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New DriveClub video shows day/night transition

Another quick edit to show how without the two tiny areas of aliasing on the rear of the car, the IQ post new AA filter is near perfect. If they just sort out the jaggies on the rear of the car, the game doesn't need to look any cleaner.


is that really all that was done?

That looks fantastic


is that really all that was done?

That looks fantastic

Yeap, the original grabs are just a page or two back if you want to compare. Just the bottom of the rear glass and spoiler aliasing corrected. That's it.

Dude, did you seriously lower the quality of the original drive club shots to make the current version look better by comparison? I'm not saying the game doesn't look great right now, but there's no way in hell those blurry pictures is what Drive Club's first footage looked like. No way... :p

Correction, earlier pics were really a bit of a blur fest. I was mistaken.

Was the best quality shots I could find. Don't forget first time we saw gameplay was at the reveal, and that wasn't the best quality. The HQ direct feed we got was just a mash up teaser with very little to directly compare. All cinematic angles etc and mostly close ups of cars.
Dat 30fps sadly.

Nothing to do with the framerate. I posted in another thread, when playing Wipeout HD in all it's 60FPS goodness, the game felt quite fast, then when I played it in 3D, the game felt... quite fast. How fast the game feels has nothing to do with the framerate. If anything higher framerate reduces motion blur.


Neo Member
Does anyone find the fact that they are pointing out graphical and sound glitches and tiny portals "to another dimension" a really refreshing attitude to demonstrating a game?
I completely agree with you in that regard. Really refreshing to see a dev come out and openly admit to their product's flaws and elaborate on what they are doing to fix the flaws.
Not sure why people are complaining about the aliasing. It really isn't very noticeable.

However there is something really lacking about how the lighting falls on and reflects off the car. It's like you have these gorgeous surrounding environments but the cars look incredibly flat and current gen.
I made a forza gif if anyone wants to compare. Surprisingly Fallons footage is the only direct feed outside chase cam i could find lol.


Okay honestly, seeing them up together, the cars look a generation apart. And even the Forza environments are pretty damn good.

The environments in Forza are meh at best right now, the depth they have to render and simple building geometry aren't anything impressive. The car models look pretty good, but much of that is the time of day. We'd have to get a side by side of the same car model to really compare.

Edit: Oh and also, because I know it'll crop up somewhere, Cramped corridors = faster feel. Don't gimme any shenanigans about 60FPS.


The environments in Forza are meh at best right now, the depth they have to render and simple building geometry aren't anything impressive. The car models look pretty good, but much of that is the time of day. We'd have to get a side by side of the same car model to really compare.

Edit: Oh and also, because I know it'll crop up somewhere, Cramped corridors = faster feel. Don't gimme any shenanigans about 60FPS.

You know it's useless anyway. People are going to say whatever fits the narrative even if it's comparing two completely different cars with different designs in the back as somehow proof of one game being a generation ahead of the other. It would make sense if they were the same damn car...

I think Forza 5 looks great for what it does and DC looks great for what it does. I think the need to compare the two should end by now because they both look good in their own ways nor could I ever say one game's cars are a generation ahead of the other by comparing two different cars.
Okay honestly, seeing them up together, the cars look a generation apart. And even the Forza environments are pretty damn good.

Well, it certainly helps that the P1 is a far more interesting/detailed car design than the R8. The R8 is fairly boring looking from the back. They should go with the Huayra next time since its body and interior look incredible




The part that impresses me most isn't even the video (looks nice, yeah), but that nice little explanation accompanying it. It's refreshing to see developer confidence to say "yeah, shit's in the works, but y'all want a preview, here it is, here's what's wrong and yes, we're workin' on it.

I'm pretty okay with this.

Year I love how open they are about this. Wish more devs would do that, because it gives you a much better perspective on game development. I know some indies are pretty good about it but it's rare for big devs.
I made a forza gif if anyone wants to compare. Surprisingly Fallons footage is the only direct feed outside chase cam i could find lol.



Both games look great. Lot more going on in the Forza gif with the crowd and buildings, but DC's lighting looks gorgeous. Think owners of both games will be happy with their purchase.
I made a forza gif if anyone wants to compare. Surprisingly Fallons footage is the only direct feed outside chase cam i could find lol.



Forza Car model is really nice, better than DC. But man that DC lighting, Forza looks flat and unrealistic by comparison. Of course, pictures of the real cars tells us that we can get much better in game. Hope this gen can bring that out. DC's road surface looks nice too.


The gifs made the gameplay look better than what it is in this video, but it still looks pretty damn good. I just hope they can get rid of most of the aliasing on the spoiler, because I only drive from that angle in games and it would just annoy me so much.

Looks better than earlier footage and I'm glad it's coming together nicely.
Needs to be a way to turn off that weird notification sound.

It's a bug that it's still there with no hud. They are aware of it:

5. We decided to show this time trial event with on-screen display disabled, because lots of people wanted to see this and it’s something you can choose to configure in the game. We noticed that when we did this, the game still plays the sound effects for Overdrives, so we’re fixing this.


I made a forza gif if anyone wants to compare. Surprisingly Fallons footage is the only direct feed outside chase cam i could find lol.



Forza: Environments look great, lighting is a bit flat but the colors really pop.

Driveclub: Subdued color pallet, more realistic lighting. It looks more like real life, very subtle in its look, nothing looks blown out or "gamey".

Edit: Is DC 60fps? Because if it isn't that would really suck.
Wow, Forza looks much flatter. Must be the lighting and shadows.

While DC does have more realistic lighting, it needs to interact with the car. Just look at that gif and notice how when the car passes through the shadow of the building next to it, the lighting on the car doesn't change at all.


While DC does have more realistic lighting, it needs to interact with the car. Just look at that gif and notice how when the car passes through the shadow of the building next to it, the lighting on the car doesn't change at all.

You can see the reflection of the sun in the car, also the whole scene the light is drab and dark and the sun is low and infront of the car how would that change the lighting on the back of the car?. Thats not how the sun works when its that low.
You can see the reflection of the sun in the car, also the whole scene the light is drab and dark and the sun is low and infront of the car how would that change the lighting on the back of the car?. Thats not how the sun works when its that low.

Clearly the light is strong enough to create contrast on the road between the area that falls under the shadow and the one that doesn't. Denying that the car isn't reflecting the shadow would be pretty insincere.


I made a forza gif if anyone wants to compare. Surprisingly Fallons footage is the only direct feed outside chase cam i could find lol.



Forza car models are way ahead of DC. That's my main problem with the DC footage; the models doesn't seem to have enough detail at its current state. It creates a contrast from the good looking tracks.


I think the Forza GIF is just too large a file size. It's causing my laptop to stutter as well.

nah, I can play 40 tabs of that 50MB ps4 wizard gif and not loose a frame. something else is the problem here....

I wonder :D

the source for forza gif? youtube?


Clearly the light is strong enough to create contrast on the road between the area that falls under the shadow and the one that doesn't. Denying that the car isn't reflecting the shadow would be pretty insincere.

It's a tough one. I agree that perhaps some shadow should be cast on the car, but perhaps the sun is cancelling it out. You can see the cars shadow sway with the direction of light.

On a side note, interesting comparing the lighting/shadows to Forza 5, which seems to have no proper indication of the direction of the sun or how it's affecting the world at all. No contrast and gradient in the sky, no shadows from the buildings, guard rails or anything else, a random shadow to the side of the car and also one directly below it all around etc.


On a side note, interesting comparing the lighting/shadows to Forza 5, which seems to have no proper indication of the direction of the sun or how it's affecting the world at all. No contrast and gradient in the sky, no shadows from the buildings, guard rails or anything else, a random shadow to the side of the car and also one directly below it all around etc.

all these conclusions, you come to from the above gif or from watching the game in general?


Car models are very close. And you cannot compare these games like this. If DriveClub had a city track, then ok. Like this, with 2 small gifs, it`s a fucking joke.


nah, I can play 40 tabs of that 50MB ps4 wizard gif and not loose a frame. something else is the problem here....

I wonder :D

the source for forza gif? youtube?

Dat conspiracy theory. Honestly, I've never known Wishmaster to show an ounce of favouritism to either platform, but whatever.

On a side note, i-Lo's GIF's cause the same issue for me. Whatever GIF creation tool these guys use is borked.

all these conclusions, you come to from the above gif or from watching the game in general?

Above GIF only.
Forza car models are way ahead of DC. That's my main problem with the DC footage; the models doesn't seem to have enough detail at its current state. It creates a contrast from the good looking tracks.

I'm just not seeing it. Forza looks like I'm watching a plastic car moving through a videogame environment. DC looks like I could be watching a car commercial; the only thing that stands out is that tiny bit of aliasing on the back of the car. I just like the more natural lighting so much better.


I won't be happy until I see a video with 12 cars, at night, with each car lighting up each other car and casting shadows on everything and seeing the reflection of your opponents car in the reflection of your car on your opponents car. :p


Above GIF only.
so.. maybe.. you are grasping at straws here?
forza 4 DID have all these things you spot missing on that broken gif, right?

Forza looks like I'm watching a plastic car moving through a videogame environment. DC looks like I could be watching a car commercial
aaaaand I'm outta here


so.. maybe.. you are grasping at straws here?
forza 4 DID have all these things you spot missing on that broken gif, right?

aaaaand I'm outta here

You know...the GIF is right above this post you know. Instead of claiming I'm grasping at straws, just look at the GIF and see for yourself maybe?

And no, F4 used baked lighting as well, but I can't be sure if it had any of these same lighting glitches off the top of my head. I would assume yes just based on the fact that much of it was baked.


the holder of the trombone
How are people even really able to compare those two gifs anyway?

Completely different car models and completely different time of day, so how are people able to compare stuff like lighting and polycount?
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