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NeoGAF, welcome to .webm - the FUTURE (of burning out your CPU)

The 5 Sonic webms posted earlier in the thread were 60fps and actually Sonic Generations on PC running our Unleashed levels/mod. So yes and no re: if it's Unleashed. No way the original console Unleashed would hit 60fps other than in Holoska, and even not even consistently then.

I didn't remember a PC version of Unleashed to have been released, but I think that's the level on the Unleashed demo for the 360, hence the confusion. I haven't played a 3D sonic game since Adventure. Sorry for the mistake.


Not sure if this might be helpful or not but mediafire supports webm playback with no limits on size or length (At least i haven't hit them yet)

Smash Bros (Greninja and Charizard) 1080p/72.3mb/2:21min


However i have no idea how to set it up like with the current file hosters that people are using so it either autoplays or plays when you hover over it. I use Imagus and i'm guessing it has to be added to the list of websites?

If so how would i do it?

Alright was messing around with dropbox and it also supports this and it works perfectly

No limits on time or size as far as i know (2gb storage limit for free users though).

The same Smash Bros clip as the one i tried with mediafire.

I didn't remember a PC version of Unleashed to have been released, but I think that's the level on the Unleashed demo for the 360, hence the confusion. I haven't played a 3D sonic game since Adventure. Sorry for the mistake.

Well the entirety of Unleashed's daylight levels from the 360 version have been fan-ported to the PC version of Generations so it's really a bit confusing D:

Game, if possible! Love the anime, though, so I'd recommend watching it, if possible!!

Alright alright, I have the game already and I just asked because whatever I do first it will spoil me the other thing, so game first it is :)
U wot m8

VP9 will have a smaller file size than VP8 if the bitrate is the same. That is the point of VP9. The compression is more efficient.

To beat this by now dead horse a bit more: If the bitrate is the same, the file will have the same size.*

bitrate * length in seconds / 8 = size in bytes

Talking about the size of the files a certain encoder generates usually doesn't say much. You can make really tiny files with bad encoders. They'll just look terrible. It's all in how you use the encoder.

The thing that should be compared is the perceived quality at an identical size. You could possibly try to compare size at identical perceived quality, but that's kind of tricky to evaluate.

For those interested, here's an article on how (not) to do encoder comparisons.

*: Unless the you use two different formats, which lead to different amounts of container overhead. Encoders also sometimes under- or overshoot their target bitrate, but in that case it just isn't really the same bitrate.

If the encoders are not using variable bitrate, same bitrate videos would have about the same file size but VP9 would produce higher quality, no?

Even with variable bitrate, if the actual bitrate ends up the same the file will have the same size.


Even with variable bitrate, if the actual bitrate ends up the same the file will have the same size.

But VP9 could reach the minimum allowed SNR using lower bitrates when VBR is selected (if the encoder allows such setting), that was what I was getting at.

Btw, the dropbox WebM trick is cool but it could eat allowed bandwidth quite easily in a popular thread.


But VP9 could reach the minimum allowed SNR using lower bitrates when VBR is selected (if the encoder allows such setting), that was what I was getting at.

Btw, the dropbox WebM trick is cool but it could eat allowed bandwidth quite easily in a popular thread.

Isn't the limit 10gb a day?

Could that get eaten up that quickly in a popular thread?


Isn't the limit 10gb a day?

Could that get eaten up that quickly in a popular thread?

Well, I dunno about the exact limit but when there is a dropbox link in a GAF thread, I've seen several times that the link was disabled due to b/w restrictions, but I can't blame GAF traffic alone for that, but I got that impression.

10GigaBytes (GB,btw) would allow about 2000 views for a 5MB file, with autoplaying WebM's, that's not much actually. Even a 1MB file would be seen about 10000 times, which can still be insufficient for very popular threads. Need to take another look at popular thread view count, tho.


Hmm, some of them are loading much slower than before. They're certainly prettier than gifs, but I dunno. They were loading much faster in the first day or two of this thread.

For example the webm posted below this post took well over a minute to load, and it was maybe 2 seconds long. Very pretty, but also short. Dunno if it's just me or others, too.


Hmm, some of them are loading much slower than before. They're certainly prettier than gifs, but I dunno. They were loading much faster in the first day or two of this thread.

For example the webm posted below this post took well over a minute to load, and it was maybe 5 seconds long. Very pretty, but also short. Dunno if it's just me or others, too.

That's because of the host and nothing else. And that one loaded in about 2 seconds for me.


That's because of the host and nothing else. And that one loaded in about 2 seconds for me.

Hmm, ok. Yeah on this page the Hobbit webm above loaded basically instantly. Maybe my connection just doesn't like some of the hosts, lol. Oh well, the format is still brilliant. Looking forward to E3 creations :)
For example the webm posted below this post took well over a minute to load, and it was maybe 2 seconds long. Very pretty, but also short. Dunno if it's just me or others, too.

8.5MB for two seconds, 524p120. I think people may be going overboard just a tad with resolution and quality, possibly...

Also, looping two seconds filled with "zap, zap, groar" kind of hurts my ears.


8.5MB for two seconds, 524p120. I think people may be going overboard just a tad with resolution and quality, possibly...

Also, looping two seconds filled with "zap, zap, groar" kind of hurts my ears.

Entirely your choice to auto load and loop the file. The quality is a deliberate choice of mine because it's not really been possible to show 120fps gameplay so easily, until now.
No not really, but the fact that I can possibly fit a whole trailer with sound on neogaf without Youtube means E3 on GAF is going to be great
Entirely your choice to auto load and loop the file.

I don't autoload, I know better than that.

However, if people are trying to treat this as an alternative to GIF, where autoloading and looping is the default and very much part of the experience, then going "your choice" with respect to those attributes may not be entirely productive. Perhaps I shouldn't conflate you with that group. Using the opportunity to avoid YouTube, at least while other hosters last, is reasonable enough.

The quality is a deliberate choice of mine because it's not really been possible to show 120fps gameplay so easily, until now.
Nothing stopped you from linking to video files encoded to your specifications before now.
Excellent choice, one of the most awesome (aesthetically) scenes in any anime ever.

Yeah, that episode is just AMAZING looking. I did another one from episode 3, a lot smaller and shorter, but I just loved the animation in the clip.


Just amazed you can do these at 1080p and they are so damned small.

Another one I did from EP1.


I think I need to mess with my settings a bit because there is a bit of artifacting though.


Well, I dunno about the exact limit but when there is a dropbox link in a GAF thread, I've seen several times that the link was disabled due to b/w restrictions, but I can't blame GAF traffic alone for that, but I got that impression.

10GigaBytes (GB,btw) would allow about 2000 views for a 5MB file, with autoplaying WebM's, that's not much actually. Even a 1MB file would be seen about 10000 times, which can still be insufficient for very popular threads. Need to take another look at popular thread view count, tho.

Hmm alright then, so seems like Mediafire is still the best bet then?

Does Mediafire also do something similar?


that puzzling face
I didn't remember a PC version of Unleashed to have been released, but I think that's the level on the Unleashed demo for the 360, hence the confusion. I haven't played a 3D sonic game since Adventure. Sorry for the mistake.

Yeah, there was no PC version of Unleashed. Again, it's the level data from Unleashed, ported cross-platform/cross-game to Sonic Generations PC
I did some more compression tests using ffmpeg.
I found that the default bitrate control in vp9 is terrible, resulting in awful macroblocking. Forcing lower qmax parameters reduced macroblocking, but wastes the bit rate advantage of vp9.

The solution: 2-pass encoding.

For example, I tried to create a new "mind-blown.webm" .
My goal was minimum bandwidth need without big visual difference, with original sound and resolution.
Original gif: 200x200 crop, 1.82 MB
-crf 4, 1.0MBit : decent, but quite soft
-crf 4, 1.5Mbit (2.1 MB): better, but still discernible difference
-crf 4, 2.0Mbit (2.7 MB): quite good
-crf 4, 5.0Mbit (6.4 MB): source macroblocking artifacts are kept



Edit: Hmm .. only audio in chrome, firefox/opera works fine though. Anyone else?

The syntax is
ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -ss 00:00.000 -to 00:00.000 -c:v libvpx-vp9 -pass 1 -crf 4 -b:v 2M -c:a libvorbis output.webm
followed by
ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -ss 00:00.000 -to 00:00.000 -c:v libvpx-vp9 -pass 2 -crf 4 -b:v 2M -c:a libvorbis output.webm
syntax explained:
-input.mp4: name of your source video
-ss: start point of your video, in hh:mm:millisecends.
-to: end point. Reomve ss and to options away for whole video)
-pass 1/2. Current pass in 2-pass encoding. Remove for 1 pass encoding
-crf quality setting. 4= best, 63=worst
-b:v maximum bitrate, e.g. 1500K, 5M
output.webm: name of target webm


That's the weirdest. It reports it as 14 minutes in my browser.


My mistake then.

I was clicking this pic like a fucking idiot trying to get this shit to play.

Then I right clicked to try to open it up in a new tab when I saw it was an image. Well I derped super hard there


Using Firefox 29 on Win 7. Video seems a bit choppy. When I hover off/on the video seems to start and stop randomly.


poop meter feature creep
I wish the Firefox version had the option to not continue playing when you take the mouse away from it in "hover to play" mode. Having to click it to stop is annoying.

I also tried installing that SendTo shortcut trick on my friend' computer, but it either said a .dll was missing when nothing but the ffmpeg file was added to the WebM folder, or just didn't output a webm. I'm going to try it on my computer to see if it will work.

EDIT: It worked! I guess my friend's computer is just too terrible to render webms.
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