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Netherlands stops Turkish foreign minister's plane from landing

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Starting to heat up

Speaking at an awards ceremony in Istanbul on Sunday, Mr Erdogan said of the Netherlands: "They will certainly pay the price, and also learn what diplomacy is."

"The West has clearly shown its true face in the last couple of days. What we have seen... is a clear manifestations of Islamophobia.

"I have said that I had thought that Nazism was over, but that I was wrong. Nazism is alive in the West," he said.

Speaking in Metz, Mr Cavusoglu described the Netherlands as the "capital of fascism".

He said of the Dutch ambassador, who is on leave: "We are saying that there is no need to come back to Turkey. He can't come, he can't enter."

Comparing us to nazi's is unbelievable..


We'll pay the price..'our' oranges are next.



We'll pay the price..'our' oranges are next.


These people are dangerous and need to be monitored. Best case they go back to Turkey.

As someone with Turkish origin (parents) who doesn't feel a fondness to Turkey in the slightest (born and raised in Germany) i deeply resent any Turk who is supportive of Erdogan and his views.


Meanwhile Rasmussen, prime minister of Denmark, issued this statement:


Good on them. This should happen EU wide. Fuck with one, fuck with all

No foreign country should do election campaigning in a different country

We'll pay the price..'our' oranges are next.

This is almost as funny as the turkish trolls on twitter insulting francois hollande (french president) because they think he's dutch


What's the point, does the Turkey leader want Turks to go back home, Turks to to take over Europe, EU to implode for some reason. I don't get it. When did Nationalist crazy folk gain traction and why do they care, it's bizarre. How is Europe fascist when you only have to look to Turkey for it, what are they complaining about.


Why oranges? Because it's orange? Why not cheese?

The ideas are endless.

They could break wooden shoes on the streets, threaten to cut up some tulips or just wave their hands around all crazy-like imitating windmills or some shit.

Symbolism, yo. They are hitting us where it hurts.


So not worth it
Because it's the Netherlands. Even though I'm not Dutch, the connection is obvious.

I guess you also aren't from the Netherlands, otherwise you would know it (unless you are really ignorant).

So aside from being orange, what cultural significance do oranges have to the Dutch?


I am. I wouldn't have posted the longer piece of text above if I wasn't. I get what they're going for and how "Oranje" refers to us, but the symbolism is going to be lost on a lot of non-dutch people.
At least use items that people universally already associate with us, like tulpen, cheese and weed =P

Cheese? You are definitely behind France and Switzerland in that regard.

Netherlands = weed, tulips, windmills, orange and below water.


The orange craze can be traced back to the very roots of the Netherlands: Orange is the color of the Dutch royal family.

The lineage of the current dynasty -- the House of Orange-Nassau -- dates back to Willem van Oranje (William of Orange). This is the same Willem who lends his name to the Dutch national anthem, the Wilhelmus.

But first, it's worth exploring why, if the Dutch are so obsessed with orange, their flag is a tricolor red, white and blue? The Netherlands has the oldest tricolor flag (the French and German flags are a few other examples), which the country adopted in 1572 during its War of Independence. The colors came from the Prince of Nassau's coat of arms.

And according to some historians, the middle stripe (or fess) of the Dutch flag was originally orange, but legend has it that the orange dye was too unstable.

Since the stripes would turn red a short time after a flag was made, the story goes, red became the stripe's official color
Haha, these Orange happenings are ridonculous.
I will join in the protests eating vla and hagelslag. Mhmmm vla.... BRB.

Fuck Erdowahn and his protofascist supporters.
As someone with Turkish origin (parents) who doesn't feel a fondness to Turkey in the slightest (born and raised in Germany) i deeply resent any Turk who is supportive of Erdogan and his views.

Now imagine having the vast, vast majority of your family as ardent Erdoğan supporters. :/

You're among the luckier Turks for growing up abroad. I'm happy for you.


Nah fuck that. Dutch cheese is best cheese. Spread the word.
Best Mayonnaise too.

I only eat molten cheese, so it doesn't matter much to me :p

/edit: This is also about being known for cheese....like Swiss cheese, there it's even in the name + it's used to describe things as well.
The ideas are endless.

They could break wooden shoes on the streets, threaten to cut up some tulips or just wave their hands around all crazy-like imitating windmills or some shit.

Symbolism, yo. They are hitting us where it hurts.
Aren't the tulips an import from the ottomans though? That would be some meta thing.


It will be interesting to see how this develops and how this will impact our elections. At least Rutte and other ministers have shown that they have some balls and principles and while Wilders is trying to take credit, I am not sure if this whole thing will strengthen him. I could see some voters swaying towards VVD and others after this as well.

That said, I am really worried about the Turkish people with their democracy at risk. And in the Netherlands I fear this will lead towards a lot more (open) racism towards Dutch people of Turkish ancestry.

I have a feeling I know it already, but whats the problem with these? Are these the dutch Breitbart?

I know Breitbart, I also know Powned. They are not nearly in the same ballpark. Not even close. Geenstijl/Powned can be shitty for sure and not left by all means, but they give Wilders & co plenty of shit as well, it is their shtick to try and provoke politicians.

The reason I am familiar watch Powned? They tend to provoke politicians and I think it is good/fun to see how they react to those questions.

Example interview with Wilders where they call out his bullshit:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rnYmfvrZQv8 (Dutch)


I think these people are confusing the color with the fruit. In Dutch, the fruit is called "sinaasappel" and the color is "oranje". It's hilarious.


I'm dutch and the whole orange stabbing thing didn't make sense to me until someone explained that it was about the color.


I'm dutch and the whole orange stabbing thing didn't make sense to me until someone explained that it was about the color.

Some people in Turkey think Orange = Holland because of the name "Oranje". For example for some reason we call the Dutch national soccer team "Portakallar", which means "Oranges" all the while it should be "Oranjes".

So these dumb fucks think oh well portakal (orange) means the Netherland so Imma drink it
Starting to heat up

Speaking at an awards ceremony in Istanbul on Sunday, Mr Erdogan said of the Netherlands: "They will certainly pay the price, and also learn what diplomacy is."

"The West has clearly shown its true face in the last couple of days. What we have seen... is a clear manifestations of Islamophobia.

"I have said that I had thought that Nazism was over, but that I was wrong. Nazism is alive in the West," he said.

Speaking in Metz, Mr Cavusoglu described the Netherlands as the "capital of fascism".

He said of the Dutch ambassador, who is on leave: "We are saying that there is no need to come back to Turkey. He can't come, he can't enter."
Nazi's and Islamophobia when you are refused entry by a Muslim mayor of a city that was literally bombed into the ground during World War 2. Strong arguments right there.


So not worth it
It will be interesting to see how this develops and how this will impact our elections. At least Rutte and other ministers have shown that they have some balls and principles and while Wilders is trying to take credit, I am not sure if this whole thing will strengthen him. I could see some voters swaying towards VVD and others after this as well.

Not half as much as some people think it will, I believe. For one, every party leader except the ones from DENK have already harshly condemned the Turkish actions, from Wilders to Pechtold to Roemer and everyone in between. Nobody is going to change their political views over Erdogan, and most people have long made up their minds on who to vote for.

Yes, certain people will vote for Wilders and they would always do that. If they want to use this as another justification for their beliefs, that is fine. But I highly doubt it will do much into swaying others in Wilders' path.

These actions probably helped the most for the VVD and perhaps the PvdA, as they are the ones deciding to take the action.
Yesterday at a bday some people who are going to vote for Wilders. Why? Because immigrants and criminals etc etc... Can't believe how shortsighted those people are... This adds fuel for them.

All in all a weird situation this
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