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New DriveClub video shows day/night transition


This really shows people's age or comprehension of basic laws of physics. oh and lol

There was a legit point in there but yeah the rest of that post was LOL.

The driver-side window is reflecting the speedometer, but not the hand of the speedometer.


Man, Sony fans are like cheerleaders... one start saying bullshit and the troop quickly follow repeating those bullshits to make GAF believe. Sad thing is that GAF believe. lol.


I think the same way and I've never heard other people say them.

It's evident it gives people this impression.
wrong. salvor.hardin can clearly see the light from the sun at the side of the car (next to rightside rear lights) disappearing and then reappearing at the front of the car as the car

Off topic: Why do you only refer to yourself and others by screen name rather than "I" and "you"? I'm pretty sure people have been banned for using similar gimmicks. I'm also pretty sure other users have mentioned that fact to you in the past, so I'm probably wasting my breath.

On topic: Game looks amazing. It's gone from a "pass" to a "buy" for me. And I'm not a huge racing fan. But who can pass up a graphical showpiece like this?


I'd be in the dick
Off topic: Why do you refer to yourself and others by screen name rather than "I" and "you"? I'm pretty sure people have been banned for using similar gimmicks.

On topic: Game looks amazing. It's gone from a "pass" to a "buy" for me. And I'm not a huge racing fan. But who can pass up a graphical showpiece like this?

Yeah, I'm not a racing fan at all but since there's a PS+ version of this I'm looking forward to playing it just for the visuals.


Why is it bullshit? The 'x' trees are visible. That is the truth.

According to what you're saying, anyone who says anything has to have a unique statement that no one can agree with.

Have you ever considered more than one person might be of the same opinion?

I've seen some good trees in Forza, but there's a good deal of the cheap trees, too.

Forza never used "X" trees. Theres no "X" trees in FM5. Simple as that.

is this cheap?

and this?


Prague builds are on par with the reality. You guys want so hard to find something wrong with FM5 that dont even think about doing some basic research before spreading bullshit

The builds looks flat in Forza, because THEY ARE FLAT in real-life. Its part of the city architecture..

That looks amazing. Love how the camera mimics how your head will react to the GeForce and whip. Absolutely amazing.

I thought so too at first, but then I thought, "Man this will get old REAL fast". Not sure, I would have to have time with the game and play it to see.
rofl! how come the comparison gif has driveclub smooth as silk while forza is struggling?
oh man :DD

Don't mind that, i wanted to make it the same size as that driveclub gif but i had to cut the framerate from 30 to 16 and it still ended up being 18mb.
I think the Forza GIF is just too large a file size. It's causing my laptop to stutter as well.
Yeah, there was no way i could've made that gif 30fps. It would have been double the size.
Forza never used "X" trees. Theres no "X" trees in FM5. Simple as that.

is this cheap?

and this?


Prague builds are on par with the reality. You guys want so hard to find something wrong with FM5 that dont even think about doing some basic research before spreading bullshit

The builds looks flat in Forza, because THEY ARE FLAT in real-life. Its part of the city architecture..
You missed the bit where I said there are some good trees in Forza, then, I see.

By flat I meant missing the ridges and lips, not as in straight rather than circular buildings. Perhaps this is the lighting differences shining through in that Forza doesn't present the ridges well enough. And again, I said some - not all. So you cannot just pick out just one random image you like the look of to prove something. It wasn't a casting damnation of Forza. Merely there some elements are not on a-par with what I see on a consistent level in competing titles.

So please do take the time to read all of the words I write, as they all matter.
Forza never used "X" trees. Theres no "X" trees in FM5. Simple as that.

is this cheap?

and this?


Prague builds are on par with the reality. You guys want so hard to find something wrong with FM5 that dont even think about doing some basic research before spreading bullshit

The builds looks flat in Forza, because THEY ARE FLAT in real-life. Its part of the city architecture..

Well that's a load of shit.

Also nice try downplaying DC trees. They're not even in the same league. DC trees are more detailed then ones you'd see in WRPGs n shit.


Fucking, individual, tree branches... Nough said.

Oh and yes, this is very cheap,

when compared to something like this:

I mean, why even try to argue? It's a 30fps game on a more powerfull system vs a 60fps on a less powerful system. Of course DC is going to run circles around Forza graphics wise.
Polycount is higher on Forza's car models. Lighting is better in Drive Club.

Pick your choice.

Right on point. Maybe it's because of the laser scan method in forza 5? I don't know what drive club is using. I also find the lighting in drive club better.
Man, Sony fans are like cheerleaders... one start saying bullshit and the troop quickly follow repeating those bullshits to make GAF believe. Sad thing is that GAF believe. lol.

It's always funny seeing fanboys calling out other fanboys. Bullshit is bad unless it's made in favor of your corporation of choice.


Well that's a load of shit.

Also nice try downplaying DC trees. They're not even in the same league. DC trees are more detailed then ones you'd see in WRPGs n shit.


Fucking, individual, tree branches... Nough said.

Oh and yes, this is very cheap,

when compared to something like this:

I mean, why even try to argue? It's a 30fps game on a more powerfull system vs a 60fps on a less powerful system. Of course DC is going to run circles around Forza graphics wise.

I'm downplaying? the guys said Forza uses "X" trees, and even your pictures shows that they are not "X" trees. Are you sure I'm downplaying here? lol. DC thread, people posting bullshits about Forza. Tell me who is downplaying?

It's always funny seeing fanboys calling out other fanboys. Bullshit is bad unless it's made in favor of your corporation of choice.
Please link me to threads where MS fans are bullshitting other platform games as i'm constantly seeing in MS game threads and even here in a PS4 game thread.


I'm downplaying? the guys said Forza uses "X" trees, and even your pictures shows that they are not "X" trees. Are you sure I'm downplaying here? lol. DC thread, people posting bullshits about Forza. Tell me who is downplaying?

you're both as bad as each other ;)
I'm downplaying? the guys said Forza uses "X" trees, and even your pictures shows that they are not "X" trees. Are you sure I'm downplaying here? lol. DC thread, people posting bullshits about Forza. Tell me who is downplaying?

Are you blind? You post a comparison saying "and this?" and they're not even close. That's downplaying. Forzas ones may not be an X (2 2d planes) tree but they're not even in the same league as DC ones and yet you tried to put them on the same page. You can easily tell just how many flat 2D planes there are on the Forza trees. Need me to draw them down for you?

Oh and for the record, you said "Forza never used "X" trees.", which is bullshit.


So I want to be truthful, is it bad that I think Forza 5 looks a little nicer than DriveClub? I legitimately have no big reason why, but a couple of ideas : the colors pop out more, the reflections on the car are really nice, the environments are more populated with people, the motion blur looks cool.

The lighting in DC is certainly better, there are tons of jaggies from that video though which worries me.


forza according to this thread is a bunch of plastic cars surrounded by X trees, all under an exploding sun.
great way to describe the best simulator on consoles. not biased at all...


So I want to be truthful, is it bad that I think Forza 5 looks a little nicer than DriveClub? I legitimately have no big reason why, but a couple of ideas : the colors pop out more, the reflections on the car are really nice, the environments are more populated with people, the motion blur looks cool.

The lighting in DC is certainly better, there are tons of jaggies from that video though which worries me.

How dare you think that

FM5 looks much much better imo, shame it doesn't have night racing


Forza never used "X" trees. Theres no "X" trees in FM5. Simple as that.

is this cheap?

and this?


Prague builds are on par with the reality. You guys want so hard to find something wrong with FM5 that dont even think about doing some basic research before spreading bullshit

The builds looks flat in Forza, because THEY ARE FLAT in real-life. Its part of the city architecture..

Forza looks like something with a lot of last gen assets, while DC is doing things out of last gen league.
So I want to be truthful, is it bad that I think Forza 5 looks a little nicer than DriveClub? I legitimately have no big reason why, but a couple of ideas : the colors pop out more, the reflections on the car are really nice, the environments are more populated with people, the motion blur looks cool.

The lighting in DC is certainly better, there are tons of jaggies from that video though which worries me.

Why would it be bad? Couple of points though, different tracks so pointless comparison on the more populated enviroment, compare F5 Laguna Seca with DC Canada one and the roles reverse. AA is being address supposedly, its on the OP.

forza according to this thread is a bunch of plastic cars surrounded by X trees, all under an exploding sun.
great way to describe the best simulator on consoles. not biased at all...

Oh the irony.
Surely if you're building a game to run at 60fps vs 30fps there's going to be a trade-off in scene complexity.

DC is going for being as pretty as possible at 30fps with sim-lite handling.
Forza is going for being as pretty as possible at 60fps with a detailed physics model.

The result is always going to be a win for screenshots of the 30fps game even if they were running on the same hardware. I'd be really shocked if screens from DC weren't prettier and more detailed than single Forza ones.

I'm really looking forward to playing both. Forza more than DC as I've not enjoyed an Evos game much since they stopped developing the amazing WRC franchise. If I put some effort in I might get worked up over the car models, but trees? Nah.

/has both games pre-ordered.
I do like that next gen has devolved into talking about which trees are better :D

As I mentioned earlier, it's a really tough comparison, in that comparison gif, it's a much darker time of day in DC, the cars are completely different and yeah the Audi is much more boring to look at from behind, there isn't anywhere near as much vertical crap to reflect off the body in DC, the city is great for forza because the draw distances are minuscule, and the thing that strikes me as odd, is that when using a pre-baked solution, you should be able to cast the "ideal" light and it should look picture perfect, yet the lighting in Forza for not being GI and taxing looks bad.

The only way we'll ever get down to the nitty gritty of car models is if we can get the same car to appear in both games (which I'm sure will happen). I have a feeling the IQ on the cars is going to be similar because in my opinion were way past the point of diminishing returns on vehicles. The fact that the body's of the cars don't need to move or create expressions goes a long way into solidifying the diminish.
Surely if you're building a game to run at 60fps vs 30fps there's going to be a trade-off in scene complexity.

DC is going for being as pretty as possible at 30fps with sim-lite handling.
Forza is going for being as pretty as possible at 60fps with a detailed physics model.

The result is always going to be a win for screenshots of the 30fps game even if they were running on the same hardware. I'd be really shocked if screens from DC weren't prettier and more detailed than single Forza ones.

I'm really looking forward to playing both. Forza more than DC as I've not enjoyed an Evos game much since they stopped developing the amazing WRC franchise. If I put some effort in I might get worked up over the car models, but trees? Nah.

/has both games pre-ordered.

Pretty sure DC devs have said they're also aiming for 60fps.


I'd be in the dick
So I want to be truthful, is it bad that I think Forza 5 looks a little nicer than DriveClub? I legitimately have no big reason why, but a couple of ideas : the colors pop out more, the reflections on the car are really nice, the environments are more populated with people, the motion blur looks cool.

The lighting in DC is certainly better, there are tons of jaggies from that video though which worries me.

I hate jumping in on Forza versus DC debates but I think they're a good comparison of sometimes better tech does not equate better end result graphics. I am not saying I think Drive Club looks bad in any way, I personally prefer the emphasis on lighting, but I can definitely see why people could prefer the look of Forza. Forza is taking a lot of last gen effects and putting them in 1080p/60fps with high amounts of AA. These are all things we're used to looking for in visuals so they're going to be noticed more. Stuff like real time lighting in Drive Club isn't as readily apparent, although it streamlines development and adds a considerable amount of verisimilitude to the scene. I think a lot of early next gen games may get flak like Drive Club does for pushing the first iteration of high processing powered tech out of the gate. Games in the first year of next gen are going to be getting these things in place so they can build on them and optimize them in future releases. It'll pay off down the line even if the first game suffers somewhat.


Good Art™
So I want to be truthful, is it bad that I think Forza 5 looks a little nicer than DriveClub? I legitimately have no big reason why, but a couple of ideas : the colors pop out more, the reflections on the car are really nice, the environments are more populated with people, the motion blur looks cool.

The lighting in DC is certainly better, there are tons of jaggies from that video though which worries me.

That will be really interesting to see how mainstream react to both game in store at launch. I already expressed great concern that Drive Club put the cursor too much on the "tech achievement" and not enough on the simple eye candy fest.

Would be terribly unfair if in the end people are like "but Forza look more colorful and pretty" but it's not impossible.

And again, this may seem like small geek fights, but believe me when i'm telling, this will count. Direct comparison of games in store will count a lot for a new console launch.


How many tracks/country in drive club?
I love to see some Mount Haruna cause drive club give me that initial D vibe
and Tokyo highway night racing to replace missing Riiiiiidge racer.
Any dirt road racing?
Pretty sure DC devs have said they're also aiming for 60fps.

I don't think it's going to happen, but I would be delighted if it did.

Even then we're still comparing two different types of games that despite external appearances have a different approach under the hood.

Forza is always going to struggle in a fight where we are merely comparing graphical detail against another game that doesn't have a similar simulation focus.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
i guess its nice to see the shitting-up comparisons between games isnt limited to forza threads...


Dreams in Digital
I hate jumping in on Forza versus DC debates but I think they're a good comparison of sometimes better tech does not equate better end result graphics. I am not saying I think Drive Club looks bad in any way, I personally prefer the emphasis on lighting, but I can definitely see why people could prefer the look of Forza. Forza is taking a lot of last gen effects and putting them in 1080p/60fps with high amounts of AA. These are all things we're used to looking for in visuals so they're going to notice more. Stuff like real time lighting in Drive Club isn't as readily apparent, although it streamlines development and adds a considerable amount of verisimilitude to the scene. I think a lot of early next gen games may get flak like Drive Club does for pushing the first iteration of high processing powered tech out of the gate. Games in the first year of next gen are going to be getting these things in place so they can build on them and optimize them in future releases. It'll pay off down the line even if the first game suffers somewhat.

Absolutely spot on, Sir. And you used 'verisimilitude'! I love that word
Wasn't this thread doing fine until somebody felt the need to make a stupid .gif comparison of completely different cars/tracks/lighting conditions?

Anyway, just saw the new vid. Really looks amazing. This game is shaping up nicely, my only concerns left are handling and framerate.


Dreams in Digital
How do we know that?

Not being a shithead. I'm honestly asking.

I'd say it's 'unlikely' considering all the incredible tech on display here. I think it's best to assume it's going to be 30fps with their first game and 60fps with their next game. I'm more than happy with this ... it looks remarkable (if you don't take what you are looking at for granted)
Please link me to threads where MS fans are bullshitting other platform games as i'm constantly seeing in MS game threads and even here in a PS4 game thread.

Even if I went out of my way to show you those links you would argue against it anyway since you're so entrenched in the MS fanboy camp. It's like that crazy sports fan who thinks the refs are biased against his favorite team because of blown calls when every other team
goes through the exact same thing. The fan doesn't notice because he only has emotional attatchment to his favorite team.

Don't you see that you're are accusing others of cheerleading and you're doing the exact same thing as well?
My only concerns left are handling and framerate.

My main concern is the tracks in DC. They look lovely in terms of detail and lighting. But as racing circuits I've yet to be wowed. As others have said, they seem like simple oval variations.

Thinking about some of those amazing point to point courses in WRC Evolved I'm hoping sooner or later we'll see next-gen versions of ribbons like these.


wtf happened on this page?

X trees and Plastic cars??? :/

Why can't people accept that Forza wins in frame rate...and physics (but thats a game design decision), thats obvious.

DC wins in everything graphics (assuming realism is the measure), its pretty clear. Putting the two screen shots next to each other and backing away, DCs style looks like its gunning for realism, T10s looks to be gunning for, I dont even know how to say it...very pretty video game with some realism style?? :/

Its in the lighting and coloring, its like T10 is using airbrushed color enhanced photos, while DC is using a photo with natural light and color. T10s certainly has more 'pop' to their graphics, its like everything is powerwashed and painted and the sun is brighter than ever, perfect day stuff...which is great for them. DC looks like it looks when I drive.

I can't explain it well in words...both look like shining examples of what they want to be, but DC's lack of frame rate is being put to good use elsewhere.

...god I can't make this make sense....did I..a little perhaps ??
I don't see the point of all this Forza 5 vs Drive Club stuff.

Gran Turismo 6 will sell more then both of those combined. They are just fighting for second place.
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