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New DriveClub video shows day/night transition


Dreams in Digital
Why would they go into 'insane' detail on the interiors of cars, like the way the material is brushed? Why did they initially call it 'the first true FP driving game? What does that mean? Putting all that together, will be get to wonder around our car, climb into the car and examine all that 'insane' detail, or has that been dropped?


Blim's original video didn't work on PS3, but the updated one did. Looks really nice on my HDTV and sitting at a normal viewing distance the jaggies are much less noticable


This game looks awesome.

I can't see the moment to use my PS4 for the first time with this game.
I'm sure I will remember that moment


Blim's original video didn't work on PS3, but the updated one did. Looks really nice on my HDTV and sitting at a normal viewing distance the jaggies are much less noticable
I never tried that... I just need to put in a PenDrive and play it on PS3?

Edit - I forget my TV plays it too... I will try.


I wish I could play the whole race with this light setting!



Yes, it looks amazing, but let's be honest, this change comes way to late. Games like Forza should have done such a transition a long time ago, instead Forza only always wanted to look a bit better, so I would say it is not the importance of the new hardware but much more of the attitude of the developer (PGR4 did this for example also very well a long time ago).

No PGR4 did not do this


No PGR4 did not do this
Mh, yeah, it wasn't dynamic, wrong way of putting it.
I wanted to say that PGR always wanted to experiment a bit more, like with the wetter, you could feel the difference between a snowy and rainy day and what not, for them I think a dynamic lighting system would have been the next logical step, instead of other studios.
I wish I could play the whole race with this light setting!
There was an early Playstation game, port of the 3DO's "Road & Track Presents: The Need For Speed" which let you set the time of day. I'd always pick the early morning setting because I loved the lighting. That picture reminds me of that.
Not sure if serious.

1. Video is sped up to show the day/night transition, hence the shadows 'jumping'

2. Because physics. The light source is not shining on the windscreen. However, the speedometer gives out it's own light and is reflected in the side window.

But from your perspective, you should be able to see the wheel, or at least the outline of the weel, blocking the light. Also the needle has its own light, which means the reflection isnt real, but a stale image.

Im not sayin the transition, but right in the beginning, you see the shadow of some "antenas" check how it doesnt move smoothly (at a fast pace) but jumps.
The part that impresses me most isn't even the video (looks nice, yeah), but that nice little explanation accompanying it. It's refreshing to see developer confidence to say "yeah, shit's in the works, but y'all want a preview, here it is, here's what's wrong and yes, we're workin' on it.

I'm pretty okay with this.

That is what I was impressed with as well, it allows you to watch the video without analyzing it, and you can see the growth.

Ran rp

Blim's original video didn't work on PS3, but the updated one did. Looks really nice on my HDTV and sitting at a normal viewing distance the jaggies are much less noticable

It looks practically flawless on the Vita's screen. Only a few of the jaggies on the car show, and that's being worked on. If the new remote play works as well as Sony says then




Rushy, what are the ghost cars? Is it possible to turn them off or make them into fully rendered car models? They're so opaque and glow that it reminds you this is a video game, kind of distracting in my opinion.


Once again looks significantly improved. Lighting looks beautiful, and track side detail continues to impress. Amazing seeing this game together.

If I had a few negatives, the aliasing on the back of the car is still pretty distracting and the car sounds could be better.

Other than that, pleased as punch. It would be nice to get an actual race with other cars though one of these days...


Junior Member
Another quick edit to show how without the two tiny areas of aliasing on the rear of the car, the IQ post new AA filter is near perfect. If they just sort out the jaggies on the rear of the car, the game doesn't need to look any cleaner.



Maybe you ca just choose that time of day and lock it?

You can set it to "realtime", so this conditions will remain constant for few laps. I really like to put pCARS on summer date, 4-5AM, 10x time passage, and drive trough that night-pre-dawn-sunrise-dawn period. So peaceful.
Just watched the direct download video from gamersyde and immediately compared it to the direct download video that came out around gamescom, and the difference is night and day!
no pun intended

Was mildly excited for this around e3, then interest went up around gamescom, and now, after this, i'm considering upgrading to the full version.

I've always loved evolution studios, and motor storm PR is still one of my favorite racers of all time. Time to support the ones i love lol.


Oops didn't even notice this topic when I was getting duckroll to change my topic title to show the video was up lol


After watching this video, I'm confident Evolution is going to pull it off.

I had my doubts, but this looks like an awesome game in the vein of Horizon or PGR. Can't wait.

It's pretty cool that they already know what are the weak spots and are addressing them.

The way that we have captured each car’s distinctive audio is evident here because we’ve disabled the in-game soundtrack music, but we’ve actually just made further improvements to the quality of the audio in the game today (and fixed the backfire so that you can hear it properly on the Audi R8 V10 Plus), so it’s still getting better.

Similarly, you’ll notice that the brake light illuminates the car’s active spoiler in the first two laps. Hopefully this will draw your eye away from the glitch with the car’s tyre smoke (which is missing) and excessive anti-aliasing on the Audi’s bevelled rear window frame… which we are of course still developing.


Neo Member
This is one of the better threads I have read on GAF or any forum. A developer willing to participate and the community giving constructive feed back. It is great for both sides. We get to see the game progress through development, and I'm sure the developer is getting good ideas from the discussion.
So...how many cars are going to be on the track at a time?

I have yet to see any video with any other car on the track. I would be surprised if they managed to make it look this great, get it to 60fps and put more cars on the track if they are still unable to do so by this time.
You can set it to "realtime", so this conditions will remain constant for few laps. I really like to put pCARS on summer date, 4-5AM, 10x time passage, and drive trough that night-pre-dawn-sunrise-dawn period. So peaceful.
A man after my own heart. Totally in agreement, it's so peaceful driving around in a setting like that.
This is one of the better threads I have read on GAF or any forum. A developer willing to participate and the community giving constructive feed back. It is great for both sides. We get to see the game progress through development, and I'm sure the developer is getting good ideas from the discussion.
Moral of the story: Gifs are good. Direct feed HD video is even better :)


So...how many cars are going to be on the track at a time?

I have yet to see any video with any other car on the track. I would be surprised if they managed to make it look this great, get it to 60fps and put more cars on the track if they are still unable to do so by this time.

12 max
This is one of the better threads I have read on GAF or any forum. A developer willing to participate and the community giving constructive feed back. It is great for both sides. We get to see the game progress through development, and I'm sure the developer is getting good ideas from the discussion.

It's not that infrequent here actually. Rushy's been great though.


I thouht this game was praised for its realtime dynamic lighting, while Froza is damned for faking this and that. Those dashboard reflections look pretty fake to me, and doesn't even do a good job at it. In-game models don't look even 1 polygon above current gen standards.

Such things don't bother me when actually playing a game, but my point is that there is a lot to criticise on both sides of the fence. If you ask me, both games are pretty underwhelming for - context incoming! - consoles hyped to be so much more powerful than their predecessors.


Sweet video. I can see a big improvement since the gamescom-build. Only one gripe with it: Like others pointed out, there is no totally smooth time-transistion. The sun seems to jump from position to position. I hope ths is just an effect of the sped-up-time and the way the engine renders sun-movement. But still... time/sun not moving totally smooth but in kind of jumps.... It might be a technical necessity but it is still a kind of a bummer. It just stands out in an otherwise beautifully realistic looking game.


Sweet video. I can see a big improvement since the gamescom-build. Only one gripe with it: Like others pointed out, there is no totally smooth time-transistion. The sun seems to jump from position to position. I hope ths is just an effect of the sped-up-time and the way the engine renders sun-movement. But still... time/sun not moving totally smooth but in kind of jumps.... It might be a technical necessity but it is still a kind of a bummer. It just stands out in an otherwise beautifully realistic looking game.

uh, as mentioned several times, they time jumped - sped up the video so you can see the transition.


Sweet video. I can see a big improvement since the gamescom-build. Only one gripe with it: Like others pointed out, there is no totally smooth time-transistion. The sun seems to jump from position to position. I hope ths is just an effect of the sped-up-time and the way the engine renders sun-movement. But still... time/sun not moving totally smooth but in kind of jumps.... It might be a technical necessity but it is still a kind of a bummer. It just stands out in an otherwise beautifully realistic looking game.

Read the Opening Post...


for me - interior shot in the end - awesome. I only race either in cockpit or hood/fender cam, and that looked simply awesome with interior electronics working properly and looking great at that.


Where in the OP does it mention anything about tiny black dots?

I read it.
10. The crowds release balloons throughout the race. The balloons should react authentically to the wind and light up correctly at night – and appear less frequently too – but the game is still in development after all.


On a side note, I'm almost certain Evolution will match the original press trailers. To be fair, they're 90% of the way there. Just touch up the aliasing on the car boots, sort out the odd bit of pop in or shadow glitch, and hey presto, done. In terms of lighting, textures, geometry, cleanliness of overall image etc, it's all already there.
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