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New DriveClub video shows day/night transition

Rushy answered me again


Hopefully with more than 2 cars.

At this point I'm just going to have to accept the jags.
the IQ is so much better this time around, specifically the environments. The back of the car sticks out like soar thumb as an result. And the audio is subpar. Everything is else looks great.


On a side note, I'm almost certain Evolution will match the original press trailers. To be fair, they're 90% of the way there. Just touch up the aliasing on the car boots, sort out the odd bit of pop in or shadow glitch, and hey presto, done. In terms of lighting, textures, geometry, cleanliness of overall image etc, it's all already there.

It looks nice, but let's not get carried away - it's not 90% there. There is still a decent amount of aliasing even on track side detail.

Especially noticeable on thin metal structures, wires and when the light reflects on it. Motion blur helps minimize appearance, but it's still there.

Nonetheless, I'm very happy with the improvements, but yeah still doesn't look like the Gamescom replay trailer.


uh, as mentioned several times, they time jumped - sped up the video so you can see the transition.

I know. I read the OP and all. The transition still seems to happen in noticable "steps". This is something I notice in a lot of open-world-games with day-night-cycle. Shadows do not move smoothly, but more or less tick away - in a lower "resolution" than the graphics you see. So they seem to jump from state to state. And I very much know that this is they way stuff like this is done. I wanted to express my desire to not be able to notice it that much in normal time-settings. And I am sure, I wont. It is a racing game. I have other stuff to watch out for. But still... stuff like this is kind of a pet peeve of mine. I loved the look of the new sim city, by the way. But I hated the game for doing day-night-transition in several short bursts of sun-movement.

Overall still ecxited about Driveclub. Very much looking forward to play the PS+-Edition and hopefuly It convinces me to upgrade.
On a side note, I'm almost certain Evolution will match the original press trailers. To be fair, they're 90% of the way there. Just touch up the aliasing on the car boots, sort out the odd bit of pop in or shadow glitch, and hey presto, done. In terms of lighting, textures, geometry, cleanliness of overall image etc, it's all already there.

yes...and some kind of post processing is missing that makes the trailer just look that extra bit special and more CG-like. Hope they can put in everything in there and lock it 30fps if 60fps is not possible with all the effects.


It looks nice, but let's not get carried away - it's not 90% there. There is still a decent amount of aliasing even on track side detail.

Especially noticeable on thin metal structures, wires and when the light reflects on it. Motion blur helps minimize appearance, but it's still there.

Nonetheless, I'm very happy with the improvements, but yeah still doesn't look like the Gamescom replay trailer.

Of the little screens posted, I can only make out aliasing on the third :(

That kind of aliasing is always going to exist in games though. You can only get rid of that with the heavier far more resource hogging AA solutions, and to be fair, it's not really worth it. Certainly not really noticeable in the middle of gameplay, especially when there's motion blur as well, and especially when you're playing on a TV screen at normal viewing distances. Flaws are always magnified on computer monitors, laptops etc.
Looks great.

My worry: If they are pushing it to get it to look good without any issues for 1 car on the track, I'm a little skeptical of what it will be like with 8 or 12 (forget what they announced).
Looks great.

My worry: If they are pushing it to get it to look good without any issues for 1 car on the track, I'm a little skeptical of what it will be like with 8 or 12 (forget what they announced).

I don't think throwing in extra polygons will be all that difficult, it's probably a resource that's easy to account for. I have no doubt the current engine could run 12 cars on track with these graphics.


Rushy - I'd like to say thank you to you and Evolution for your open and honest approach to marketing. It is truly refreshing to see a developer actually replying to criticisms and questions rather than ignoring them. I don't think I've ever seen a developer release a video of early footage and have the balls to list the bugs they know are there. Not only that but you have listened to and directly addressed the requests for footage that everyone here on Gaf craves. This is particularly impressive given that they are almost certainly under immense pressure right now - launch title, flagship PS+ title - everyone who buys a PS4 will get to play it for at least a fortnight. The last couple of months of any game dev process is crunch time - I can't imagine what it is like for them right now! Which makes the fact that they are going to all this trouble to provide direct feed footage regularly even more impressive.

Anyone who thinks the HD footage we have been provided is possible on current-gen tech need their heads checking - it looks stunning and personally if they delivered it in it's current state I am sure it would provide plenty of jaw dropping moments and a lot of fun.

I have a feeling this will turn out to be my favourite launch title - I almost feel guilty that it will be the 'cheap version' because I have PS+. The original Motorstorm was my favourite launch title for the PS3 and I still play on it regularly (as well as the two sequels). Looking forward to it - keep up the good work Evo!


Rushy - I'd like to say thank you to you and Evolution for your open and honest approach to marketing. It is truly refreshing to see a developer actually replying to criticisms and questions rather than ignoring them. I don't think I've ever seen a developer release a video of early footage and have the balls to list the bugs they know are there. Not only that but you have listened to and directly addressed the requests for footage that everyone here on Gaf craves. This is particularly impressive given that they are almost certainly under immense pressure right now - launch title, flagship PS+ title - everyone who buys a PS4 will get to play it for at least a fortnight. The last couple of months of any game dev process is crunch time - I can't imagine what it is like for them right now! Which makes the fact that they are going to all this trouble to provide direct feed footage regularly even more impressive.

Anyone who thinks the HD footage we have been provided is possible on current-gen tech need their heads checking - it looks stunning and personally if they delivered it in it's current state I am sure it would provide plenty of jaw dropping moments and a lot of fun.

I have a feeling this will turn out to be my favourite launch title - I almost feel guilty that it will be the 'cheap version' because I have PS+. The original Motorstorm was my favourite launch title for the PS3 and I still play on it regularly (as well as the two sequels). Looking forward to it - keep up the good work Evo!

I'm definitely loving the trackside detail, man these courses are beautiful. I love when he rounds the corner, and it opens up the view to the ocean. This is what I want to drive in, screw the actual race tracks, they're so bleak by comparison.
This game has come a long way since E3. I knew this would happen, Evolution did the same with Motorstorm, initial gameplay were disappointing but it was almost a different game at launch. :p
Man, that looks bloody fantastic. And the next-gen is only just about to begin.

PS3 launch title:

PS3 (near) end of cycle:

Can't wait for the end of the PS4 cycle!

That's a bad comparison. Ridge Racer was a Xbox 360 port, which itself looked bad when it was released.

Compare PGR3 (launch title) to Forza 4 or Grid 2 & the launch game not only holds it's own, but looks better in a lot of ways.


Is it just me or do the clouds seem to suffer a little aliasing too? Also, I hope they fix those birds, a little large for my liking if I am honest Evolution!

Ran rp

On a side note, I'm almost certain Evolution will match the original press trailers. To be fair, they're 90% of the way there. Just touch up the aliasing on the car boots, sort out the odd bit of pop in or shadow glitch, and hey presto, done. In terms of lighting, textures, geometry, cleanliness of overall image etc, it's all already there.

I dunno, these shots are pretty crazy.



Those are close ups of the cars, what makes you think the vehicle wouldn't be that detailed if we got close to it? Even from the vids and captures you can see huge amounts of detail. Individual LEDs in lights, parking sensors, rivets, brake disks, geometrically modelled car badges et all.

Ran rp

Those are close ups of the cars, what makes you think the vehicle wouldn't be that detailed if we got close to it? Even from the vids and captures you can see huge amounts of detail. Individual LEDs in lights, parking sensors, rivets, brake disks, geometrically modelled car badges et all.

I'm talking about the image quality. It's not there yet.


PSY・S;81693809 said:
I'm talking about the image quality. It's not there yet.

Doubt we'll ever get that level of AA. Not in a single game released this entire gen lol. Far as graphical differences beyond that, all I see not in the game is film grain and more depth of field/blur. Otherwise it's pretty much the same.


PSY・S;81693809 said:
I'm talking about the image quality. It's not there yet.

Driveclub's trailers are all prerendered with perfect image quality, much like Polyphony's. Not a single game this generation will get there. To expect that level of IQ is disingenuous.

Ran rp

Doubt we'll ever get that level of AA. Not in a single game released this entire gen lol. Far as graphical differences beyond that, all I see not in the game is film grain and more depth of field/blur. Otherwise it's pretty much the same.

Driveclub's trailers are all prerendered with perfect image quality, much like Polyphony's. Not a single game this generation will get there. To expect that level of IQ is disingenuous.

Yeah, I never said it would.

On a side note, I'm almost certain Evolution will match the original press trailers. To be fair, they're 90% of the way there. Just touch up the aliasing on the car boots, sort out the odd bit of pop in or shadow glitch, and hey presto, done. In terms of lighting, textures, geometry, cleanliness of overall image etc, it's all already there.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Looks fantastic.

Is it weird to use cockpit view AND use a wheel too? It's like you're looking at two cockpits o_O


Junior Member
It looks nice, but let's not get carried away - it's not 90% there. There is still a decent amount of aliasing even on track side detail.

Especially noticeable on thin metal structures, wires and when the light reflects on it. Motion blur helps minimize appearance, but it's still there.

Nonetheless, I'm very happy with the improvements, but yeah still doesn't look like the Gamescom replay trailer.
Seems like you are nitpicking.

The overall image quality looks very good in this new video, besides the car (which sticks out like a sore thumb at the moment).


Yeah, the reflection in the driver's window does seem to be a static cube map. Either that or a glitch. Everything else looks great, as expected.


Seems like you are nitpicking.

The overall image quality looks very good in this new video, besides the car (which sticks out like a sore thumb at the moment).

He's not nitpicking. He is commenting on the current gameplay vs the trailers. It's clearly not there.


Looks absolutely awesome, I love that setting.

Only thing that should be fixed is the aliasing on the rear of the car, but I'm 100% confident they'll sort that out.

Gj Rushy


Look at how they cleaned up the road markings....completely smooth now! :)

If they can get the rest up to that standard, this game will look amazing!!


THE WORDS! They'll drift away without the _!
Game's looking good to me. Have they confirmed any city environments (like PGR) or is going to be more scenic tracks?

I also really want to see a multicar race already.
The addition of motion blur and background anti-aliasing makes a massive difference in terms of IQ

Hopefully they can provide a nice solution for the aliasing on the cars, because that's the only thing that glaringly stands out right now.

Looks quite close to the initial trailer.
My thoughts after watching the 1080p download, the whole game looks...OK. I'm not really blown away. In this particular video, the engine audio sounds like complete ass. Maybe it's this particular car but it sounds like he's driving in a tunnel the entire time, both chase cam and dash cam. I'm also not seeing a great graphical jump in visual fidelity that I would expect, I'm not getting that "wow" factor that some of you are. Dynamic lighting is obviously great and welcome, but the car model does not seem any better than GT5 on the previous generation.

Boring track overall, actually, that's probably most of my problem.
Looks really solid. Lighting really can make or break a game and it looks like they've nailed it here. Wish it didn't mean sacrificing 60fps and having jaggies, bit you can't have everything I suppose.

Pretty sure they can make the game without jaggies and 60FPS.


Final game should be absolutely amazing!

Now picture it with the rumored Sony VR headset!

... and a top notch steering wheel!

Sweet Zombie Jebus!


PSY・S;81695145 said:
Yeah, I never said it would.

When I said matching the trailers, I didn't mean including the super sampled perfect AA used in screenshots and promo trailers etc. Just AA that was clean enough to be more than adequate for an actual game.
Game looks wonderful.

I do have to say, although I know the lighting is great and is technically quite complex, the overall impression of the game doesn't scream next gen to me. It's Evo, so it's gonna be a great racer, but just nothing I've really seen blows me away the way I thought a PS4 game would.
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