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New Bloodborne (SCEJA game) news announcement on the 21st!

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Sony doesn't own Alundra. It's owned by Matrix Software, the developers. Sony published the game in Japan, but Working Designs published it in NA. Activision published Alundra 2. I highly doubt Matrix Software is going to just up and make an Alundra 3 after fourteen years.

Yeah, I figured as such. The only thing I can think of would be Sony buying the IP from them...but it's freaking Alundra. Who cares?
This announcement can deliver in spectacular fashion if the game turns out to be...

  • The Last Guardian
  • Gravity Rush 2
  • The return of Vib Ribbon
  • That long-rumoured JRPG
  • Jumping Flash! 3
  • A new Crash Bandicoot
  • Alundra 3
  • Ape Escape 4
  • PaRappa the Rapper 3
  • An adventure game starring Toro :3

But it'll fail spectacularly if the game turns out to be...

  • Knack 2
Would they even bother announcing Knack 2 at TGS? They seem to have done a pretty excellent job catering to their base so far. I can't imagine Knack 2 is going to cause JPN to go out and buy the PS4 en masse.
This announcement can deliver in spectacular fashion if the game turns out to be...

  • The Last Guardian
  • Gravity Rush 2
  • The return of Vib Ribbon
  • That long-rumoured JRPG
  • Jumping Flash! 3
  • A new Crash Bandicoot
  • Alundra 3
  • Ape Escape 4
  • PaRappa the Rapper 3
  • An adventure game starring Toro :3

But it'll fail spectacularly if the game turns out to be...

  • Knack 2

My money's on this.

Also that Shinra Cloud thing sounds suspicious like Don't they already have a Cloud service? why two?
Would they even bother announcing Knack 2 at TGS? They seem to have done a pretty excellent job catering to their base so far. I can't imagine Knack 2 is going to cause JPN to go out and buy the PS4 en masse.

You're taking my post a tad too seriously. I don't think anybody seriously expects Knack 2 to be unveiled tonight (or tomorrow morning at some ungodly hour if you're in the UK like me).
You're taking my post a tad too seriously. I don't think anybody seriously expects Knack 2 to be unveiled tonight (or tomorrow morning at some ungodly hour if you're in the UK like me).
I'm actually concerned that it's going to be a disappointment, and Knack 2 represents that disappointment to me :p
Obviously the giant flying cat dragon in the room is The Last Guardian, but I would be really happy to see a big announcement for a return of Wild Arms or Arc the Lad. Those are my preferred Sony owned Japanese IP.
I still think it's either going to be not a game, or something suuuper small.

That being said, if I'm wrong, I'd be happy as a damn clam
Yoshida was the producer of Legend of Dragoon.

Also weird because it sold over a million copies WW. So it wasn't a failure or anything

but it wouldn't get japan to go out and buy the ps4 this holiday though.

it'll just be a remake of a golf game while we wait for the real one.


Why couldn't everyone just have listened to this great piece of advice from the start?

Sorry, but that's a mistranslation.

The text says "information on the title (bloodborne) will also be publicly given for the first time"

It's NOT talking about a new game announcement. It's talking about Bloodborne.

Instead you guys had to go through 15 pages of self inflicted overhype for nothing. Since they've corrected the page to clarify what they really meant: http://tgs.playstation.jp/stageprogram/index.html

I hope everyone enjoys their 『Bloodborne』新情報. :p
Why couldn't everyone just have listened to this great piece of advice from the start?

Because plasmawave and Abriael got to fighting about it, and when it comes to hype, nobody wants to believe the Debbie Downer.

Also, Abby didn't exactly do a great job of presenting it in a way beyond 'suck it jobbers, I'm right forever'


Why couldn't everyone just have listened to this great piece of advice from the start?

Instead you guys had to go through 15 pages of self inflicted overhype for nothing. Since they've corrected the page to clarify what they really meant: http://tgs.playstation.jp/stageprogram/index.html

I hope everyone enjoys their 『Bloodborne』新情報. :p
If only there were mods with the ability to alter thread titles to avoid such confusion.
Why couldn't everyone just have listened to this great piece of advice from the start?

Instead you guys had to go through 15 pages of self inflicted overhype for nothing. Since they've corrected the page to clarify what they really meant: http://tgs.playstation.jp/stageprogram/index.html

I hope everyone enjoys their 『Bloodborne』新情報. :p
So we can look forward to Gravity Rush 2 and Sony JRPG announcements on the 21? :D

shouldn't this thread just be locked then. Or title change the thread.


Yoshida was the producer of Legend of Dragoon.

Also weird because it sold over a million copies WW. So it wasn't a failure or anything
It sold over 1 million copies in the US alone!

I will never understand what the fuck Sony was thinking back then.
Just because it didn't sell over a million in japan = canceling the sequel and dissolving the JRPG team (former FF6 devs)?
I mean seriously, what the fuck?
Over a million in the US and good sales in europe and they eliminated their only JRPG team.....
Hell even Nintendo has their own JRPG team with Monolith Software. And Sony? Nothing!


Why couldn't everyone just have listened to this great piece of advice from the start?

Instead you guys had to go through 15 pages of self inflicted overhype for nothing. Since they've corrected the page to clarify what they really meant: http://tgs.playstation.jp/stageprogram/index.html

I hope everyone enjoys their 『Bloodborne』新情報. :p

Lies and slander!

I know Chinese and that title's literal translation is: "Bloodborne - Legend of the Dragoon"

It's cumin' you guise. :')


Why couldn't everyone just have listened to this great piece of advice from the start?

Instead you guys had to go through 15 pages of self inflicted overhype for nothing. Since they've corrected the page to clarify what they really meant: http://tgs.playstation.jp/stageprogram/index.html

I hope everyone enjoys their 『Bloodborne』新情報. :p

Actually Sony did say new game information, then changed to new Bloodborne information. That's where the fiasco started (I already posted about it in this thread also).

Edit: Alright title got changed. Now it's time to calm down.


My Spanish sucks and my Portuguese doesn't help as much but this Spanish website was the one reporting the rumor that legend of dragoon is the secret game.


Can SpanishGaf translate?

SpanishGaffer here.
Well, the guy who wrote that article actually doesnt really know what the new unannounced game will be.
He is saying that he heard some rumors that legend of dragoon may be the game that the will be announcing soon.
Why couldn't everyone just have listened to this great piece of advice from the start?

Instead you guys had to go through 15 pages of self inflicted overhype for nothing. Since they've corrected the page to clarify what they really meant: http://tgs.playstation.jp/stageprogram/index.html

I hope everyone enjoys their 『Bloodborne』新情報. :p
so there's a chance for a bloodborne themed ps4 then. that or an alpha announcement


Actually Sony did say new game information, then changed to new Bloodborne information. That's where the fiasco started (I already posted about it in this thread also).

They didn't really. I think because everyone wants to believe there is going to be some random new title announcement on a Bloodborne stage event, they automatically read it as [初公開のタイトル]情報 when clearly what they meant when they wrote the blurb was 初公開の[タイトル情報]. It was definitely poorly worded, which is why they have corrected it to make it more clear, but there was nothing there which confirmed that it would be a new game reveal.


They didn't really. I think because everyone wants to believe there is going to be some random new title announcement on a Bloodborne stage event, they automatically read it as [初公開のタイトル]情報 when clearly what they meant when they wrote the blurb was 初公開の[タイトル情報]. It was definitely poorly worded, which is why they have corrected it to make it more clear, but there was nothing there which confirmed that it would be a new game reveal.

Yeah that's probably right. They made it more specific then.
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