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New DriveClub video shows day/night transition


Come on dude....With posts like this you diminish the credibility of such graphical comparisons or discussions.
I played religiously FM3 and 4, I don't need to prove anything. The lightning is still the same.
Go troll somewhere else.
Since when expressing an opinion is trolling?

Someone posted a gif. I said what I had to say, period.
You have the right to disagree of course, but not to insult or accusing of trolling.


While DC does have more realistic lighting, it needs to interact with the car. Just look at that gif and notice how when the car passes through the shadow of the building next to it, the lighting on the car doesn't change at all.

It took me 4 or 5 close looks before I saw what you were talking about. If it has to be pointed out to me and it still takes that many looks, I think that's pretty good for me.


I played religiously FM3 and 4, I don't need to prove anything. The lightning is still the same.

I'll give you on the idea that the lighting may be similar, given that it's still largely baked environmentally speaking, but I do still see some improvements even in that regard. There's a lot more to graphics than just lighting though.

For example, geometry, amount of stuff going on in the background, draw distance, vehicle poly's and detail, textures, reflections and more.


How are people even really able to compare those two gifs anyway?

Completely different car models and completely different time of day, so how are people able to compare stuff like lighting and polycount?

That's what I said but people are going to see what they want. I mean, people say some comments are trolling but then others say Forza's car models are a generation ahead of DC's based off of two entirely different cars with one's design having a lot more detail in the back compared to the other that is much sleeker and standard? I don't get it.


I'll give you on the idea that the lighting may be similar [...]
That's all I needed to hear. It's not a secret that many players complained over the years about the lightning in the series.
We are about to play next-gen racing games. Allow me to be a little upset when I see things like this. To me lightning comes first when judging on realism, then polycount, anti-aliasing etc...
While DC does have more realistic lighting, it needs to interact with the car. Just look at that gif and notice how when the car passes through the shadow of the building next to it, the lighting on the car doesn't change at all.

wrong. salvor.hardin can clearly see the light from the sun at the side of the car (next to rightside rear lights) disappearing and then reappearing at the front of the car as the car turned.


the light inside the car even goes out.


Why are you reading my tag instead of the title of my post?
Quick question, for those who pour over the most minute of stuff. I think this might unconfuse a few people, including myself.

When you're complaining (pointing out things) about AA and shadows and other stuff you might not be able to see if you're not comparing and looking for them, you're not saying the game looks ugly right? You're just saying that it could look better?
Watching the vid made me want to play a racing game so I started NFS:Most Wanted. What was Criterion smoking when they made this game? The controls are atrocious and it feels like I'm driving on an ice rink. And it's an open world game on top of that.


Watching the vid made me want to play a racing game so I started NFS:Most Wanted. What was Criterion smoking when they made this game? The controls are atrocious and it feels like I'm driving on an ice rink. And it's an open world game on top of that.

Input lag, on pc at least. I don`t know about consoles. Friend of mine bought it on Origin and played it for 1 hour. He still has hopes for that patch. :/


I wonder if someone from the Driveclub team will chime in on the 60fps issue. I would like to hear an update on where they are with that.


Good Art™
People are comparing models in those two gifs but isn't it more a problem of reflection ? To me the DC car looks kinda "simple" cause there is not a lot happening on its surface.

We haven’t confirmed fps yet except to say that we’re currently running 1080p@30fps. While the PS4 is the most powerful games console the world has ever seen it doesn’t make 60fps achievable by default. The tracks in #DRIVECLUB are vast with fully dynamic illumination. The interiors and exteriors of every car in every race are rendered in staggering detail and the underlying physics system is incredibly fluid so that driving feels authentic and responsive. On top of that there’s a lot of live connectivity happening in and around the races too, to serve up challenges, reward you and your club for everything you do and make sure you always have something to play for.

I think the real overkill there is the interior of the car. They should have simpler model for that and more details on the outside. That would probably be more rewarding.
I wonder if someone from the Driveclub team will chime in on the 60fps issue. I would like to hear an update on where they are with that.

This is what they had to say yesterday:

We haven’t confirmed fps yet except to say that we’re currently running 1080p@30fps. While the PS4 is the most powerful games console the world has ever seen it doesn’t make 60fps achievable by default. The tracks in #DRIVECLUB are vast with fully dynamic illumination. The interiors and exteriors of every car in every race are rendered in staggering detail and the underlying physics system is incredibly fluid so that driving feels authentic and responsive. On top of that there’s a lot of live connectivity happening in and around the races too, to serve up challenges, reward you and your club for everything you do and make sure you always have something to play for.

We’re pushing the PS4 HARD to achieve all of this (and more!) and we will continue to optimise it all before we confirm the frame rate.



Parachute in some ICE Team on this for 60fps please. I'll play it regardless since it's free but 60fps would be instabuy.


On a whim I've just preordered this. The list currently looks like:


I'm sure it'll grow closer to launch and I hate myself for it!


Looks great. But man, this game seems to have some pop-in issues.

framedrops? Only 30fps? screen tearing? sub hd?

I DON'T CARE. Pop-in is the worst. Better fix that


I don't know how anyone can say one game's car model is better than the others when the gifs have too different cars.
Cause some guys like to bitch about details! They should wait for the final game!

The video looks amazing, keep up the good work EVO


30fps can work in a racing game, and a few games have proved that to be the case.

I think it'll be fine if it does turn out to be 30fps.

Unrelated but I hope there will be options for the camera, since I'm not too keen on how the camera is positioned behind the car.
trash for 5$, can't wait for Forza 5 on best console of nextgen. Sonygays, good luck play Killzone SF, when everyone will play Halo 5

From some random Xbot on youtube, my god comments like that are amazing, I just love lapping up their tears it's delicious.

That being said, both this and Forza 5 look good, may not buy either. I'll wait for reviews on DriveClub, loved this shit out of Motorstorm Pacific Rift. I'd have to say that was my favourite racer of the gen.


I don't understand how can anyone say that a car model is "better" between those two gifs, that's just ridiculous. Even comparing bullshots of the car models I can't really tell much of a difference in terms of overall detail.

The clear difference is lighting.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
I don't understand how can anyone say that a car model is "better" between those two gifs, that's just ridiculous. Even comparing bullshots of the car models I can't really tell much of a difference in terms of overall detail.

The clear difference is lighting.

One has door handles modeled, the other doesn't.


I really wish they would have went like motorstorm . With mud flying around , multiple paths with cars on top side and freaking total chaos.

I will already be getting gt6, and I get ps4 needs a racer to compete with Forza . So this is a nice compromise / solution . But I really wished for some whacky ness


I don't understand how can anyone say that a car model is "better" between those two gifs, that's just ridiculous. Even comparing bullshots of the car models I can't really tell much of a difference in terms of overall detail.

The clear difference is lighting.

Lighting doesn't really look much better in the DC shot. The clear difference is the horrible 2D trees in the Forza shot :p


I made a forza gif if anyone wants to compare. Surprisingly Fallons footage is the only direct feed outside chase cam i could find lol.


They both look good to me.

I'm surprised by how much of a difference real lighting makes when you compare them side by side though. It really ties the car and environment together in DriveClub whereas the car could almost be cut and pasted from another game in Forza. It just seems to add far more life to DriveClub.

I still like how Forza looks but I really do prefer DriveClub.
I really wish they would have went like motorstorm . With mud flying around , multiple paths with cars on top side and freaking total chaos.

I will already be getting gt6, and I get ps4 needs a racer to compete with Forza . So this is a nice compromise / solution . But I really wished for some whacky ness
I suspect they didnt go with motorstorm again cause MS apocalypse didnt sell well, at all. So they figured they'd try something new.

And if MS:RC is anything to go by, driveclub is gonna have some awesome social interactions.


Ok, how the hell you guys even notice that?
I've watched the video 3 times and it went unoticed.

About 2, aslong as people keep asking him to not do it, he will still do it.

It's obvious he wasn't looking at the car or the amazing lighting. Let me look for anything to cry about on the roadside [which is already explained in the op by the way]. Tears are always good to wash down a good crow meal.


Rushy I dont know if you guys read this; there`s one thing that bothers me as is.

In cockpit view, the steering wheel animation; the amount of wheel turn relative to speed seems off?

I know that the physics/control is mix of arcade/real, but it would help hugely if it LOOKS correct/real in cockpit view.
Forza car models are way ahead of DC. That's my main problem with the DC footage; the models doesn't seem to have enough detail at its current state. It creates a contrast from the good looking tracks.

What?? They look great, man...

Also, I must say IQ in Forza is better right now. But all the rest looks better in DC, honestly. I guess that's mainly because of the lighting.

Edit: Forza still has some of those 'X' trees yet. Eww.


I'd be in the dick
The part that impresses me most isn't even the video (looks nice, yeah), but that nice little explanation accompanying it. It's refreshing to see developer confidence to say "yeah, shit's in the works, but y'all want a preview, here it is, here's what's wrong and yes, we're workin' on it.

I'm pretty okay with this.

I agree. It makes it much easier to discuss the footage too when you know the devs are aware of the issues. It also provides more insight into development, which I love.
What?? They look great, man...

Also, I must say IQ in Forza is better right now. But all the rest looks better in DC, honestly. I guess that's mainly because of the lighting.

Edit: Forza still has some of those 'X' trees yet. Eww.
That for me is the biggest difference between the two games.

Forza has those 'X' trees and the buildings look like cardboard façades in places, they have decent detail but look flat.

DC on the other hand has tremendous detail for those things.

That coupled with the lighting shows that whilst Forza does look good, DC is doing so much more, and is why it is kind of hard sometimes to suggest to people that we're seeing the PS4's difference in power at work.

I think what Turn 10 have done is just made a 1080p60 version of their last game, using the same way of making things as on current gen with a few new things, whereas Evolution are actually trying to make that next-gen leap in technology with the lighting, the 3D trees and vistas.


Would have been nice if there was at least one city/metro based track. Hopefully it's something Evo does in the future for DLC.


I decided to put the video on my TV just to see it in a bigger screen and it was amazing like some good GAFfers said. For a moment I imagined I had a PS4 with a DS4 in my hands. I really can't wait to play this game and get more info until then.


1- The environmental shadows dont move smoothly, they "jump" form a place to another.

2- Why doesnt the driver's window doesnt reflect the hands/wheel or the speed pointer, but reflects the speedometer ?

Eitherway, looks good, but still doesnt feel next gen :/

This really shows people's age or comprehension of basic laws of physics. oh and lol
Man, Sony fans are like cheerleaders... one start saying bullshit and the troop quickly follow repeating those bullshits to make GAF believe. Sad thing is that GAF believe. lol.
Why is it bullshit? The 'x' trees are visible. That is the truth.

According to what you're saying, anyone who says anything has to have a unique statement that no one can agree with.

Have you ever considered more than one person might be of the same opinion?

I've seen some good trees in Forza, but there's a good deal of the cheap trees, too.
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