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Nate The Hate: PlayStation 2022 Project Spartacus details + PSVR2 for 2022 #Part 2 for Sony


What time is it?
Is the thing that makes me think this entire list is probably guesswork at best. That would be suicide.

I'd guess this is true due to technical limitations. I'm sure there will be updates to the more popular offerings but I wouldn't count on full BC.


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
I'd guess this is true due to technical limitations. I'm sure there will be updates to the more popular offerings but I wouldn't count on full BC.

I suppose I'm just not understanding where that limitation would come into play and why they wouldn't specifically design the headset around the idea of people already starting to build a PS VR library. VR needs all the help it can get in that regard.

My best guess is that it's down to the tracking method being different? An Eye camera as opposed to the new method? In which case I have to imagine they'll at least let people plug in an eye and have that do the tracking work for older titles, or something. I dunno. The absolute minimum I'd expect is a completely free upgrade to PSVR2 versions of the games even if it takes a while to roll those out.


Seems as random guesses from someone with no insider info. He doesn't even know that there are already PS2 games playable on PS4 and PS5 natively, with some of them on PS Now.


I'd guess this is true due to technical limitations. I'm sure there will be updates to the more popular offerings but I wouldn't count on full BC.

There's no technical limitation. After porting a CV1 to Rift S game you understand that very quickly.


How PSVR and PSVR2 handle motion tracking is different, no?

It's irrelevant, the game and underlaying VR system is tracking agnostic, it just "plugs" whatever library and system for tracking you have, to the in-game camera and movement system, which is why again, Rift CV1 (which used external tracking) worked with Rift S (which used internal tracking).


What time is it?
It's irrelevant, the game and underlaying VR system is tracking agnostic, it just "plugs" whatever library and system for tracking you have, to the in-game camera and movement system, which is why again, Rift CV1 (which used external tracking) worked with Rift S (which used internal tracking).

I believe it when I see it with PSVR. It would be great news if true.


Gold Member
I'd be interested if true. Nintendo's offering is anemic but still appreciated. The Switch It's the only place I can play Ninja Gaiden NES and Punch Out without any hassle.

Making you pay extra for N64 and Sega games is trash. If it comes to pass I would really get behind Sony's version. It would keep me subbed to PS+ for sure.

The question is "Where are the PS5 AAA games?" Do they currently offer any PS5 games on PS+? Also must have PC support.
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im not paying again to buy ps1,psp,ps2, ps vita and ps3 games again I already bought them once im not buying Original FF7 and FF8 again sony did this for the ps4 and I immediately lost all interest.


Rage Bait Youtuber
Track record?
guy watch GIF


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
nah it makes sense. if you own psvr1 you would see why, shit is archaic.

I know, which is exactly why people who already bought into PSVR and own a library of games shouldn't be forced to pay to upgrade that library on a better headset. At the very minimum they need to offer free upgrades of all PSVR1 games when available. 2 only exists because of the people that bought 1.


I know, which is exactly why people who already bought into PSVR and own a library of games shouldn't be forced to pay to upgrade that library on a better headset. At the very minimum they need to offer free upgrades of all PSVR1 games when available. 2 only exists because of the people that bought 1.
Oh I definitely agree with you, Im hopeful because of the small library maybe they pop some free patches. I have a considerable psvr library, it would be great


I believe it when I see it with PSVR. It would be great news if true.

No need to believe it's just "software" science, their argument is absolute non-technically true BS, I mean does SONY even has arguments or is it just degenerate shill who never developed a VR experience spewing pre-emptive damage controller non-sense that they're not even paid for.


What time is it?
No need to believe it's just "software" science, their argument is absolute non-technically true BS, I mean does SONY even has arguments or is it just degenerate shill who never developed a VR experience spewing pre-emptive damage controller non-sense that they're not even paid for.

I'm not sure what you are prattling on about or why you'd put software in quotes tbh. PSVR and PSVR2 function very differently and there is also a backwards compatibility layer to take into consideration. Comparing it to VR options on PC isn't very apt.
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PSVR 2 has to be backwards compatible with PSVR 1. Otherwise it's not going to pick up. A lot of 'non-VR' people already have PSVR1 games from PS+ so it would be a great incentive to be able to play them aside from Horizon VR. And people who own PSVR1 would probably love to play the games in better image quality and justify upgrading to PSVR2 because of that.
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PSVR 2 has to be backwards compatible with PSVR 1. Otherwise it's not going to pick up. A lot of 'non-VR' people already have PSVR1 games from PS+ so it would be a great incentive to be able to play them aside from Horizon VR. And people who own PSVR1 would probably love to play the games in better image quality and justify upgrading to PSVR2 because of that.
I don't think PSVR2 will be BC. In a previous thread others brought up the differences in tech and how it won't be possible. ethomaz ethomaz was one of those talking about it I think. Although it might just have been preemptive damage control from Sony fans in case it doesn't have BC?

But I agree. PSVR2 without BC is a huge miss. Gotta have it!
So it's a shittier GamePass.

PS1 and PS2 games sound good, but I don't want to play them at their original resolution and framerates. Hopefully they come close to the Microsoft's FPS+Resolution boosts.

But the problem with older PS1 and PS2 games is that the games worth playing have been re-released across multiple platforms since their release, and in a much better state than they were originally in. Then again, that's just me, but I'm sick of paying for the same old shit over and over again (ahem Nintendo).

I also don't want to stream PS3 games.

As I said elsewhere on the forum a while ago, this is going to turn into a 3rd party exclusivity pissing contest between this and GamePass, because Sony can't afford to offer their own titles day one.


So basically a legacy service, with indies sprinkled in for seasoning. Could be interesting depending on the titles available. Maybe they'll catch some retro gamers if the emulation is good. Not a perfect backwards compatibility solution, but better then nothing.


Report me if I continue to console war
So Spartacus is basically ps now streamed select ps1 - ps3 games?

Sounds ok, it will relly depend what the libary is, and if the old games are enhanced. However BC + some indie games still dont justify £8.99/month.


A Fucking Idiot
So no native ps3, no ps2 or psp on launch, only 100 ps1 games at launch, no day 1 games. Sounds dead on arrival. Good thing it's just a rumor.
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