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NBC News: Regular marijuana users may need more anesthesia for medical procedures


Out of the 250 patients examined in the study, 25 were regular cannabis users. When the researchers compared the records of the 25 to those from non-users they found increased levels of all three sedatives had been needed to achieve the right level of anesthesia. Compared to non-users, regular marijuana users required:

The fear, Twardowski said, is that increasing those medications might end up “pushing high the danger of shutting off a patient’s respiration — while still not achieving pain control.”

The new findings weren’t a surprise to Dr. Ajay Wasan, a professor of anesthesia and psychiatry at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and vice chair for pain medicine in the department of anesthesia at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center.

“Any kind of brain-altering substance can have an effect on another brain-altering drug,” Wasan said.

While the new study includes just 25 cannabis users, “it’s completely consistent with other small similar previous studies,” Wasan said after reading the research. “All together they suggest long-term marijuana use has an impact on anesthesia care.”




So it's all true then, Mary-jane will lead to harder drugs usage......

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when i went to have my wisdoms out, complications required me to be put completely under

i didn't bother to tell the anesthesiologist about my absurd marijuana consumption, turns out i wasn't completely fogged out

was put into a weird dream state, felt a lot of pain there, was kinda a nightmare

woke up in a uncontrollable wage, slugged two of the nurses and tried to escape

guess this might be why, holy fuck at those propo numbers
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when i went to have my wisdoms out, complications required me to be put completely under

i didn't bother to tell the anesthesiologist about my absurd marijuana consumption, turns out i wasn't completely fogged out

was put into a weird dream state, felt a lot of pain there, was kinda a nightmare

woke up in a uncontrollable wage, slugged two of the nurses and tried to escape

guess this might be why, holy fuck at those propo numbers
Sorry you went through that.


Sorry you went through that.

blood was EVERYWHERE, all over me and the gurney, the floor, splattered on the tools and tech

the surgeon had his hands over his face after it was over, sitting alone in the hall, shaking

it was really fucked up
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blood was EVERYWHERE, all over me and the gurney, the floor, splattered on the tools and tech

the surgeon had his hands over his face after it was over, sitting alone in the hall, shaking

it was really fucked up
That really sounds all awful. I can't even imagine the pain you went through. Ugh, I'm so sorry.


That really sounds all awful. I can't even imagine the pain you went through. Ugh, I'm so sorry.

it was well and truly awful

i was def conscious for the surgery, about an hour long or so, absolutely paralyzed

they only realized they'd fucked up when i choked out the breather and tried to sit up


No shit, sherlock..? I thought this was a known thing already.

The human body builds resistance through exposure over time, and that has knock-on effects that your doctor very much needs to know about.

Always be honest with your quack- they aren't going to bust you because doctor / patient confidentiality is a thing.

it was well and truly awful

i was def conscious for the surgery, about an hour long or so, absolutely paralyzed

they only realized they'd fucked up when i choked out the breather and tried to sit up
That sounds truly horrific. Glad you survived to see another day :goog_oops:
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