hells for the first time this year, and it was via MAME playing ESPgaluda and DoDonPachi so I'd love an opportunity to give cave some money.


i was right! taken from the steam group bug thread:

Blackbird@Degica [developer] 10 minutes ago
CAVE is going to look into this and see if we can adjust it to 60 FPS, where the framerate will appear more even.
Oh goodie.
Though I'm unsure if I really want this.
I mean, I was getting pretty comfortable with 56-57 fps.

Hmm...hold up a minute, something isn't quite adding up.

Didn't Degica put out an APB for any experts at Mushihimesama 360 to assist in bug-testing?
Wouldn't they of all people notice something like this?
Having a lot of fun with the game so far, glad a decided to grab it cause I haven't played a shmup in a long time. But ya'll are trippin way too hard over 3ish fps.


Aw, yeah! I scored higher than Tain and pepsiman! Still a bit behind Elixir.
Didn't Degica put out an APB for any experts at Mushihimesama 360 to assist in bug-testing?
Wouldn't they of all people notice something like this?

We did. The issues that cropped up are issues that we *all* missed. PC development is hard, yo.

In any case, we're following the feedback from launch closely. Crashing errors, 56-59 FPS cap, and V1.5 sound errors are high priority fixes right now.
We did. The issues that cropped up are issues that we *all* missed. PC development is hard, yo.

In any case, we're following the feedback from launch closely. Crashing errors, 56-59 FPS cap, and V1.5 sound errors are high priority fixes right now.

Ah..alright then.

Aw, yeah! I scored higher than Tain and pepsiman! Still a bit behind Elixir.

Enjoy it. It'll be awhile before I can find the time to improve on my score.


Having a lot of fun with the game so far, glad a decided to grab it cause I haven't played a shmup in a long time. But ya'll are trippin way too hard over 3ish fps.

Just stop. No one has tripped on anything other than those trying to cover it up over it being brought to light. I have nothing but praise for CAVE and Degica.

We did. The issues that cropped up are issues that we *all* missed. PC development is hard, yo.

In any case, we're following the feedback from launch closely. Crashing errors, 56-59 FPS cap, and V1.5 sound errors are high priority fixes right now.

Thanks again Blackbird.

Oh goodie.
Though I'm unsure if I really want this.
I mean, I was getting pretty comfortable with 56-57 fps.

Hmm...hold up a minute, something isn't quite adding up.

Didn't Degica put out an APB for any experts at Mushihimesama 360 to assist in bug-testing?
Wouldn't they of all people notice something like this?

There are too many variables on PC. Their systems probably did run the game at 60. There are a few people who claim to be playing at that framerate.
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